Immortal Blood, Immortal Love.

By xxfall3nros3sxx

314K 3.8K 1.5K

A story about a lonely seventeen year old girl, who looses her mother and lives alone taking care of herself... More

-One- * -Alone-
-Two- * -Kidnapped?-
-Three- * -Torn to Shreds-
-Four- * -Saved, By a Thin Line-
-Five- * -Better Think Again-
-Six- * -Fallen-
-Seven- * -These Walls Crumble-
-Eight- * -Your Arms Feel Like Home-
-Nine- * -I'm Not Afraid Of Tomorrow-
-Ten- * -Unleashed, Untrustworthy-
-Eleven- * -How Close Is Close Enough-
-Twelve- * -Allow me to see, Because my heart is broken-
-Thirteen- * -The Word, Alive-
-Fourteen- * -Lie Through My Teeth Again-
-Fifteen- * -You Deny Me-
-Sixteen- * -Would it make you, feel better To watch me while I bleed?-
-Seventeen- * -This Is For Keeps.-
-Eighteen- * -What If We Start, Again?-
-Nineteen- * -Breaking your promise is easy as breaking your neck.-
-Twenty- * -These Chains Hold Me Down.-
-Twenty One- * -Show Me The Way,-
-Twenty Two- * -Adventuring Eyes, Alluring Spies.-
-Twenty Three- * -Captive, Again?-
-Twenty Four- * -Full To The Brim, Secrets Within.-
-Twenty Five- * -Life and Death-
-Twenty Six- * -Immortal Love, Immortal Fear-
-Twenty Seven- * -The battle will carry on-
-Twenty Eight- * -Have a Right to Lose Control-
-Twenty Nine- * -The First Night-
-Thirty One- * -Eighteen Days-
-Thirty Two- * -Seventeen Days-
-Thirty Three- * -Sixteen Days-
-Thirty Four- * -Fourteen Days-
-Thirty Five- * -Five Days-
-Thirty Six- * -Four Days-
-Thirty Seven- * -Three Days-
-Thirty Eight- * -Two Days-
-Thirty Nine- * -One Day Left-
-Final Chapter- * -Happy Birthday, Savannah!-

-Thirty- * -Nineteen Days-

3K 49 11
By xxfall3nros3sxx

Savannah was back in the castle in a matter of minutes, it felt like Ben was so far away suddenly and she felt a wave of uneasiness push itself into her chest, her thought process was shutting down though, it was time for sleep. Walking to Vincent’s room after realizing she still didn’t have her own, Savannah crawled into the bed and let sleep come to her.

The morning seemed to come fairly quickly and for a while Savannah just lay in bed staring at the ugly white ceiling. Vincent had lied to her, he was the one who killed her mother. That’s not an easy thing to forgive someone for, and at this point she didn’t even want to forgive him. Savannah just wanted all of this to be over, she wanted the vampires dead and she wanted to be able to finally move on from her life, although that was a lot easier said than done.

It was twenty days until Savannah’s birthday.. She still wasn’t so sure how she felt about being “immortal”. 

“Hey there” Savannah nearly fell off the bed, Vincent had spooked her so badly. “What?” She snapped due to annoyance he laughed it off gingerly. “Well, Payne had your room finished… You want to see it?”

Savannah nodded silently watching Vincent very closely, at the point in time she felt that she had barely known him, sure she had been starting to fall for him but he killed her mother, there was no turning back the hatred she felt towards him now. Her mother wanted her to stay with the werewolves, and to avenge her death. Falling for Vincent had to be out of the question now, and he made it all the more easier for her.

Savannah’s new room wasn’t too far away from Vincent’s but it was up another et of stairs, on the highest floor. “This floor has its own library, kitchen, and lounge room. On top of a few custom privileged bedrooms, which obviously only special people may have” Savannah new he meant that she was one of those people. 

Stepping up to a large oak door, Vincent opened it and looked to Savannah announcing to her that she could enter her own room now. Nodding barely, she took a step into the large room. There was a large four post bed that was made of dark oak very elegant, the sheets were a beautiful blue color, the color calmed her some what.

There was a large seating area with a flat screen TV, A large bathroom was on one side of the room, and next to it was a walk-in closet that held tons of new clothes, mostly Savannah’s style. “This room is huge, Oh my..” Savannah trailed as she noticed that one entire wall of her room was made up of one large window, she could see the entire forest, trees that went on for miles and miles.

“You like it?” Vincent’s words were barely audible to her, as she continued to look deep into the forest. Had Ben made it home safely last night? Regardless of how skilled he was Savannah worried about him, she wondered even more if he would make it tonight, she already wanted to talk to him. A tap on her shoulder made Savannah jump form her thoughts.

“What I it?” She snapped harshly at no one other than Vincent. “I asked if you liked it…” He trailed, slowly backing away and looking at a nearby wall. “Yes, I do.” She finally answered. “Good cause Payne would like to see you again”

Savannah turned to Vincent now. “Why? I just saw him yesterday… please don’t tell me this is going be some type of bullshit where he checks on me every day because, that is just going to get extremely irritating..”

“Well like it or not it is something you will have to deal with while you are under his orders” Savannah caught a glimpse of the irritation in his eyes as he responded to her. “Well if it wasn’t for me you guys would be getting no where in life, considering you would shrivel up and die..” Savannah slightly snapped back. 

“I’m not responding to what you just said because it would be stupid you know he can just take your blood whether you liked it or now, so I suggest you stop talking like you have some kind of upper hand unless there is one and you’re keeping it from me”

Savannah was shocked, it was the first time in a while that Vincent made her speechless. “Whatever..” She scoffed after ten seconds of silence. “That’s what I thought, now lets go” Vincent snapped this time, she could feel the annoyance radiating off of him.

Following Vincent, she decided against saying anything more in fear of just pissing him off even more, rolling her eyes to herself they walked down the stair case and into the hallway that held Payne’s office. Vincent knocked on the door before just opening it and stepping in, allowing Savannah in before closing the door behind her. 

“You called for me?” Savannah said, she didn’t care what Vincent said or thought. She knew that these vampires needed her blood and she wasn’t going to bow down, she would make this more interesting, they needed her. Why would they drain her then kill her? Despite the fact that they only need her blood, there had to be a reason that they kept her alive this long. For all she knew they could have killed her form the very beginning instead of capturing her and turning her into a vampire slave.

“How do you like your room?” Payne asked sitting patiently at his desk not giving Savannah the satisfaction of her cockiness. “It’s not bad” Savannah inhaled deeply trying not to smirk at the shock face on Payne’s face, although it didn’t last long the annoyance emotion was splattered upon his face as well as Vincent’s. 

“Very well, I just wanted to know how you are doing, Savannah at midnight you will have 19 days until your eighteenth birthday, are you excited?” 

“To be a blood donor to a bunch of vampires that killed my mother, thrilled.” Savannah didn’t say another word as she stood from the chair and left Payne’s office leaving both him and Vincent shocked and bewildered. 

“Savannah?” A familiar voice sung, “Kayla!?” Savannah screeched before running up to her and hugging the mother figure that stood before her. “We need to talk” Savannah didn’t understand what the serious tone meant, but she didn’t have time to ask before Kayla pulled her aside. “At midnight, I will meet you outside the same place you will meet Ben… I will explain everything later” She winked curtly before walking off and leaving Savannah to her curious thoughts.

“Let’s go for a walk” A simple voice stated behind her, whipping around she was face to face with Vincent. Gulping down her shock she stood fiercely before replying “I’d rather not” and began to walk off. Vincent grabbed her arm forcefully, “Too bad” He pulled Savannah with him, until they reached the castle grounds, where the forest lay. 

Rolling her eyes Savannah pulled her arm from Vincent. “What do you want?” She was about ready to scream at him. “We still haven’t had a real talk.. Just talk and walk with me..” Savannah saw the pleading in his eyes and found herself cursing mentally for her legs that betrayed her mind.

“I know you may never get over the fact that I killed your mother, I realize how hard that must be..”

“Oh do you? Because I didn’t pretend to fall for you and then let you find out that I killed your mother just to use you for your lousy immortal blood, I didn’t bad stab you and kidnap you beyond your wishes, I didn’t rip you away from your life that was just fine before I came along.. I didn’t do any of that to you. You have NO idea what this feels like or how hard it must be, so shut the fuck up already”

Savannah turned stiffly and walked away furiously the traitor tears falling from her face. “I hate you” She whispered while walking away, she knew that his vampire ears would pick it up. And as he didn’t follow her she knew that he had gotten the message.

Savannah was on her way to her room before a small brunette stopped her. “Hi, Miss Savannah. I-I’m Denise, and I-I’m going to be your sla-I-I mean maid… I am wherever you need me”

Savannah was as caught off guard suddenly and studied the small girl who looked no older than 14, “How old are you?” The girl blushed and looked down not meeting Savannah’s gaze. “Fourteen Miss-” 

“You don’t have to pronounce my name so formal, in fact I really don’t like it, and don’t apologize for it either” Savannah added quickly as she knew that was what the girl was going to say. “I’m assuming Payne hired you for me, Although I really don’t need a slave, I am sure you could sue a friend so if you want to clean my room and do my laundry, I will gladly be a friend for you in return.. I mean you no harm.. I am not an evil vampire, just a human girl like you.”

The young girl was shocked as she stood before Savannah. “O-Oh from the way Payne talked about how important you are I figured you were a vampire…” Savannah smiled gently. “Nope, I would never want to be one of them blood suckers…”

The girl chuckled softly and Savannah smiled warmly at her. “Well I give you the night off, go to your room read a book or something and enjoy yourself, tomorrow we can worry about laundry, okay?” 

“Absolutely, thank you so much” The girl grinned and left Savannah to herself.

Looking at her watch she decided that she should take a nap. And that she did once she returned to her brand new room, a long five hour nap.

When Savannah woke up the light from the bright moon was shining through her window, and it lit up the room beautifully. At this moment she wished her mother was here to see how beautiful the stars and moon were. 

Looking at the time Savannah realized it was already ten at night, to kill the rest of the time she decided to take a long hot shower. 

Once in she stood and let the hot water beat down on her, it’s warmth comforting her body and her mind, putting her at ease for a little while. Once Savannah realized it had been a little over an hour she finally stepped form the shower getting dressed in undergarments first, before slipping some black skinny jeans on, some grey ballet flats, and a gray over the shoulder sweater that was baggy but fit her body perfectly, she blow dried her beautiful red hair, as her other had always said.

“Savannah, I love your hair my darling. It’s as red as your fathers, so beautiful on you, my beautiful, perfect princess” 

9 year old Savannah grinned and blushed form her mother’s compliments. “You really think so mommy?” 

“Of course baby girl” Her mother hugged her tightly.

A loud crash scared Savannah form her thoughts and she realized that she dropped the hair dryer onto the floor. Her hair was soft, and fell perfectly over her shoulders, she ran her fingers through it feeling it’s softness then looked in the mirror at herself.

Although he skin was pale and she had red fiery hair, Savannah was pretty happy wither herself. Her mother’s compliments rang in her ears. 

Finally leaving her bathroom, Savannah realized it was ten of midnight and she needed to get outside. 

It was easy once again to leave the castle. No one was around, most vampires were out partying or harming their slaves, an the guards were too useless to notice anything that went wrong. Vincent wouldn’t come looking for her, she finally gave him the message so she knew she was clear to go see Ben.

The wind lightly blew and it relaxed Savannah’s thoughts as she walked into the forbidden forest quietly remembering the way to go to find Ben. 

When a tall dark figure rose form behind a tree, Savannah’s heart rate increased, Had Vincent found her? Did he really know what she was up to? But before she gave herself a heart attack Ben slipped out from behind the tree and revealed himself.

Savannah held in her smile at the butterflies she received due to only seeing Ben. She walked softly towards him once a few inches away, he looked down into her eyes. “I missed you..” He whispered before she lay her head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and let his head fall softly atop of hers.

“I missed you..” Savannah felt the movement of a smile on Ben’s jaw. She smiled herself, everything at that moment felt right, like all the hurt she constantly went through made sense, to be happy as soon as he enveloped her in his arms, to feel safe every time.. It was all worth it now, she finally had someone she could soon fall in love with, someone her own mother wanted her to be with. He was perfect and she wouldn’t allow anyone to take him away from her.

“Ahem..” Kayla’s voice was awkward as she stepped to the side of the couple embracing one another. Savannah blushed but Ben held his ground. “Hello sister” He grinned. Savannah suddenly froze and instinctually moved away from Ben.

“Sister?” She said softly. Ben suddenly went rigged afraid she would be upset with him for not telling her. “I thought you were an only child, a although you never really told me either..” Savannah softly smiled before turning to Kayla.

“No wonder you were amazingly nice, you two are siblings… But how can you be a werewolf in that place, won’t they harm you?” Savannah asked now suddenly worried. Ben pulled Savannah into his arms once more, her back against his chest they both looked at Kayla to explain.

“Well you see Savannah, my mother has been trying to get intel on the vampires for an extremely long time, my mother came up with this special scent made up of wolfs bane, and a few other plant like things”

“Wait” Savannah interrupted, “I thought wolfs bane harmed you guys?”

Kayla smiled softly before explaining herself. “Well it does, if applied to the skin it will burn us, it can also make us become weak, but my mother is an expert she knows what to mix and what not to give us, she rendered the wolfs banes causes ineffectual, at least the harmful ones, and when she mixed it with lavender, and strife, and other things it made a special drink that can render my wolf abilities ineffectual and my scent to go away, it basically makes me human for small periods of time, I have to take it in daily doses in order for it to keep my identity safe, When you came along I let my mother know and they did there best to find you, however it took time obviously”

After all that Savannah understood somewhat now. She felt less confused and more in tune. “I see, wow that’s crazy”

“Now that you know the truth, you should know that since me and my sister are related werewolves we can communicate telepathically, without anyone knowing so if you ever want to say something to me, or there’s an emergency it’s easy to talk to me.”

“That’s good to know” Savannah smiled and Ben rested his head atop of hers once more. “The good news is my sister can look after you, when I am away” 

Savannah suddenly felt more safe, it felt good to know that she had so many people looking out for her. “Thank you.. For keeping me safe”

“Don’t thank us, were happy to do it” Kayla smiled at Savannah, who returned the gesture.

“So how are things, Did they give you that new room you were telling me about yet?” Ben asked curiously. 

“Yes they did, It’s huge but it’s lonely and empty..” Savannah said sadly, She felt Ben smile. “It wouldn’t be lonely if I was there with you” Kayla groaned at the romance, but smiled knowing her bother was finally happy for once.

“Of course not” Savannah turned facing him, his dark eyes fell deep into her own.

He leaned down so close she could feel his breath on her lips. Just as they were about to touch Kayla interrupted. “It’s time to go.. Sorry guys” She apologize sheepishly.

Ben rolled his eyes in annoyance before hugging Savannah to him. She felt almost dizzy from the previous encounter they had just had.

“Till tomorrow night” Ben smiled.

“till tomorrow” Savannah smiled back before following Kayla back to the castle.

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