Experiment Gone Wrong

By Kangacorn-Studios

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After a long day at the guild, Natsu begins to feel loopy and drained. Words failed to come out of his mouth... More

•Chapter One: The Onset•
•Chapter Two: Incident•
•Chapter Three: Words•
•Chapter Four: Thoughts...?•
•Chapter Five: Girls/Girls/Boys•
•Chapter Six: New Perspective•
•Chapter Seven: Feels (Calvin Harris and other people lol)•
•Chapter Eight: Hurricane•
•Chapter Nine: Torture•
•Chapter Ten: Mind Reading Serpent?•
•Chapter Eleven: Empress's New Clothes•
•Chapter Twelve: Captivating•
•Chapter Thirteen: Experiment?•
•Chapter Fourteen: Travel, Secrets Upholding•
•Chapter Fifteen: Sleepover!•
•Chapter Sixteen: And So, the "Fun" Goes On•
•Chapter Eighteen: Hopeful•
welp sorry

•Chapter Seventeen: DELLPH•

204 4 0
By Kangacorn-Studios

ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT! Now it's about to get serious. More fighting scenes (which I suck at), more love

Lucy's POV

I heard a cry of desperation outside the shed (cause there's definitely one at Lucy's apartment lol) and immediately sprung to action. Jumping out of the bush I was hiding in, I start running towards the shack, fear and worry in the back of my mind. I saw desperate blood stains on the trunks of trees, and a trail of blood that lead to one thing: Mina. I gasped in terror. She wounded immensely, blood oozing out of every gash on her body--and believe me, she had a lot of 'em. "Mina!" even if she was my enemy, I had to help. After all, I had invited her here for a reason. But just what was that reason?

Pushing the thoughts aside, I bounded to her, lying my warm hand on her forehead. She seemed completely fine, no painful coughs racking her body like they usually would, no sore fingers that would normally come after an attack. 

Mina's eyes shot open, and a wave of relief washed over me. I took her hand in mine, lying my forehead on hers. Praying, my body started to trembling weirdly. "Time to die, Blondie," the brown-haired wizard snapped her hands up, wrapping them around my neck. I fell to the forest floor, pretending to be unconscious. She crazed snickers erupted from her mouth as she stared at me. "You can come out now, Hurricane." the sound of that name made my mind flinch. I lied there in shock, not fully comprehending the situation. "Well done, my dear. This shall satisfy my needs. Find the boy and tell him that Lucy's been kidnapped. Make sure to comfort him so that he forgets about the miss, and then his whole world will be you." 

I could feel Hurricane's calloused hands on my skin, making my blood curdle. I cracked open an eye to look at Mina. "Goodnight, Lucy. I hope you have fun with your new mister," she whispered, crouching down. "Natsu is mine now. And you'll never get him back!" she smirked, then slapped my cheek. "So naive, to think that you could trust me. And that Lisanna fool, too. She's against you from the beginning."

Finally able to find my words, I sighed. "You have it all wrong, Mina. Lisanna told us about your plans, and to look out for you. And this is all part of mine!" I snarled, attempting to kick her to Pluto and back. She moved out of the way, giving me a disappointed sigh. "Go to the underworld, Blondie," she put a palm to my chest, whispering something that I couldn't hear. Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of abhorrence bloomed from inside my stomach. I felt the compelling need to throw up, right then and there. Hurricane put a blindfold over my eyes, and everything turned black. 

They dragged me into the shed, chaining me to a chair. Thankfully, my clothes stayed on this time. I stared into the bleak darkness, waiting for them to leave so that I could call out for someone. And the someone I was hoping would hear me, is my special someone. Natsu, I thought forlornly. I heard the door swing shut, and that's when I finally opened my mouth. The biliousness was still there, but I had to push it down. "Natsu!" I howled, screaming his name over and over. By this time, I was sure he had heard me--he has to.

I shrieked his name one last time before the waves of nausea consumed me.

Gray's POV

I walked through the halls, turning the lights on in a frantic search. Everyone was hear but Lucy and Mina, and I had a sneaking suspicion that something happened to the Celestial Wizard. I couldn't confront Natsu about it, though. He'd go all gung-ho on us, spreading us apart to look for her alone. I couldn't let that happen. 

"Gray!" Levy whined, coming out of her hiding spot. When she saw my frantic features, she immediately assumed the worst. "Where's her grave?" she asked hysterically. I shook my head. "I don't think she's dead. We'll have to investigate first. But, this definitely has something to do with Mina. She's gone too." I stated, putting my hand to my chin. Just then, I heard a scream. Just one. And it was of Natsu's name.

Instantaneously, I thought it was Lucy, but then I heard it again. "Natsu!" Sounds like Mina, we gave each a look, then darted outside. "Mina! Are you okay?" she fell into my arms, panting heavily. "Gray, Gray... Lucy's been captured! By this guy named Hurricane. He knocked her out cold then flew away with her on his back. You have to follow them! He's pretty strong so I would think you would need everyone from the party... I think one or two people could stay behind." I scoffed mentally at her words. "Wendy and Romeo should stay behind.  They are the youngest, after all. He could be doing something gory to her, and they wouldn't even know." the girl frowned. "But I wanna stay back with Natsu!" I separated from her, giving her a hard look. "Greedy," I accused. "You can't have Natsu to yourself, you know. He has a girlfriend. I don't know what you're up to, but whatever it is, stop this instant." the shuddered from my cold voice. "Tell me where she is, or I'll kill you," 

She stood up, and ran into her apartment, tears streaming down her face. Natsu came down the stairs, a curious expression painted onto his face. Mina ran into his embrace, burying her head in his chest. "Mina," he warned. "get off. I have a girlfriend, if you weren't aware." Mina pushed him up the stairs, and into Lucy's bedroom. I followed silently, peeping into the small crack the door made. 

"Natsu! Listen to me! Lucy's been kidnapped by Hurricane! He says he's going to marry her and then annihilate the whole of Magnolia!" I could see the fake tears streaming down her face. "Liar," Natsu scoffed, rolling his onyx eyes. Mina furrowed her eyebrows, clinging to his arm. "I'm not lying! You've got to believe me!" 

"Where did you put my Luce?" he growled lowly, making me flinch. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and heavy breathing. I yelped, putting my hands up in defense. Erza and Levy stood there, tears rolling down their cheeks. Erza grabbed me by my sleeve, and cried into my shoulder. She wrapped an arm around Levy's smol waist, bringing her to her side. "There's no sign of Lucy... anywhere... I can't find her!" Upon hearing this, Natsu jumped down the stairs. "So, Mina isn't lying?" he demanded, putting his foot down. Levy nodded, sobbing into her hands. I so badly wanted to scream, but that would only make this situation worse. 

Natsu's fist was engulfed in flames, smashing his knuckles into the delicate wood. Splinters flew into the air, some stabbing into my skin. 

I heard a soft snicker from Lucy's room, coming from Mina.

That's when Natsu lost it.





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