My Love is on Mute

Da Slytherinprincess323

844K 22K 5.5K

After the war, Harry got sent back to the Dursleys without a care from the Light side. Due to nightmares from... Altro

The Kidnapping
The Reason
The Vampire
The Family
The Morning
The School
The Cafeteria
The Last Class
The Dinner Date Part One
The Dinner Date Part Two
The Dinner Date Part Three
The Dinner Date Part Four
The Volturi
The Pappous
The Boyfriend meets the Grandfather
The Cullens meet the Volturi
The Wolves meet the Volturi
The Confession
The Circus
The Confrontation
Whee, You Get To Know The Writer
Tagged Again!
I Got Tagged Again!
The Proposal
The Guests
The Truth
The Horcruxes
The Graduation
The Wedding
The Wedding Photos
Author's Note Part 4
The End

The Christmas Gift

18.5K 529 211
Da Slytherinprincess323

Yes this is an actual chapter.




Soon enough the first semester of school end and the Christmas season was among them. Everyone was getting ready for the holiday; including Remus and Harry. This would be Harry's and Remus' first Christmas together, since the last time Harry was a baby, this Christmas would be Harry's and Jasper's first Christmas together as well. It marked the fifth month of their dating and that was another reason to celebrate. Due to all of this the Lupin household, the Cullen household, and even the Wolf household was thrumming with cheer, festive decor, and merrily tunes. All three households were trying desperately to figure out what to give as presents and the Cullens were trying desperately to forget who was missing.

*Papa! Pappous! Come on! Hurry up! We have to go shopping for Christmas presents! I need to find something for Jasper.* Harry signed quickly and repeatedly while he was trying to find and rush the others out of the house.

"We're coming cub and don't worry, Jasper will love whatever you get him." reassured Remus as he and Aro came downstairs.

*But I don't want him to like just because I gave it to him. I want him to like because he actually likes the present.* complained Harry as they all piled into the car.

"And he will. You know exactly what Jasper would like and you may not know what to get now but when you see it, you'll know it." said Aro wisely.



"Jasper, you're thoughts are running rampant. What's wrong?" asked Edward as he stepped into Jasper's bedroom.

"I don't know what to get Harry for Christmas." spoke Jasper solemnly.

"If you want me and you can go out and see what we can find. I still have to get Rosalie something." offered Edward.

"Yeah I'd like that. I need to get Remus and Aro something too while I'm at it." agreed Jasper.

"I want to get something for Seth but I haven't even approached him yet so I don't know." worried Edward as they got into his silver Volvo.

"I think you should and as I said before; you can speak with Harry or Remus and they can get you a meeting with him."

"Yeah, I know." And with that, the two brothers rode on to Seattle to find presents.


*Why are we in Port Angeles? It thought we were going to go to Seattle?* questioned Harry.

"We'll go there later cub. We stopped here first because this city is closer. If you can't find anything here then we'll go farther away." reasoned Remus.

"Alright. Where to first kids?" asked Pappous Aro.

*There* Harry pointed to an old antique shop that looked as antique as the stuff in it. This shop looked perfect to find a gift for Jasper in, and maybe Remus and Aro too.

"Alright I guess we'll go in there first."

After hours of searching the antique shop, Harry found something that he was hoping was what he thought. There was a sword that was so old and rusty but had cut out letters: CSA. This sword is the most sought out sword out of ALL Civil War swords. It is a Confederate CSA Staff Officer's Sword and Scabbard. Why it was in an old, run down antique shop in Port Angeles, Washington; who knew? But what caught Harry's attention the most was that the scabbard and the blade of the sword had Major Jasper Whitlock engraved into it. From what Jasper told Harry of his past, his previous human name was Jasper Whitlock and he was a major in the Confederate army during the Civil War. This might be the perfect present and this owner had no idea what he had in his grasp.

*Papa! Papa!* Harry signed as he waved his arms trying to gain Remus' attention.

"Yes cub? Did you find something?"

*I did! Look at this sword!*

So Remus did what Harry had asked and looked at the sword he picked out. As soon as he saw it, he noticed it was a very old Confederate Civil War sword and with how fancy it was with the cut out letters CSA on the hilt it looked like a CSA Staff Officer's Sword with its matching scabbard. He, Remus, was a history geek so of course he knew exactly what was in his hand and with what he, Aro, and Jasper had been teaching Harry about American History, so did Harry. And then Remus saw it, the finishing touch that made this the present Harry thought was perfect. There in engraving on the scabbard and the blade was: Major Jasper Whitlock. This sword was Jasper's old sword back from when he was human.

"Wow cub! This is a big find."

*I know right!*

"You know this marks on the hilt is probably from all the battles he fought in, remember? Jasper was telling us how all of them would take a small blade to carve out tally marks of all of the battles fought in and survived." brought up Remus as he pointed out each individual tally mark.

*I remember! There must be at least a hundred. Wow!*

"So I'm guessing you want this for Jasper, huh?"

*Of course I do!!!! He is the previous owner so it's only right to get it for him.* answered Harry as they walked to the till.

" Hello did you find everything you were looking for?" asked the man at the till.

"Yes we did. We'd like to buy this sword." answered Remus.

"Very well. Do you know this Major Jasper Whitlock or are you a collector?" asked the man.

Thinking quick, Harry signed the answer hoping Remus would see it before he answered.

"Yes in fact, our ancestor, a great-grandfather or something, fought in the Civil War and his name was Jasper Whitlock and he as a Major. So when we saw this we knew we had to get it." said Remus a beat or two late as he saw what Harry was signing.

"OH wow that's pretty cool. I bet you never expected that when you came in here."

"No sir we didn't."

"Well enjoy your family history and I hope you have a good day." greeted the man as he finished totaling up their purchase and wrapping up the sword.

"Thank you, you too."

* I'm so excited! He's going to love it!!!!*


However, with the brothers, they weren't having such luck.

"How hard is it to find someone a gift?" exclaimed Jasper as Edward nodded in agreement.

" Finding a gift is always hard when you're looking for someone you care about." answered a girl who appeared to be working there.

" Well for one of them yes, but for the other two?" exclaimed Jasper once again.

"Well the other two are related to the first so I guess that's the same thing." reasoned Edward.

"What's their personality?" asked the girl, "maybe I can help you."

"Well, he's perfect," at this Edward snorted, "and his father and grandfather make me feel like they're going to kill me." answered Jasper.

"Well I'm going to go on a hunch and say the first is your boyfriend and if so fathers and grandfathers are supposed to make boyfriends feel insecure and scared."

" And mine is a sister who is picky and she has enough money to buy what she wants." piped up Edward.

"Don't forget your crush that you want to buy a present for." Jasper mentioned unhelpfully.

"Aw that's sweet. What's she like?" asked the girl.

" Well he-"

"I'm sorry for assuming."

"It's alright. And he's-"

"Don't copy me and say perfect. I have a right, we're dating, you barely know him." interrupted Jasper again.

"Shut up. He's great. He is very outdoorsy, playful, loves dogs and wolves; most animals really." finished Edward while glaring at Jasper.

"Aww that's so sweet, I'm sure he'd love whatever you get him, but let's make sure it's perfect for both of your guys. And with that off she went to go find perfect things for their loved ones and the brothers just followed along every step of the way.

Hours later--------------

"Do you think Rosalie would appreciate fancy soap?" asked Edward as the girl had shown them the soap aisle.

"I doubt it." answered Jasper honestly as he looked at matching bath towels with hoods on them.

"We have searched this entire store and we haven't found a thing. I think we need to move on."

"I agree."

And once again, they were on the move to the next store.

"Okay, I'm either going to buy her some really fancy and expensive boots or a new car. Your thoughts?" asked Edward.

"Emmett wouldn't appreciate a new car."

"I know that but what else?" asked Edward.

"True. Alright I guess buy her a new car but that doesn't solve your problem with Seth."

"I'll buy him a new car too."

"Dude. I know you're tired of this and you want to be done, so do I, but I think it would mean more to him if the present came from your heart and not from your bank."

"Fine, fine. You got lucky with those books." sulked Edward.

"Yes well, Remus is a history nerd and Aro lived it so when I found some books about what we've talked about during bonding nights, I figured why not."

"Yes, as I said, you got lucky."

"Chin up. I still haven't found anthing for Harry." assured Jasper.

More Hours Later----------------------------------------

"Alright Rosie is getting a Hennessey Venom Gt and Seth is getting a trip to the California beaches and deserts and cities and wherever else he might want to go. Hopefully with me but I'm not crossing my fingers just yet." decided Edward as he stared at the fastest car in the world: the Hennessey Venom Gt which can go up to 270 mph.

" And Aro and Remus are getting those history books I found but I still haven;t found anything for Harry."

"I'm sure we'll find something."

On their way home Jasper saw something on the side of the road.

"Hey pull over, I saw something."

There is the grass is a teeny tiny white kitten. It looked to be way too young to be out here by itself with no mama in sight. Both brothers looked and looked and found a mother cat with a whole litter of babies. The mama had a gash on her hind leg so she couldn't move to a safer location and with a quick thought, the boys loaded her and her kittens; including the white one, into their car and headed home. Once home, they had Carlisle check on the mama while the boys checked on the babies. There were five in total, they all had various white spots on them but that last little kitten was the only one that was completely white like the mama. The father cat looked to be a calico cat because the other four were a wide variety of mixed colors. With a quick peep, they deduced that there was three boys and two girls.

"Alright I stitched up mama so she's good to go." said Carlisle walking out with mama cat in his arms. He placed her down in front of her kittens and they went right to feeding.

"That's good." answered Jasper.

"What are you thinking about doing with them?" asked Carlisle, " you know they can't stay here."

"I know" answered Jasper thinking.

"Hey I know," said Edward, "They could be Harry's Christmas present."

"They could." exclaimed Jasper.

"You have to ask Mr. Lupin first. He might not want six cats in his house." warned Carlisle.

"Don't worry I will." answered Jasper as he rushed to go call Remus.


Christmas Day had arrived and everybody was excited. The Lupins' were going to open their presents at home before heading over to the Cullens where the wolves were meeting there too. They were going to have one big family Christmas party together. Harry had gotten clothes and books from Aro seeing as he needed new clothes and he had been wanting those books for like ever! And he got a locket from Remus.

"Now this may seem girly but your father gave this to your mother on their one year anniversary since the day the started dating. His father gave it to his mother and so on and so on. It has been a family tradition for a Potter to receive this locket when they have found their special someone and they can choose to wear it themselves or give it to their special someone. Your mother expressed the wish to give it to you when you found your one true love and so I dug it out for you. I went ahead and put a picture of you and Jasper in there in place of your grandparents so you two are beside your parents but you can always take the pictures out and see all of your ancestors who have received this locket." said Remus as he handed it to Harry.

*Papa, it's perfect* And it was. It was a gold locket on a gold chain and the locket itself had to Potter crest on it. Inside on the left was a picture of James and Lily from what it looked like their wedding day and on the right was a picture of Jasper and him. Harry felt tears roll down his eyes as he signed thank you over and over to Remus.

"Oh your welcome cub!" said Remus as he hugged him.

*Didn't you say that my dad gave this to mom when they were dating for a year?* asked Harry looking at the wedding photo.

"Yes but your mother often changed out the photos of her and James for a current photo. She was going to put one of her, James and you but he said that they had baby albums for that so the locket should just be for them two and she agreed. I guess she never changed out the wedding photo." answered Remus thoughtfully.

*Well I love it*

"I'm glad. The rest of your present is over at the Cullens so let's head over."

When Harry got into the car, Aro leaned over to Remus to ask;

"The rest?"

"Yes, the mama cat and kittens. That should count from me too because I agreed to let six cats into our house." answered Remus.


As the party started and eggnog, as well as presents, were passed around; everyone was having a good time. Harry nervously handed Jasper his present and watched with bated breath for him to open it.

"Oh Harry, kitten, I love it." whispered Jasper reverently as he stroked the blade of the sword, of his sword. "Where did you find it?"

*In that old antique shop in Port Angeles.*

"All this time it was there?"

"Jasper, what did you get?" asked Esme

"My old sword from back when I was human. Harry found it for me." said Jasper unbelievably.

"Really, can we have a look?" asked Emmett and everyone piled around them to stare at the Confederate CSA Staff Officer's Sword that had Major Jasper Whitlock engraved on the blade.

"That's a truly amazing gift Harry." said Carlisle.

*Thank you sir. I thought that Jasper might have wanted it back.*

"Indeed. We have heard often about this particular sword and how much Jasper wished to have it but he had no idea where it might have gone after. Thank you for retrieving it for him."

* It's no problem. I just wanted to get the perfect present.* answered Harry honestly.

"Harry that reminds me of your present." said Jasper as he carefully put the sword down and held out his hand. Jasper led Harry to the guest bathroom and opened the door. Out came the mama cat and her five little babies trailing after her.

*OH MY GODRIC!!!! They are so cute!!!!!* Harry immediately plopped down to play with the kittens and the mama. *What are their names?*

"We figured we'd let you pick. We have just been calling the mother, mama cat." answered Jasper as he smiled at Harry trying to hold all five wiggly kittens and one mama who was on his lap trying to find out what he was doing to her babies.

*Well her name can be Mama, I guess. If all of you have been calling her that since you got her then it would do no good to change it.*

"So that leaves five names. Those three are boys and those two are girls." said Edward as he pointed out which kittens were which.

*For the two girls: the calico girl's name is Cassiopeia and the pure white one's name is Angel.* decided Harry.

"Aw those are cute. Where did Cassiopeia come from?" asked Leah Clearwater.

It was Remus who answered; "From his godfather Sirius. Sirius' family tradition was to be named after stars or constellations so Cassiopeia is a constellation and there is a Black who was named Cassiopeia."

*I wanted to honor him somehow and the boy names I could think of were too obvious and wouldn't make good nicknames because Cassiopeia could be shortened to Cassie.* agreed Harry. * The three boys names are Blizzard, Felix, and Smudge.*

"Those a great names. Now which ones which?" asked Edward.

*Well Blizzard is the one who is everywhere and jumping on everyone. Smudge is the one is has a purely black face, he looks like someone dipped his face in black paint. SO that leaves Felix who seems to be the quiet one of the three.* answered Harry.

"Well it seems that we need different colored collars with their names on it. At least we all know who is Angel." said Remus as Angel herself came up to him to try to sniff him.

*Are they what you said were the rest of my gifts?* asked Harry.

"Yes they were. The day Jasper and Edward found them, Jasper called me to see if I was okay with them being your Christmas present and I said yes so I am counting that as they are from me as well." answered Remus.

*Thank you, thank you, thank you!* cried Harry as he launched himself at Remus.

"You're welcome cub but I think you need to thank Jasper too, since he had to idea."

*Thank you, thank you, thank you!* cried Harry as he launched himself at Jasper.

"You are very welcome, kitten. I'm so glad you love them." answered Jasper as he hugged Harry back. As they were hugging, everyone excused themselves outback to where all of the food and festivities were being held.

*Thank you so much, Jasper for this Christmas and for these past five months* And as soon as Harry finished signing this, he leaned up and gave Jasper a quick chaste peck on the lips and then pulled back blushing.

Jasper couldn't think straight. Here was his overly shy mate, who he promised to be as slow as he needed for him, and he kissed him!

*I'm sorry, Jasper* signed Harry who took his silence as a bad thing.

"No, no don't be sorry. I was just shocked that's all! You surprised me!" reassured Jasper.

*Really?* asked Harry looking doubtful

"Yes really. I loved it Harry. That probably was the best gift you could ever get me."

*What? Why?*

"Because you were comfortable enough around me and you trusted me enough that you felt you could kiss me. So that was the best gift of all. Thank you, did you like it?"


"Would you like another one?" asked Jasper slowly.

*...yes* answered Harry.

So Jasper leaned down and Harry leaned up, and stood on his tip-toes, and their lips met. It was a brief short kiss but it was perfect nonetheless. When they parted Harry was as red as a tomato and Jasper was grinning like the Chesire Cat.

"Thank you Harry for this amazing Christmas and for these past five amazing months. You have made my life so much better since I've met you."

* Thank you Jasper. Without you, I don't know where I'd be. All my life I've never had anyone who liked me just for me, except for papa of course. Then we came to Forks, I met you and then I had a family, with you and Remus, but then I had my ancestors coming for me and staying for me, I have a family with the wolves, and with your family. Thank you Jasper so much for the past five months and I hope that the next five will be just as great, as will the next five, and the next five, and the next five, and all of the five months after that. I love you Jasper Whitlock and I want to be with you forever.*

"I love you too Harry Potter-Lupin and I wish to be with you for evermore."

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