
By flora_styles

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They thought they were safe, they thought they were out of the water, ready to settle down with their loved o... More

Horizons - Chapter 2 - Nightmare.
Horizons - Chapter 3 - Gathering.
Horizons - Chapter 4 - Speech.
Horizons - Chapter 5 - Fitting.
Horizons - Chapter 6 - Reaping Day.
Horizons - Chapter 7 - Uproar.
Horizons - Chapter 8 - Capitol.
Horizons - Chapter 9 - Stand Out.
Horizons - Chapter 10 - Reaction.
Horizons - Chapter 12 - Red
Horizons - Chapter 13 - Pumped up Kicks.
Horizons - Chapter 14 - Too Close

Horizons - Chapter 11 - Repeat.

114 1 0
By flora_styles


Chapter 11. 

Flora p.o.v

I'm in the horrible pod room below the arena, I'll be in there soon, a matter of minutes, I'm still checking my outfit over for hints, it's weird though, cargo shorts this time, and a shirt in the same colour, it just about fits over my stomach so I'm hoping it won't grow too much. There's like a body warmer too and a water bottle which must be urgently needed for them to give it to you already. 

And the shoes are what they call desert boots, suede in the same tan colour, and really comfy,luckily. But it got me wondering why they're called desert boots. For the desert, surely ? This set my heart racing, I have the palest skin ever, deserts are not my thing.

Harry's down here with me, but he seems so drawn out, I know whatever happens to me in there will hit him hard, it will be for him emotionally harder than it will for me. 

"Are you all ready ?" says Willow. 

"Yeah.. I guess so" I say holding the ruby necklace Harry got me for my birthday, I was allowed it as district token.

"Can all tributes please enter their launch tubes.." Comes the voice of this years gamemaker .(Jackdaw Palour - when I saw him in training, short,fat,bald and not very clever at all, or so he seemed) Harry suddenly snapped to attention he pulls me straight into a kiss, hard and desperate so desperate, and it seemed slow but I suppose it wasn't because Willow had to pull us apart where the doors of my tube were closing, I jump in without a glance back as it will only hurt more.

I take one last look at Harry he blows me a kiss but I can see the glint of salty tears in his eyes, I turn and am almost blinded by a flash of light and humid heat hits my neck making it instantly clammy, the sky is bluest blue and a huge white sun beams down heating and increasing the sweat beads already forming on me. 

A savannah, like the one's far east in a continent called Africa, no-one ever travels out of panem this is an unknown world. But it's about to come known to me, it's so hot already this heat must be magnifyed, I look at the aray of weapons as the countdown starts, I don't even want to sneak a look at jet.

I panic, no bow, I can't see any bow, it's terrifying me, this is my only hope, my heart starts beating, but the savannah grass is long, can I waste time searching, I close my eyes as the last three beeps go, then cannon, I leap off into the dry grass, people are at my pace though I run diagonally across, everybody is overwhelmed by all the weapons but I've learned, get what you want and get out. 

I run for a pack and I'm nearly out I grab but but I hear meek screams I turn and a young boy of about 12 I took note of as being from 7  is being pinned down by the snowy haired red eyed district 2 boy. Levi. They seem to be pretty far out from all the others in combat. I suddenly get the urge to run at him, I launch myself at the red eyed boy knocking him to the floor he slashes his knife across my cheek in the moment though, the little boy gets up and legs it as do I but atleast we're going in opposite directions, well I have one pack and it's a large one, they can be life savers. 

I hear footsteps behind me I'm sure, but mixed with the bloodrush in my head I don't care, and I don't even want to turn around, but as the Savannah spaces out there's crops of large acacia tree's, I suddenly look back and I can't even see the cornucopia anymore, I reach a tree with large leaves still running and atleast it has shade.

I scale it quickly not stopping until I reach the top. I stop and my stomach is doing flips and I can't breathe like somethings choking me, I lean over and heave the contents of this mornings massive breakfast onto the floor below my tree, I lie back exhausted, stripping off my body warmer and undoing a couple of the shirt buttons. 

Looks like I'll be hungry again in no time, that was meant to keep me going a few days, heat fever is already setting in, I sit up after a few minutes feeling light headed, then I remember, I have no weapons, none at all, what on earth am I going to do now, I can kill no-one, I curse myself over and over, and I've lost Jet too. 

I look in my pack, crackers, a packet of raisins and a packet dry salami,a full water bottle, then a sleeping bag, like hell I'll be needing that, a tiny knife (food purposes only I'm guessing) some sunglasses, a sunhat , and suncream, well the latter three are going to be so useful. 

I take a sip of the water only a little one it could be ages before I get more, and I can't stop myself from eating one cracker, hunger has already set in. I suddenly notice my shirt has red stains on it, and I thought my damp neck was sweat, as I touch my cheek tenderly my hand returns to me crimson, I take my shirt off quickly glad to let the air reach my body I rip the sleeve off and put the shirt back on dabbing my cheek with it, I daren't use any water, I wonder how much blood I've lost ,not too much hopefully, probably what's responsible for my light-headedness.

I lie back wondering what to do with myself, it seems I ran pretty far, I just want to lie low and see if anyone passes my way. I soon drift off and wake to a glowing orange sky, as the sun is setting, suddenly I hear footsteps below me, I look down and I could recognise the Ebony hair anywhere. 

"Jet!" I hiss after the releif has flooded through me, and I've checked for other people. 

"Shit! Flora, I've been all over this freaking savannah looking for you!" He says. 

"Sorry..I helped the little district 7 boy and then I just ran and climbed up here and I was s-" I cut off as he steps in it. 

"Ew , this is disgusting, guess it's not just mornings is it ?" He says wiping his shoe on the grass, and hopping nimbly up, as he draws closer I see he has loads of weapons.

"Wasn't cus of that!" I huff eager not to seem weak already. 

"Okay, well what'd you get ?" He asks. 

"This" I say holding up my pack. 

"Is that it ? and you got a battle scar already ?" He says signalling to my bloodbathed cheek. 

"Yeah, I saved the little boy from 7..." I say. 

"And thought you were good at this game! one person someone else kills is one less we have to! Anyway he looked pretty dead when I saw him..." He says making himself comfy in the wide branch opposite me. 

"He... died ?" I ask feeling kind of upset all of a sudden.

"Yep, but seriously don't pull that one again, we need these people gone, and if you don't want their deaths at our hands, then leave everyone too it" He says, I nod, I suppose that makes absolute sense. 

"Well.. you did pretty well for yourself" I note as he precariously balances all his weapons, two sheaths of knives, a spear, a sword and a dagger, just to name a few. 

"Yep, don't suppose you want this ?" He says pulling out something that looks like a gun, obviously it's not a gun though, they're banned. 

"Yes! but what is it?" I ask. 

"poison dart gun.." I watch as he raises it and fires into the tree, a tiny red arrow. 

"Sweet stuff, thankyou" I say taking it and the small red box he handed too, I collect his arrow and take aim, turns out I'm not a bad shot. 

Suddenly the cannon shots start, I peer out of the tree into the sky, 1..2..3..4..5 Kind of low. Then the pictures. My little boy from 7, Girl from 8, Boy from 3,Girl from 7 too, Girl from 10. I look at Jet

"did you kill any of them ?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"Yeah, the twat from 3, he tried to kill me by himself, speared him straight in the stomach"  He shrugs, I nod in acceptance, self defence after all, but it seemed so easy for Jet to kill him.

"Oh okay..." I say. 

"We should get your face cleaned up, Harry will be having a fit" Laughs jet, producing a huge bottle of water and using my shirt rag to clean it properly. 

"Thought I did quite well.." I protest.

"You clearly haven't seen it, and to think you're going to have a baby soo, can't even look after yourself!.." He tuts, laughing at me.

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