Forever Mine (Jastin)✔️

By blondemccann

62.3K 5.7K 5.5K

Sequel to --> Always mine They've had a long journey together from up to down. Now the future holds for them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Me and Justin
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Characters ask
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Characters answers
For the Zustin fans
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Epilogue (part 2)
Epilogue (part 3)
Epilogue (part 4)
Epilogue (part 5)
Epilogue (part 6)

Epilogue (part 1)

723 73 69
By blondemccann

Cailin & Drake: 15 years old

Phoenix & Camila: 11 years old


Justin's POV (30 votes for next one y'all)

"I don't get why I have to go?" Jason groans throwing himself on the couch.

"Because I can't do this alone, their teachers wanna probably meet you too." He whines again flipping through the other side of the couch. Today was the parent teachers conference and I always went alone so I decided to take him with me this time. I was already all tired up today by cooking lunch.

"Fine, I'll come-"

"You flirted with him didn't you?" I hear Cailin shouting from the stairs.

"No, I didn't! Why would I flirt with your boy toy anyways?" Drake yells to her quickly coming downstairs.

"I swear if you touch him, I'll..."

"You'll what? Kick me in the balls again?" I roll my eyes sitting down beside Jason with his hands on his face probably already tried of them fighting again.

Cailin suddenly screams throwing herself on top of him punching him with all her might.

"That girl candle-"

"Kendall, idiot!"

"Whatever! She wasn't even interested in you she was all over me-" with that Cailin lost control, we might have seen some blood coming out of Drake's mouth.

"Gosh, why can't they get along?" Jason whispers standing up. He went beside them lifting his right leg up separating them from each other.

"That's enough, you both are giving me a headache." He gives Drake a kleenex to clean up his face.

"Cailin, you can forget about coming with me tomorrow."  He simply shrugs walking past them. Tomorrow was supposed to be a daughter and father time together. They did it every week but I guess this week got cancelled.

"But dad!" She yells for him following him in to a room.

"Did you do it?" I ask him mentioning him to follow me to clean his bloody mouth.

"Did you really do it?" I ask again, he shakes his head spitting the blood out of his mouth.

"No, I just wanted to get on her nerves. Plus they both don't deserve her." I chuckle seeing how he's trying to protect her but getting punched by her each time.

"You should try protecting yourself." I rub his cheek.

"Oh please I'm not hitting a girl. And if I did hit her she would hit me ten times harder, I'm not risking it." He shivers holding his busted lip.

"Ahhh! It's not my fault, it's his!" I hear her voice seeing Jason is already scolding her.

"I've had it with these fights, it's not gonna happen, it's over." I sigh blowing some air out.

I see Jason coming out with Cailin still following him but tears on her face, I frowned sitting down just looking at her. She sighs looking at me but quickly going up the stairs.

"You're not really taking her?" I ask him as he sits beside me looking at Drake as he was rubbing his lip looking through the mirror.

"You didn't even scold her for doing this anymore, why?" I bit my lip trying to think of an answer.

"Because whenever I do it, she doesn't listen so I decided to leave it." He scoffs sitting up putting his hands on his hips.

"She needs to learn a lesson this isn't funny anymore. She keeps hitting him."

"Well it's his fault, he always gets on her nerves. Plus why is he always around the people she likes? I don't get it." His face quickly changes into a smirk like I was missing something.



"No, it's something so what's up?"

"Nothing." I groan loudly rubbing my face. "Please don't tell me he does this because you tell him to." He gasps hitting his chest.

"What, no." He sarcastically says in reply. I just give him a straight face. "My baby doll is too much for boys."

"Well what about girls?"

"To be honest, I'm not that worried because most the girls just leave her-" I cut him off by kicking his side.

"Don't say that, it hurts her feelings, you know it happened two times this year." He rolls his eyes.

"She's only fifteen she doesn't need to worry about these stuff."

"But weren't we dating since we were fifteen?" He shoots me a glare.

"I loved you that's way different, none of these boys or girls feel like how I did for you." I sigh shrugging letting it go.

"Whatever let's get going, we're going to be late."

"B-but I still don't want to come." He groans once more just making me mad.

"Have a good night sleep on the couch, bae." As I said those words he quickly stood up grabbing my hand exiting the front door.


"This is incredibly awkward." Jason whispers to me as we were sitting down waiting for our son and daughter's name to be called.

"You're just sitting down, how is this awkward?" I chuckle rubbing my nose.

"There's so many parents here."

"Well duh, it's a parent teachers conference."

"I thought we were all supposed to go in together."

"Jason, stop whining just be patient." He huffed being quiet after that. I looked around to see a lot of mom and dad's or single parents waiting for to be called.

"How many teachers are there? Do I have to come with you with all of them?" He put his chin on my shoulder trying to get out of this.

"Just go, I've had enough of this." He looked really shocked when I said that.

"Don't be silly, where ever you go, I go." He picks up my hand kissing it. I blush a little looking down. "So which teacher is this?"


"I sucked at English."

"I know, I'm probably sure Drake does as well."

Jason's POV (sorry for sudden change I wrote this at the airport when I was half asleep lol)

"Are you saying, I'm dumb?" He just ignored my question and crossed his arms. We waited another five minutes another parent went in. I was drowning in boredom, I lied my head on his shoulder. "Wanna do a quicky in the bathroom?" I whisper getting a punch in the stomach in return.

"Ouch." I said out of the breathe.

"Drake and Cailin McCann?" We suddenly heard the teacher calling.

"Shit, that's us." I smile grabbing Justin's hand going inside the room. The other parents just stared at us like we were out of this world like they weren't any better.

We went inside sat down the teacher which her name was Miss. Clumsy sat down as well and talked to us. I couldn't help but let a silent laugh out when I heard her name. She had huge glasses on her face with brunette hair she also talked weirdly like something was in her mouth. I guess she never got laid in her life and that's pretty sad.

"Cailin does good in English but I can't really say the same thing for Drake. He does try hard but he's not really getting anywhere." I saw Justin looking at me for a second then at her. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Is he trying to blame these things on me?

After the talking when we finished we exited the classroom I noticed a mother coming close to us.

"Excuse me are you the parent that always throws parties with your kids?" I raised my eyebrows thinking if that's a thing right now.

"Um, no." I answered her, Justin already had walked to the next room that we were supposed to go in.

"Are you sure? Because you seem the person to do it." I chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not, my kids never really threw a party before."

"Wow how lame." She suddenly says making my mouth drop at her saying she just walks away ignoring me.

Are all women this weird? I guess I'll never know.


"You okay?" Justin asked me as we exited the school, we finished the parent teachers conference and something had me thinking.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking."


"Camila. Do you think we should hire her a teacher, you know for her talking or even learning."

"You mean she should be home schooled?" I shrugged opening the car door.

"She probably gets bullied for it." I sighed going inside the car. He got inside as well looking at me.

"Homeschooling costs a lot, are you sure about it?" I scoffed hearing him say that. "I'm just saying." He put his hands up in defence.

"I just want her to get better. She's my daughter and I care about her."

"I understand but we're taking this step by step, we even need to fix her bathing habits." I shivered just thinking about it.

"Don't even remind me." I mumbled remembering the bathing days with her.

"Rock, paper, scissors okay?" Justin stands in front of me bitting his lip.

"Fine." I blow out some air doing it. I sadly went with rock and he went with paper so I lost.

"Thank god, okay good luck bae." He kisses my cheek and quickly running away. I groaned rubbing my temples. I saw that Camila was standing near the door looking at me innocently.

"Come on, you're taking a bath." I told her, she shakes her head running away from me.

"Fine be that way I guess I'm eating this alone." I open my hands seeing the white chocolate and took a bite at it. White ones were her favorites. I suddenly saw her in front of my feet trying to take one but me being the smart one I held it high so she wouldn't reach it.

"Nice try but it got old."

"M-me want!" She yells trying to take it again. I chuckle bitting at it. She starts sobbing when she sees me doing that.

"You know you could just go to that tub over there and we wouldn't be having this drama in the first place." I tease her seeing her sighing going inside the bathroom. I take the last bite eating it whole.

"N-nooo!" She cries covering her face.

"Hey chill, I have a full one right here." I pick it up showing her. She sniffles looking at me.

"Okay no more take your clothes off so we can start this already." I looked at my watch seeing only fifteen minutes passed away, it was going well the last time it took me an hour.

"No l-look." She points at me.

"Okay, I won't but do you need help?" She shakes her head pointing at me again. I chuckle turning around so she could do it. After I heard her clothes being dropped she went inside the tub.

"Can I turn now?" I asked getting a "yes" in return. I turned around seeing her with her ducky. "Okay wet your hair." She nodded doing as what I told her. I picked up her clothes throwing them on the counter to pick them up later.

Her bath took an hour because she wouldn't listen to me but only kept blowing bubbles at me. I got all wet from her but I'm not complaining because it was fun playing with her.

"Done?" She smiles as I put her robe on her.

"Yes, but I want a fresh kiss right now." She giggled kissing my cheek as she did that she quickly rushed out of the bathroom with her robe not being tied up. She was running around naked again.

"Camila!" I yelled for her but it was already too late she rushed downstairs. I slapped my forehead. I heard screams being heard by the boys sitting downstairs.

"Ahhhhhh! She's naked again!" I hear Drake shouting loudly.

"Jason!" I hear my name from Justin's mouth.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"It's her thing getting naked after a bath I seriously don't know why." I swallow hard not liking how she is.

"Like I said we're gonna take this step by step." He laughs remembering the memory.

"We seriously need to fix that."

"I know."



-Do you guys want any memories for me to write? 🤷🏻‍♀️


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