Rosalina Charming|| Once Upon...

By NutellaEmpress

228K 3.6K 267

What if Emma Swan had a 17 year old older sister, who was taken to Neverland before the Evil Queen's curse? C... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New book
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New Book
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Book
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
New Book
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Books and Updates
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
New Book
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
New Book
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
I'm Sorry
New Username
New Book
Chapter 48
New Book
New Book
New Book
New Book
New Book
Chapter 49
Cover Shop
Chapter 50
New Book
Chapter 51

Chapter 39

1.5K 32 5
By NutellaEmpress

Emma, Neal, Rosalina, Hook, Tinkerbell, Toby, Snow and David were walking to Pan's compound.

"Emma you need to talk to your sister." Toby walked up to Emma.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

"She's gonna stay with your parents here because David can't leave," Toby told her.

Emma looked shocked.

"-and you didn't know they were staying. I should shut up." Toby bowed his head.  

Rosalina saw that David was walking up to talk to Tinkerbell. She took this opportunity to go and talk to her mother.

"I'm staying with you two," Rosalina told her mom.

Snow looked shocked.

"Rosalina you need to go with all of them to Storybrooke." Snow told her.

"No, Emma is going to go back to Storybrooke with Henry because she's his mother and she loves him. I love you guys and I spent 28 years without you and dad. I am not going back to that lifestyle." Rosalina told her.

Before Snow could say anything Emma walked up to them.

"Looks like you and David buried the hatchet," Emma said to Snow.

"Buried? Uh, I don't know. We've at least put it away for now." Snow told her.

"So you two are really gonna stay here with him?" Emma asked.

"Emma-" Rosalina sighed.

"The thought of leaving you, Emma, it kills me. But there's nothing we can do. If David leaves the island, he'll die." Snow told her sadly.

 "So you're just giving up? Family means being together, all of us."  Emma snapped.

"But there's no other way." Rosalina sighed.

 "Maybe this is just this family's hope rubbing off on me, but I don't believe that. There's always a way." Emma told them.

They all heard someone coming from the bushes and positioned their weapons.

It turned out it was just Regina and Gold.

"Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time," Regina spoke up.

Everybody put their weapons away.

 "What are you two doing here?" Emma asked.

 "Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance. Pandora's box. It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid." Regina explained.

 "You didn't tell me my father was with her."'Neal told Emma as he glared at Gold.

"I didn't know," Emma told him.

"Wait, your father is the Dark One?" Tinkerbell asked shocked.

"Yeah, and he's not getting anywhere near Henry." Neal snapped.

"Bae...Why?" Gold looked hurt.

"What are you talking about?" Regina asked.

 "There's a prophecy that says that Henry will be his undoing. He didn't come here to protect him. He came here to kill him." Neal glared at Gold.

Everybody was shocked.

"That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back? Because you knew he'd spill your secret." Regina snapped.

 "Everything I did was to protect Henry, to rescue him from Pan." Gold told them.

"It all makes sense. You left before we even made shore." Emma pulled out her dagger.

"You wanted to get to Henry first-"  David pulled his sword.

"To be on his own-" Hook pulled out his sword.

"In his most vulnerable state-" Toby pulled out his sword.

 "And so no one could stop you-"  Snow positioned her bow and arrow ready to shoot him at any time.

"So you can kill him." Rosalina positioned her bow and arrow ready to shoot him at any time.

 "It's not gonna happen, not unless you go through all of us first." Emma snapped.

 Everybody had their weapons pointed at Gold

"You're making a mistake. I don't care if the boy is destined to be my undoing. I won't hurt him." He told them.

"Because that sounds just like you." Regina snapped.

"Without me, you will fail. I'm the most powerful amongst us." He told them.

"That's why we can't trust you." Neal glared at him.

"If I could give you my dagger, I would. But I can't." Gold told him.

"But you can give me Pandora's box. I don't have to trust you if I could stop you." Neal told him.

"Son-" Gold sighed as he gave Neal the box.

 "Look at me, you so much as lift a finger to perform magic, you're gonna spend an eternity in this box." Neal threatened.

Gold sighed.

"Let's go," Neal told everybody.

They all put back their weapons and began to leave.

At Pan's perimeter

"We're here. Pan's perimeter."  Tinkerbell told them.

"It's time. Tink will sneak us in the back as we planned. We grab Henry. In and out, simple. You good with Pan patrol?" Emma asked Neal.

"Locked and loaded.". Bae told her.

"You mind if I, uh, borrow this?" Gold took a sword from Hook and everybody looked alarmed.

"You said no magic, I agreed. But I'm not walking in there with nothing but my good looks." Gold smirked.

"Now I, on the other hand." Hook smirked.

"Here, in case your good looks fail you." Rosalina rolled her eyes and handed him a dagger.

"Thank you, princess." Hook nodded.

"Let's get Henry,"  Emma said determinedly.

They all were in different bushes and they saw Lost boys talking amongst each other.

Rosalina saw from the corner of her eye, Regina used magic to make the boys go into a deep slumber.

They all came out of the bushes once the lost boys were asleep...

They was no sign of Pan.

"Where's Pan?" Snow asked.

"I don't know. Henry!" Emma yelled.

"He's gotta be somewhere," Rosalina said worriedly.

"Where?" Regina asked

"Help!" They all heard a voice.

They all ran towards the voice.

Once Rosalina reached where the voice was coming from she saw Emma, Neal and a small blonde girl who she immediately recognized.

"Wendy? You're still here?" Rosalina asked shocked.

"Rosalina." Wendy smiled.

"Wait you know Wendy?" Neal asked shocked.

 "You know Wendy?" Rosalina asked equally shocked.

Neal nodded and turned his attention back to Wendy.

"What are you-wh-what are you doing here?" Neal asked.

"Well, I-I came back to save you,"  Wendy told her.

"You did that for me?" Neal asked with a small smile.

"Wait Bae was the boy you were looking for?" Rosalina asked shocked and confused.

Wendy nodded.

"Well now I feel stupid," Rosalina stated.

"You knew about this?" Neal asked Rosalina.

"I didn't know the boy she was looking for was you, I assumed it was one of The Lost Boys who didn't want to go back," Rosalina explained.

Neal took a deep breath and turned back to Wendy.

"Why would you do this Wendy?" Neal asked softly.

"Well, I couldn't bear for you to be without a family, not after you told us that your mother and father were both dead," Wendy explained.

"You told her I was dead?" Gold asked hurt.

"It was easier than telling the truth. My own father abandoned me." Neal stated.

They all were surrounding Wendy as she had a blanket wrapped around her.

"Hey, Wendy, since you've been here, have you seen my son? His name's Henry." Neal told her.

"You have a son?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah, Pan needs his heart," Neal told her.

"Has he said anything about the heart of the truest believer?" Emma asked.

"No, I'm sorry. He never mentioned anything about a heart." Wendy shook her head.

"She's lying. Where is he?" Gold began to approach her dangerously.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell are you doing?" Neal stood in his way.

"I've carried enough lies in my life to recognize their burden. She knows where Henry is." Gold demanded.

"Is that true?" Rosalina asked shocked.

"You don't understand." Wendy shook her head.

"You're helping Pan?" Snow asked shocked.

"He's keeping John and Michael alive, only if I do as he says," Wendy admitted.

Who are John and Michael?.... Rosalina thought.

"Trust me, whatever he's promised, he will go back on his word." Gold told her.

"And why should I trust a man who abandoned his own son?!" Wendy snapped.

There was a moment of silence.

"Because your brothers did," Regina spoke up.

So John and Michael are her brothers... Rosalina thought.

"They trusted a woman named Belle. They helped her get this box so we can defeat Pan." Regina showed her the box.

"They're okay?" Wendy asked relived.

"For now, and only if we succeed," Regina told her.

"Wendy, we will save John and Michael, I swear to God. But right now, I really need your help. Please."  Neal practically begged.

Wendy took a deep breath.

"Pan told Henry that he needs his heart to save magic. But it's a lie. He needs it to save himself." Wendy informed.

"What do you mean?" Toby asked.

"Pan's dying. He needs the heart of the truest believer to absorb all the magic in Neverland. And once he does he will be immortal, all-powerful."  Wendy informed.

"And what happens to Henry?" Emma asked.

"Well, it's a trade. When Pan lives, Henry will die." Wendy told her.

Everybody eyes went wide as Emma stood up protectively.

"How do we stop Pan?" Emma asked.

"Pan took Henry to Skull Rock. But you haven't got much time." Wendy told her.

"Then we stay behind. Someone needs to be here to guard The Lost Boys when they wake up." David spoke up.

"You don't need to stay behind," Emma told him.

"David's right. Rosy go with her for the time being. You get him home, tell him we love him." Snow instructed her daughter.

"Tell him yourself, when you get back from Deadman's Peak. Gold can cure you back in Storybrooke. We just need to bring some of the water with us. And you-" Emma was cut off as Snow hugged.

They all were shocked.

"You didn't give up." Snow smiled after hugging her.

"Thank you." Snow nodded towards Gold.

"Well, apparently, that's the only thanks I need these days." Gold sighed.

"Tink and I will take care of things here. Meet you back at the Jolly Roger when you find Henry."  Hook told them.

"I'm staying with you guys,"  Toby told Hook and Tink.

They both stared at him.

"What? I need to ask you a few questions." Toby nodded towards Tink.

"Promise me if your father and I don't make it back, you get him home." Snow told Emma.

"We're all going back home. Together." Emma took a deep breath.

David kissed her forehead.

"Flower be careful." Toby hugged her.

"I will." Rosalina smiled.

They all walked into Skull Rock and saw Henry's shoes.

"These are Henry's shoes. Wendy was right. They're here." Emma said looking around.

Emma tried to walk further into skull rock but wave magic hit her hard.

"Are you okay?" Neal asked worriedly.

"I think so," Emma grunted in pain.

"What was that?" Neal asked.

"Pan cast a protection spell." Rosalina sighed.

"There has to be a way to break it." Regina made a fireball a threw it at the protection spell but unfortunately, it bounced back and almost hit them.

"Whoa! Careful with that!" Neal yelled.

"Try all you want, but Pan's magic is too powerful. At least for you, " with that Gold easily walked threw the protection spell.

Everybody was shocked.

"Wha-How did you do that?" Neal asked shocked.

"The spell is designed to keep anyone who casts a shadow from entering." Gold explained.

"And you don't have one. You were telling the truth about ripping your shadow off." Neal realized.

"And Pan knows it. That's why he cast the spell he did. This isn't about keeping you out. It's about drawing me in. He knows I won't give up the chance to finish what I came here to do." Gold explained.

"You really did come here to save Henry," Neal said softly.

"I gave you my trust with that box. Now I need you to give it back." Gold told him.

Neal was about to hand over the box when Regina snatched it.

"Hey!" Neal yelled.

"You better come through, Gold. Or I'll make whatever Pan has planned for you look like child's play. You understand me?" Regina threatened.

"Well, a simple 'good luck' would've sufficed." Gold grabbed the box and went his way.
With Tink,Hook and Toby

"So your sure Nova and Grumpy are not my biological parents?" Toby asked.

"I said I'm sure Nova is not your biological mother. Doesn't mean Grumpy can't be your father."  Tink told him.

Neal, Rosalina, Emma, and Regina were just sitting around.

"So what are we supposed to do now?" Regina asked annoyed.

"What about the spell my father used to rip off his shadow?" Neal asked.

"You think if I knew how to do that, I wouldn't have done it already?" Regina gave him a look

"The moon." Emma stared at the moon.

"The moon?" Rosalina questioned.

"The moon is what causes our shadows, right? What if there was a way to block it out using magic?" Emma asked.

"What, you mean like an eclipse? Is that even possible?" Neal asked.

"Maybe." Regina nodded.

"So?" Emma asked wondering why she wasn't doing it already.

"I need help," Regina told her.

"With magic?" Emma asked.

"It requires a lot. I guess we're about to find out how much those lessons I gave you paid off. Follow my lead." Regina instructed.

With both Emma and Regina's magic, they were able to make an eclipse.

"These are the moment where I realise I really miss my magic." Rosalina mumbled.

As Neal, Emma, Regina, and Rosalina walked further into skull rock. Rosalina saw Henry pulling out his own heart.

"He' s pulling out his own heart," Rosalina said in shock.

They all picked up their speed...

"Henry, wait. Whatever Pan's telling you to do, don't do it." Neal spoke up.

"Dad? You're alive?" Henry asked in shock.

"I am, buddy. And I need you to listen to me. Pan is lying to you." Neal told him.

"Oh, a pleasure to see you, too, Baelfire, not to mention the Savior, the Evil Queen and how are you beautiful?"  Pan nodded at everybody but smirked at Rosalina.

"Shut up!" Rosalina snapped.

"Henry, you need to get away from him now. He's trying to hurt you."  Emma told him.

"No, the heart of the truest believer. It's what's gonna save magic. It's gonna save all of you."  Henry told him innocently.

"No, it's not. This was never about magic, Henry. You have to believe us. The only person Pan's interested in saving is himself." Regina snapped.

"That's not true!" Henry shook his head denial.

"Of course it isn't," Pan argued.

"Yes, it is! Pan can't live without you dying. If you give him your heart, it's gonna kill you." Neal told him.

"They're trying to stem your belief, Henry. But don't let them. Remember, every hero gets tested." Pan was manipulating him perfectly.

Rosalina glared at Pan and then took a deep breath.

"Henry I know what being a hero looks like, and this isn't it," Rosalina told the boy softly.

"Why would they lie?" Henry asked Pan.

"Because that's what adults do, Henry. You know that better than anyone."  Pan told him.

"Aunt Rosy's not an adult." Henry pointed out.

"They brainwashed her!" Pan argued.

"Henry, you have to believe us," Emma said softly.

"Your family doesn't care about Neverland, Henry. They know if you give your heart to save it, then you'll have to stay. They're being selfish because they don't wanna lose you." Pan told him.

"Henry, you have to trust us," Regina told him softly.

"Trust?" Pan chuckled.

"I'm the only one who's ever been honest with you, Henry. The only one who ever believed in you. This is your choice. Not theirs. You have to choose now. We're running out of time." Pan was nervously eyeing the sand clock.

"We believe in you, Henry," Neal said softly.

"Because we love you," Emma said softly.

"More than anything," Regina told him as tears were in her eyes.

"And we always will," Rosalina told hin softly.

"I love you, too." Henry smiled at them.

They smiled back at him, lovingly.

"But I have to save magic," Henry said determinedly.

They all began to protest.

"I'm sorry." Henry sighed as he pushed his golden heart into Pan's chest.

"No!" They all yelled.

As Henry did what they feared, he fell down lifeless. And Pan rose up in the sky with a smirk on his face as a wave of magic went through everybody.

Sorry for any errors...        

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