Falling for Riddle

By sparkleshine123

163K 3.9K 1.1K

Tom Morvolo Riddle. The most mysterious boy in school. The "evil" one. The handsome one that no one could hav... More

Falling for Riddle
Chapter 1: Going to Hogwarts!
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: Hogwarts!
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15: Tom's P.O.V
Chapter 16: The Ball
Chapter 17: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 :) ;)

Chapter 5

6.7K 170 57
By sparkleshine123

I woke up feeling better than the night before, I was excited now that I'm in Hogwarts and yet sick of it already.

I'm not who I am. At least not what I think I am. My parents are alive. Somewhere out there. They left me. Should I forgive, for leaving me to deal with all this now?

'No, April. You're being selfish. All parents love their children.' Says a tiny voice from the back of my head. "Then why did they leave me." I reply to that tiny voice.

I slither out of bed and put on my uniform and robes. It was then when I realized we still had an hour till breakfast.

"Aww." I groan as I pat my stomach. I was starving!

I'll just go for a secret stroll then. It's not like I haven't done it before.

I quietly walk out the Gryffindor common room.

Everything was still. Even the pictures were sleeping still. Hogwarts is by far the most fascinating school I've ever been too. 'Duh cause it's Hogwarts silly!' I think to myself.

I stroll into the great big halls with the view of the sea that can be seen from its arches. This would make a nice place to sit and think.

I step over to one of the arches, sit, and lean against the bricks.

The early birds were chirping and the sun was half risen. The smell of fresh dew on all the plants around me filled me with peace and content that I almost forgot all my dilemmas.

"Ehem." A voice said.

I open my eyes and come out of my zen mode and reply with a confused "Huh?"

" 'Yes' is more polite in my opinion." Says Tom.

"Are you following me around?" I asked.

He scoffed. " You!? You think that I, the greatest wizard known to Hogwarts, would be following a stupid, naive little girl like you?!"

His words stung right in my heart.

" I suppose you're the one Dumbeldore's keeping to follow me around and see what I'm up to, huh?" He says.

"Ex-cuuse me, but YOU are the one talking to ME. I have NO intention of following YOU around anymore. In fact I never have, and Dumbeldore never told me anything."

This was making me mad, with the mood I was already in.

"You know what? I don't even care anymore that you're a cruel, heartless murderer, or that you torture a young boy just in the old potions room! What is it you want from him anyway?! I don't care! I have my own life to figure out, of how my parents have left me heartlessly, and who the hell I really am?!" I yelled once more hoping to have caused him to feel something.

But all I saw from him was a straight, totally normal, face. With dark almond eyes looking at me gently. He showed no sign of shock or sadness or any kind of emotion. Only a silent stare.

For a second there I felt like asking him what was wrong with him, but that would have been too rude, too rude to ask for me.

My eyes burn as he stares into them. His cold solid stare.

"How. How did you know?" He asks cooly but sharp and exact.

"Know what?" I ask sheepishly.

His eyes widened and then went back to normal, his eyebrow moved up, and then back down.

Something told me I didn't even need to tell him. He already knew.

As if... as if...he read my mind. HE READ MY MIND?!

"Tom- I mean Riddle, I-I know what you think, but I swear I never told any of it to anyone! Don't go to hurt him anymore! Please!" I beg him. Not for me. I don't care what happens to me. That poor helpless boy though.

Tom began to walk down the hall.

"Tom! Wait!!" I jump and grab his robes and tried pull him back. He was a strong as a lion. I could not hold him back. What I ended up doing was to drag behind him.

"Tom, whatever it is you want, this is not the way! Tell me, I might know...Just don't hurt him!"

He stopped. " You?! You barely know a thing! You're pathetic. You think risking your life is brave? It's ridiculous. And what's he to you? Finding yourself falling for a Mudblood?"

"I don't risk. I don't care. Ever since I was a child, I had no purpose. I never was told anything, and I'm 16 and just finding out that my parents are still alive. I'm helpless, and I know I don't even deserve to come to Hogwarts," why was I telling him all this? "Do whatever you want to me, don't hurt others."

"Parents. Useless, and heartless. Guessing you just figured that out?"

"My parents aren't heartless!" I defend. "They love me!"

"Oh yeah? Then why'd they abandoned you? The things I want, you wouldn't understand. So leave me alone. Dumbeldore probably sent you to follow me around and see what I'm up to. Didn't he?"

I didn't respond.

"Didn't he?" He asked sternly.

"Yes." I whisper under my breath. "But Tom, I never told him anything. Please let me help you."

By saying this, it means I am rejecting Dumbeldores offer for in trade of Riddles scheme was my memories and childhood...

"I don't need your help. I don't need anyone's help. Now leave."

"Bu-" I begin.

"No. April, leave."

He pronounced my name so smoothly.

"No, I can't." I tell him. "Sorry." I look up at him.

"I warned you." He whispers. He raises his wand, and his mouth starts moving.

I quickly get out my wand and say, "Petrificus Totalus!"

He moved his wand and made a barrier, which blocked my spell.

"Expelliarmus!" He says and I get thrown across the open halls. I come down to the ground with a thud.

I get up and say, " Expelliarmus!"

We casted our spells at the same time cause the light coming from our wands crashed together.

And the orange strikes from mine were winning over his blue.

Suddenly, Dumbeldore ran into the halls, and with a snap of his fingers, the power and light from our wands faded, and disappeared.

"Miss April! Mr. Riddle! Please! No dueling with other students! 50 points from Slytherin and Gryffindor! And detention, for both of you. I hope this teaches you two a lesson. Now off you go and please, I don't want to see this kind of behaivior, especially with two of my well respected students!"

Tom had his head down and drifted past me. I followed him with a distance back into the castle.

I need to know what he is trying to do. What is he trying to get? I need to find out and try to help him myself, help him stop what he's doing now.

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