The Transfer Student (highsch...

By dimensions_opener

626K 7.6K 9.6K

Let's just say there is a person stronger than everyone in the universe. Read to find out more. *I do not own... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
story up for adoption
Im tearing up

chapter 15

17.4K 219 240
By dimensions_opener

Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD.

Chapter XV – A Gracious Friend, A Terrible Enemy

The Underworld. There are many names for it. Hell being the most popular nowadays. A place of ever burning flames and darkness. It is said that only the wicked and the most despicable of beings reside there to be punished for their sins.

That's what most people believe. That Hell was the place where people who did very bad things go to live in eternal pain.

And they would be right. Just not the whole never ending inferno and blackness.

The truth was, Hell was but a small part of the Underworld. It was actually not that different from the human world. It had blossoming flora and fauna of its own kind.

And the inhabitants of it, the devils, were a little bit stereotyped. It was true that some devils have been a bit naughty but not all were as evil and despicable as human imagination played them out to be.

They were actually quite civilized with some flaws but that was to be expected.

And in the residence of one of the current Maous, Sirzechs Lucifer, formerly Gremory, it was just one of those days.

Ever since the end of the Great War and the deaths of the original Satans, he and his other Maous had been working tirelessly to rebuild their home and move on.

Right now, Sirzechs was lazing around in his chair. It was rare for him to get some rest and relaxation and by his namesake, he'll enjoy every last second of it.

The past few hours, he had been busy with all the burdens one would expect from governing an entire race. It gets pretty tiring.

But at least Grayfia wasn't here to kick his ass.

"My lord Sirzechs. Are you lazing around again?" Hearing the very familiar voice of his wife, the devil king's eyes shot open before sitting up straighter.

"What? No, I'm not." He chuckled nervously but he saw Grayfia staring at him with an unreadable expression and he gulped. "Okay, I was. But I was done with my work. See?"

Grayfia looked at his desk and saw that it was surprisingly neat and it looked like he was indeed done with his duties. Nodding, the strongest queen returned her gaze to her king. "My apologies Lord Sirzechs. But there is an urgent matter I wish to speak to you."

He raised a curious brow, interested at what his wife and maid was about to say. Nodding his consent, Sirzechs listened closely.

"As per your orders, I went to the human world to inform Lady Rias of her impending marriage with Lord Riser." She said and her king frowned slightly.

It was a mistake to write that marriage contract and he knew it. At the time, the idea wasn't so bad. There aren't many pureblood devils left in existence so him, his father, and Lord and Lady Phoenix had come up with a marriage contract between Rias and Riser.

The devil king knew Rias would be upset with them for putting this on her, but he thought that she would accept it. After all, the Phoenix clan hadn't rubbed him off in the wrong way.

The majority of them were humble, polite, and agreeable people. Of course, there are some flaws but it was minor in comparison. So, it seemed like a good idea to arrange the marriage.

Sirzechs had thought that Riser would he just like his mother and father when he grows up. But things didn't go that way. They boy became arrogant and, for the lack of a better term, an asshole.

And from the moment those two had met, how Riser treated his sister, Sirzechs had decided then and there to terminate the marriage agreement.

He had talked to his parents about this, but even if they did want out of the marriage, it was not to be.

Since then, the devil king had been thinking of a plan for Rias to get out of it. And now, he may have the answer.

"And what became of it?" He asked.

"Rias has accepted the challenge. She will face Riser in a Rating game." Grayfia reported and Sirzechs smiled, internally whooping in joy.

'All right, that takes care of the first part.' He thought to himself. Even though he wanted this to happen, there was no way in the Seven Levels of Hell that Rias would win.

In the possibility that she did, then she was free and clear. But if she lost, the. Sirzechs would move on to the second part of his grand scheme.

"And what of her pawn? Is he devoted enough?"

Grayfia nodded. "Yes, my lord. He is more than devoted."

"Good, good." The devil king murmured. "If she fails to claim victory over Riser, then he is our last chance to free my sister from this that I foolishly agreed to." He sighed.

It was the only chance they had left if Rias fails to secure a victory. From his queen's last report, Issei was the Red Dragon Emperor and he was loyal to a fault to the Gremory heiress.

Though it was a little irritating to hear that Grayfia had caught them from almost doing the deed. Sirzechs knew his sister was desperate to get out of this, but come on, she didn't have to lose her virginity just yet.

That aside, he could only hope that Issei had already awakened his gear and would be enough to stop this.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about, Grayfia?" The devil king asked.

"Yes, a human has learned of our existence." She replied seriously but her king failed to see what was the problem.

Giving a slight smirk, Sirzechs chuckled. "My queen, there are a number of humans that think devils and angels are real. Usually, they're seen as religious lunatics and get thrown into an mental health hospital."

The strongest queen sighed. Well, she couldn't say that she was surprised to hear that, she actually expected it.

"That may be, Lord Sirzechs, but this human knows weexists. Lady Rias confirmed it."

Though it was still a small matter in his eyes, he nonetheless looked at his wife. A human that knows they exists? Well, it isn't uncommon. There are plenty of humans that know the supernatural exists, they just keep their mouths shut.

That and a simple memory alteration spell would do the trick.

"All right, Grayfia. What about this human?" If Grayfia was this serious about this, then Sirzechs had to hear her out. Or else...

"Not long after Lady Rias and Lord Riser begun there...talks, another boy came in. And then he casually asked Rias if we were devils. She responded in the affirmative, and that strikes me as suspicious."

The devil king listened closely. He takes it back, this was no small matter. Why would Rias answer that kind of question knowing that it would compromise her identity? "I assume you asked Rias about this?"

She nodded. "Yes, once Lord Riser had left, I asked Lady Rias to explain who that was."

"And what have you learned?"

"His name is Kyuren Kaizer Avynzen, a recent transfer student from Norway. Top of his class in NTNU, and captain of the school's martial arts club. But that's not the most interesting part."

Sirzechs said nothing but motioned for Grayfia to continue. Wondering what she would say.

"On the night Lady Rias intended to reincarnate Issei, Kyuren had battled and defeated a fallen angel with his own bare hands." Grayfia said.

The devil king had to admit, he was impressed with that human. Defeating a fallen angel is no small feat and from a teenager, no doubt.

"I admit, that is impressive. But that begs the question." Sirzechs leaned back on his chair. "What's so special about him?"

Grayfia sighed. "It's his strength, my lord. Lady Rias had told me that he took three hits from her rook and didn't feel a thing. And...almost crushed Issei's Sacred Gear."

At this revelation, Sirzech's eyes widened in surprise. Sacred Gears were created by the Biblical God and sealed within them were some of the most powerful and fearsome creatures in existence - dragons.

It was extremely difficult to destroy one. Hell, even the lower tier ones can take an enormous amount of punishment before they are rendered useless. But a Longinus-class Sacred Gear? Even if it was in its sealed form, it would take an extremely powerful being to damage it, much less crush it.

Only those of immense power could do that like top tier gods and super devils like Sirzechs.

To hear that someone - a human no less - had almost crushed a Sacred Gear was unheard of. By all accounts, it should not be possible. No human was that strong!

"Astounding." Sirzechs muttered in slight disbelief before his expression turned serious. "What is he after? Is he a threat?"

Grayfia shook her head. "No, not at the moment. Rias told me that he has no intention of getting involved in our affairs. He is also close with Lady Sona and her peerage and has actually beaten her in a game of chess."

Sirzechs was slightly relieved that this human posed no immediate threat as of now, but he was pleasantly surprised to hear that Sona had lost to him in chess. 'Oh, Serafall would love to hear this.' He chuckled to himself.

That aside, Sirzechs had to wonder. Why didn't Rias inform him about this development? Better yet, why hasn't she erased his memory yet? The last time the devil king checked, Rias can do that kind of magic just fine.

But now was not the time. Sirzechs would deal with this soon enough, but first he had to get his sister out of this stupid marriage.

"You're asking me to do what?" Kyuren asked, looking directly at the Gremory heiress with a slight scowl.

"I'm asking you to train my peerage." Rias repeated. "Out of all of us, including me and Sona, you're easily the strongest being here. I want need you to help me prepare for my battle against Riser."

It had been a day since his little visit to the ORC and Kyuren was already regretting it. He was just minding his own business doing his school and homework, and was about to go get some lunch before he got a message from Sona to meet her at the Council room.

Surprise, surprise, Rias and her entire gang was there. And she asked to train her group.

"Didn't I tell you that I will not be getting involved in any of your business?" Kyuren raised a brow. He definitely remembered telling them that.

Rias sighed. "Yes, I know. But this is important. You have to help us prepare for the Rating game against Riser. I only have ten days."

She needed to win this. This was the only shot the Gremory heiress had to escape this predicament. While most of her peerage would be able to hold their own, it was Issei that was the problem.

"My answer is no, Rias." Kyuren said adamantly. "And besides the point, I am not a devil. So I'm not privy to assist you.

"Are you that heartless?" Issei growled. "Rias is about to be married to that pig and you're not going to do anything?!"

Kyuren narrowed his eyes at Issei who flinched back. "Tell me, Rias. Did you know the entire time?" He turned back to the Gremory heiress who was slightly fidgeting. "Have you known since the beginning that you were marrying that Riser?"

Sona just watched the exchange unfolding before her. She could understand the desperation her friend was in. The Sitri heiress herself was, more or less, in the same position once before.

Rias hesitated and shuffled her feet before finally sighing. "Yes...I had."

"And how long have you known about it?"

"...Ten years."

The raven haired teen inclined his head. "And in those ten years, you didn't think to get to know the rules, tactics, and strategies of the rating game? You didn't think to study your opponent's moves and find his weaknesses?"

She opened her mouth but no words were formed. Slowly, Rias closed her mouth. "...I...I didn't. I thought my brother could find a way." She said weakly.

Hearing this, Kyuren help but palm his face. What was this girl thinking? Relying on her brother to get her out of this? Couldn't she have thought of her own way to get out of this?!

"Just because your brother is some kind of high figure or something doesn't mean you always have to count on him. Especially in these kinds of situations. You had ten years, Rias." Kyuren shook his head in disappointment.

"Well, I'm sorry, Kyuren." Rias said. "I didn't want to do anything with him." She reasoned.

"But that doesn't mean you should ignore it." The raven haired teen retorted. "I'm sure these rating games have some kind of recording of previous battles." He turned to Sona. "Right?" The Sitri heiress nodded. "It never crossed your mind to study those recording? To get some insight? To find out his tactics and his weaknesses? Anything that can give you an edge?"

Rias wanted to retort. To say something, anything. But the truth was, she had nothing to say. She had thought that her brother could get her out of this and had just stayed away from the Underworld.

But Kyuren was right. She should've been smart about this. She should've prepared for this kind of eventuality. The rating game was the most obvious way to go, but the Gremory heiress did nothing.

"No...I didn't."

Kyuren sighed and sank in the couch. "So, you were planning on just winging it. You do realize you have every disadvantage there is. You are outnumbered, outgunned, and you terribly lack experience."

"Hey, don't talk about that to Rias!" Issei shouted. "If you won't help us, fine! I'll win this thing for Rias. She'll never marry that creep!"

Rias looked at her pawn in gratitude, but...despite Issei's determination...the chances of winning were very low.

Kyuren scoffed. "You? Win this fight? How? You don't even know how to fight. All you do is charge at your opponent half-cocked and hope you hit something. Yes, you'll definitely win this all right." He said sarcastically.

Kiba and Akeno scowled at him, but really couldn't deny it. Issei didn't know shit about how to fight.

The pervert glared at Kyuren in anger. "At least I'm willing to do something about it. What about you?! You'll just sit back and watch like you let Asia die. Are you really that heartless?"

Really? Did this idiot still blame him for his little nun's death? Kyuren gave the perverted ingrate a flat look. "Need I remind you that is was your fault she's dead? And it isn't being heartless, it's being smart. Something you know very little about."

Issei was about to open his uneducated mouth again, but the raven haired teen wouldn't have it. "You have determination, I'll give you that much." Everyone, including Issei, was surprised that he actually complimented him. "But determination can only go so far without the necessary strength. Something you're clearly lacking in." And there it is.

Ignoring Issei who was fuming, Kyuren turned to Rias. "I'm sorry, Rias, but I won't train your peerage. I can not afford to gain any more attention from the supernatural world. I don't want it, and I don't need it."

Hearing this, the Gremory heiress gulped. She knew she should've told Grayfia that. "I understand, Kyuren." She said dejectedly before standing up. "Thank you for your time." She gave a small bow before turning around to leave.

With Kyuren unwilling to help her, what was she going to do now?

Kyuren turned and saw that Sona was staring at him intensely. He raised a curious brow and saw her nod her head towards Rias as if saying that he should at least give her something.

Groaning on the inside, the raven haired teen called out to the Gremory heiress. "Rias, wait." She stopped just before she could reach the door and turned around to look at Kyuren. "I won't train you, but I'll give you some advice."

It's not what she was hoping for but Rias will take anything than nothing. "Okay."

"The way I see it, if you face Riser directly, you will lose. Use hit and run tactics, wear them down before taking them out and don't be afraid to play dirty. Also, use the time you have left to familiarize yourself with the rules of the rating game. Study your opponent and find his weaknesses by any means necessary. This is the best I can do. You dug this grave of yours, now go dig yourself out."

"If you don't want to help Rias, then fine." Issei said. "We don't need your stupid-" Before he could go any further, Rias raised her hand to stop him.

"That's enough, Issei." She commanded sternly. Her pawn looked like he wanted to say more but one look from the Gremory heiress forced him to begrudgingly withdraw.

Shaking her head, Rias turned back to Kyuren. "Thank you for your advice. I'll be sure to heed them well." The raven haired teen nodded and she turned to leave.

Once they were out of the door, Kyuren let out a sigh. "That was a bit harsh, Kyuren." He heard Sona speak.

"Harsh as it was, it had to be done." He replied. "She had known it for about a decade. Assuming that Rias knows about the rating game, she should've at least familiarize herself with the rules and know every loophole for that eventuality."

Sona had to agree with that sentiment. She was engaged to the one of the most arrogant young devils and had done virtually nothing to prepare to get out of it.

A rating game was a possible outcome and Rias knew it. She had confided with the Sitri heiress that maybe Issei could help with that problem so she made him one of her servants.

She had never heard of a more absurd idea before. Sure Issei may have a Sacred Gear, but he has no knowledge of using it. Not to mention that he was virtually useless in a fight against an experienced devil of the rating game.

'As much as I hate to admit it, Rias brought this upon herself.' Sona thought to herself. She should've prepared in those ten years for this kind of situation.

"I can't deny that." The Sitri heiress conceded softly. "What do you think are her chances of winning?" She asked to everyone.

Tsubaki seemed unsure. "I don't know." She said as Tsubasa and Reya shook their head.

"I'd say, not good." Saji sighed and looked at Kyuren. "They're screwed, aren't they."

The raven haired teen nodded slowly. "Unless they can pull off some kind of miracle, then yes, they're screwed. I have no idea how Rias is going to pull this off. The odds are just too great."

The others couldn't help but agree. Rias was in deep shit and even Sona couldn't find a way out of it. Though victory was still a possibility, it was a verysmall possibility.

It was just like Kyuren said, unless they can pull off a miracle, they would lose. It was the five of them against sixteen experienced devils; it was looking bleak.

Just then, Kyuren's phone vibrated and he got it out to see. Opening it up, he saw that it was an email. Bit not just any email, it was his delivery.

Sona saw him slowly smile and grew curious. "Something the matter, Kyuren?" She asked and everyone looked at the now smiling Kyuren.

"The final piece is here." He simply said before standing up. Though the others didn't know what he was talking about, Sona knew what it was and nodded. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go to class."

Seeing a nod of consent, he went on his way leaving Sona to answer some questions.

"What's he talking about that final piece?" Saji asked.

"It's about out project." She simply replied and the blonde pawn groaned.

"Aw, you two are killing me. Can't you just give me a hint?" He pleaded. He was really curious to what it was and the whole group shared in his curiosity and looked at Sona expectantly.

The Sitri heiress was unaffected by it and just gave a simple answer. "It's something special."


Several days later, we find Kyuren once again at Sona Sitri's household. More specifically, the basement and their workshop.

He had already completed the gauntlets yesterday and they were in complete working order. Now the next thing that needed to be done was the power source, or his own version of the arc reactor.

Right now, the raven haired teen was working on the reactor as a small metal container sat on the side of his work table. This was the core, the most important part of the reactor. Without it, he might as well be making a very complicated paper weight.

All in all, everything was going fine. The core components were nearing completion and after he had completed this, Kyuren can focus on the other slightly less critical components.

Like the exosystems, and the proper wirings and circuitry.

Looking over to his back, he saw his partner working tirelessly on her own part. Sona told him that she was very close to a full connection and that it would be ready in a few more days.

His response was that she could take all the time she needed. This connection needed to be absolutely perfect and there was no want nor need to rush this.

Besides, they still had two or so months left. And it was certainly more than enough time for them at this point.

Kyuren smiled before turning back to his own work.

Now, with regards to other matters, the ORC had taken leave on all school activities for two weeks. Whatever their excuse was, the raven haired teen could honestly care less.

Sona had told him that Rias and her peerage would be training in that time.

He had nothing against the young woman, but she should've seen this coming. She had ten years to see it coming. This was her problem and Kyuren absolutely had no desire in intervening.

If the Gremory heiress somehow managed to get out of this, then good for her. If not, then it was all on her.

And then there was Issei. The boy had heart, he'll give him that much. But it was all directed at the wrong reasons. That idiot had proclaimed to Kyuren's face that he would win.

The raven haired boy shook his head. It would take a miracle for that moron to win against that Riser fellow. Hell, he would be lucky if he made it out of there in one piece.

In Kyuren's eyes, the boy didn't even stand half of half of a chance. All Hyoudou was concerned about was his insulting obsession of the female anatomy.

And the real kicker was him saying that Rias would never marry a creep like Riser. Like he was no different. Guys like them give guys who had even a shred of decency a bad reputation.

"Sona, do you have time to talk?" He asked.

"I have." His partner replied, her eyes not leaving the screens and holograms. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I'm curious. If you don't mind, tell me about yourself."

As soon as she heard this, the Sitri heiress stopped her typing. Her partner just asked her what was her life like. It wasn't really that interesting, but…Kyuren did tell her his own story so it was only fair for her to do the same.

Besides…to some extent, she trusts him.

"I don't mind at all." She consented with a sigh. "I was the second born child of the Sitri clan. My sister was supposed to be the heir but that title was passed onto me when she was named one of the four Maous."

Kyuren hummed in thought. "And how did you react when you learned you were the heir?"

"At first, pride." Sona admitted. "I was named heir apparent for one of the major clans in the Underworld, and I would be representing them."

It was true, there was no denying that anyone who was named an heir apparent to an entire clan would feel pride swell with them. Sona was no different. After all, she was young then.

"But then I learned early on that being the head of a clan was not easy." Sona said. "There were many things expected of me. How I should perform, how I should act…even how I was supposed to live my life. All of them were scrutinized."

The raven haired teen stopped what he was doing and peered at Sona. He didn't know what it felt like, having your life controlled to an extent. Being pampered to being the next head was good and all, but there was also the need for room to breathe.

True, he was also treated like this with his parents, but not to this point. They were lenient to their son so long as he knew what was expected of him.

"It must be hard, huh?"

Sona nodded. "Yes, I've accepted my role as the next head once my father and mother step down and deem me ready. Being an heir to a devil clan comes with its pressures, and I am expected to act my title."

"Does it get to you?"

"Sometimes." Sona shrugged, turning away from her work for the time being to face her partner. "It's not easy. Most young devil heirs like myself tend to let the prestige go to their heads and become arrogant. An example would be Riser."

Kyuren huffed in agreement before smirking. "Well, I guess I'm lucky you didn't turn out like him." He chuckled in good nature.

"Yes, very lucky." The two shared some light laughter for a few seconds before Sona continued her talk. "And another thing about being an heir, is that sooner or later I need to produce heirs myself."

The smirk on Kyuren's face slowly faded into a frown. Oh, he understood what that meant. "You're to marry someone." He stated.

Sighing, Sona gave a nod. "You have to understand, Kyuren. Devils produce offspring at an incredibly slow rate; that's why the evil piece system was conceived. But we pureblood devils must replenish our numbers. That was the reason why Rias and Riser were arranged to be married."

It didn't sit well with him, but he could understand the reasons for it. When a species is close to extinction, the few that remain had to copulate or be lost forever.

"So...are you engaged to someone?" Kyuren asked.

Thankfully, Sona shook her head. "Thank the Satans, no. My parents once tried to have me married to another young devil but I would have none of it. Long story short, I managed to cancel the engagement before anything could happen."

She wasn't about to tell him that only someone she considered her equal and could beat her in a game of chess would Sona consider as her husband. Kyuren was her equal and had beaten her in chess numerous times...he didn't need to know that.

Sona's cheeks became flushed and hid them behind her coffee mug, pretending to take a sip. What was she thinking? She couldn't possibly be considering Kyuren to be her husband?!

It wasn't possible. Well...a devil having a relationship with a human or any other race was not uncommon, but it was frowned upon. Especially for an heiress of a major clan. If Kyuren was reincarnated to a devil, then there was maybe a chance but-

Before she could finish the thought, Sona mentally slapped herself. 'No, don't think of such things. This is just two friends having a conversation. I am not starting to like him.' She thought to herself as her heart raced.

"So, tell me about your family." He requested and Sona breathed a sigh of relief that the subject was changed.

"Well, my father's name is Claudius Sitri and mother's is Inza Sitri once of the now extinct Valefor family. I have an older sister named Serafall but she gave up the name of Sitri to become Serafall Leviathan, one of the four devil kings."

"What can you tell me about them?"

Sona hummed in thought before they made themselves comfortable in their seats seeing as they were more focused on having a conversation.

"My parents are strict but they are also kind and loving people. They were arranged to be married by their clan heads upon their birth, but fortunately, they grew close to one another over the years."

Kyuren saw the slight smile appearing on Sona face and couldn't help but think she was cute when she was like that. "Hmm, kind of romantic."

The Sitri heiress nodded. "Yes. Not long after they were married, they had their first child. My elder sister, Serafall. And she doesn't exactly act her...age."

He didn't know what she was referring to but judging from her expression, it was something...unusual. "That bad?"

How did he guess that correctly, she didn't know. But nevertheless, Sona nodded. "She wants to be a magical girl and even has her own TV program to prove it." She sighed with a shake of her head.

"A magical girl? Your older sister wants to be a magical girl?" Kyuren chuckled humorously. "Well, she's got the magic part covered. All she needs now is a costume and one of those staffs with some emblem on it." He chuckled some more until he saw Sona hung her head. " don't mean..?"

"Yeah...she does."

The raven haired teen whistled. "Um, wow. Your sister's got some interesting tastes."

Sona blushed in embarrassment. "I know."

The two just sat there in silence, both doing nothing. The silence wasn't tense or anything, it was just calming. Sona took a chance and looked at Kyuren and he gave her a small smile.

She returned the small gesture while trying to suppress a blush. Why was this happening to her? She shouldn't be developing feelings for him.

Before things could go any further, there was a knock on the door that drew their attention. "Lady Sona, Master Kyuren. Lunch is ready." One of the servants called over.

"We'll be right there." Sona returned and then turned to Kyuren. "Well, it looks like we spent more time talking than working."

Her partner just waved her off. "It's of no consequence, we still have plenty of time. And I find it quite relaxing talking with you." He said before standing up to go get his sleeping kitten, unaware that Sona was a little flustered.

"Pip? Kom igjen, Pip, er det tid for litt lunsj." ("Pip? Come on, Pip, it's time for some lunch.") He lightly shook the little kitten on the sofa before she stirred with a cute yawn.

He smiled when she lazily bounded over to his hand and placed her on his head. She fell asleep again. 'What am I going to do with you.'

Turning around, Kyuren walked to where Sona was waiting for him at the door. "Shall we?" Sona nodded and the two went out of the door. "And thanks for the talk."

"It was my pleasure." She couldn't help but smile slightly.

This has got to be the worst day of Rias' life. She lost. She and her peerage lost in their rating game against Riser. Now, here the Gremory heiress was, wrapped in the arms of her...fiancé at their engagement party.

She could feel Riser roaming her body and that made her skin crawl in a bad way.

In the days before the rating game, Rias and her peerage trained hard. Heeding Kyuren's words, she researched all she can about the rating game. Every tactic, every strategy, anything that she could get her hands on.

When the day finally came, Rias believed that against all odds, they could do it. They could win. Like what Kyuren said, they used hit and run tactics.

Wearing their opponents down being taking them out.

But even so, one by one, Rias's servants began falling. The numbers were just too much.

In the end, it was just her and Issei left against Riser and his queen Yubelluna. Issei had foolishly tried to take them on by himself only to almost get killed.

And even when he awakened his Sacred Gear which turned out to be the legendary Boosted Gear, a Longinus-class fear that held the potential of surpassing God, it was still not enough.

Rias had to surrender or one of her servants would've been killed.

But still, she was proud of them. Kiba, Akeno, Koneko, and Issei. The five of them managed to take out most of Riser's own. Rias couldn't ask for a better peerage.

Now though, she would have to endure a life together with Riser. She looked over to her brother, pleading with her eyes for him to do something only for Sirzechs to smile at her.

'So...this is how it ends for me.' Rias sobbed to herself. Though deep down, she was praying to anyone to save her.

"Don't be so gloomy, my dear." Riser said. "This is supposed to be the happiest day of our lives, you should enjoy it."

She gave him a subtle glare from her peripheral vision. "I will honor my end of the agreement, but make no mistake. This is not the happiest day of my life."

"You'll change your tone once we are wed."

At their sides, the Gremory and Phenix clans were present. Sirzechs stood where his family was including his wife and their young son, Millicas, who was beside his mother.

The young Gremory looked at his father. "Papa, mama, why is Aunt Rias mad?"

Sirzechs looked at his son and gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about your aunt. It will all work out in the end." Though reluctantly, his son nodded and the devil king sighed.

Grayfia looked at her son and then to her husband. "Are you sure this is wise, my lord?" She whispered. She knew what Sirzechs was planning but…could it really work?

"…Truthfully…I don't know." He replied. "But it's the only chance we have to get Rias out."

Among the guests were Rias' servants stood in formal attire for this joyous event. They had failed to beat Riser and now, their king and friend was going to marry someone against her will.

Kiba clenched his fists in irritation. This wasn't supposed to go down if he didn't get taken out. The same sentiment was shared by Akeno and Koneko.

They had trained like hell for ten days, they had prepared all they can. But it still wasn't enough. They still weren't strong enough.

"This is bad. There must be something we could do." Akeno muttered. Her eyes alit with anger at how Riser was all but groping her friend in front of them.

"I wish we could, but we can't." Kiba hated to say that but it needed to. "I can't think of a way to get Rias out."

Koneko just remained silent. She too was feeling bad. Ever since she witnessed Kyuren's strength far outclassed her own, she had stepped up her training had gotten considerably stronger.

But it wasn't enough. The only reason why she was taken out of the battlefield was that the Nekoshou got careless and got hit from the back. And it didn't help that she was the first of them to fall.

She clenched her fists in frustration. If she didn't get careless and watched her back, she would've retired more of that prick's pieces. 'Forgive me, Rias.'

Further away in the back of the chamber leaning on one of the pillars was a young man with black hair and violet eyes. He is tall and has a muscular build. This was Sairaorg Bael, heir to the Bael family and regarded as the Strongest Youth.

He was staring at Rias and Riser with a mixture of displeasure and sorrow. He and the Gremory heiress may not get along all the time, but she was his cousin and didn't want her to become a trophy for anyone.

Especially to Riser.

Sairaorg had asked his father if there was a way to cancel the wedding but Lord Bael said that it was impossible for them to. This was between the Gremory and Phenex clans and even if the Bael clan was ranked first in stature, they had no pull in this.

And even Sirzechs, his other cousin was powerless to stop this because of that stupid law he passed that the Four Satans could not interfere with clan affairs.

The Strongest Youth sighed, there was no getting out of this for Rias. If there was, he couldn't see it. But even so, he plans to have a little chat with Riser in private. 'If he even thinks of hurting her, I will come for him.'

Just then, the doors burst open and every head turned to it and saw that a brown haired boy there with two guards lying unconscious. Most didn't know who this was but Rias knew.


Issei gave her king a smile. "Hey, Rias! You ready to bust this joint?"

Riser growled in rage. How dare this piece of filth ruin his engagement party. "You insolent low-class filth! Who do you think you are to interrupt this event?!"

"You want an introduction, here it is!" Issei raised up his right arm that held the legendary Boosted Gear. "I'm Issei Hyoudou, loyal servant to Rias Gremory, and I'm here to bring her back to where she belongs! No one's going to take her virginity but me!"

His declaration was met with immediate disapproval, especially to any self-respecting woman here.

Grayfia narrowed her eyes at this boy. This was the one who Sirzechs was relying on to free his sister? He was even worse than Riser. Fortunately, she had the foresight to cover her son's ears.

Even if she was a servant of the Gremory clan, Grayfia wanted to preserve her son's innocence for a bit longer. Mother instincts.

Even Sirzechs' smile faltered a little. He wasn't expecting that. This boy may be their last hope, but over his dead body was his sister going to lose her virginity this early!

In the crowd, Sona Sitri along with her peerage face palmed with a groan of disapproval.

"He just had to blurt it out." Saji grumbled. Issei just stooped to a whole new low.

"You expected anything less?" Tsubasa asked, sporting an embarrassed blush.

'I can't believe this fool would say that. In front of so many high ranking devils.' Sona thought to herself. If Hyoudou was making a play to free Rias, then by all means. But he didn't have to scream to the heavens his intentions afterwards!

At first, Sairaorg was glad that someone had come to save his cousin. He was even impressed at this newcomer's courage at talking like that in front of the devil king.

But then he just had to say that.

Rias felt embarrassed by Issei's claim to her virginity and Riser was just furious. "H-How dare you!"

Ravel was just plain disgusted. "W-What the hell? This creep's disgusting."

"Guards, seize him!" Riser commanded as numerous armored guards surrounded the Gremory Pawn.

"As embarrassing as that was. I think we should get back in it." Akeno suggested. Well, Issei had an interesting way of expressing his desires.

"Yeah, let's do this." Kiba readily agreed.

The young Nekoshou glared daggers at their resident pervert for what he said. Once this was over, she was going to give him a hard beat down. But she'll stay her fists for now. For Rias' sake.


The three of them sprang into action and took on most of the guards surrounding Issei. "Don't worry, buddy. We got your back. Now go get Rias." Kiba said as he took down a guard with his sword.

"You got it! Thanks guys!" He replied before charging closer to the podium where Riser and Rias were.

The Gremory heiress was overjoyed that Issei had come to rescue her while Riser was feeling humiliated. He had won Rias' hand in marriage fair and square! This was injustice!

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Lord Riser, is this your doing?"

Numerous comments from the devils only furthered Riser's shame.

Sirzechs decided that it was time for his plan to take flight. "Riser had nothing to do with this. I arranged for all of this." Everyone turned to the devil king in shock. "I thought a little bit of entertainment was in order for my sister's wedding."

Issei stared at the man who spoke. "Who's that guy?"

Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko came beside him after they handled the guards. "He is the great devil king Lucifer. And Rias's brother." The Gremory knight explained and Issei looked at him surprised.

"Rias' brother?!" He returned his gaze towards Sirzechs. "And he's Lucifer too."

Despite him being his Maou, Riser glared at Sirzechs. "And what exactly do you mean by entertainment, my lord?" Respect be damned.

Ignoring his disrespectful tone, the crimson devil smiled. "To be honest, Riser, I was a bit unsatisfied with how your battle with my sister went on. A young devil of such experience was nearly brought close to defeat by a first timer."

The Phenex scion gritted his teeth. "It's the end result that matters, my lord."

"True, but that was in the past." Sirzechs chuckled. "After all, I can't imagine what your family must be thinking when you almost lost to an amateur of the rating game. I, for one, think you should be given another chance to redeem yourself. And besides, it's not every day we hold events like this. I'm in the mood for some theatrics."

Even though Sirzechs was calm on the outside, he was getting nervous on the inside. For his plan to work, he had to coax Riser to agree to this. That's why he was doing this.

Turning to Issei, he gave a smirk. "You, there." He pointed to his sister's pawn. "In the rating game, you unlocked your Sacred Gear, the Legendary Boosted Gear. An item that has the potential to surpass even the Biblical God in time."

Hearing this, Issei looked at his right arm. 'So, that is what I can do with this? Don't worry, Rias. With this, I'll get you out.'

"And I, for one, would like to see if you will truly live up to your title as the Red Dragon Emperor." The Crimson devil continued. "That's why I had Grayfia make the necessary arrangements."

Riser cursed wildly in his mind. Who does he think he is? Even if Sirzechs is his Maou, he had no right to interfere with this! But then, a thought came to him and Riser smirked. 'So, he's counting on me to let my pride get the better of my judgement.'

"Ah, I se. You want me to once again, face this boy." Riser stated.

Sirzechs smirked. Yes, this was going exactly he had hoped. "Phoenix versus Dragon. Believe we all would love to see that sort of battle between the two of you."

"But there is just one problem, my lord." Riser said that made the devil king look at him with a raised brow. "If I remember correctly, it was your law that states that a Maou cannot interfere with the affairs of the clans. With what your planning, you're clearly interfering with the affairs of both the Gremory and Phenix clans. And since that is against the law, it is my right to decline."

Sirzechs immediately lost his smirk. This was not how he planned it!

"However, I will accept your proposal on one condition."

"…What kind of condition?" Sirzechs asked.

Riser smirked. "I get to choose my opponent. And it will not be the so called Red Dragon Emperor."

Issei glared at him. "Hey, if you want to fight someone, fight me!" He roared only to be laughed at.

"You think you can face me, boy? You couldn't even stand your ground against me when we faced each other in the rating game, what hope could you have now?" He continued to laugh. "Even with the Boosted Gear, YOU ARE NOTHING!"

The pervert clenched his fists so hard, they were almost bleeding. Rias was glaring daggers at Riser for insulting her servant like that.

Finally subsiding his laughter, Riser sneered at Issei before turning to Sirzechs. "If I accept your idea for entertainment, then I will choose my opponent. If you'd like, I will forfeit my engagement to Rias." He had already someone in mind so waging his engagement was negligible.

Everyone started murmuring at his declaration.

Sirzechs considered his words carefully. His plan was destroyed and he was at Riser's fingertips. Though he will agree to this if he faced someone of his choosing, he even waged his engagement his sister. But who?

There was a good chance that Riser will pick someone who is weak and would ensure his victory. But he had no choice. With a heavy heart, Sirzechs conceded.

"I agree to your terms." Rias looked at her brother in shock. Why was he agreeing to this?! "Now, tell me. Who is your opponent."

Riser smirkd. "My opponent will be someone who has disgraced me in front of Rias and my own peerage. My opponent will be the human known as Kyuren."

The moment Sona, Rias and pretty much everyone who knew who Kyuren is widened their eyes in shock. Sona stepped forward. "I object!" Every pair of eyes turned to her. "A human has no business in the Underworld! Even if you agreed to this, my lord, you cannot bring a human here. It is against the ancient laws!"

"My daughter is right, Lord Sirzechs." Sona turned to her right and saw her father there. "A human has no right here." Everyone was in unanimous agreement. A mere human had no right being here.

Sirzechs knew it was true. But he had an idea about that. "True, but I have agreed to this. And on my word as the Maou, I will have to see it through. After all, we can just erase the human's memory after this is done…considering he lives."

Make no mistake, he had heard from Grayfia about this Kyuren. Supposedly, he had the strength to rival that of a god and he was rather curious to see it.

"My lord, please reconsider!" Sona pleaded but she was stopped when Sirzechs raised his hand.

"I have spoken. Now, Grayfia, summon Lord Riser's opponent here."

The strongest queen bowed. "At once, my lord."

Sona cursed under her breath. This was not good! Kyuren will definitely not like this! Before she could think on it more, she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

"My daughter, I am glad that you are willing to uphold the laws of the Underworld, but I'm afraid that you were once again ignored." Claudius said apologetically.

"That's not what I'm worried about, father."

Lord Sitri raised a brow. "Then what is it you're worried about? Are you worried about what will happen to the human?"

Sona shook her head. "I'm not worried about what will happen to him. I'm more worried about what he will do."

*Two Minutes Ealier*

"Ah, would you look at that, Pip? What a work of art, this is." Kyuren marvelled, as his kitten came up and sniffed the masterpiece that he had created.

"Meew~" Pip mewled in delight and the raven haired teen smiled.

This was the mille-feuille or otherwise known as the Napoleon in some other countries. It was hell to make, and it took him almost four hours because he had added some things that really brought the flavors into this dish.

Now, all that work had finally paid off and Kyuren couldn't wait to have a taste. Grabbing a fork, he cut of a piece of the dessert and sniffed it. "Mmm, don't worry, Pip. I'll give you a nice big slice."

The kitten's eyes lit up at the prospect and Kyuren inched the fork closer to his mouth with his eyes closed. The delicate pastry was already in his mouth and before he could close his mouth, a bright flash of red light engulfed him.

Pip turned away from the sudden flash and when she looked back, she saw that her master was nowhere to be seen. The only thing left was the fork and the pastry on the counter.

"Meew?" She called out, but there was no answer.

She knew that she had to do something but…that dessert really looked delicious.

Kyuren closed his mouth and started to slowly chew, looking forward to the taste that the mille-feuille would bring. But…there was none?

Furrowing his brow, the raven haired teen stopped his chewing and poked his tongue around. What the…he could feel nothing in his mouth.

Opening his eyes, he saw that the fork that was supposed to be in his hand was gone. The pastry was gone, Pip was gone. He didn't even know where he was as he stared at his hands.

Sirzechs was looking at the human in curiousity. When he first appeared, he looked like he was eating something. Now, he was staring at his hands, confused.

The newcomer wore a simple white shirt, a pair of jogging pants, and some sneakers. Leading him to believe that he was doing some workouts or something.

Sona was staring at Kyuren in worry. This was not looking good. Most of the devils were looking at him like they were above him, if only they knew the truth…which they will soon enough.

Koneko instinctively hid behind Kiba. She may reject her Nekoshou side, but it was telling her that Kyuren was about to explode any second.

Issei took a step away from Kyuren. Something in him was telling him to stay away or be killed.

Riser sneered at the human that had regarded him as unimportant. "You should feel honored to be here, human. You're amongst your betters and now, for disrespecting me the first time we met, I will make you pay." He expected to see this human cower but he didn't and just kept his eyes sorely on his hands. "Did you hear me, human? You will be facing me in a battle and I will show no mercy."

Kyuren finally regained his bearings and his confusion turned to burning fury. Slowly, his arms dropped to his sides with his fists clenching and unclenching. 'Four fucking hours of work…gone.'

The Sitri heiress and her peerage saw this and gulped.

"Riser, that is enough. Show some respect." Sirzechs reprimanded and turned to the human. "My deepest apologies for bringing you here but-"

"Which one of you is responsible for this?"

Everyone was taken back by his dangerous tone. And the fact that he had the guts to cut off the strongest devil.

Riser glared at this human filth. "How dare you! If you must know, I am the one responsible for bringing you here. Now take a good long look because I will be the last thing you see once I have killed you."

Rias was looking at Riser with wide trembling eyes before she slowly turned to Kyuren.

The raven haired teen was angry. These pieces of shit had the audacity to take him from his dwelling, take him here of all places, and took from him four hours of works worth of dessert from him!

The air around the room suddenly became heavy and everyone was almost brought to their knees and had difficulty breathing. Sona clutched her chest as the familiar pressure became known to her once again.

Slowly, Kyuren's head turned to the podium with anger burning in his eyes.

Millicas felt fear creep into his heart and hid behind his mother. "Mama, what's happening?" He asked in a scared little voice.

Grayfia mod her arm to protect her son. "It is all right, Millicas." But even she had a small tremble in her voice.

Sirzechs was lloking at this human with wary eyes before he turned to Riser who appeared to be unaffected due to his own arrogance and Rias who was trembling in fear.

'What have you angered, Riser?'


Now, the Underworld will see Kyuren's power. What will he do? Find out on the next chapter of High School DxD: The Transfer Student.

Also, on regards to the pairing, I'm still undecided. But I'm leaning more and more to a SonaXOCXRaynare pairing.

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