The life of Toni Stark

By Norsed

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Instead of a Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, it's Antoinette Natasha "Toni" Stark. Meaning, she is the only othe... More

The life of Toni Stark
"Steve saved your life."

"You don't know what's it like to be in love, Stark!"

438 8 9
By Norsed

A Story I wrote with a friend a few months ago.

Plot: After the battle of New York ( Marvel The Avengers) But pre Iron Man 3

Clint Barton took a break off, out of S.H.I.E.L.D combat exams out of recruits. Having issues with his nerves, he opened the door out to the back building and took the thick trunk of tobacco by his index and middle finger fir the grasp. Taking a strong whiff out of the core, later on releasing the fog out of his lungs.

Antoinette Stark came to a slow halt in her mark 6 iron woman suit before the repulsers quit her flight, allowing her to land swiftly on the rooftop. Not long after did J.A.R.V.I.S release her from the suit of red and gold. Calmly walking out, Stark did her best to straighten her slightly sodded blue shirt from oil and patted her sweat pants of dust. She needed a few days out of her bunker basement from weeks of solitude. Toni’s eyes turned to the rising misty air of smoke from the near side of the roof. Walking over with pace, she smirked when she found the archer. Leaning her head of the side, the brunette relived her moment of being an Avenger. She had given much thought of the later months, but felt little guilt of disconnecting from them.

“You know,” Toni finally spoke, reviling her pace above him. “That stuff isn’t too good for you.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” He was less then proud that the female robotic user would underestimate such relief. Clint hates her cockiness, but she was a true friend, not forgettable. “What’s new Stark?” He crossed his arms, hoping for valuable response.

“Hiding from this freak show, but alas, all good things much come to an end once Fury finds your basement full of donuts and illegal tech. So now my “death sentence” is, I am to support the Avengers once more.” Toni said with a heavy sigh as she walked down the steel stair the began to rust with age, to level herself with him.

“Like my tobacco by my hand, I’ll take my chances for the trouble.” He followed Toni around the building in the direction for the Mother Control Room. Expecting to see Director Fury, he got to see one of his alternative lovers. Ex, of course.

“What’s the deal between this agent and Natasha?” Clint asked in a low tone over to Toni. He saw them bickering of all sorts.

Toni looked over to the agent standing and yelling that could be heard form clear across the room. Seemed like drama. Drama Toni didn’t want to get into when she had much more important things to do.  She wanted to chance the topic, or act like she didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Hm, I don’t really speak fluent woman 'bitching',” Which was mostly true. Toni never got too dressed up, other than meeting and press calls. She never worried about what she looked like or what she wearied.  Mr. Potts, her assistant would usually nag her into the dolled up look.

“But Ill try to translate.” Stark acts like she gives them a few glances, some to Natasha, then to the other agent who was making really rude remarks.

“Something about who needs to go on the mission. Seemingly important teams are divided and the agent doesn’t seem to agree much with Romanoff’s plan. Looks to me like a near suicide mission.” Stark cocks and eyebrow as she turns on her heels to Barton. “What’s going on? Something Big?”

Barton felt his heart in relief, the man was decent with enough body appearance, he thought something else was happening between the redhead assassin and the agent. Jealousy? He denied it, of course, like any man would. “Uh…No. Thanks Toni” He nodded, feeling a little sad in his deep heart, feeling like he was going to hurl his heart out of place.

“See I told you I couldn’t speak fluent…. Whatever that is! I speak the way of my tools and tech.” Toni said with a sigh, rolling her eyes. Good, she thought to herself. Manage to avoid couples drama for the first time. Ever.  She made her way over to the round table and took and took herself to sit down. Spinning the chair to face him, she made a quick glance at his face. Even know he was an agent, master at hiding all emotion, there was still some weak points, and she had picked up when working with SHIELD agents before, where she could read him like a book. Something depressing happened, Stark made a guess it was with him and Natasha Romanoff. She quickly tried to break the ice to regain more information. “Anything important happen when I was gone, Barton?”

Clint wanted to tell it all, including a man’s feelings for a woman. He wanted to tell her how much the redhead assassin meant to him. He never settled for a quick fling of over one night. He relieved a sigh and smile, hiding the soak depression back. “Not at all, just new recruitments.” He nodded, shaky hands all of a sudden once again as he felt the presence of that “Romanoff”

Toni gave him a smile, one that she rarely handed out. She wasn’t stupid. She could see that Clint was rattled, and more than usual. His hands seem to be the little birdy that told his secret. Leaning her way back into the chair, Stark crossed her legs to more pressing matters. “Anyone know where the heck Fury is?” She yelled out to anyone who would listen and reply her with worthy info.

Clint just sat back and scratched his head while he agreed with Toni’s info for Fury location. It was a matter of time that he had to distract himself in some other way then talking.

After wait a couple of moments with no reliable information of Nick Fury, she groans in a childish manner. “Typical, what are the odds?” Throwing her hands up she planted her chin on the glass table, adding a fake pout.

“Probably on a task…” Clint arched his head back along his behind against the seat by mistake. Falling down into the floor’s compact. “Ow…” He quickly got up, preventing any more attention.

Toni bit her lip to block an uncontrollable amount of laughter. “Still see you’re pretty quick on your feet.” She managed to say without a chuckle, but a smirk was widened across her face in amusement.

“Shut up.” He chuckled keeping an eye on any sign of the chief, somehow he wasn’t that curious to find him, he rather hit the bunker for rest but he insisted anyways.

Her eyes drawled to her phone that was just again to fall from her pocket. Picking it up her began to text Happy, her body guard/ driver. Will be a little wait, don’t wait up. “Doesn’t Fury know I have work to do?”

"Fury can suck it for all I know." He gritted his teeth slamming his palm against the wooden table that he so despised out of memories. A man needed to getaway too. 

"You seem..." Toni rolled her wrist trying to think of the right word not to tick him off. This man could rip her head off in an instant. "....on edge. Do you want to bail?"

"From this place? I'd be glad too" He took his jacket wrapped around his leather seat. Quickly storming outside. 

Toni's eye gradually moved upwards as she watched the hawk leave furiously. What the hell? Getting up she casually followed him without the same haste as him. Other SHIELD agents watched down the hall as one of the best agents lose his cool, then looked to what they thought was the source of it, Toni Stark. "Hey! I am NOT reponable for his 'man period' emotions." The brunette replied to there glares toward her. "Clint, wait." She called out to him as she opened the side door.

Clint was still listening to the Avenger trailing behind him, but he never took eyes out of his steps, occasionally having a rage emotion towards the agents and everything that filled the building. He need someone the blame. Someone, something. And Toni was right about to get in the middle of that.

Annoyed with his "man period" emotions, Toni finally sprinted off toward the storm, grabbed his shoulder and spun him to look at her "Um Hello, My name is Toni Stark, the friend who YOU JUST KINDA LEFT! What the hell is up with you? I can tell your just ready to walk away from a lot." But she could already tell. It was easily seen that He And Natasha broke up... or something.

Clint gritted his teeth and paced sideways, brushing his blonde hair back. This time he snapped out "IT'S NATASHA OK? WE HAD INTIMACY THREE MONTHS LATE."

Ding Ding DIng, someone give the billionaire a prize! letting go of his shoulders she back up nodding slightly. So that's what he was ticked off about. Toni knew they had a "thing" going on but didn't know that they broken away from each other. Servers her right for being in a basement for the past few monthish weeks? Stark lost count after the fifth day. She crossed her arms

"and your just going to let that dictate the rest of your life?" she rolled her eyes, a stupid question to ask an agent who probably could rip her head off... she mentioned that right? Practically everyone in SHIELD land can. Could and probably would.

"That's where your wrong Toni..." His eyes were squinted just by his frown and the sun. He got slightly closer to her face, only whispering the fact that he believed

"You don't even know how to love...Heck!, you don't know what's it like to be inlove. Stark!" He slammed his palm against a wide opened fenced, taking the spikes not caring one bit if he had to bleed to make his point clear.

Her voice became slightly snarled by his insult. Sure she kinda maybe slept with... "worng topic Stark," she told herself, as her eyes narrowed at Barton. "Because, "Lover Bird" I dont have the time, the stupidity to be with someone that could possibly be a double crosser. I dont have the ablity to be idiotic to fall in love with the many jobs a require to do. I dont have the time to be mopping over just about nothing, unlike you Clint. Dont take this out on me, when its you to blame. Its called a "one night stand for a reason." She felt a little harsh by speaking to him this way, after all the pain he's probably gone through, but nobody, insults Toni Stark a gets away with it. Her paybacks could sometimes be hell.

"And that's the reason why you should butt off!" He snarled harshly back, taking out his shades from his leather jacket. Still he had rage built up. "You are very alike your father, y'know"

"How the hell would you know anything about my father?" yeah she was an alcoholic but he never listen to her. just never. dismissing her as her mother tried to hide all of it, trying to let Toni have the best childhood she could. But she just couldnt without her father. " My father didnt care for anyone but himself, his work, and that Rogers."

"Exactly!" He shouted back, once again their stare overcoming at once. Surpriseingly, he shed teary eyes.

"YOUR IMPOSSIBLE ARENT YOU!?" Toni glared back at him, crossing her arms over her reactor. This all wasnt connecting... she wasnt at all like her father... was she? No he was a spy. This was his job to get under her fucking skin.

"Atleast I'm possible to love" This time he was nagging like any italian handmaiden maid. Still, Clint placed his shades in his eyes for better look of where he was going since the sun was bright. 

"tell that to Natasha." Toni mumbled to herself. whatever he meant wasnt possbly going to bug her, for the rest of her life. she was going to find someone after her whole hero commitment was going to end. but that might never end if the world cant defend itself.

"Im done here Clint." Stark spoke once again as she turned her way towards the door. reminder, helping someone can also backfire. She thought to herself.

"Good, so am I" One could thought that he was going for his own car, he walked besides it towards Toni's. Every SHIELD had a specialized car of their own. Clint took the key and carved through her car's painting. "That'll teach her to get off my buisness." He wasn't shouting, instead he was murmuring. 

Toni rambled through the inside of the SHIELD agency. "And that's what happens when you try to help a friend, Stark." She mentally scowled at herself. Clint was taking this all to hard for her liking, or was he? She sat alone in the waiting room once more to wait for the boss.

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