Surprise Roommate {Kiibouma}

By NopyTheNope

79.6K 2.7K 5.6K

Ouma learns the consequences of not paying the rent. More

Got a spare room?
Afternoon Breakfast
Goodbye Panta-chan
Too Cold!
Green and Pink
Operation Avocado: Part 1
Hallway Disaster!
Mystery Bottle
Halloween Special
Birthday Girl
Christmas Special
It Wasn't a Dream!
Operation Grape
Dice In Danger
Even If I Leave You - Finale Part 1
I Will Always Return - Finale Part 2

Operation Avocado: Part 2

4.3K 182 186
By NopyTheNope

"Kiibo, why were Amami and Kaede standing outside the door?" Ouma asked as he quickly closed the door behind him and set his bag on the floor. Kiibo had already started preparing dinner, after what had just happened, he needed a way to get his mind off of it. The robots face was still a deep scarlet so he ducked down behind the counter, hiding his face from the small boy, and pretended to look for something.

"I don't know, they can be weird sometimes." Kiibo said from behind the counter.

"Yeah, they can!" Ouma giggled as he reached into his pocket to find the spare key. Huh! Ouma thought, I just had it, where did it go! Kiibo popped his head up from behind the counter and saw Oumas distressed face.

"Ouma, what's wrong?" Kiibo asked worryingly.

"N-nothing!" Ouma said as he faked a smile. He didn't want the robot to get mad at him for losing the key and he was sure it would turn up somewhere.

Ouma sat down at the kitchen table and the two of them talked for a while about their day. Ouma loved talking to Kiibo, he loved the way that when Kiibo started talking about something he was really enthusiastic about, his face would light up and he would just keep rambling on and on then get embarrassed that he was talking too much. He also loved how whenever he told a story, it was always interesting in one way or another. And, he especially loved that it felt so natural to just sit and talk with him.

Eventually, Kiibo finished his cooking and he brought two plates over to the table. They continued talking all through their meal, and even after they were finished, they still talked until eventually the sun was starting to set and they both started yawning.

"Um, if you don't you think I could sleep with you again...W-wait no wait, I-I didn't mean l-like sleep together, I-I just...the bed is much warmer then the couch." Kiibo stuttered as a small blush crept across his face.

"Y-yeah, s-sure!" Ouma stuttered as his face started turning red as well. Ouma got up from the table and went to get changed. After he was done, he let the robot in and they both crawled in bed. They faced back to back again, but Ouma wished the robot would roll over and hold him close, and he secretly prayed that when he woke up, his dream would become real. While Ouma was on one side of the bed wishing he could cuddle next to the robot, Kiibo was on the other side resisting the urge to wrap the small boy in his arms and never let go. Eventually, tiredness captured both of them and they both fell asleep.


"Amami you're nuts!" Kaede cried, "When you said snooping I didn't think you meant breaking and entering!"

"Don't worry about it, we just need to find some clues and then we can leave!" Amami said, trying to calm down the angered girl.

"What do you expect to find anyway, a giant billboard with everything you need written on it." Kaede said sarcastically, "And how are you planning on finding any 'clues' anyway!"

"I don't know, maybe he has a diary or something kept in his room?" Amami shrugged as he pulled the spare key out of his pocket and fiddled around with it in his hands.

After their adventure earlier that day, Kaede had gone home. Not too long after she got home, she received a text from Amami telling her to meet him outside his house at 3AM. She was skeptical at first but figured something interesting would probably happen, so she told her parents she was having a sleepover at Makis and left to meet him there. Of course, Amami had been even more confusing than the first meet up and met up with her, wearing a long black trench coat and carrying the bag he had earlier. He started sneaking around with no explanation and eventually they found themselves back outside Kiibos apartment complex again.

Kaede sighed as she grabbed the key away from him before he dropped it.

"You're more than nuts, you're insane!" Kaede sighed as she stuffed the keys in her pocket.

"By the way, I texted Saihara about what he was talking about with Kiibo. He said Kiibo had mostly asked him questions about Ouma." Kaede said. Amami immediately grew a devilish grin.

"Hmmmm~" Amami hummed as he turned to stare up at the window that led into Kiibos apartment.

Without warning, Amami grabbed Kaedes arm and pulled her inside the complex. She tried complaining at first, but after a while of Amami ignoring her, she gave up. He dragged her all the way up to the outside of Kiibos apartment. Amami stopped in front of the door and quietly gestured for Kaede to give him the key.

"Listen," Kaede whispered, "I don't want to be known as the creepy stalker, so this is where I leave." She tossed him the key and started walking away.

"Have fun in jai-" Kaede didn't make it too far before Amami quickly opened the door, grabbed her wrist, and dragged her inside. He locked the door knob from the outside before closing the door behind them.

"Nope, we've gotten this far together, you're not leaving me now." Amami whispered as he let go of Kaedes wrist and started searching the apartment.

"No way! I'm leaving! I don't want to be part of your creepy pla-" Kaede was cut off again while she was about to unlock the door.

"Might not want to do that, I locked the door knob before I closed the door, and unlocking it from the inside makes an extremely loud squeaking noise, so if you try to unlock it, Kiibo and Ouma will wake up immediately." Amami whispered while searching through a small shelf beside the couch. Kaede stopped dead in her tracks, and her face grew pale. He knew about this problem and purposely locked the door knob so she couldn't escape. Evil fool! But, there was a bigger problem than her escaping right now, how were they planning on leaving after they were both done! Amami had also trapped himself in here with her and if they woke up the two boys, they would be in some serious trouble.

Kaede slowly turned to Amami, ready to strangle him at any moment. He didn't even seem to realize the fatal mistake he had made! But, once she saw his facial expression, she knew quick enough that he full well knew what he had done, and really seemed to be regretting it. Kaede gave up, there was nothing she could do but follow along with the plan and await her nearing death. She joined him in his searching, but after a few minutes, they had cleared every place possible and came up with nothing.

"Hmmmm..." Amami said as he thought about what to do next, "It seems we will have to enter the dragons lair." He declared. Kaede looked at him with dead eyes, not even surprised anymore. She knew it was going to come to this, but wanted to prolong her demise for as long as possible.

The two snuck down the hall. Once they reached the bedroom door, they both fell eerily quiet, neither letting out a single breath. Amami grabbed the handle and slowly opened the door, to their relief, it didn't creak. They tiptoed into the room. The two quickly slapped their hand over the others mouth because they knew if they didn't, they both would have let out high pitched screams of joy. Once they entered the room, they were met with the magnificent sight of Kiibo and Ouma wrapped in each others arms. Amami felt a single tear fall down his cheek at this beautiful moment. Quickly, Amami opened his bag and dug threw it for a few seconds before lifting out a camera. He snapped a few pictures and threw it back in his bag. Kaede found it a bit creepy that they were taking pictures of their sleeping friends, but she didn't really care. She knew she'd be asking for those pictures later anyway. Both stared at the two for a few minutes before quietly slipping out of the room and closing the door.

"I think this is evidence enough." Amami said, extremely happy with his find.

"Definitely! Now let's get out of here!" Kaede whispered. Amami nodded in agreement and they both walked over to the front door. Amami pulled out the key and froze. He stopped and stared at the handle for a while before turning around to Kaede.

"Here's the plan," he said grasping both of Kaedes shoulders, "I will unlock the handle and with the small span of time we'll have, you slip out first.

"But what about you?" Kaede questioned.

"Don't worry, I'll be right behind you." Amami finished as he released the girl. Kaede nodded and prepared herself by the door. Amami mentally counted to 3 and turned the lock. *Squeak!* The lock let out a loud noise. Kaede grabbed the now unlocked handle, opened the door, and ran outside. She turned around and waited for Amami to emerge, but he wasn't behind her. Amami ran to the kitchen table and carefully placed the spare key on the edge. He ran towards the door, and shut it behind him as he slipped outside. Without a second thought, they both charged towards the stairwell without looking back.


*Squeak!* Oumas eyes slowly fluttered open at the loud sound. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before fully waking up. He found himself wrapped in Kiibos arms once again. He couldn't help the smile the bloomed on his face or the small blush that appeared. He snuggled into Kiibos chest and attempted to fall back asleep before he remembered the sound he heard. As much as he didn't want to leave the robots grasp, he didn't want someone or something dangerous lurking around the house.

He slowly pried himself away from the robot, trying not to wake him up. He jumped off the bed and grabbed the small pocket knife he always kept with him off the dresser, then walked towards the noise. He slowly creeped down the hall, wielding the knife to attack anything suspicious. He jumped into the main room and scanned the area...nothing. Ouma relaxed a bit and put down the knife. He turned around and started heading back to bed when he spotted something shining in the moonlight. He approached the glitter object and picked it up. It was the spare key! Ouma felt overjoyed that he had found the key, he really didn't want Kiibo to get mad at him.

"...O-Ouma?" Ouma jumped at the sound and turned around.

"What are you doing up?" Kiibo groaned tiredly.

"Oh! Sorry, I thought a heard a strange noise!" Ouma said as he threw the key back on the table. Kiibo yawned as he grabbed Oumas hand and pulled him back to his room. The robot climbed in first and then Ouma after him. They laid there in silence, back to back.

"Hey Kiibo?" Ouma asked. The robot rolled over to face the small boy.

"What is it O-" But Kiibo didn't get to finish his sentence before Ouma caught him off guard and nuzzled close to him. Ouma hid his bright red face into Kiibos chest.

"W-we always end up like this anyway," Ouma said pulling himself even closer to the robot, "Plus, it is warmer."

Kiibo smiled and wrapped his arms around the small boy. Ouma squeaked at the gesture, but quickly relaxed into his touch and cuddled even closer. They stayed like this for the rest of the night with only happy smiles on their faces.

"You're right," Kiibo said quietly, "It is warm."

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