Meeting Alan (An Alan Rickman...

由 JessicaRivera821

25.8K 290 163

Amber surprises Jessie with tickets to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London, England. They end up meet thei... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

1.1K 14 0
由 JessicaRivera821

I am so sorry that this chapter took so long to finish. <3 I hope my faithful reader didn't mind waiting. <3 I've been having writer's block writing this chapter, not to mention I procrastinated, alot. lol :) That's why it took so long for me to finish this chapter. :) I thank all my readers for waiting so long for this chapter and for sticking with this fanfic. :) <3 This will be a completed fanfic, don't worry. :) This chapter was worth the wait, trust me. ;) Without further ado, Here is chapter 8. Enjoy!!! ^_^ 

Alan's POV

I finally came to, and looked around. I'm in a hospital.... How did I get here? I noticed how sore I was. I lift my hand, which felt heavy, only to see an IV in my arm. I carefully touched my head to feel bandages. I wince at the pain. I thought, What happened? How long have I've been out? What time is it? I look at my other arm to see yet another IV. I look up to see 2 bags set up for each IV. One for fluids, another for antibiotics. I look at myself and notice that I'm in a hospital gown. I look under the blankets , only for my eyes to widen. I was wearing no pants or underwear, and I had, what appeared to be a catheter. I sighed. "Great, "I mutter, "I have a catheter in me." I follow the plastic tube and found a bag attached to the bed. I touch my face, only to find a nasal cannula in my nose. I could hear the beeping of the monitors. I recognize the nurse button and pushed it. Moments later a voice was heard, "Hello, How can I help you?" I said hoarsely, "I need to see a nurse please." The voice sounded surprised, "Oh your finally awake, thats great news!" I said, "Uh sorry?" The voice said, "Well, you've been out for 24 hours, sir. You were in a car accident, and you were brought in yesterday afternoon." I said in surprised, "24 hours? What time is it now?" The voice said, "It's 5pm, sir. I don't know if you're ready to eat dinner. I'll send a nurse in now and have the nurse check you over. Then we'll see what the doctor says ok." I said, "Ok. Thank you." The voice said, "You're welcome." To my surprise I saw Jessie come in. Jessie, in turn, look just as surprised as she said, "You're awake! I'm so relieved!" I smile, and said hoarsely, "I'm sore but alive." Jessie hugs me gently and said, "I was so worried..." I lift my hand and caress her cheek. She leans into my touch as I said, "Nothing to worry about, love. I'm here talking to you aren't I? I'll recover fully, Don't worry." Jessie smiles,  with tears in her eyes, as she lets go of me. I smile back and said, "Now do your job as a nurse and get the information you need for the doctor that will be seeing me." Jessie chuckles and wipes her eyes, "Ok, Alan." She puts down the information on the computer next to me, along with my vitals. then logs off. She said, "There, all the information is there for the doctor to see." I smile and said, "Good. Come here." Jessie leans down. As she leans down, I put my hand at the back of her head and pull her down to where her lips met mine. I kissed her passionately, in which she returned the kiss gladly. We break the kiss and smile at one another. I said, smiling, "I heard everything you said, before blacking out again." She looks surprised as I continued, "This isn 't exactly how I wanted us to meet up, either, but things do happen. Thank you for letting me feel your cheek. Your skin is as soft as ever..."I raise my hand to touch her cheek again. She leans into my touch once more, "I love you, Jessie. I always will." Jessie said, smiling, "I love you too, Alan." I said, chuckling, "Now, get back to work. I don't want the love of my life to get in trouble, for not checking on the other patients here." Jessie chuckles, then kisses my hand and said, "Ok. I'll see you when I get off work, or when the doctor has me do something that involves you." I smile and lower my hand. I said, "Good. see you then, love." Jessie smiles, "See you, Alan." She checks the bag, before leaving. It wasn't ready to be emptied yet. I sigh happily and waited for the doctor to arrive. I hope I can sit up soon.

Jessie's POV

I went back to work after checking on Alan. I was so relieved that he was awake and still had his humor intact, despite how he was. After awhile, I was called to assist the doctor with Alan. I walked in with the doctor and stood aside as the doctor looked at the computer and looked at the information I put in and other information that was documented for the past 24 hours. The doctor was a middle age man with light blue eyes and grey hair. He wore glasses and had some wrinkles. The doctor spoke, "Hello there. You are Mr. Alan Rickman correct?" Alan nods and said, "Yes, I am." The doctor nods, "Now that you're awake. Let me begin by saying, that it's a miracle that you are alive right now. That crash was deadly, from what I was told. You have sustained a fracture on your skull, which in turn caused some swelling. A concussion, broken ribs, with 1 or 2 piercing your lung, cuts and bruises all over... We were lucky to save you, Mr. Rickman. We did a lot in that one surgery. It was quite a delicate surgery we had to do, especially as it invloved your lung. You ended up needing a blood transfusion." Alan looks shocked as he listened to the doctor, then said, "It was that bad?" The doctor nods, " You're lucky to be alive. How do you feel?" Alan said, "Bloody sore as hell. I'd like to sit up. If that possible." The doctor said, "Of course, I'll have another nurse come in to help Jessie here lift you into a sitting position. From the information that I read, You should be able to eat solids, ok?" Alan nods, "Thank you." The doctor nods then said, "I'll see about getting your dinner brought up, ok?" Alan nods in reply. The doctor leaves. A nurse comes in and stands on one side while Jessie remained on my other side. The nurse had short, straight brown hair and light brown eyes. She smiles and said, "Ready Mr. Rickman?" Alan nods. The nurse pushes a button on the side of the bed. The head of the bed begins to move up, making Alan sit up, though he was still slouching a bit. Alan struggles to sit up, grunting in pain in the process. The nurse said, "Hold on there, Mr. Rickman. We've got you." Alan relaxes as Jessie and the nurse grab each side of the blanket and pulled upwards, moving him into a comfortable sitting position. Alan groans, but smiles, and said, "Thank you." The nurse smiles. "You're welcome, sir." Jessie moves the tray towards Alan and smiles, "For when they bring up your food." Alan smiles, "Thanks, love." Jessie smiles, "You're welcome. I have to go. I'll be off soon." Alan nods, smiling, as both Jessie and the nurse leaves.

Alan' POV

A few minutes later, my dinner arrives. Hospital food may not be the tastiest thing to eat, but it's not all that bad either. Dinner consisted of roast beef, mash potatoes with gravy, mixed vegetables, a blueberry muffin, an apple, and an apple juice. I began to eat my dinner, thinking of Jessie and looking forward to seeing her again, once she gets off work. After I finish dinner. I move the tray to the side and lay there resting. Thinking of Jessie and if I'll be well enough to take her to the premiere with me. I have been looking forward to this premiere for quite some time now. Not to mention the after-party they will have afterwards. I have to get well enough to go. I just have to. I can see us now. Jessie and I walking down the red carpet on the day of the premiere. Me looking smart in my suit, as usual. Jessie looking ever so radiant in her golden halter gown. Rupert looking just as suave in his suit as he carries a beautiful Amber on his arm. I sigh, hopefully I'll get better in time for the premiere, if I want my thoughts to come to fruition. My musings were broken, when a doctor walks in and said, "Mr. Alan Rickman?" I nod and said, "That's me." The doctor nods and goes on the computer and goes through my information. The doctor was a middle age man. He had grey thinning hair, light blue eyes, and wore glasses. He was lean and tall. The doctor said, "I'm Dr. Hammond. I'll be your doctor for your entire stay here." I nod in reply. Dr. Hammond said, "You were in a really bad accident. It's amazing you're alive and talking to me right now." I raise my eyebrow, "Is it now?" Dr. Hammond nods, "It is. We did several procedures on you. One, to fix your punctured lung. Two, to put your fractured ribs back into place and three, to deal with the swelling that was pressing against your brain, from that concussion you had." I look surprised, "Wow. That bad?" Dr. Hammond said, "Yeah. You ended up needing a blood transfusion, during the surgery." I touch my head gingerly as I continue too look surprised, "Wow..." Dr. Hammond said, "You seem to be recovering well for the past 24 hours, since the surgery. Let's hope that continues, while your here." I nod in agreement. Dr. Hammond smiles, "Just rest up and you'll be fine. You leave the care to us. You'll be taken upstairs for the remainder of your recovery, ok?" I said, "Ok. Thank you Dr. Hammond." Dr. Hammond said, "You're welcome, Mr. Rickman." Dr. Hammond leaves and a few moments later, 2 nurses come in. One nurse checks the fluids, antibiotics and the bag attached to the catheter. The other nurse sets up a mobile monitor, so that they can check my vitals as they take me upstairs. Once I was ready, one of the nurses, a dark -skin, fairly thin, young woman with her dark hair in a ponytail, smiles, "Ready to go?" I smile slightly, "Yes, I'm ready Nurse..." The nurse smiles, "Jackie. My name is Jackie." I smile, "I'm ready, Jackie." Nurse Jackie smiles back. The other nurse, a caucasian woman with light brown hair and eyes, smiles and said, "I'm Audrey." I smile, "Hello Audrey." Audrey said, "Hi, Mr. Rickman. Hang tight, ok?" I nod smiling. Jackie and Audrey wheeled me to an elevator and pressed the up button. A few minutes later, the elevator made a dinging sound, as the door slides open. The 2 nurses wheeled me into the elevator. One of the nurses press the number 7 button. The elevator doors slides shut and starts to go up. I look at them and said, "So I'll be staying on the 7th floor?" Jackie smiles, "Yeah. You will have to use a bed pan, Mr. Rickman. Dr. Hammond doesn't want us to remove your catheter yet. At least not until he sees how you are by the end of the week. Doctor's orders." I sighed, "I understand." The elevator dings and the door slides open. The nurses wheeled me out of the elevator and into a circular hallway. They keep wheeling me around until they stop at room 713. Audrey said, "Here we are." They wheeled me inside and wheeled me to where there was a light above my bed and one on the ceiling. One for reading and one for the room. There was a tv mounted to the wall and a remote hanging on the wall by my bed. They put the remote by my hand and carefully move me into a sitting position. Jackie and Audrey smiled. Jackie said as she points to a red button with an image of a nurse on it, "There you go. If you need anything, push that nurse button ok? There the button to turn on the tv, change the channels, and lower or raise the volume. These 2 arrow buttons on the side of the bed are to lift your head. These other 2 arrow buttons are to lift your legs. There's a nurse button on here as well. You can push either one. " I smile, "Thank you both for all that you 2 do for me." Audrey smiles, "It's our job." Jackie said, "You get some rest ok?" I nod and ask, "May I have some water, please?" Audrey said, "Of course. I'll have one of the nurses here get it for you." I said, smiling, "Thank you." Audrey said, "You're welcome." Both of the nurses left. A few moments later, another nurse comes in with a pitcher of water with lots of ice, along with a cup and a straw. The nurse said, "Hi there, I'm Kelly and I'm going to be your nurse tonight." The nurse looks young, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a kind smile. Kelly pours some water into the cup, then sets the cup and pitcher down. Kelly said, "Anything else you need?" I smile, "That's all. Thank you." Kelly smiles and said, "If you need anything else, just push that button. Sleep well, Mr. Rickman." I smile and said, "Good night, Kelly." She smiles then leaves the room.

Jessie's POV

I clocked out and headed up to the 7th floor to visit Alan. I find his room and knock. I hear Alan's hoarse voice as he said, "Come in." I enter the room and smile as I see Alan sitting upright in his bed. Alan smiles and his eyes light up as he sees me. I said, "I don't need to ask how you are, do I? You must be sore all over..." Alan smiles, "Very sore, yes, but happy to be alive. Now that you're here, you're presence will help me ignore how sore I am." I smile and hug him carefully. Alan hugs back, then lets go. I sit down in a chair next to him and hold his hand. Alan smiles and squeezes my hand slightly. I return the gesture, then said, "Missed me?" Alan chuckles, "Obviously. I missed you a lot actually. I thought of you the entire time." My heart swells with the love I have for him. I said, "That means a lot to me, Alan. Thank you." Alan smiles, "You're welcome. Did you like the dress I sent you?" I grin, "I love it, Alan! I can't wait to go to the premiere with you!" Alan chuckles. "I'm glad you love it, Jessie. I can't wait either. Amber sent me a message on skype, telling me how much she loved her dress. She's just as excited as you are." I chuckle, "I bet." Alan smiles and asks, "May I use your cell phone to call my siblings?" I smile, "Sure. Let me get it out of my purse." I let go and fumble around in my purse, until I finally find my phone. I take my phone out and hand it to Alan. Alan takes it and calls each of his siblings, letting them know what happened. Once he was done with my phone, he hands it back to me, "Thank you, love." I said as I took his hand again, "You're welcome, Alan." Alan said, "I told them what happened. They're going to come out here to visit me." I smile, "That's great! It's good to have family and friends visit you." Alan smiles in response and said, "Indeed it is, love."  We talked for a little longer, until it was tme for me to go home. I kiss Alan and said, "Sleep well, Alan. Dream of me." Alan kisses back and smiles, "I'll try, love." I said, "See you tomorrow." Alan said, "See you, love. Good night." I said, "Good night." I squeeze his hand one last time, which he squeezes in return, then lets go. I smile at Alan as he smiles back, then left the room. I take the elevator down and head out of the hospital. As I get on the bus, I think of what to get him before I visit him the next day.

Alan's POV

I start to recover in the next 4 days. Jessie, had gotten me a get well card and some balloons. I had thanked her for her gift, giving her a kiss in the process. She's been visiting me everyday now. My siblings had visited me 2 days after I talked to them. They manage to recover what they could from the car and brought them to me. Car insurance and registration, few bits of papers. some loose change, my car keys and my cell phone. They were happy to see me, relieved to be exact. They had talked with me for awhile before leaving. They had already contacted the rental car service to let them know what had happened. They told me that they took care of everything with the rental place. So I didn't need to worry. I hugged them thanking them for their help. They also said that all I needed to do was to concentrate on getting better. I didn't have the nasal cannula in my nose anymore. I still had an IV in each arm and my vitals were still being monitored. I also still had a catheter in me. I have gotten used to the catheter by now. I was still sore, but not as sore as I was 4 days ago. I was sitting up watching tv, since there wasn't much to do here, when Jessie came in to see me. She had told me that it was her day off and that she will spend it with me. I couldn't help but chuckle at that, when she told me. I appreciated it all the same. Jessie kisses me then sits down in a chair that was next to my bed. I kiss her back and smile. Jessie said, "How are you, Alan?" I said, "I'm doing better, and you?" Jessie smiles, "I'm doing good, Alan. Thanks for asking." I smile, "You're welcome, love." Jessie said, "Any update from the doctor?" I nod, "The doctor said I'm recovering well. My lung is patching up quite nicely, now. My ribs are healing nicely. No concussion. So far so good, he said." Jessie smiles, "That's great! You'll be out of here before you know it!" I said, "I look forward to the day when I can leave this hospital." Jessie chuckles, "I don't blame you. Anyone would love to get out of here after staying here for so long." I chuckle, "Now I see why." Jessie chuckles. We talked for awhile, until it was time for her to go. Jessie smiles sadly, "Time for me to go, Alan. Visiting hours are almost over." I smile sadly back, "Ok, love. I love you, Jessie." Jessie smiles, "I love you too, Alan. See you tomorrow." I said, "See you tomorrow." Jessie leans down and kisses me. I kiss her back and smile. She smiles back and gives me a sad wave, I wave back and watch her as she leaves the room. Once she leaves, I sigh, thinking of her next visit and of the premiere for Eye in the Sky.

Jessie's POV

As the 2nd week rolled in, Alan's recovery continued. He no longer had a catheter in him and he was able to get up and walk to the bathroom. His vitals were still being monitored and he still had 2 IVs in each of his arm. Overall, he looked much better than he did a week ago. I continued to visit him daily. He enjoyed my company each day, but I could tell that he misses me at night. I feel exactly the same way. With each passing day, he grew stronger and healthier. It was Thursday afternoon, and my day off. I walk into the gift shop to buy a teddy bear. It's cheesy I know, but I thought it would make a cute gift for Alan. The teddy bear was white with the inside of the ear red. The toes and padded paw were red too. As well as the stomach. The teddy bear had light brown eyes and the usual black stringy smile. The teddy bear was wearing a hospital gown and hospital slippers. In its paws was a little balloon with the words "Get well soon" written on it. I smile. It was perfect. I bought a little bag to put the teddy bear in and added green and white tissue crafting paper. I carefully set the teddy bear inside and covered it carefully with the tissue crafting paper. On the tiny card that was hanging off of the bag, I wrote "Something to make you smile. Get better soon, Alan. Love, Jessie" I smiled as I paid for the gift. I left the gift shop and got on the elevator. After a few moments, the elevator slides open. I get off, head to his room and knocked on the door. Alan's deep, baritone voice said, "Come in." I open the door and go inside. Alan's face lights up upon seeing me. I smile as he smiles at me. I said, "Hey, how are you?" Alan said, "Doing better. Well, better than last week." I smile, "That's great! Anything yet on when they're going to release you? They haven't said anything to me yet, so I figure I ask you and see if they said anything to you." Alan shakes his head, "Nothing yet, but I was told by my nurse that the doctor will be coming up to see me today. So we shall see." I smile, "Ok." Alan smiles back. I said, "I got something for you." Alan smiles and said, "You didn't have to get me anything." I smile, "I wanted to, Alan." Alan smiles, love showing in his eyes as he said, "Thank you, love." Alan takes the bag and looks inside. He pulls out a teddy bear and chuckles, "This is quite cute, Jessie. A teddy bear with a hospital gown and slippers on, holding what looks like small balloons. Don't think I didn't notice the Slytherin colors for the tissue crafting paper. Very clever of you. I love it, love. My siblings won't let me live this down though. They may be adults now, but they act like children sometimes."  I chuckle back, "You're welcome, Alan." We talked for awhile until we heard a knock on the door. Alan said, "Come in." Dr. Hammond enters the room and said, "Hi there, Mr. Rickman. How are you feeling today?" Alan smiles. "I'm feeling better than I did last week." Dr. Hammond smiles, "That's good to hear. I've looked over your recent x-rays and saw a vast improvement over last weeks' x-rays. If you keep this up, you'll be released in the next 3 days." Alan looks surprised, "Really? Am I recovering that fast?" Dr. Hammond smiles. "Facts don't lie Mr. Rickman. Your ribs are fully healed, your lung is almost healed. Concussion is gone. Skull has fully healed. The bruises are gone too. I'm quite impressed, Mr. Rickman. It's not everyday I meet a patient, who can recover as quickly as you." Alan smiles, still looking a little surprised, "Well then, let's hope I recover even more quickly." Dr. Hammond chuckles, "You want out of this hospital don't you?" Alan chuckles, "Yes, It's kind of boring in here. Not much to do. Hospital food is ok, though." Dr. Hammond said, "I don't blame you there. We've had a lot of patients say that." Alan chuckles, "I see." Dr. Hammond said, "If you continue to recover at the rate you're going, I'd say you're ready to be released on Sunday, which is 3 days away. We'll see how you are the day before, just to make sure." Alan nods and said, "Ok. I'm looking forward to it." Dr. Hammond chuckles, "I'll keep checking up on you for the time being, ok?" Alan smiles, "That's fine, Dr. Hammond, thank you." Dr. Hammond smiles and said, " You're welcome. I'll see you very soon, Mr. Rickman." Alan nods with a smiles, "See you, Dr. Hammond. Thank you for letting me know on my progress." Dr. Hammond smiles, "You're very welcome, Mr. Rickman. See you later." Dr. Hammond leaves the room, leaving only me and Alan now. I smile, "Yay! Just a few more days and your free from this place!" Alan chuckles. "Indeed. I can't wait!" I hug, Alan carefully. Alan surprises me by giving me a tight hug, then kissing me on the lips. I look in surprise at, Alan. Alan chuckles, "What? I can't give my girlfriend a kiss?" I laugh, which makes Alan laugh. I said, still laughing slightly, "I wasn't expecting that tight of a hug. You really must be recovering quickly, if you can hug me like that." Alan chuckles, "I suppose so. I'm quite resilient you know." I smile, "I see." Alan smirks and kisses me again, quickly deepening the kiss. I moan softly into the kiss. After kissing for a few minutes, we break apart, panting slightly. Alan says softly, "Damn, I miss kissing you, holding you in my arms... "Lust flashes in his hazel eyes as he said.. "and do I dare say it... making love to you." I blush as he continues to look at me, his eyes now filled with lust and passion. Alan smiles and caresses my face. I lean into his touch and smile, still blushing. I said softly, "I missed you too, Alan. I miss the cuddling, the kissing, how you hold me, and..." Alan smirks slightly, "And...?" I blush further as I said, "The way you make love to me. It was the first time I've ever done it and I have never experienced anything like it." Alan chuckles, "Not bad for someone my age, eh?" I chuckle, still blushing slightly, "Not bad at all, Alan. Hell, I would go as far as to say that you are a master at it." Alan laughs, "Well, thank you. With years of experience under my belt, I ought to know how to please a woman." I laugh in return, "I had a feeling you wouldn't forget what we did that night." Alan's eyes glazes over as he remembers vividly of what we did that night. He said softly, "How can I forget." I smile lovingly at him and said, "You know, I never though that this would happen to me." Alan smiles as he stroke my hair and cheek. I continued, "I thought it would be a week of fun with my friend, Amber. If we met you along the way, even better. A few pictures and an autograph would be all we would have of you. To remember meeting you, to remember our week there. I never though in a million years that I would be falling in love with you. Or, that you would fall in love with me. Me of all people." I look down. I feel Alan's fingers go from my face to my chin, as he lifts my chin up, so that my eyes met his. He said, "I fell in love with you, because you saw me for who I am, not just for my films. You admired me and looked up to me.  You saw me as your mentor. You saw me as a person, as me. Not many fans see me that way. That meant a great deal to me. I was drawn to you the moment I laid my eyes on you. I couldn't help falling for you. I found myself thinking about you day and night. You stir up something in me that I haven't felt since I was a young lad. You are such a sweet and witty young woman. You are smart, kind, and caring, adorable even.  You are beautiful inside and out. You have such a big heart, love. You took my breath away. You affected me in ways that I never thought a woman could do. There is no one I would rather be with, than with you." I sat there in complete awe at what Alan just said. Me being the sensitive woman that I am. Since I do get emotional when people compliment me a lot. I couldn't help but get emotional. My eyes become red and watery as I try not to cry. Alan saw that and hugs me. I cried right then and there. I said thickly, "That means so much to me, Alan! More than you will ever know!" I love you so much, Alan! I don't know what I would do if I lost you!" Alan smiles, still hugging me. He said softly in my ear, "I love you too, Jessie. I'm here, alive and well. I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon." I smile tearfully as I remained in his arms, listening to his heart beating, listening to him breathe.  

Alan's POV

The day had finally arrived. It was Saturday. I will find out if I get to leave this hospital tomorrow or not. Jessie, once again came to see me. She sat next to me and told me that Dr. Hammond will be coming up to see me. I smile, "Thanks for telling me, love. I hope I get to leave tomorrow." Jessie smiles, "Me too. " We talked for a bit until we heard a knock at the door. I said, "Come in." It was Dr. Hammond. Dr. Hammond came into the room and said, "From your x-ray this morning, everything seems to be looking good. Everything has healed well. I haven't seen any other issues. You'll be able to go home tomorrow. I bet your happy to leave here, huh." Alan chuckles, "Yeah, I've been here long enough. It will be good to be back in my hotel room, and in my own bed." Dr. Hammond smiles, "Tomorrow the nurse will come in to release you. Probably after you have your lunch, ok?" Alan nods. "Ok. Thank you." Dr, Hammond smiles, "You're welcome. Any questions?" Alan shakes his head, "No. Not at the moment." Dr. Hammond smiles, "Ok. I will need you to make a follow-up appointment to see how you are, ok?" Alan nods, "Ok. I will Dr. Hammond." Dr. Hammond smiles then leaves the room. I smile widely, "Looks like I'm getting out tomorrow." Jessie grins, "That's great! When you get released, we should celebrate." Alan smiles, "Of course. How about going out to a place to eat. Do you know a place?" Jessie smiles, "Yeah I know of a place called, The Chocolate Martini. Named after their famous chocolate martini." Alan smiles, "Great! We'll go there. You'll have to show me where it's located." Jessie smiles, "Sure!" Jessie and I talked as we planned for our outing tomorrow. I finally said, "May I use your cell phone again, love? I need to call my siblings to let them know that I'll be released tomorrow." Jessie smiles, "Sure. Let me get my phone." Jessie fumbles around in her purse, until she finds her cell phone. She hands me her cell phone and said, "Here you go." I smile, took the cell phone and said, "Thanks, love." I called each of my siblings and told them that I would be getting out of the hospital tomorrow. They were happy to know that I was going to be released. After talking to them for a bit. I hung up and handed Jessie back her cell phone. I said, "Thanks, love." She smiles as she puts her cell phone away and said, "You're welcome." Jessie and I talk for awhile until it was time for her to go. She smiles and gives me a kiss, "I'll come tomorrow to help you get ready to leave the hospital." I kiss her back and smile, "I'd like that very much, Thank you, love." Jessie smiles and said, "You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow, Alan. I love you." I smile and said, "I love you too, Jessie. See you." With a smile, she left the room. I lay there smiling. I let out a happy sigh and lean back onto my pillow. Tomorrow I'm leaving the hospital. I can't wait!

Jessie's POV

The next day, I visit Alan for the final time. He was leaving the hospital today. The nurse was just taking out the 2nd IV on Alan's arm, as I sat down. Alan grunted slightly as the nurse takes the IV out. The nurse quickly puts a cotton ball on his arm where the IV used to be, then puts on a piece of medical tape to keep the cotton ball in place. She then had him bend his arm and keep it bent for a few minutes, "There, all done, Mr. Rickman. Just stay like that for a few minutes. I'll see about getting your clothes and belongings brought up. As well as getting your paperwork to discharge you." Alan nods as the nurse smiles and leaves to make note of what she did. Alan spots me and smiles, "Finally, the damn IVs are out. I never cared for needles." I chuckle, "You and me both, Alan." I noticed that he was no longer connected to the monitors, and that the bandages around his head was gone. I take a look at his head and see that he had a scar on his head, though his hair hid most of the scar. I said, "Now you have a scar that you can proudly show off." Alan chuckles, "I most definitely will be showing off the scar. To my family and friends of course." I chuckle in response. Alan said, "Looks like I'll be staying in the city for a bit longer, since I've been stuck here in the hospital for 2 weeks." I smile, "Good." I kiss him again. He chuckles and kisses back, "I take it you like what I said?" I chuckle, "Yeah, means I get to spend more time with you." Alan chuckles, passion seen in his eyes, "I like the sound of that." We both smile at each other at the thought. The nurse came in with the paperwork, as another nurse came with his clothes and belongings. The nurse set his clothes and belongings at the foot of the bed. Alan said, "Thank you." The nurse said, "your welcome." As the nurse leaves, the nurse with the paperwork said, "If you could sign and date here and here, Mr. Rickman?" Alan nods as he signs and dates the paperwork. The nurse then said, "Here are you written prescriptions. Don't forget to pick them up and take them accordingly, Mr. Rickman." Alan said as he took the written prescriptions. "I won't forget. Thank you." The nurse nods smiling, "You're all set. You can get dressed and leave whenever your ready." Alan smiles, "Thank you." The nurse nods smiling, then leaves. Alan gets dressed and puts on his shoes. he pockets his keys and written prescriptions as well as everything else that his siblings had dropped off, when they came to visit. He takes the bag that his clothes came in and puts his many gifts and cards in the bag. Along with the toiletries the hospital gave him and of course the now empty pitcher. He picks up his bag and turns to me, "Ready, love?" I smile, "As ready as I'll ever be, Alan." Alan smiles and holds out his hand. I take it and hand in hand, we leave the hospital together. 


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