Rwby x destiny crossover volu...

By saltybot

30.7K 329 386

Our guardian is now at Beacon and is trying to learn all he can. He now has friends a home and is now in one... More

Chapter 1-Settling In
Chapter 2-The Bully
Chapter 3-Meet The Competition
Chapter 4-The Truth
Chapter 5-Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 6-Searching For Clues
Chapter 7-Street Fight!
Chapter 8-The Dance
Chapter 9-The Forgotten Place
Chapter 10-One Leader Falls.....

Update 2- Volume 3 is out!

1.9K 11 0
By saltybot

Just a small heads up to anyone who doesn't already know,Volume 3 is out!I am really trying to make this next volume the best.So go check it out if you guys could!!!!

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