Issues • Kim Taehyung x Reader

By xgoldenxmaknaex

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8 years after V's controlling wife forces him to quit BTS. Can anyone save him? //Trigger Warning// -Abusive... More



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By xgoldenxmaknaex

aaaaand here's your answers :) thanks for sending your questions in! please continue reading our story, liking, commenting, following, etc. thanks for you support!


keepsmilingbts: Was your so-called wife previously like this?  When you genuinely loved her for who she was? And why did you accept her every stupid demand from the very start?

TaeTae: No, she wasn't always like this...I mean, she used to remind me about my schedule and stuff like that, but...Maybe she was jealous that I spent most of my time with BTS. But she knew that when she started dating me, didn't she? ...I don't know anymore... *struggles to breathe*


SmilesRoberts: Why are you so mean to Tae?

Ha Ra: Mean? What, did Taehyung come crying to you? Don't believe anything he says. He's an attention slut. Like his "anxiety attacks"? Those are fake, just so he can get people to pity him. It's disgusting.

keepsmilingbts: Do you even love Tae? What's your motive of trapping him? What do you want out of him? Are you taking some sorta revenge by turning such a social and cute person into a social pariah? Why did you ruin him? And miss, you did RUIN HIS ENTIRE LIFE...never deny that fact

Ha Ra: A marriage is about more than love, and even love isn't something that holds its shape. It changes over time, diminishing, increasing, twisting. And I'm not trapping him. He can go wherever he wants. As long as it's not with those "friends" of his or that woman. And I don't know what you're implying about me somehow ruining Taehyung out of revenge or anything like that, but Taehyung does it to himself. He's always been insecure; he just hid it better back then. The fact that he shows me his weak side just means he cares about me that much more. That's all I really ever wanted, for him to love me and only me. But he ruined all of that.

Wh0473myf00d: Why are you so mean to Tae, always controlling what he does and doesn't do, who he hangs out with, etc.? Also, were you like this before, or did your controlling behavior happen later on in your marriage? Why can't you see that it is in fact hurting him?

Ha Ra: Taehyung doesn't know how to take care of himself. The reason he used to be in that dance group or whatever it was was because he liked not having to think for himself. If you don't tell Taehyung to eat, he'll starve to death. That's just how he is. And I'm only "controlling" Taehyung, as you called it, because he needs direction in his life. If I'm more "controlling" now than before, it's because Taehyung is getting worse at being responsible. And if Taehyung is hurt, it's because he's hurting himself.

Thatnerdyouguysknow: I don't think that Tae is the one who has to go see a psychologist... it's you isn't it? 😂😂

Ha Ra: What for? I'm not the one who's screwed up. I'm not the one that can't survive without depending on someone else. Tae is- WAS - seeing (Name) because he's insecure and has "anxiety." But she's just ruining him more. Why would I want to go see her?


keepsmilingbts:  Why didn't you try to extend your hand and see if he was doing well? Why did you accept his absence so easily?

Kookie: *starts crying* I thought he was doing what he wanted to do...I didn't want him to leave BTS, but what was I going to do? I thought he was happy...I didn't want to ruin his happiness. And eventually, one of us is probably going to get married too, and we'll keep losing each other... *cries harder* and I didn't take it easily, I missed him everyday...when I first saw him in the coffee shop recently, I was so scared...I didn't want to say anything to push him away...and I didn't want to overwhelm him...but I wanted to hug the shit out of him and never let go...but I didn't and I regret that...

keepsmilingbts: What would you do if you found out who was the person Ha Ra is cheating on Tae with?

Kookie: I'd get Jimin because he's strong and then go beat the shit out of him. But I'd probably have to tell Joonie too...and he would tell everyone else...and we would all beat him up...but I want the first punch.

Thatnerdyouguysknow: How did you feel when TaeTae was with you at the coffee shop at the start?

Kookie: Honestly I was so fricking felt like an omen, you know? Like I thought that he just might say something like "That's it, I'm done with you guys forever. I'm leaving Korea." I mean, he hadn't contacted me in years...and then, out of the blue, he wants to see me...but...I also felt kind of happy. That he chose me. Maybe that's horrible of me to say when I should just be focusing on helping Tae and whatever makes him better, but I'm glad that it was me he reached out to first. I just wish he would have done it a whole lot damn sooner.


keepsmilingbts: Why didn't you try to extend your hand and see if he was doing well? Why did you accept his absence so easily?

Jimin: I guess I never took our time together for granted...I figured, we made it this far, it was bound to happen that one of us would leave...I just never thought it would be Tae...and we'd known Ha Ra for a while by that point and we thought she'd take good care of Tae...but we were so wrong.

keepsmilingbts: What would you do if you found out who was the person Ha Ra is cheating on Tae with?

Jimin: Depends. Do I get a gun or a knife?


keepsmilingbts: Why didn't you try to extend your hand and see if he was doing well? Why did you accept his absence so easily?

J-Hope: Because he broke off contact with us...I tried, I swear, but he just kind of disappeared...I thought he was doing it on purpose. I'd heard he'd gotten a job, and I thought he wanted to distance himself from us because he didn't want to mess up the life he was making...and it wasn't easy, losing Tae. Are you kidding me? Every time we went to practice, we had to alter the choreography because we were only 6 instead of 7. All our news songs were missing a voice. ARMY was upset even though Big Hit released a statement. For the first few months, there were all these videos and images on the Internet of fans seeing people who looked kind of like Tae and tagging him, trying to find his location. So, no, it wasn't easy. Not when I had to pass his empty bedroom every day on the way to breakfast.

keepsmilingbts: What would you do if you found out who was the person Ha Ra is cheating on Tae with?

J-Hope: I don't know if it's my job to take action. If Tae wanted to, he could have done it five years ago. I'd probably ask Tae if he wanted to know who it was. Then I would tell Namjoon.


keepsmilingbts: Why didn't you try to extend your hand and see if he was doing well? Why did you accept his absence so easily?

Suga: That's not my job in the group. Jin's the mom. He should have done it. Or Namjoon, he's the leader. Jungkook's the golden fricking maknae. Jimin's an angel. J-Hope is...hope. Any one of them could have and should have done something. And besides. In my life, something I've found out the hard way is that with some things you care about, the more you chase them, the farther they run. And why did I accept it easily? I didn't. At first, I thought that he'd come back, that it was just a joke. That I'd see him laughing with Jungkook in his room or bouncing on J-Hope's bed or in the kitchen whining at Jin to make him something to eat or in my bedroom trying to wake me up and not get punched in the face. But it wasn't just that. I only was able to feel like I had people who cared about me with BTS. And then Tae leaves for some girl. I was pissed. I was probably a little heartbroken. I felt betrayed. But at least he was alive. And if it made him happy, fantastic for him. It didn't make me happy, but what do I matter?

keepsmilingbts: What would you do if you found out who was the person Ha Ra is cheating on Tae with?

Suga: Not sure. I need time to use my imagination. Let's just say that he wouldn't be screwing anybody for a while. Or ever.

Thatnerdyouguysknow: Do you feel like one of the members is cheating on Tae with Ha Ra?

Suga: I didn't think so, but now that you mention it, I'm feeling kind of paranoid and I hate it because if I can't trust my family, who can I trust? I don't think Jungkook could stab his best friend in the back like that. I don't think Jimin could do it either. J-Hope isn't really that interested in romantic relationships, he's just happy to chill with us. Speaking for myself, no chance in hell. Namjoon wouldn't, even if he wanted to, not saying he does, but because he's the leader and he knows he can't screw up. The only person who I think maybe could is Jin, but he's kind of in the same boat as Namjoon and me. We're the oldest, so we can't fuck up. They're looking up to us. Tae used to look up to us. I hope he still does.


keepsmilingbts: Why didn't you try to extend your hand and see if he was doing well? Why did you accept his absence so easily?

Princess Jin: Every Mom has to deal with their babies leaving the nest. I didn't want Tae to leave, especially when we were at the height of our game, but I thought that maybe he was just growing up. Who was I to tell him no? And the only reason I could accept his absence at all is because I knew he was alive out there somewhere and hopefully safe. And I sent him selcas of my beautiful self every day until he blocked my number 😭

keepsmilingbts: What would you do if you found out who was the person Ha Ra is cheating on Tae with?

Princess Jin: What would I do...hmm...well, for starters, I would be very upset. Then I'd probably get Joonie and Yoongi and leave the dongsaengs out of it because I don't want them to get hurt. That's all the information I can disclose at this time.

keepsmilingbts: After all that evil lady did to Tae, do you still like her? As a crush or even as a person?

Princess Jin: No!! She may have a pretty face, but she has an ugly heart. And I'd never do that to Tae.

Thatnerdyouguysknow: How did you act when you first saw her?

Princess Jin: I may have flirted with her a tad...but she was practically hanging on Taehyung. Although she did look at me like she wouldn't mind a slice of a Jin cake, but she never approached me. I just thought it was because I'm God's gift on Earth. It seemed like she was genuinely interested in Tae.


keepsmilingbts: Why didn't you try to extend your hand and see if he was doing well? Why did you accept his absence so easily?

Rap Monster: I did try...So many times, I did...I tried texting him, but then my number got blocked. I tried finding his address, but I couldn't find it. I tried social media, but he was just gone...But I still sent him a Happy Birthday text every year. You know, just in case. I guess I was always hoping that he'd reply. So, no, I didn't take it easily. But I'm the leader. If I didn't get my shit together, none of us ever would. So I had to pretend like I was moving on, getting over it, accepting that our family had just shattered. I kind of gave up a little each year on Taehyung. But I still sent those Happy Birthday texts. Just in case.

keepsmilingbts: What would you do if you found out who was the person Ha Ra is cheating on Tae with?

Rap Monster: Illegal things. Violent things. Things that will definitely hurt the rep of BTS so I can't post them here ^_^

Wh0473myf00d: How will you handle the situation once you know the identity of the man Ha Ra has been cheating with? Like, how will you confront them or Ha Ra?

Rap Monster: I'll definitely deal with the man in a way that could get me arrested. If I'm still thinking clearly, I'll try to keep my family out of it because I don't want them getting in trouble with me, but either way, he's going to suffer. As for Ha much as I want to give her the same treatment, she's still Tae's wife. The way (Name) explained it, Tae relies on Ha Ra psychologically. So I can't hurt her and risk hurting Tae. I will never do anything to hurt Tae, even if that means just leaving Ha Ra alone. But if Tae gets more confidence and feels stronger on his promises.

Thatnerdyouguysknow: How did you get such cute dimples?😅😂😂

Rap Monster: From smiling with happiness so much after getting a new family with my BTS brothers <3 and because God loves me just a little bit more than everyone else ;)


keepsmilingbts: Dude how do you improve your English? You guys have fine writing skills but trust me lately my English has deteriorated like anything, not that it was good from the very start, but anyway, any tips, suggestions? Something that you do to keep up with your writing skills?

Hoot-Hoot: Read an actual book. Not these fanfics all the time, cause not all the grammar is correct. Read things like Pride and Prejudice or even something like the Lightning Thief series, which I highly recommend. But read. Sorry for a completely blunt answer but yeah.

Thatnerdyouguysknow: Bias from BTS?? And what other Kpop groups do you listen to?

Hoot-Hoot: Bias from BTS is, drumroll please, ......Jimin. Because he's so adorable, I live for his chubby cheek-ed smile. He's got an amazing personality. He's so sweet and it drives me insane. But I mean, Jin is just trying to wreck my bias list like???? Who are you? What are you doing to my life???
As for other groups, I listen to CLC, Red Velvet, BlackPink, Got7, Monsta X, A.C.E. (rookie group just debuted in May.), Knk, Astro, NCT, Exo, Seventeen, K.A.R.D, etc. :)

Thatnerdyouguysknow: Do you watch k-dramas?? If you do and also have the unfortunate task of watching 4 ads in a row every ten minutes cuz u are broke af-like me- then you would have seen a bunch of shitty ads on rubbish things that no one uses... in the end. But if u are a rich bean then just ignore that😂😂

Hoot-Hoot:  I do watch K-Dramas. I am a poor bean myself too. I cry. There are a bunch of useless ads and the acting in them (in the commercials) are horribly hilarious 😂


keepsmilingbts: Dude how do you improve your English? You guys have fine writing skills but trust me lately my English has deteriorated like anything, not that it was good from the very start, but anyway, any tips, suggestions? Something that you do to keep up with your writing skills?

DarkWings73: Well, first off, you're using the word "deteriorated," so I think there's still hope for your English future :) I know this is going to sound cliche, but it's cliche because it's true - READ. And I know that Wattpad is a magical place for people to send their writing out into the world, even if it is just fan fiction - but don't make this your own source of literature. Not to bash Wattpad or any of these sites like, Quotev, Archive of Our Own, etc., but there's no guarantee that what you're reading is credible in terms of grammar, syntax, etc. Often times, I'll read a lot of pieces on here that I really like but definitely need an editing tune-up. So while reading online is great, I highly recommend keeping up with real books from published authors who are paid to use grammar and write cohesive pieces. I'll list some of my favorites here in case you're struggling to find something good. Hope this helps!

Books: Any of Lee Child's "Jack Reacher" series; The Electric Church by Jeff Somers; Lord of the Deep by Graham Salisbury; The Pigman by Paul Zindel; Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Kris Krutcher; If Rock and Roll Were a Machine by Terry Davis; The Gospel According to Larry by Janet Tashijan; Broken for You by Stephanie Kallos

Short Stories: "Disappearing" by Monica Wood, "Fiesta 1980" by Junot Diaz, "Pilgrims" by Julie Orringer, "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, "Happy Endings" by Margaret Atwood, "The Anatomy of Desire" by John L'Heureux, "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" by Gabriel Marcia Marquez

Thatnerdyouguysknow: Bias from BTS?? And what other Kpop groups do you listen to? 

DarkWings73: Gotta go with Jimin...he's got a great voice, personality, face, smile, and abs. What more does one need? He's also shy and awkward, and I sympathize a great deal. As for other Kpop groups, I'm actually sort of new to this all...Hoot-Hoot dragged me into Kpop just earlier this month or so and I've caught on pretty quick :) I haven't had a chance to listen to much else, but 2 names I see around a lot are Got7 and GDragon, so that's probably where I'll start.

Thatnerdyouguysknow: Do you watch k-dramas?? If you do and also have the unfortunate task of watching 4 ads in a row every ten minutes cuz u are broke af-like me- then you would have seen a bunch of shitty ads on rubbish things that no one uses... in the end. But if u are a rich bean then just ignore that😂😂

DarkWings73: I don't watch many...but I am watching Hwarang because Tae is in it :) and nope, not a rich bean so I have to watch all the ads... 😓

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