The Chaser (G-Dragon Fanfic)

By KrystalxMoon

2.1K 53 11

Park Hara is just an average 24 year old girl living in Seoul. She doesn't believe in vampire and all those m... More

The Chaser (G-Dragon Fanfic)


844 35 9
By KrystalxMoon

Eun Hye's POV

"Ji Yong, You have to leave!" I told him. His red eyes were glaring at the demon that was holding on to my right arm.

"No," he said as my arm started to burn. The demon was a great fire demon and since I was a vampire, my arms caught on fire easily. I used all my strength to push Ji Yong out the storage room. I knew the demon was going to attack Ji Yong next and I needed to protect my lover.

He was special to me and I won't let anything happen to him.

"Eun Hye!" I heard Ji Yong called from the other side of the storage room door. Now, my whole arm was on fire. The demon hissed at me and try to yank me away from the door. He threw me against a wall, causing a big crack from my spine. My hands found a demon sword that Ji Yong must've dropped.

A demon sword will explode after being thrust inside a demon.

I used every ounce of strength I still have and ran over to the demon that was about to open the door. I stabbed it's back with the sword and it turned around. I was just about to run to the other side of the room to avoid the explosion when the demon grabbed me.

There was no escape. The sword eploded. The demon exploded. All I could think of was Ji Yong. Was he okay? Did he leave?

"Ji Yong," I whispered before everything went black.

Ji Yong's POV

"Eun Hye!" I screamed once I heard the explosion. I pause waiting for Eun Hye's voice. There was no sound. I kick down the door and saw my Eun Hye saying on the ground next to the demon who has a hole in it torso.

My Eun Hye was dead.

Frustrated, I kick the dead demon. I picked up Eun Hye and carried her out of the building. The sun had not risen yet and there was no one on the street. I decided to fly home. I flew over a large ocean where me and Eun Hye shared a lot of memories. I gentley set her on the water and watch her sink into the emerald sea.


"Seunghyun," I called out to my hyung. I was going to tell him to get some blood from the fridge when I sense something. I perked up.

It's so familiar it's almost as if I had sense it before. I looked around my room. There wasn't anyone in here. Was one of my hyungs or dongsaengs controlling my thought? No, they would be giving my thoughts different that this.

What is this. Who ever you are you must come out.

Suddenly, I smelled roses. In my mind I pictured a white lacey dress. Someone was wearing it. Someone with very pale skin and pink lips. She also had fangs.

Eun Hye

If I sense her then... she reincarnated and is alive. I have to search for her.

I have to search for my dear Eun Hye.







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