Record Store Geek

By Aria_Foote

53.1K 2K 202


Record Store Geek
I Knew You Were Trouble
You Belong With Me
Hey Stephen
Live While We're Young
Last Friday Night
Kiss the Girl
Hot n Cold
I'll Stand By You
Party All the Time
State of Grace
I Won't Give Up
I'm Yours
Live Until I Die
Forgive Me
Place in this World
Here's To Us
Long Live
All of Me
The Scientist
New York, New York
The Love Song (Spin-Off News)
The Bonus Chapter (Epilogue)

Love Story

1.8K 77 6
By Aria_Foote

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone 

"Man you're dad seems as strict as hell." Rhi sighed as we walked together to the cafeteria "I mean honestly it's a party, not that big of a deal." 

"That was my argument." I sighed as we stood in line and each grabbed a pizza and diet coke "He thinks that I'm supposed to be this perfect daughter who can't put a toe out of line because then it will hurt his camaign.... it's not fair I mean, yeah I mean a month ago I wouldn't be complaining about this but now--" 

"Ryder's making you change for the better." Rhi finished with a smirk. 

I rolled my eyes at her "Please, I mean yeah Ryder's showed me a new side of everything but he's not changing me." 

"Oh I know he's not changing you." Rhi said as we looked for a table "I think this Nessa has just been hiding from the world but now that Ryder's moved in he's making her come out of hiding." 

"Whatever you say Rhiannon." I sighed as we sat down at the only empty table that seated 10 other people. 

"So where are Shae and Clary?" 

"Clary's in the green house working on some project and Shae should be here any minute--" 

As if on cue Shae's golden locks popped out in the crowd and the girly blondie appeared and plopped down beside Rhi. "Hey girlies." She said "So Yale's sending out their acceptance letters in a few weeks." She said looking at me. "You still wanna go?" 

"I have to go." I mumbled "Especially now." 

"Ness you're dad doesn't get to decide your whole future." Shae sighed as she stole a fry off of my plate "It's your life now get on your big girl pants and tell him you want to go into music producing and film." 

I sighed running a hand through my long brown hair "I'd have to wait another year if I want to go to a music producing school Shae it's March they won't take letters like this now." 

Rhi shrugged her shoulders "They will if they want you and you're good." 

I rolled my eyes and looked up when I noticed Ryder, Kyle, Lucas, Jared, Seraphina, Kat Jennings, and Summer AKA the populars making their way over to us. "Hey there Lennon." Ryder smirked as he  plopped down beside me and slung his arm over the back of my chair "How's life treating you." 

I rolled my eyes at him "Trying to deal with these two who are obsessed with the fact that I should apply to my dream school in New York." 

Ryder raises an eye at me as the other chatted around us "Well why not? If it's your dream--" 

"My dad wants me to go to Yale, I applied and if I get in I'm going to go." I said nodding my head, I turned to Shae and Rhi "Get it?" 

They nodded their heads falling silent and I turned my attention back to my lunch. "So there's a game this Friday." Lucas said "Ness you gonna come?" 

I looked up shrugging my shoulders "Football's not exactly my thing." 

"Well I've seen you come to just about every practice." Summer sproke up looking at me with her intense mint green eyes. 

"I came because Ryder asked me." I said rolling my eyes "What is that not allowed?" 

"So are you two like a thing now?" Summer asked leaning on her elbows looking way to interested then she needed to. 

"Of course not." I said glancing over at both Ryder and Kyle to see them both looking uncomfortable "It's called being friends ever heard of it?" 

Summer rolled her eyes as standing up and glancing at Seraphina and Kat "Let's go girls this company is a total bore now." 

"Summer." Kyle spoke up as Fi and Kat both stood up "You don't have to leave sit back down." 

Summer walked over to Kyle and kissed him full out before straightening back up leaving Kyle with a dazed look on his face and my knuckles turning chalk white from clenching them to hard. "I'll see you later babe." She said before giving me one last glare and walking away. 

"Man that chicks such a bitch." Ryder mumbled causing me to smile at him softly. 

"Are we going to practice for the anniversary tonight?" I asked him. 

To my surprise he shook his head "Can't." He said "We're having a late night practice tonight so I'm going to have to skip out." 

"Oh." I said shifting uncomfortably "That's uh... that's okay." 

"What song are you guys dancing to?" Shae asked "Something like totally romantice or something totally cheesy?" 

I rolled my eyes at her "We're doing I'll Stand By You by The Pretenders." 

"Oh that's like your all time favourite song! Nice pick Ness." Shae said smiling. 

I grinned back but then looked at Ryder and smirked "Actually Ryder picked it out." 

Shae's eyes widened in surprise "Marry him." She said seriously before she burst out laughing "Seriously though that's such an adorable song Ryder! Who knew you could pick a song like that." 

Ryder grinned just as the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. Everyone at the table stood up and headed out of the cafeteria. Shae and and I made our ways to our locker and grabbed our english books before heading to our class. As we entered we met up with Lucas and Ryder who were already seated at the back of the room. 

Shae and I sat closer up to the front watching as others like Kyle, Kat, and Summer walked in and joined the others at the back. 

"Hello class." Mr. Jenobe said as he entered the classroom. He shut the door behind him and smiled as he held up a folder and said "I have a group project for you all." 

A series of groans were heard throughout the classroom and I realized immediatly one of them was mine. "Now, now this isn't a boring assignment don't you worry." He said grinning "As you all know we are focusing on some of the greatest literature ever written, whether they be from William Shakespere to Charles Dickens or Jane Austen. And so I have assigned each group one of the famous scripts or novels and you must reinact a famous scene and film it to show to the class. Now from now for 4 more weeks each english class you will be working on this project and it will be counting for 25% of your grade understand?" There were murmers of agreement and Mr. Jenobe nodded his head before opening the folder "I'll name off the groups and which peice of famous literature you will be assigned."  

He cleared his throat before he began "Ali, Shae, Lucas, and Joshua." He began "You will be working on The Great Gatsby." He stated "Cassie, Lucy, John, and Alec you will be doing Midsummers Night Dream." The list continued on until finally I heard my name "Seraphina, Vanessa, Ryder and Kyle." My eyes widened slightly as I glanced back at both all three as Mr. Jenobe added "You will be working on Romeo and Juliet.

How did I know I would be stuck with that? 

A few minutes later Mr. Jenobe finally finished and told us all to meet up with our groups to begin our planning. I stood up and walked to the back of the room where Fi, Ryder, and Kyle were sitting around a desk. 

"Hey." I said with a smile as I pulled up a chair to sit beside Seraphina "So, Romeo and Juliet.... what uh what scene should we shoot?" 

"We can always do that balconey scene." Kyle spoke up "That's a pretty famous one right? And my house has a balconey at the back too so we have a good spot...." 

"Okay." I said smiling "Who's playing who?" 

"I'm fine behind the camera." Fi said "Sorry but I'm not the greatest actor." 

"Alright so Lennon's Juliet." Ryder said "Dude are you cool with being Romeo?" He asked Kyle which made my stomach do a backflip. The balconey scene was a kissing scene if Kyle agreed I would get to kiss Kyle! 

"Um I'm not so sure Summer would be okay with me kissing another girl...." He said nervously looking behind him, I followed his gaze to see Summer glaring at all four of us and I knew she was listening. 

"Yeah that's not a great idea." Fi agreed with a nod. "So Ryder I guess that leaves you for Romeo, you okay with that?" 

Ryder nodded his head but I hesitated "Wouldn't it be awkward though?" I asked "I mean we live together and the balconey scene we kiss...." 

"It's only acting." Seraphina said with a shrug of her shoulders "Now I have some costumes we can use my little sister does alot of theature so we have alot of the time period costumes--You two." She said looking at Ryder and I "Just know the lines and act well." She said "Get ready to smooch." 

I looked at Ryder nervously as I crossed my legs.... I had to kiss Ryder. 


ooooo lol Nessie and Ryder have to do some lil smooching! LOL next chapter! Now I know Romeo and Juliet's a bit cliche and they were supposed to do Pride and Prejudice or Anna Karenina but I didn't know either of those stories very well and since I know Romeo and Juliet like the back of my hand I just chose that so don't hate me for being cliche I HAVE MY REASONS! lol so next chap they'll begin working on the film and there will be a few kisses AND a Nessa and Kyle moment EEP! lol pic on the side is Summer, Kat, and Fi the popular trio of the school! 

luv ya 


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