She's My Girl

By GirlLuvsHae

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Identical twins, Sandie and Darie, had been separated from the start of their parent's divorce and grew apart... More

Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 25

1K 44 10
By GirlLuvsHae

"Yes, your principal had already called and discussed the idea with me." Donghae nodded as he listened to YG High's principal clasping his hands together on the table as he looked at Donghae sitting in front of his desk. "Although I feel flattered that you think of our school as the subject of your... thing but I'm not sure if it was a good idea. I did told your principal that but she told me you are one of SM High's top students and she believes you won't write anything that will tarnish YG High's reputation."

Donghae let out a small smile and wanting to tell the principal that it's just a school paper and won't get published anywhere but he doesn't want to sound cheeky and the principal looked scary enough. He was probably around his late 30s and Donghae had glanced a tattoo on his arms underneath his long sleeved polo when he lifted his hand for a shake. He doesn't look anything like the principal in SM High. He doesn't look anything like a principal at all.

And what reputation he was referring to, he had no idea. Does the principal means, YG High's reputation of being the school catering most children of infamous gangsters? From what he knows, some children of famous politicians are studying here too but YG High is mostly known for the former. Geez, even the principal is straight out of a gangster movie..

The principal continued before Donghae could answer him. "And I don't believe you would even want to do that considering my students are very vindictive. Now, I'm not threatening you, of course. I just want to let you know that. Even I have a hard time controlling them when they are rattled at something. I might suggest for you to stay off radar while you're doing your research."

"I... understand, sir," Donghae said still nodding. Just how bad is this school that even the principal had to issue a warning? When he first entered the building, one of the students kindly gave him the direction to the principal's office when he asked. Sure all the students were gawking at him as he passed by but they didn't say anything. Though it was a little weird but he completely understands that seeing a new face would probably get any student to stare... he thinks. He spotted some male students smirking as they glanced his way thought.

"What made you think of YG High anyway?" The principal asked.

"Uh... it was... uh... a schoolmate had actually suggested that topic." He smiled this time. "She have a sister studying here."

"Really?" The principal looked flummoxed at that info. "An SM High student having a relative here in YG? Sister? Are you sure?"

"That's... what she told me," Donghae said thinking on what was Darie's father's name again so he could mention it but before he can remember, the door burst open with it bouncing off on the wall. Both he and principal jumped and they turned to the direction of the door.

Donghae felt his mouth open slightly. For a second he thought Darie had followed him here in YG but she looked different. She was wearing black ripped pants with chains, and a black vetements hoodie. Her hair was down and she looked so much like Darie that Donghae had a moment of confusion before realizing it.

He is now finally meeting Darie's twin. She wasn't kidding when she said they were identical. But why does she look like she wanted to rip something in half?

Sandie was standing on the doorway with her heart almost stopping when her eyes met Donghae's who looked really surprised at seeing her. Damn Darie! Why didn't she stopped him?! Damn! And she thought her life stopped getting complicated the moment she came back as Sandie Park.

He needs to go!

"Oh, good thing. Here's Sandie Park," the principal said. "She will guide you as you conduct your research."

"Shut up," Sandie practically growled as she marched over to them. Donghae glanced at the principal wondering if he also condone students speaking to him that way.

"Nice seeing you too, Sandie," the principal said lazily leaning on his seat now.

But Sandie ignored him as she stopped in front of Donghae who only looked at her from his seat wondering if he's gonna get pummeled for unknown reasons. Darie didn't tell him her sister looked... well... she looked ready to kill right now. Ready to kill him right now by the way she was glaring at him. He needs to remember Darie told him her twin is a member of a gang. And she did mentioned that her twin is very protective of her. Is that the reason why she looked like she is ready to knock him out?

What the fuck are you doing here?! Sandie wanted to ask but she can only clench her jaw unable to find her voice that wouldn't come out as a yell.

Donghae remembered his manners and he immediately stood up making Sandie step back a little at his sudden move. "Good afternoon," Donghae greeted smiling. "My name is—"

"I know who you are," Sandie snapped.

"Oh that's good," the principal interjected. "You're already friends. I assign you to be this student's guide into finishing... whatever he wants to do." He waved off his hand then turned his swivel chair around to face the window ultimately signifying the end of the meeting.

Sandie only glanced at the back of the principal's chair with a glare before turning and stomping out of the office and Donghae bent his waist down even if the principal doesn't see it. "Thank you, Principal." Then hurried to follow Darie's twin out the door. As soon as he had closed the principal's office door, she whirled around almost causing Donghae to crash into her but he stopped just in time.

"Leave," Sandie said firmly. "This is not the school for you."

Donghae's forehead creased. "I know." Isn't it obvious? "I'm not actually planning to transfer here. I only wanted to use YG High as a subject for my baby thesis and your principal—"

"He is not the principal," Sandie interjected trying not to roll her eyes. Here is this idiot again taking her words literally. "He is just standing in for the principal while he's out." At least that's what Bom told her. She can't believe the school had asked Im Taebin, one of the members of the Snake Clan under Teddy Park, to stand in for the principal who was in the hospital for a surgery. The school directors probably thought one of the society's members as a principal would initiate order inside YG High but it only made the students, actually the Tigers and the Dragons students, to be more chaotic than before. Im Taebin is an idiot who had graduated with a master's degree but chose to stay in the society. He always picks on her even when she was just little.

"Oh," Donghae said. "Well, I only wanted to...." His voice trailed off when Sandie sighed loudly, her nostrils flaring and for a second, he really had a flashback of Darie's face when she was really mad at him for trying to stop her from playing volleyback during their school event. Damn, the identicalness of the two is completely astonishing.

Sandie doesn't know if she would be happy that Donghae is here or if she should kick him out. Seeing Donghae again made her realize how much she had missed him but him inside YG High? He would probably be slaughtered. For one, GD is lowkey hunting him—and she doesn't even what to know the reason why because his head is always full of shit anyways— but the Dragons would probably follow their leader. That's how dumb they are.

And second... he shouldn't be here because it would leave Sandie with a lot more complicated heart problems than she cared to admit. Darie should've stopped him especially that Sandie already told her she likes Donghae.

Donghae realized he had been staring at her face for too long that he cleared his throat while feeling his ears redden for rudely staring at her. Sandie lifted a brow when she saw him blushing. What the hell is going through his mind now?

"Uh... yeah I probably went this the wrong way," Donghae said looking at her again with a kind smile as he held out his hand for a freakin' handshake. "My name is Donghae Lee from SM High."

Sandie eyes only glanced at his outstretched hand and back at his face. If she accept that, he would definitely feel her hand shaking. Oh god why does he have to appear here? "What made you think of doing your... what was that again? Thesis? Yeah. What made you think of YG High?"

Donghae didn't let her unacceptance of a friendly gesture affect him and just let his hands fall to his sides as he answered, "Your sister had told me about YG High and that's when the idea hit me." He doesn't think telling her it was Darie's suggestion would help his cause. And he doesn't want to get Darie into trouble if that is actually a no no for her sister.

Sandie cursed inwardly. Damn, she shouldn't have told him about herself in YG High. She remembered blabbing on and on about her supposed twin, Sandie Park at YG High when she was acting as Darie. That probably caught his interest. This is all her damn fault!

"I'm not going to bother you," Donghae said thinking that's what she's pissed off about. "I'm just going to observe, interview a couple of students, take some pictures, have some students answer some questions.... I'll try to be as unnoticeable as possible so as not to disrupt any students."

Sandie scoffed. "Donghae, you are about as unnoticeable as a hundred grand lying on the floor. The moment you entered the gates, the whole school already knows there's a new face around here." She sighed loudly again. And it's gonna be even more chaotic once GD found out who is the new face. Considering the number of lackeys he's got, it's actually surprising that GD doesn't know the face and the name of the guy he is looking for. Just what is he so damn pissed off about anyway? He was the one who made Darie cry and he's bitching about Darie kissing.... Sandie shook her head at the memory wanting to blot it out.

Donghae was just watching her with brows creased wondering what she's doing.

"You'd better do all the things you need to do until end of today. I don't want to see you here tomorrow," Sandie said sternly.

"What?" End of today? Doesn't she know this is not just a random school paper assignment? And what gives her an authority to prohibit him from doing this thesis or setting up a time limit? Their principal gave the okay. But before he could voice out those reasons, Sandie let out a loud expletive as she spotted something behind him. He turned his head to find a guy marching over in their direction with a malevolent expression on his face.

Sandie had already spotted GD before he spotted them. By the look in his face, he probably already found out who Donghae is and he is now charging at him. Hoh boy....

"You stay the fu—" GD's warning came to an abrupt halt as he felt Sandie's thick boot hit him on the face and he staggered back, his hands on his nose. "Ah fuck. What the...." He looked up with a glare and Sandie was standing in front of Donghae with a deadly glare of her own.

"You stay the fuck away," Sandie told him, her eyes flashing at the thought that this jerk would dare lay a hand on her Donghae. She grabbed Donghae's hand and pulled him out of that place striding to the direction of the school's garden.

Donghae was in utter shock over what he just witnessed and just let Darie's twin drag him to wherever she was planning to take him. Did that just happened? Did she just kicked him in the face? Just outside the principal's office? That is considered brawling in SM High and grounds for suspension.

YG High is really really interesting. So much that he's starting to have second thoughts. Is this where Darie got her sometimes violent streak come from? With the way her sister just straight up high-kicked that guy in the face, that's who Darie probably learned her skills from. He remembered the CCTV footage he had watched at the time when Jessica and two of her friends tried to play a joke on her and Darie had all but kicked their asses single handedly.

Sandie stopped when they reached one of the garden's circular stone benches and tables and faced him. His eyes was a little wide as he met her gaze, probably shell shocked at what he had just seen. "It's a normal occurrence, don't worry."

"You just... kicked him... just like that... In front of the principal's office." Donghae's voice sounds so mystified like he couldn't believe a student was capable of doing that.

"The principal had done a lot worse," Sandie countered. "What I did is considered a... baby's kick compared to what that Im Taebin does. And that guy I just kicked can survive." For some reason she wanted Donghae to believe what she did wasn't really that harmful. "He's used to being kicked in the face, it's nothing new to him."

Donghae was just staring at her still with that bewildered expression like he still couldn't believe it that Sandie rolled her eyes. But before she can say anything, CL and Bom suddenly appeared behind Donghae.

"What the heck is going on?" CL said loudly making Donghae whirl around in surprise. He didn't hear them coming behind him.

Sandie sighed swinging her leg to sit on the bench.

"Oh, who is this?" Bom asked noticing Donghae standing there.

"He's from SM," Sandie answered.

"SM High?" Bom said looking at Donghae blatantly from head to foot then looked at Sandie as she took a seat on the bench too. "It's true what they said. SM High has really good looking students."

"Smells really nice too," CL said practically taking an obvious whiff of Donghae's neck making him step back as she also took a seat on the bench.

"So he's the new face. Is he transferring?" Bom asked Sandie.

"YG High wouldn't accept someone as rigid as him," Sandie said with a wave of her hand.

Donghae's eyes went to Sandie when he heard that. She sounds exactly like Darie when she calls him that. Darie probably told her what she thought of him to her sister and she adapted it. Imagine being called rigid guy by two people with only one face. It's mind boggling.

"And besides," Sandie continued looking at a tiny ant crawling on the stone table. "He's off limits. My sister is dating him."

"Woah, your sister is really lucky," Bom said winking at Donghae. Sandiehoped they wouldn't probemuch deeper than that. Of course they knew she had a sister. They didn't know she was twin sister though. And Sandie is not in the mood to tell them so they could question her about it. That would be prone to them figuring out that the Sandie Park they had hung out with for the last three weeks is actually not Sandie Park.

Sandie lifted her eyes to look at Donghae. "Sit down," she said.

Donghae hesitated for a second before deciding it's better to listen to Darie's sister. He took a seat that is actually across from Sandie, laying his folder on the stone table.

"Ask me then leave," Sandie said.

Donghae blinked not understanding what she meant. "What?"

"You want to have your paper, ask me and I'll tell you everything. After that, don't come back."

Donghae's brows furrowed. He really doesn't want to start an argument with Darie's sister but her high strung attitide is really too much. "Sorry but this is a thesis that doesn't get written just by a few questions and answers from one student. Thesis is a long essay involving personal research."

Sandie, Bom, and CL was gawking at him with a wry expression before CL commented to Bom, "Yup. Definitely not YG material."

Sandie sighed heavily. He doesn't change at all. And she loves him for it. It took her a lot of restraint not to reach out to hug him.

"You look so much like her," Donghae said thoughtfully, his eyes roaming her face.

Sandie was taken aback at that comment and she can't help but redden at the way Donghae is intently studying her as if he was marveled at the alikeness of her and Darie. She averted her gaze, clearing her throat.

Okay, I'm losing my mind here, Donghae had thought as he watched Sandie blush for whatever reason because that is how Darie looked like when she blushes. Damn, twins could really drive you crazy.

"Are you blushing?" Bom asked Sandie with her forehead creased.

Sandie scoffed and willed herself to stop blushing. "Yeah, because the sun is too hot" She turned to Donghae. "Do whatever you need to do and get outta here." She's going to call Darie to make sure he won't appear in here again. She nodded to CL and Bom and they all stood up with Bom complaining, "Awww, I really wanted to stay for a little bit and entertain our visitor."

Sandie glared at her. "We have a class."

"Oh no not again," Bom said. "Please tell me the crazy, obsessed-with-attending-classes Sandie Park is not returning!"

"Oh crap, no no no." CL shook her head at her. "I had a full on headache those past couple of weeks!"

Sandie just heaved a loud sigh at her friend's exaggerated acting over Darie's obssesion with attending classes. "I need to go to class so that i can take a nap."

"Oh," CL said with a grin. "Now you're talking. Bye pretty boy."

"Call me if you need anything," Bom said playfully with another wink.

Ugh. Her friends are such freaks.

And she's so jealous that they can freely do that while she have to endure his presence without touching him.

GD was glaring at everything his eyes set on as he walked the hallway feeling his nose with his hand and wondering if it was broken. Damn that Sandie Park!

He was left baffled when Sandie suddenly ran out of the classroom earlier with a loud expletive and Bom and CL just shrugging before following her. Sudden worry sprung up inside him as he had watched them. Did something happened to Darie which made Sandie ran off like that? But before he could delved further into that thought, his phone rang with one of his men whom he had asked to find something for him had called. He had simply asked to find out the guy whom Darie is hanging out with in SM High and he received a a couple of pictures with a smiling pretty boy face. From what he was told, he was the president of the student council and whom Darie Park is dating for almost two weeks now. Two weeks? Darie Park was dating GD Kwon for two weeks, what the hell.

He had stared at the picture of the guy named Donghae Lee and concluded that it was Sandie Park acting as Darie who was dating him but now that Sandie is back here then.... He had stormed out of the room intent to find Sandie Park again to confront her, ready to blame her for all this and then he caught sight of that Donghae Lee. That same Donghae Lee he had seen from those photos, the one who kissed Darie out in the parking lot, standing outside the principal's office talking to Sandie Park. He marched over to them with his hands fisted without thinking it through, only wanting to get his message across that Darie Park is his and then Sandie had to get in the way by kicking him in the face. Goddamit.

He was looking for some students to ask where Sandie Park had dragged that new guy to when his phone rang. It was his dad.

"Yeah?" He answered then his steps came to a halt as he listened to what his dad is saying over the phone. His teeth clenched and had to close his eyes to the disaster that he knew is coming but can only respond with assent, "Yes. I know." He hung up staring into nothingness with his jaw clenching before continuing his determined strides. Now, he really needed to talk to Sandie Park.

"You what!" Sandie practically yelled over the phone. Her dad called her just as she was about step inside her next class with CL right behind her. "Dad! Arrrgh!" Her dad hung up on her right after he delivered that ridiculous news. She pressed the end button on the screen several times wanting to throw it in her frustration but she turned to CL instead to vent. "Do you realize what Dad did?"

"Uh... no...."

"He is setting up another damn meeting with the Dragons! He wants me to be there with GD! Ugh!" She wanted to kick something in frustration because she knows exactly what it means.

CL just watched her with furrowed brows. "Uh... okay.... Didn't you... already get past this? I mean, you volunteered to be GD's fiancee or something and then you broke it off and then next thing we knew, you guys are getting all lovey dovey and spending time together and then you guys are on war zone again... i mean, what is up? Really i have no idea what you're doing."

Sandie froze then pinched the bridge of her nose remembering Darie. Oh Darie, if you are within reach, I would've strangled you for even thinking of dating GD Kwon. She opened her eyes to look at CL composing herself. "What is up is that i've realized i would be so much better without GD Kwon. Date him and you'll realize that too."

"Uh, no thanks."

Sandie sighed heavily at the doom she would have to counter later tonight and proceeded inside the classroom. Her steps faltered when she caught sight of Hyun Seung sitting way behind the classroom with a hood over his head but she can tell his eyes lifted to glance at her.

She completely forgot about Hyun Seung. Is this the first time he had attended classes?

"Oh, Hyun Seung's back," CL said noticing him too.

"How long was he gone again?" Sandie casually asked.

"He comes and goes. He hangs out with these guys that looked completely bad news."

Sandie knew that. She had the scar to prove it. She wondered if HyunSeung had really seen her at that hut. She strode over to him. He lifted his eyes to look at her.

"Done with your game with GD?" He asked scornfully.

Sandie stared at him. Before he just sounds hurt and a couple of words from her would have him instantly calmed down. But his voice now.... It reeked utter hate that she wondered if he always sounds like this and she just didn't notice. "What happened to you?"

Hyun Seung scoffed before answering her. "The question should be what happened to you. There's nothing the Tigers can do for me now."

"Because of those criminal-looking morons who will do whatever you ask them to do?" Sandie retorted. "Or is it the other way around?" She let out a breath because she really doesn't want to start a fight right now. "Come back to us, Hyun Seung. Come back to me."

Hyun Seung stared at her before standing up. He was a lot taller than her but she didn't back down. "Two weeks ago, you're cowering behind GD Kwon. And now you're standing here telling me to come back?" His eyes narrowed as he searched her face. "Do you remember telling me you'll support me no matter what. No matter what my decisions are, you'll always have my back?"

"Of course," Sandie said without hesitation.

Hyun Seung shook his head. "This time, i don't think you will. Stay out of my life, Sandie. That includes all Tigers." He took his bag from the floor and strode out of the classroom ignoring the teacher who entered at the same time.

"Oh, Jang Hyun seung? Skipping again?" The teacher sighed heavily when Hyun Seung ignored him.

Sandie just stared at the door feeling said over how Hyun Seung had suddenly turned out. He used to be a really cheerful kid but after his father died, he started to become more and more introverted. She shouldn't have left and stayed with him. Maybe then she could've heard his silent cries for help.

Sandie is already walking to her bike when GD suddenly blocked her way with a stormy expression on his face. She have an idea why because that is exactly how she looks like right now.

"What?" She said putting a hand on her hip.

GD looked hesitant before asking, "What's Darie's number?"

Sandie watched his face for a second before taking her phone out and opening her contacts. "Hold on, i've got it." Then looked back at him with a smirk "It's 666 then press the number sign for Get Lost." She walked past him but then his next words made her freeze.

"You were the one who dated that Donghae Lee, not Darie."

Sandie whirled around to face him.

"It's either you tell me Darie's number or i'll tell Donghae Lee what interesting thing that has happened the past few weeks."

Sandie rolled her tongue inside her cheek before answering him. "Don't think you can blackmail me with that. You're welcome to do anything you like. Darie had always been inlove with Donghae. Since they were kids. Can you imagine being inlove with someone that long? Of course, you wouldn't understand. Oh wait, i think you do. You have been crying over Kim Taeyeon for as long as you are alive. Now the whole problem in this entire situation is how you still keep on trying to get my sister because of what? To protect Kim Taeyeon from your dad because he wanted a Tiger for you and let's face it, i'm not going to be that until it is absolutely necessary so you wouldn't have any cover for your trysts with Kim Taeyeon but honestly, your love for her is commendable. Unfortunately, the girl you wanted to use is my sister and as much as we have differences, she's my blood and i protect my blood. So you stay the fuck away from her. You can try to tell Donghae about whatever you want, but you know i'm good at revenge so make sure all your holes are covered."

"Why the hell do you keep thinking i'm using her for Taeyeon?!" GD threw up his hands feeling frustrated.

"Beats me," Sandie said dismissively. "Darie thinks that and i'll go with whatever she says. Now scram." But GD grabbed her arm before she can leave.

"Why is she thinking that?"

Sandie grabbed the arm that was holding her and forcefully took it off her. "We only have the same face, not the same brain."

But GD grabbed her again. "Did you let her think that?"

"What the? No. And do i look like i care about influencing her on what to think of you? She already had you pegged right, that's what i can say." She took his hand off her but he grabbed her arm again but she's had enough. This time, she twisted herself grabbing the hand that was supposed to grab her and flipped him ending with his back on the grass.

"Try to grab me again and i'll run you over with my bike," Sandie warned before turning to go to her bike again.

"I'm inlove with your sister."

The words wasn't what made her stop. It was the way he said it. Sandie slowly turned to look at him sitting on the grass looking small and lost.

"I love your sister," he repeated more softly this time and he sounded... did he sounded like he wanted to cry? "And i miss her so much i think i'm going to go crazy...."

Sandie felt her mouth open slightly and she blinked. What? Did she heard it right? She must've been as dense as Donghae if that was really true.

Which couldn't be... could it?

"You didn't tell me your sister is so... terrorizing," Donghae told Darie that night as they walked inside the crowded mall that night. Donghae had sent her a message inviting her for dinner and Darie agreed stating to meet inside the mall. Darie thinks the more crowded it is, the less likely for her to be awkward.

Darie chuckled. "Well... she could be like that sometimes." Yes, she doesn't feel awkward. In fact, she felt really comfortable now. Donghae had been telling her about his ideas on his baby thesis while they ate and she wondered if it's a good idea to ask about her sister. She did asked when they started walking in a random direction with Donghae taking her hand. His hand was really warm and felt nice but there's a part of her that wished it belongs to someone else.

"She just... kicked someone in the face, it really shocked me."

Darie tried to hold off a laugh. Sandie couldn't even keep it in. She was probably so rattled to see Donghae that she just let out a random kick to vent.

"The interesting part is, your sister kicked the student leading... uh... dragons? I really forgot the name."

Darie's smile froze before lifting her eyes to look at Donghae. "GD Kwon?"

"Yup that's the name. A lot of students seem to fear him. I assume that GD Kwon is another part of that society your sister is in?"

"Yeah, he is." Her voice had turned quiet and it's actually surprising that Donghae had heard her.

"But she really looks like you, it's... really amazing. She even talks like you."

"Talks like me?" Darie asked in suprise over that statement forgetting her sudden woes of missing GD Kwon.

"Yeah, like, your cursing sometimes when you're a little irritated. The bossiness and.... For a moment there, i really thought it was really you. "

"Ahaha." Darie felt her chuckle weak and forced. "Well... we're twins." Donghae would really think that because he had been really with Sandie the whole time.

"I know. The resemblance is so uncanny," Donghae said shaking his head then he spotted a basket ball arcade game inside the Fun Center. "C'mon, let's play."

Darie didn't have time to protest as Donghae pulled her towards the direction of the ball game. After buying some tokens, he inserted two on the slot and the game lighted up. Donghae picked up the balls and shooting them continuously while Darie watched.

"C'mon, play. Show me how good you are," Donghae said grinning as she shot another one.

"I've never played ball in my entire life," Darie said with a laugh."I'm happy just watching."

"C'mon Darie. I know you want it. Are you acting modest because you're wearing a dress?" Donghae said thrusting a ball towards her.

Darie could do nothing but accept it facing the basket, the lights from the side all blinking with the music blaring. "I'm really not good at this." She threw the ball with a laugh. It skittered to the side and fell off the rim. She took another ball and threw it but her aim was also off. None of her balls went in and she frowned before looking at Donghae who was watching her with his forehead creased. "Well, i can say it was fun but... i'm not really a ball person, i guess."

Donghae was watching her silently,his head tilting slightly. Is Darie just kidding around? The way she awkwardly held the ball....

"What?" Darie asked him when he kept staring at her.

Donghae shook his head before smiling. "Nothing. You were really good before though. Are you out of practice?"

"Huh?" Darie was stumped for a second before her eyes widened when she realized that Sandie loves playing basket ball. They probably played basketball together. God, she's an idiot."Oh! Yeah." Damage contrrol. "I uh... don't have time to practice what with school work and all and my problem with our baby thesis. I'm really... rusty."

Donghae nodded his head with a grin. "If you want, maybe we could play every night in the basketball court? You know, just to unwind."

"Oh." Darie scratched her neck thinking of some excuse. Why does Sandie have to showcase her talents in sports? "I really can't. I mean... i would if i have the time. Maybe when... finals are over or... something."

Donghae smile slightly fell but he still smiled at her which made Darie feel really really bad. She's hurting him again and probably thought she's avoiding spending time with him. But before she could think of something to assure him that she's just really busy, her phone rang. It was her mom. She excused herself to answer.

"Hey mom."

"Darie, where are you?"

"I'm at the mall with a friend."

"Ugh, i can't believe your dad is doing this again."

"What is?"

"Your dad is setting up another stupid engagement with Sandie."

Darie froze for a second before asking, "The dragons?"

"Yes, who else? I don't understand your dad's fixation on this engagement thing. Did he tell you why he's rushing Sandie to get married with that... Dragon?"

"No," she answered quietly.

Her mom sighed but still sounded irritated. "I will have a very long talk with your dad. I'll see you later honey."

Sadness engulfed her as she heard the blaring nothingness of her heart being crushed. She knew it's going to happen. She just never thought it's going to be this soon. Or at least there's a tiny part of her that still clings to the hope that GD would actually come and look for her. God, she must've been a real fool.

Donghae saw Darie with her hand already down on the side holding the phone and wondered why she's still standing there looking suspended. He strode over to him and saw the expression on her face. "Hey, what's wrong?" He placed her hand on her shoulders.

Darie could feel tears welling upher eyes but she blinked them away, smiling at Donghae as she answered him, "Nothing. Just take me somewhere fun and... would make me forget."

Donghae didn't asked what she wanted to forget but he just nodded. "Alright. KTV sound okay?"

Darie chuckled inspite of herself. "Yeah, that would be perfect."

It was already around 10 when Donghae drove her home. Darie had spend a good few hours screaming her songs and it made her feel better. By the time their hour on the KTV was over, she was already laughing out loud, truly having fun, and thought that they should have invited Minzy and HyunA.

Donghae was smiling as he watched her but he still worries. He wondered what the call was about that made her look so dejected. It's true that he felt that Darie had somehow changed like, he's meeting another Darie Park. Or knowing the old Darie Park. The refined and reserved vice president. Did something happened at home that's making her hide again? He had always known Darie's mom is very strict about etiquette and manners and that's how he had always see Darie Park but the Darie he had watched play ball, curse at the most inappropriate times, kissed him at random moments, laugh crazily at the most inane things and just being completely crazy that she is, is the real her.

And he will wait until she is ready to come out again.

He pulled the car to a stop and they both stepped out. Darie was grinning at Donghae. "Thank you for tonight. It was really fun."

"Anytime," Donghae said as they walked towards the front door but they both stopped when they saw someone leaning on the wall near the gates with a ferocious frown on his face, his arms crossed over him.

Darie's heart stopped as she can recognize that build anywhere.

"Oh, it's GD Kwon, right?" Donghae asked recognizing him.He extended his hand for a shake which GD just ignored as his eyes are pointed directly at Darie.

Donghae awkwardly let his hands down. Shaking hands is probably a taboo in YG High.

Darie tried to compose herself and she stepped closer to Donghae. She can't have GD thinking she's bitter. She needs to clearly let him know she had moved on. Like what she told him when she was still in YG. "What brings you here? Isn't there an engagement something that you need to do with my sister?"

Dnonghae turned to Darie. Engagement? Her sister is getting engaged to the guywho she kicked in the face? These gangster kids are really... mind boggling.

"I snuck off," GD said.

Darie smiled sweetly. "That's what you're really good at. Sneaking off during a meeting." She wouldn't forget that night he had snuck off to meet Kim Taeyeon leaving her with their family and he had the gall to blame her the next day.

"We need to talk," GD said glancing at Donghae.

"No." So he would have time to feed her lies?

GD clenched her teeth. He really had to kneel in front of Sandie just for her to give out Darie's number and he eventually had decided to see her in person instead to tell her what she thought is wrong only to find her on a date with the guy she was supposedly inlove with since they were kids. He snuck off ready to facehis father's wrath for this?

Donghae was looking back and forth between them wondering what's going on.

Darie let a heavy breath out knowing inciting his temper is never a good thing. Fighting is too exhausting now. She wants to end this preacefully and quietly without too much drama. Sure he had hurt her, but she's mature enough to get past it. She lifted her head and looked at GD in the eye. "There really is nothing to talk about. What's done is done and what hapened already happened. I'm actually glad that you would be engaged to Sandie," Darie said. "Honestly... i really am." Whatever pact their families make, like what her dad said, it's good for the society even if she doesn't understand it. She was never in their circle to begin with .

She was catapulted in GD's life with a time limit. She was glad she had met him but that's where their story ended. She have now realized it. No matter what GD's reasons are for suddenly being here, be it guilt, conscience.... It doesn't matter anymore. It's time to let go of her temporary life.

GD's hands fisted under his armpit over hearing the finality of her words. That's it? She's not even going to listen to what he have to say? She's just going to give him up without fighting for him? Hell, he's ready to fight for her and she's giving him up? That hurts more than being kicked around like a dog in that filthy undergound bar. If she's so happy for him to be engaged to her sister, then she doesn't deserve to know what really happened with Kim Taeyeon. He was ready to tell her, ready to explain. Ready to make her listen.

But he deserves that little pride.

He smirked without humor before striding over to them and stopping in front of Darie. "That's good to know." He leaned a little closer to her. "Sister In Law. I guess i'll see you at the wedding." He gave a glare at Donghae who was cluelessly standing beside Darie before going to his car, the engine quietly revving then speeding off leaving it's dust on the silent night. 

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