Please Don't Go - Larry Styli...

Bởi LarryWriting

27.8K 540 101

Harry wants to tell the fans about he and Louis' relationship. Louis is a bit more hesitant. Basically just a... Xem Thêm

Please Don't Go - Larry Stylinson One Shot

27.8K 540 101
Bởi LarryWriting

I awoke by a sudden weight on top of me, pressing me against the mattress. I grunted and forced my eyes open and blinked against the bright light filtering in through the blinds of my window.

"Good morning, sunshine!" the voice from above me crowed. Louis.

"No…" I groaned, trying to squirm out from under him.

"Aww, Haz!" Lou flung himself completely onto my chest, worming his arms underneath my back in attempt to cling to me. "Don’t run from my love!"

"What time is it?" I sighed, reaching up and brushing the fringe off of my boyfriend’s forehead.

"Kiss Harry Styles time," Louis informed me before bringing his lips to mine.

"Hmm," I mumbled into the kiss. "My favorite time of the day."

Louis broke the kiss and pushed himself up on his elbows, "You like kiss Harry Styles time? How do you kiss yourself exactly?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Get off me, you twat."

"No… I rather fancy this positi-" Louis began, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I reached up and pressed a hand to his mouth, "Don’t finish that sentence unless you can pay for the consequences… if you know what I mean."

"Cheeky boy," Louis laughed, as he pushed himself off and fell onto the bed beside me.

"So… what are the plans for today?" I wriggled closer to him, snuggling up against his side.

"Well," he pulled me against him. "We’re meeting the lads at about 10 o’clock. We have that interview today at 11, remember?"

I gasped suddenly, bolting into a sitting position, "Louis. Today’s the day… the day we decided to tell everyone about…"

I had trailed off, but Louis knew what I meant, "Oh," he said simply as he sat up as well, biting his lip. "We decided to do it at this interview?"

I frowned at the way he had said ‘this’, "Yes… and we’re going to go through with it."

"Don’t you think it could wait another few weeks, Hazza?" Louis climbed off the bed and walked over to the dresser, his back to me. I had a hunch he just didn’t want to make eye contact with me.

"We can’t just keep putting it off, Lou," I said persistently, feeling slightly irritated.

"Well Harry, coming out isn’t exactly something to take lightly. Not as lightly as you're taking it at least…" he was still refusing to look at me.

"You think I’m-" I inhaled sharply, anger flaring up in me. "I’m not taking this lightly. I’m just ready to get it out of the way so that we can stop hiding like criminals or something. We aren’t doing anything wrong."

"Some people have different opinions, Haz," his tone made my blood run cold.

"Are you one of those people, Louis?" I whispered.

[Louis’ P.O.V]

I couldn’t believed he had just asked me that question. I whirled around from playing with the comb he had sitting on his dresser, "What?"

"Are you, one of those-" he begin to repeat.

"No, I heard what you said, I just can’t believe you’d be so naïve as to ask that question," I snapped.

This was bad. This was very bad. Harry and I never fought. In fact, I hated fighting with the curly haired boy, hated seeing how upset he would get. But on the rare occasion we would fight, we’d both say horrible things to one another… we’d both end up hurt.

"Well excuse my naiveté, but I’m just curious as to why you don’t want us to be able to be together," Harry said hoarsely.

"Harry I want more than anything for us to be together… it’s just some people don’t," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Who cares about the other people?" Harry threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Being as the ‘other people’ are fans… we care Harry. The band-" I tried to explain, but Harry had apparently heard enough.

He stormed over to the bedroom door and wrenched it open, breathing heavily. I winced.

"Fine. If we aren’t telling everyone today, then I guess we won’t tell them ever. Because we won’t have to. We won't have a relationship to tell them about," Harry choked out.

I gasped, and tried to force my legs to move towards him, "You don’t mean that!" I called out desperately, but he had already slammed the door behind him. I strode over to the bedroom door and tried to open it with my shaky hands. "Harry!" I tried to call out, but the door to our flat slammed shut as well, and Harry was gone.

[Harry’s P.O.V]

I was surprised I had been in a good enough state to drive myself to Liam’s. I just hoped he was at home, and not at one of the other lad’s flats. I hadn’t even put on proper clothing before sprinting from the flat. I pounded on his door, not pausing until it was opened.

"Oh, Harry, I wasn’t expecting you until-" I cut him off by flinging myself into his chest, wrapping my arms tight around his torso, a sob escaping my lips. I felt him stiffen, "Harry?" his voice was filled with worry.

I could feel him trying to pull me away to look at my face, but I simply tightened my grip and shook my head, tears pouring down my face and probably soaking the grey shirt he wore.

"What on earth even happened mate?" he asked desperately, and I felt him hesitantly wrap one arm around me to hold me closer as one hand reached up to pet my hair. "Where’s Lou?"

And I started sobbing harder, if that was possible. Liam stopped asking questions for a bit, and continued to hold me and pet my hair as I sobbed. My heart felt completely shattered, and I had to admit that I was kind of hating myself. Once I was as calm as I was going to get, I figured I should probably enlighten Liam. Before I could however, his phone rang. His hand left my hair as he reached to pull the device from his pocket and pressed it to his ear.

"Hey…" he said hesitantly into the phone. I tried to keep my sniffling to a minimum in order to hear who was on the other line. All I could pick out was a panicked mumbling. The hand Liam had wrapped around me patted my back gently as I felt him nod, "Yeah… he’s here."

And then I knew it was Louis. I sucked in a huge breath and squirmed away from Liam. He gave me a concerned look and listened to what Louis was saying, "Well I don’t think I can promise that… yeah. Okay. That's more reasonable. Yes. I promise, Louis. He'll be fine."

"Promise what?" I whimpered.

Liam didn’t answer, he just sighed, "Alright. Yeah. Bye."

"Promise what?!" I asked again

As he hit end on his phone, he raised his eyebrows at me. I glanced at the large tear stain on his shirt, and mumbled an apology.

"At first he wanted me to promise that he could come see you and you'd listen. But after I told him I couldn't do that, he made me promise I'd get you to the interview safely. What happened Harry?" he asked cautiously. "Why did Louis just call asking if you were here? He sounded as if he were going mental, mate. I have a feeling he didn’t know where you’d gone. I think you scared him."

"I think…" I managed to wheeze out. "That I cut it off with him."

And I started sobbing again. I buried my face into my hands, and heard Liam’s quiet, "Oh."

Liam pulled me gently into his arms again, "Not to be pushy… but I thought you two were going to tell the fans today?"

"We were," I whispered. "But Louis was having second thoughts. I think he was scared of how people would react. Don’t think… I don’t think he wanted to tell them anymore," I hiccupped. "I got offended. Obviously. Saying that he didn’t want to tell them was like saying he didn’t want to be with me. So I told him we didn’t have to tell them because we wouldn't be together anymore."

Liam listened quietly, but before he could respond, his front door burst open and Niall strolled in followed by Zayn. They took one look at my tear stained face and pajama attire and the questions instantly begin.

[Louis’ P.O.V]

To say that I felt like a right twat would be an understatement. I figured I deserved a good hard kick to the stomach for upsetting Harry the way I had. I was preparing to meet the lads at the place where our interview would take place, but I couldn’t seem to get the silent tears to stop running down my face. I hadn’t even realized I was crying until I had to change my shirt due to the others collar being soaked with my own tears. Liam had promised he’d get Harry to the interview safely, and I could only hope to apologize there. Perhaps release the news of Larry Stylinson, if Harry would take me back. I seriously hoped he’d forgive me.

Harry wasn’t just my boyfriend, wasn’t just my best mate, he was my world. It sounded unbelievably corny but it was as true as his hair was curly. As I washed my face for about the fifth time, trying to make the redness leave my eyes, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly snatched it up and looked hopefully at the number. Fighting back the disappointment that the caller I.D didn’t read ‘My Hazza (:’ I answered it, hoping my voice didn’t reveal that I’d been crying for the past hour and a half. As I listened to the female voice on the other side of the line, I quickly found out that it was our interviewer, and that she was sick. She said we’d have to reschedule the interview for another time, and that she was terribly sorry. I thanked her for letting me know, and as soon as I hit the end call button, I was calling Liam to inform him.

He answered after the first ring, amusement evident in his tone "He’s still fine, if that’s what you’re calling for Lou."

"Um, no actually I was calling to say that our interview was cancelled," I winced at how strained my voice sounded.

"Oh… why’d it get cancelled?" Liam asked.

"Interviewer… think her name was Cheryl…she got sick," I informed him.

"Ah, okay… well in that case… all the lads are already over here. Wanna join?" Liam chuckled, but I could hear a voice I knew well protesting in the background, but another low voice quickly silenced him.

I didn’t want to make Harry uncomfortable, so I sighed, "No… no that’s fine. I… I need to clean up the flat a bit. Do some laundry, probably."

Liam was silent for a moment before adding, "Honestly mate… you should come over. You don’t need to sit at your flat all alone, I don’t care if you are mad at yourself."

"Really, Liam, I have to clean," I forced myself to insist.

"You’re not convincing me, Lou," Liam sighed. "If you won’t come over here, we’re all coming over there."

"Alright then. Come help me clean," I threatened, not expecting Liam to agree.

"Alright. See you in about twenty minutes?" and with that he hung up.

I gaped down at my phone. All of them were coming over. All of them meant Harry. Hell, he lived with me, so he had to come home sometime. But if he was forced to see me before he was ready, he would just grow more angry, and then he might not forgive me. I couldn’t handle him not forgiving me.

[Harry’s P.O.V]

I was fuming. Liam was making me go home. Home was the last place I wanted to go. Home was where Louis was. And if I saw Louis right now, I would probably just burst into tears again. But I also wanted him back. Yet I don’t think after the way I acted that if I apologized, he’d take me back. I’d been childish to be cross with him for being scared of coming out with me. I was scared, myself. I had just been so eager to finally let the world know that Louis was mine.

Or had been until I’d childishly cut it off. Over a simple disagreement.

I attempted to climb into Liam’s car with Zayn and Niall, but he stopped me, "Hold on there, mate. Take your own car… in case you wanna stay at your own place tonight."

"Not likely Liam," I muttered.

"Just in case, Harry. If you don’t want to then you know you’ve always got a place to stay here, as well," Liam soothed.

So I stormed over to my own car and backed it savagely out of the driveway, burning rubber slightly as I sped off towards the flat. I considered not going home yet, but I figured if I did that, I’d make everyone worry more than necessary. Eventually, I reached the flat and pulled up in the driveway. I waited another few minutes, however, for Liam, who is possibly the slowest driver ever since he just got his license, to arrive. I didn’t want to go in and face Louis alone.

I walked behind the rest of the lads, slumped over, into the flat. Louis obviously had cleaned up a bit, even though that’s what the lads had apparently came over to do. So I tossed my keys onto the counter and we all just sat on the furniture. I crammed into the recliner awkwardly with Niall to avoid sitting on the couch with Lou. Liam had tried to sneakily set it up by sitting on the loveseat with Zayn after seeing Niall sit on the recliner.

It was possibly the quietest it had ever been between the five of us. Louis spoke to Niall, Liam, and Zayn, and I did the same. But we didn’t speak to each other, we didn’t look at each other, and neither of us so much as cracked a smile. Being as awkward as it was, the lads didn’t want to stay to long, so we only watched about one movie before they claimed they were tired and wanted to go ahead and head home. The three hugged me before hugging Louis and making their way to the door, and I quietly told Liam I still wanted to sleep at his flat. He frowned but nodded.

Once everyone had left, I shuffled into my room to throw some clothes and my toothbrush into a bag. I flipped off my light and snuck into the kitchen. However, the person I had been trying to avoid sat at the table. I quickly looked to the counter where my keys had been, preparing to reach for them, but they were no longer there. I frowned looking on the floor, and scanning the counter again in case I was just overlooking them on the cluttered marble top. Lou was horrid at tidying up. I bit my lip as my eyes watered from the thoughts of affection that were filling my brain. I grabbed the edge of the counter in a vice like grip, and bowed my head.

"Where are my keys?" I asked hoarsely.

"I don’t know what you mean," Louis whispered innocently.

I whirled around, finally looking at him for the first time. He looked as bad as I did. Absolutely crushed. "My keys. They were on the counter, where are they?"

"Dunno," he swallowed hard.

"Give them to me," I demanded through clenched teeth.

"These?" Louis held up my keys.

I bit my lip, "Lou...please."

"If you want me to give you these keys… well, I can do that... But I... I can’t let you leave," he whispered, tears filling his eyes.

A whimper escaped my mouth, and I hid my face in my hands, leaning back against the counter. I heard the chair scoot back, and moments later a warm hand wrapped around my wrist and gently pulled my hand away from my face. I looked at my feet, and felt cold metal pressed into my palm. I glanced at my hand. My keys. I heard Louis start walking away. It could be now or never.

"Wait!" I managed to gasp out.

Louis’ form hunched over slightly, and I thought I heard him sniffle, "M’sorry."

And I lost it. I flung myself at him, grabbing him and spinning him around to face me. I forced my lips to his. We both were crying, and the kiss tasted of tears, but it was possibly the best kiss we’d ever shared. His hands came up to tangle into my curls, and I wrapped my hands around his waist to pull myself closer to him.

I pulled away slightly, burying my face into the crook of his neck, "No, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Boobear, I don’t want to break up. I love you too much, Louis. We have to be together. I can't take it, being without you! And we don’t have to tell the fans if you don’t want to, we can keep it a secret I-" Louis cut me off my pulling me away from his neck to press his lips to mine again.

After a few more moments, he broke the kiss, but I stretched forward for one more quick peck. He pulled me gently to his chest, and buried his face in my hair again, "Don’t apologize, love. I was a right arse. If you want the fans to know, then so do I."

And with that he pulled out his phone, but still kept a one armed grip on me.

[Louis’ P.O.V]

He had almost walked out on me. Even though it appeared now that we had made up, I couldn’t risk upsetting him again. Ever. I never wanted to see him hurt because of me. I had to settle what had started this. I had to tell the fans. And what was a better way to do that then over twitter?

I tweeted:

Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson:

I need to get something off my chest, no matter what others think. I am completely in love with @Harry_Styles.

Harry, who was still clutching onto me with half of his face pressed to my chest had been watching as I typed. He made a slight squeak as I hit send.

"You’re sure, Boobear?" he looked up at me, his eyes searching mine.

"Sure as ever. ‘Sides… it’s a bit late to take it back now," I grinned at him. "Sorry Styles. You’re mine."

I leaned down and pressed my lips to his, relishing in the moment. The kiss tasted slightly salty again, and I pulled back to look at his face. He was crying again.

"What’s the matter?" I gasped.

He shook his head and beamed, "I just love you so much!"

"Mmm… I love you too," I whispered, stroking a tear from his cheek.

My phone vibrated as I got a tweet from Liam:

Real_Liam_Payne @Real_Liam_Payne:

@Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles bout time. Oh, and I think you might have just broken twitter.

"We broke twitter," I announced triumphantly.

"So I see," Harry chuckled silently, and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

I returned the kiss to his forehead, "Wanna watch a movie, love? Maybe cuddle on the couch?"

"Depends…" Harry said, though he was pulling us to the couch all ready. "Can it be kiss Harry Styles time?"

"It’s always kiss Harry Styles time," and I pressed my lips to his again.

[Harry’s P.O.V]

As I slowly drifted off to sleep laying curled up to Louis on the couch, I thought of the days events. It’d been a bit stressful, slightly terrifying, and definitely heartbreaking at first, but now everything was as it should be. Sure, there were probably tons of girls freaking out, whether it was good or bad, we’d find out in the morning. But we’d find out together, and that made it okay. That was all that mattered. Us. Larry Stylinson.

"Love you…" Louis whispered, kissing my nose.

"Love you too," I whispered back, snuggling against him, and drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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