Defying The Odd's *~ COMPLETE...

By Krisense

4.1K 234 32

{ tmnt 2016 version } Published: August, 12, 2017 Donatello's family send him to go to a vacation sense... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 28

86 5 0
By Krisense

    Donnie looked at the foot clan sign as he then looked down seeing a very damaged radio. " No!"
    He ran to it as he tried to find a way to fix it. He looked at all the pieces while there was nothing he could do as he then got his hands into fists and slammed them hard on the medal table as it then bent felling to the ground. " Areil!"
     The banging on the door was getting louder as Donnie felt more in raged as he then got his staff and ran at the door kicking it hard making the door and the turtle to the wall.
      Donnie came out of the room with no control of his anger while he then saw the turtle getting up. Donnie charged at the turtle as they broke a wall and then fall to the ground as he go the staff to shock the turtle.
      It made the turtle yell in pain but then grabbed Donnies staff and kicked Donnie off him to another wall braking it. The turtle then broke Donnies staff in half and thru them to the ground as Donnie grunted getting up.
       He saw the turtle coming at him so he jumped out of the way as Donnie then tried to punch it's side. His punch was not strong enough as the turtle then grabbed Donnies face and rammed it to the ground over and over knocking donnie out cold.

~     ~      ~
      Regan yelled sitting up as she wolk up from her dream. She was breathing hard as she felt her heart pounding fast and hard.
     Barron wolk up to as she saw him and hugged him. " I had a bad dream... that Donnie was getting beaten by somthing..."
     Barron looked to the cave exits as she did too then looked around. " Where is Donnie?"
    Barron got up and went to the way of the caves exit as Regan got up too and got a spear. " we have to go find him!"
     As she got up she leaned on the wall as had got a hand in her head and took a few bresthes. As Barron came over to her side to support her.
      She pet him then got on Barron. " I will be fine... let's go..."
     Barron started off as he sniffed the ground getting Donnies scent. He then started to run to where the building was.
     Barron was not waist time as they where already seeing the building as they then got on a hill. But as she saw the ocean she saw somthing more.
       A black helicopter was at the shore where it looked like alot of people in black running into the forist and it looked like they where heading right at the building.
     " Let's go Barron!" She said worried as he then started to run Fast to the building. Regan held on to his furr as best as she could while her other hand was holding in Barron's fur tightly to not slide off.
     Regan kept her eyes on the building to make sure she would not see any of those people showing up.
       But while they got closer and closer as she has not been able to see them yet. Right when they started to get closer to the building those people then started to show up.
      Regan felt Barron starting to run faster as she then held on his fur more as well. But as she saw that they where running right passed them they looked surprised and fell from the sudden push.
     Barron then started to the wall of the building and started to jump on the rocks. But then he was starting to get shot with arrows in the stomach side.
     Regan was going to tell Barron to stop but he then made a large jump and then jumped up high as some of the wood that made him stop from going higher.
      But Regan was able to get thru two of the woods as she then flew up a little more as she saw she was about to start falling so she got her spear and got it to the side as she got on the Regan in the wall slightly.
     Regan looked down seeing Barron laying on the ground as she then started to cry but looked up and saw a floor from a balcony. So she then jumped as a few of the ninjas started shooting at her with arrows.
    As Regan grabbed the edge of the balcony she then got shot on the leg as it went right thru making Regan yell in pain. But she then got her other hand up and started getting on the balcony.
    As she was on it she fell on the ground with her hands on her face as she cried in silents as well as from the Pain on her leg that then started to bleed.
      She opened her eyes and removed her hands getting up as she looked at the arrow. She grabbed it and took a few breathes as she then yanked it right out as she screamed this time instead of yelling.
    Regan fell to her knees for a second then looked at the door as it opened. She widened her eyes as she saw Ariel there smirking. " look what the filth brought in."
     Regan felt so mad at her for some odd reason and so she got up fast and went to charge at her with at fist ready to hit Ariels face. But as she got right go Ariel she grabbed Regan by the arm and chest as she slammed Regan's back rough on the ground.
      Regan coughed out loud as Ariel got off Regan. Regan went to her side slowly as she saw alot of blood coming out of her mouth. ' the deadly night shades...'
" your to late Regan. They are here and will take Donatello away to experiment on and to get other humans to mutant." Regan's eyes hearing on what Donnies future was going to be if she did not try to stop them.

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