Skyfall 》Fantastic Beasts And...

By lovethebreeze

210K 6.1K 1.9K

What if Jacob Kowalski wasn't the only No-Maj during the wild beast chase? Meet his friend, Alina Nikolai. Wh... More

Cast List
The End?
Remember Me


10.8K 363 142
By lovethebreeze

We followed Tina to this abandoned alleyway. I looked around the building to see stairwells that led to nowhere. Tina and Queenie led us downstairs towards this wall that had a painting of some girl. They both took out their wands and pointed at themselves. My eyes widen when their outfits changed into these beautiful flapper dresses.

Queenie noticed my appearance. "Alina, you too," She whispered.

I guess these dresses are part of the dress code, so I nodded my head. She flicked her wand towards my way and I looked down to see my clothes changed. Now I'm wearing this beautiful flapper dress with some silver shoes to go along with it.

Tina nodded before she turned to the painting. My mouth flew open as the eyes followed her every movement. Their paintings can move. That's - That's a new one. What's next, trees whose branches can strangle you?

The eyes of the painting ripped off to reveal some guy. He was giving all of us a once over before he opened the door. I thought I was done being shocked, and amazed, today. I see a woman singing on stage while she did some magic to create the imagery of her song.

She stopped in front of me and conjured up this little misty unicorn. She send it my way and I chuckled as it circled around me. Queenie suggested that we split up into groups. She dragged Jacob away before sending me a teasing wink. I smiled at my friend's obliviousness to her liking him, but that means I'm stuck with Newt and Tina.

I tried to stay away from him, that way it would be easier when we say goodbye, but Queenie just had to read my mind. She just had to play matchmaker. I kept looking around the place until I felt something grab my hand. I turned around to see Newt giving me a concern look. "Are you all right?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I looked towards Jacob and Queenie near the bar. For once he looked calm and collective. Then he drank whatever drink he got and laughed. It was so loud that I covered my mouth with my hand to avoid laughing. "What just happened?"

"Queenie just gave him some Giggle Water," Tina responded, her trying to hold back a laugh.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

She shook her head. "Not at all. Now, Alina, can you keep quiet until this arrangement is over?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I have no idea what we'll be talking about anyway," I joked.

It is better if I keep quiet. I don't know this world like they do. I don't want to screw anything up. I wished for a paper and pencil to draw on and suddenly one appeared on the table. I looked around to see the bartender, I think Tina said he's a house elf, raising his glass up. I looked towards Queenie to see her give me a little wave.

"I've arrested half of the people in here," Tina mumbled.

"You can tell me to mind my own business, but I saw something in that death potion back there," Newt started. "I saw you hugging that Second Salem boy."

"His names Credence."

My head snapped up from my drawing. "You know Credence?" Tina nodded. "How is he? Is he ok?"

She shook her head. "His mother still beats him." I felt my hand clench my pencil. I don't get what's Mary Lou's problem with him. "Wait, you're the Alina. Credence told me about you."

I let out a humorless chuckle. "I think you're mistaken. I haven't spoken to Credence in years. He just erased me from his life. Like an old rag doll."

Tina reached across the table and grabbed my arm. "Alina, that is not true. You know what he told me? He said that he lost his best friend because she forbade it. She threatened to beat you if you go anywhere near him, so he promised her to never see you again. He did it to keep you safe."

So, all this time Credence kept his distance to protect me. I should have known Mary Lou was behind it. I lost my best friend because of her. Everything that happens to him is always her fault. I've always hated him for what he did, but now it hurts thinking that he did it for me.

I didn't even know I was crying until I felt Newt's hand on my cheek as he wiped a tear away. "Alina?"

I let out a watery sigh. "I'm fine." I gave him a small smile, but he saw right through my lie.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but I shook my head and went back to my drawing. Newt's hand left my face before he reached for my hand and laced our fingers together. He gave it a comforting squeeze, which I'm glad for.

"She was the No-Maj you attacked?" He asked Tina. I wish I was there to see it happen, even though I won't remember it.

"That's how I lost my job." Everything is always Mary Lou's fault. She's torturing Credence's life and now she ruined Tina's. "I went for her in front of a meeting of her crazy followers. They all had to be obliviated. It was a big scandal." It was quiet for a while before Tina's eyes went wide. "It's him."

I looked up to see some mobster looking elf making his way towards us. Must be Gnarlak. I quickly folded the paper and tried to look serious. Which was hard because I'm literally scared out of my mind. He barley sat down before a house elf gave him his drink. I'm guessing Scotch.

"So...You're the guy with the case full of monsters, huh?" He asked.

"News travels fast," Newt mumbled. I gave Newt's hand a tight squeeze in a you got this way. "I was hoping you'd be able to tell me if there have been any sightings. Tracks. That sort of thing."

"You've got a big price on your head, Mr. Scamander. Why should I help you instead of turnin' you in?"

"I take it I'll have to make it worth your while?" Of course, because every conniving scums does. It's either that or they have something else up their sleeve.

"Let's consider it a cover charge." Gnarlak bit into his cigar while Newt slid him some gold. He didn't even bother to give us a second glance. "MACUSA's offerin' more than that." Newt set some weird looking telescope on the table. "Lunascope? I got five."

Newt began digging in his coat pocket. He placed this egg-like thing on the table. "Frozen Ashwinder egg," He mumbled.

That peaked Gnarlak's interest. "You see, now were..." I felt something move from my hair. I turned my head to see Pickett climbing out. I kept mumbling no, no, no to him, but he got out of my hair and crawled on my shoulder. "Wait a minute. That's Bow...That's a Bowtruckle, right?"

Pickett went back inside my hair. "Not him," I said.

"Oh, come on. They pick locks, am I right?"

"You're not having him," Newt said.

Gnarlak sighed before getting up from his seat. "Well, good luck gettin' back alive, Mr. Scamander. What with the whole of MACUSA on your back."

Newt gave me an apologetic gaze. "All right." I looked at him wide-eyed as Pickett got out of my hair again. I quickly grabbed him and felt Pickett holding on tight. "Alina..."

I shook my head. "Newt, you can't."

He gently took my hand and tried to pry Pickett off. Pickett was holding on to my thumb for dear life until Newt got him out. I glared at Gnarlak as he smirked while holding Pickett. He's not going to take care of him. He'll just use him like some tool.

Gnarlak didn't look at us. "Somethin' invisible's been wreakin' havoc around Fifth Avenue. You may wanna check out Macy's department store. Might help with what you're looking for."

Newt rubbed his eye. I could see it how it hurts for him to do that. To give away a creature that's part of your family. "Dougal..." I looked at Pickett to see him reaching his arms out to us. I bit my lip to hold back the tears. "One last thing. There's a Mr. Graves who works at MACUSA. I was wondering what you knew of his background."

"You ask a lot of questions, Mr. Scamander. That can get you killed." I don't like the way he said that.

"MACUSA are coming!" One of the elves yelled before he vanished.

Everyone started to panic before they disappeared. "You tipped them off!" Tina shouted with hatred in her eyes.

Gnarlak's only response was his laughter. I felt my blood boil. He double-crossed us. I looked around when Queenie pass by the posters to reveal Newt and Tina's Wanted poster. I got up from my spot and went to Gnarlak. I quickly glared at him before I grabbed his head and kneed him. He stumbled back a bit before Jacob came up and sucker punched him.

Jacob shook his hand when I went next to him. "Reminds me of my foreman." He looked at me and we high-fived each other.

I laughed. "I hate that guy."

"Who doesn't!"

Tina grabbed my arm while Queenie grabbed Jacob's. They pulled us towards the middle when Newt came over. Jacob grabbed another shot of Giggle Water and...well, giggled. The moment Newt was in front of me, we disappeared.

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