Royal Blood

By Ouatobsessed

114K 5.3K 942

Daring, mysterious, smart, cunning, overly rich and most of all; breathtaking. Men in every realm wish to be... More

Part One Chapter One: The Proposal
Chapter Two: Young Bride
Chapter Three: Masquerade
Chapter Four: New Journey
Chapter Five: Safe Haven
Chapter Six: Young Child
Chapter Seven: Welcome Home
Chapter Eight: Follow Along
Chapter Nine: Set Up
Chapter Ten: Fight or Flight
Chapter Eleven: Another Day
Chapter Twelve: Night Terrors
Chapter Thirteen: Travelers Town
Chapter Fourteen: Hidden Secrets
Chapter Fifteen: Drifting Away
Chapter Sixteen: Fresh Look
Chapter Seventeen: Harsh Awakenings
Chapter Eighteen: Sweet Reunion
Chapter Nineteen: Goodnight Kiss
Chapter Twenty: Choosing Sides
Chapter Twenty-One: The Arrow
Chapter Twenty-Two: Royal Blood
Chapter Twenty-Three: Holding On
Part 2 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Husband
Chapter Twenty-Five: Royal Duties
Chapter Twenty-Six: Search Hard
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Scream
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dark One
Chapter Twenty-Nine: First Lesson
Chapter Thirty: Fitting Right
Chapter Thirty-One: The Fight
Chapter Thirty-Two: Major Setbacks
Chapter Thirty-Three: Grieving
Chapter Thirty-Four: Evil Queen
Chapter Thirty-Five: Found Out
Chapter Thirty-Six: Rise Up
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Commanding Troops
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Waging War
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Kill
Chapter Fourty: Your Majesty
Chapter Fourty-One: Man Hunt
Chapter Fourty-Two: Broken Repair
Chapter Fourty-Three: The Dungeons
Chapter Fourty-Four: My Queen
Chapter Fourty-Five: Finding Peace
Chapter Fourty-Six: Balancing Love
Chapter Fourty-Seven: True Colors
Chapter Fourty-Eight: True Love
Chapter Fifty: Four Weeks
Chapter Fifty-One: Magic Baby
Chapter Fifty-Two: Growing Near
Chapter Fifty-Three: Too Good
Chapter Fifty-Four: His choice
Chapter Fifty-Five: Farewell Bidding
Chapter Fifty-Six: Miss You
Chapter Fifty-Seven: One Night
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Days Past

Chapter Fourty-Nine: His Choice

1.2K 57 11
By Ouatobsessed

Daylight washed over the green fields, illuminating the armor that her men wore in training. The only noise the faint sound of clinking and grunting as the Royal Army trained below. Among them was her son Roland. He was three times the age of what he first was when Regina had met his father, permitting Roland the new experience of training with her best soldiers. Regina couldn't remember how many times she had protested against his involvement in the matter and only relented with the assurance from both Locksley men that Roland wouldn't push himself too far. That her own men wouldn't get in the way of Roland's well being.

It was true that Regina's only soft spot lay with the men in her life. For Roland it was protection and for Robin it was preservation. And today like no other, Regina sat on the balcony of her library watching the mandatory practice unfold.

Without warning, a hand gripped her shoulder, pulling the queen back into the dark confinement of the library. Regina's heart slammed against her chest as she began to sweat, her eyes working hard to find her attacker.

"We meet again, dearie." Rumplestilskin's voice echoed off the tall ceilings. "And this time, it's not just one witch I see. It's two."

"Don't talk nonsense. Our work together is in the past."

"I'm not here to make a deal with you but to warn you of what is to come. It's not your own protection you will seek but that of your child."

"Roland is a young man now." Regina reasoned. "There is no attack that will ever face my son. And if this is some sort of threat-"

"It's a pitty that you think so low of me, my dear." The dark one giggled as his big eyes reflected what little light shone through the cracks in the door. "And a shame you insist on calling that peasant your own. For I speak of someone greater. Someone that will rise above you- and your lover's boy- if you're not careful. Her power will lead to a grave future, one even I would not condemn. She is on her way now. Can't you sense it?"

Regina paused, taking the time to asses her surroundings. It was true. While she could feel the pull from Rumple's dark magic, there was something else. Something centering her magic, making it stronger.

Two hands grasped Regina's belly, long nails digging into her skin. "You must choose to lean from the light and into the dark so that we can be saved."

Regina sat up in the dark, gasping for air as her arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Sleep washed away immediately as fear took its reign. Regina flung herself out of bed, scrambling to her desk in order to light a candle before lifting her nightgown over her waist. Pain seeped from the sides of her stomach like warm blood pouring from an open wound yet it stabbed her with it's knife and drove panic deep into her soul. Regina peered down at her creamy white skin, taking in the eight slight indentions at her hip. The Magic that once coursed through her veins with calm purpose flooded her system, making the queen feel uneasy.

It was just a dream, Regina reminded herself, turning back to her bed as the adrenaline slowly wore off. Knowing she couldn't return to the thief asleep in her bed and aware that he couldn't be found there when Katherine came in to start the day, Regina closed her eyes, imagining the room Robin was supposed to stay in. The bedroom a floor under Regina's own room. With a flick of her wrist, Robin and Roland disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.


The morning sun bore hot and heavy down on Robin as he sat in the high grass, watching as Roland chased a single yellow butterfly. The hill they were on overlooked the valley bellow, the forest separating Robin from the castle. After waking up in his own bed, Robin had taken the hint that Regina needed to be left alone, leading Roland outside for some fresh air.

"Papa!" Roland's hushed whisper drew his father's attention. "Papa look." Perched on one chubby finger sat the yellow butterfly, it's wigs perfectly still.

"Does it tickle?" Robin asked, smiling as he watched Roland nod his head enthusiastically. The yellow butterfly flew away as Roland watched it in awe, standing still as the morning breeze blew his curly hair into even more of a mess than it already was.

Robin glanced back at the castle, the early morning sun glinting off of the stained glass windows that marked the ballroom and chapel. He knew that this morning was supposed to be the meeting on the war that was at hand. He also knew that he should probably be there. But Robin had no doubt in his mind that they'd start without him. And knowing that he owed it to Regina to be there, Robin slowly stood from his perch on the ground. "Let's go, Buddy." Robin reached out his hand to Roland, waiting for his son to join him.

"Papa, do you hear that?" Roland moved farther away from his father in curiosity. "Papa there's voices!"

Robin frowned, standing to meet his son by the forest's edge. Sure enough, there were voices coming from deeper in. Robin held a finger to his lips, sinking down as he lead his son closer to the noise.

"... it's the only way. Do you not think he'll be good to her?"

"It's not that. I know he will. But he's not royal. His son isn't royal. He's not trained to be King. He doesn't know the difference between a salad fork and a hair comb. What happens if they have kids? Who would be heir?"

"He's our best source for battle. He knows the kingdom and it's villages more than any and all of us combined."

Robin froze, his grip tight on Roland. A flash or red hair revealed itself before going behind the trees again. Branches and leaves crunched as Zelena and Graham walked through the woods.

"He doesn't even speak Latin!" Zelena protested. "How do you expect the Latin Princess to marry someone who has no idea where she comes from?" Zelena protested.

"He can learn." There was silence before Graham spoke again. "Do you have a better suggestion?"


"Then we will announce the marriage today at the meeting."

The idea of someone else demanding marriage between Robin and Regina made Robin ill. Marriage was supposed to be a bond between two people who loved each other. Between two people who had talked about it. Not some third party demanding the union. He couldn't let the idea of marriage come from anyone but himself.


Regina felt uneasy as she made her way down the main set of stairs. She hadn't allowed any of her maids to help her this morning, the fear from her dream still trickling through her veins. The skin around her abdomen felt sore from impact although she had convinced herself that nothing had really happened.

Breakfast wasn't an option, the smell of the early morning pastries made her feel even worse than before, so Regina decided to head out to the royal temple.

The warm, sun-kissed air brushed over Regina's skin as she marched through the gardens, squinting in the early morning light. A nice, cool breeze gently lifted the hair off of her neck as she walked towards the small building just before the hill. Stained glass of many different colors and shapes shone bright in the morning light.

Regina decided not to go inside the musty old chapel, rounding the corner to a small bench that overlooked the valley below. Such a beautiful morning, she thought. It shouldn't go to waste.

Across the valley rose the royal cathedral, gray towers looming over the surrounding forest. It's presence was like a weight on her shoulders, waiting for her fate to be decided. Inside the cathedral was where her wedding took place and where her coronation took place. It would be the place that bound her son to this kingdom and her duties, suffocating the life out of not only her, but her spouse and children too.

The image of her doom didn't directly come from this monument. She knew her future spouse to be Robin, knew her children would be his. But to trap him here, force him to become something he wasn't. It made Regina ill to think about.

Footsteps from behind drew Regina's attention away from the doomed building and towards the other side of the chapel.

First around the corner was Roland, racing as fast as he could once he saw her. The queen scooped the small boy into her arms, showering him with kisses as Roland squealed and squirmed in her arms. Then Robin was there, still and quite, his inquisitive eyes gazing at her.

"M'lady." Robin's voice was crisp against the silence around them. He smiles, taking a step forward. Regina set Roland down, letting him run to the patch of weeds that had sprouted into flowers. "May we talk for a moment?"

Regina faltered for a moment, worried that the subject would be serious. Maybe he was leaving her to return to his life before. Maybe this was goodbye.

But then Robin moved closer, drawing Regina into his chest as he kissed her, a smile on his face as he retreated. "Don't look so worried, my love." He chuckled, taking her hand in his. "I'm glad I found you." Regina nodded, staying by Robin's side as they walked along the stone path. Silence seemed to be her best approach as she waited to hear what Robin had to say.

"I've been thinking about everything recently. Our journey, your past, the future. I know- or at least I think I know- what's expected of me. What people think I should or shouldn't be doing. And to be honest, most of them are right. I don't belong here. I don't fit in. But I belong with you.  I know I'm nothing close to being royal but I know I can sure try to at least become somewhat of the man you deserve. There's no place I'd rather be than beside you, if you want me to be. Nothing can take me away from you. Not this war and certainly not the words of other people. And I'm sure you've heard a lot of things too and I know it's hard to decipher what's real and what's not. But I want you to know," Robin stopped walking, placing Regina's hand over his chest, "that this is real. My love for you is real. And it will always be real. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Not for a transaction or a power movement. I want to love you and support you for the rest of our lives. Regina Anne Mills, will you marry me?"

Shock momentarily froze Regina's body. A small part of her knew that they'd marry, partly in agreement to the conditions she was currently in. Not even once did she think about the possibility of a real marriage. It arranged or agreed upon by those who usually made decisions.

Regina's eyes burned as tears welled up, her head nodding. "Of course." She whispered, watching as Robin stood, moving closer to her. "Yes." She wrapped her arms right around us neck, feeling his hands snake around to her back. Their lips met momentarily, not long enough. Her hands tangled in his hair, pulling Regina closer and closer until she was sure their bodies were one. "I love you." She whispered, her voice faltering with a laugh of joy.

"I love you." Robin whispered, fishing in the pouch by his side. "I know it isn't much but it was my mother's" Robin took Regina's slender fingers and slipped a small, silver ring onto her ring finger. A small crystal, the crystal mined in Robin's home village, sat upon the metal, shining bright against the morning sun.

"It's perfect." Regina whispered, nodding her head. "It's beautiful."


Regina's forehead sent out a full ache, the frown on her face wavering from exhaustion. On the other side of the long table, Robin sat with a similar look upon his face. Though his was more inquisitive than Regina's. At the moment, Graham was speaking about armies, masses of men, fighting techniques and other war related subjects. Her elated mood from earlier had quickly dissipated over the course of the meeting.

"I want to train." Robin interjected, shifting in his seat. The room fell silent, all eyes turning to his chair. Regina sat up, shaking her head. "I want to help in some way. Serve my kingdom and be worthy."

"You are worthy." Regina protested. It was the first time he had spoken during the meeting and her voice was cool and crisp to show it.

"No I'm not and you know that. I'm just a peasant." Robin shook his head. "I'm rusty in my skills."

"You don't have to prove yourself, Robin."

"Maybe he's right." Graham interjected. "A king who fights with his people. A king who rises but doesn't forget. It's give people hope."

"No." Regina was firm. "No, you have Roland to think about here. What if something were to happen?"

"He'd be protected." Graham reasoned. "The whole kingdom would be looking after him."

"It's not enough. Mistakes happen." Zelena crossed her arms, leaning forward. "I'm with Regina. You have a son and a wife to look after now. Not to mention, hopefully, a line of children to come."

Robin shook his head, chewing on his bottom lip. "Mistakes don't happen. Not here. It's not a bad idea to freshen up on self defense. You and I both." Quirking an eyebrow, Robin knew he had won the argument.

"Fine." Regina nodded, taking a deep breath. "We all should pick up something. It's a good idea seeing that we may need it in the near future."

Hello, hello! So if I were to do another OQ fanfic, what would you all want? Would you want something from the EF, maybe the missing year? Or an AU? Please let me know so I can start forming ideas! If you have an idea or suggestion, please let me know! I love to hear at you all want! Thanks so much!

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