This is the Life

5H_7272012 tarafından

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The girls of Fifth Harmony take on life in New York. Daha Fazla

Episode One: Pilot
Episode 3: When Life Gives You Lemons

Episode Two: Medicinal Shopping Spree

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5H_7272012 tarafından

This is the Life

S1E2: Medicinal Shopping Spree

It's late morning. Lauren and Normani are sitting in the parlor drinking coffee. Normani is reading a magazine. Lauren is watching the news.

Lauren: How can they raise income tax any more?! It's just not right!

Normani: (not listening) Yeah, sure.

Lauren: This is why I love you Mani: you always know what to say.

Normani: (still not listening) Definitely.

Lauren: I'm gonna go see if those girls across the hall are doing anything today. They seemed pretty nice.

Normani: Sure. Have fun.

Lauren gets up and opens the front door. She walks over to the door of apartment 727 and knocks very lightly. She waits a moment before Dinah opens the door.

Dinah: Hey! Lauren, right?

Lauren: Yeah. Hey Dinah! What are you up to today?

Dinah: (suspicious) Ally, Camila, and I were going to head to the mall, why?

Lauren: Oh, I don't know, I was just wondering. I had a good time yesterday.

Dinah: Oh, for sure! I did too. We're free tonight if you're not up to anything then.

Lauren: No, we're not up to much. Why don't you three come over for dinner?

Dinah: Sure, I'll probably need that tonight: Camila's using up my patience right now.

Lauren: Oh, why? What's wrong?

Dinah: Well, she's still crying about that guy that broke up with her. Still.

Lauren: Oh, that sucks. Guys, well, all people can be like that really. *laughs*

Dinah: Yeah, I guess. He was a jerk anyways.

Lauren: (quietly) I'm sure he was if he left a girl like that...

Dinah: What?

Lauren: Oh, nothing. Well have fun shopping.

Dinah: Of course! It would be hard not to!

Ally, Camila, and Dinah are walking through the mall, window shopping. They've been there a while but are yet to make a purchase. Dinah seems anxious to spend money, while Ally seems happy just to be out. Camila's eyes are pink from crying.

Camila: Thank you guys so much for bringing me out today. I really needed this.

Ally: No problem! My treat.

Dinah: Of course, there's no better way to get over a bad day than with a good shopping spree.

Ally: We don't need to spend money to have a good time, Dinah.

Dinah: Of course we do! That's the whole point of shopping, Ally!

Camila: I don't have all that much money right now...

Dinah: I'll get you whatever you want! No more crying! This is a medicinal shopping spree, prescribed by Doctor Hansen herself!

Camila: Aw, thanks Dinah! You're the best.

Dinah: Oooh, look! It's Louis Vuitton!

Ally: I don't know, that place is pretty pricey, Dinah.

Dinah: Not if we just look. We can buy things later.

Camila: Come on Ally, looking can't hurt.

Ally: Oh, fine. I guess you're right.

The three girls enter the store. There's endless walls of clothes, handbags, and accessories. They all drop their jaws in shock.

Dinah: I've been in here so many times, but it still blows my mind how amazing all this stuff is every time!

Camila: OH. MY. GOD.

Ally: This is gonna be fun.

Dinah: Oooh look at that floral shirt. You have to try it on, Camila!

Camila: I don't know, Dinah. That's not really my style...

Dinah: Come on! Do it for me!

Camila: Okay, fine.

Ally: While y'all are doing that, I'm gonna go look at the bags over there.

Dinah: Okay, have fun!

Camila grabs the shirt and heads to the fitting room. Ally walks off to the giant wall of handbags. Dinah takes a seat outside the fitting room and waits for Camila to come out.

Camila: *sticking her head out of the door* I'm not sure about this. It's kinda small.

Dinah: Oh, come on. No one cares, and I'll bet you look great.

Camila walks out wearing the shirt. It's a slim fitted white long sleeve sweatshirt with a stripe of rainbow flowers across the chest. It fits her perfectly.

Dinah: What do you mean too small?! That looks perfect!

Camila: Aw, you're just saying that to make me feel better.

Dinah: No, really! That looks hella cute. And I normally don't say that about other people.

Camila: Thanks. I'll take it off though, don't want to start thinking about buying it! *laughs*

Dinah: No, we are definitely buying that thing.

Camila: Are you sure? I don't see a price tag, but it's probably really expensive.

Dinah: It can't be that bad, it's just a sweatshirt. I'll pay for it, don't worry. Come on.

Camila: Really?! Thanks Dinah!

Dinah: Sure thing! There's no way we're putting that back after how good it looked.

Dinah and Camila walk over to the checkout line. Ally runs over and catches up with them.

Ally: What's going on? Why do you have that?

Dinah: Okay, maybe we're buying something, but it's just one shirt. And we're here to make Camila feel better anyways, so she has to get something.

Ally: Okay, fine. But only that shirt. You sure you can afford it?

Dinah: *placing the shirt on the cashier's desk* How much could it be? It's just a sweatshirt?

The cashier looks at the tag on the inside of the shirt and puts some numbers into his computer.

Cashier: Is that all?

Ally: (looks at Dinah) It better be...

Cashier: Okay, then your total comes to $1,160.

Dinah: No, sir, we're just getting the sweatshirt.

Cashier: Yes. That is the price of this item.

Dinah: EXCUSE ME?!

Cashier: Please don't raise your voice at me miss. Now will you be paying with cash or credit?

Dinah: Never mind! I'll just put it back! I'm not paying that much for a shirt! This is ridiculous!

Cashier: I'm sorry, but you have to buy it. I saw your friend here try it on. That's our store policy: if you wear it, you buy it.

Ally: Please, sir. Could we be reasonable about this? She can't afford the shirt, so just let her put it back.

Cashier: Ladies, you're holding up the line here. You're either going to have to pay, or I'll need your IDs and phone numbers and I'll have to take the shirt back.

Ally: Fine, I'll pay for it.

Cashier: Thank you miss.

Ally, Camila, and Dinah are in Ally's car headed back home. Ally is gripping the wheel very tightly and looks quite upset. Dinah and Camila are in the back, sitting quietly.

Ally: I hope you learned a lesson today, Dinah.

Dinah: Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. Thanks for saving me back there.

Dinah turns to Camila and rolls her eyes.

Ally: I saw that! Don't think we're done here. You're going to pay me back for that eventually. But first, I have to ask: what happened to "just looking?"

Dinah: We were just looking with our hands.

Camila: I'm so sorry Ally. We didn't mean to, really. Don't just blame Dinah. It's my fault too.

Ally: That's very kind of you, Camila, but Dinah's the one who offered to pay for the thousand dollar shirt, not you, so she's the one who'll be paying me back.

Camila: I'm sorry, guys.

Ally: It's fine. Do you at least feel any better now that we went shopping?

Camila: Yeah, I do actually. Thanks!

Ally: Sure thing sweetie!

Dinah: Anytime.

It's just before dinner. Lauren is setting the table. Normani is pouring drinks in the kitchen. There's a knock on the door.

Lauren: I'll get it!

Lauren runs over and unlocks the door. Ally, Camila, and Dinah walk in.

Ally: I made bread!

Normani: I love this girl a bit more every time I see her!

Dinah: Hey guys! Thanks for having us!

Normani: Woah, Camila! You look like a million bucks in that shirt!

Ally: Well, at least like a thousand...

Normani: What?!

Ally: I'll explain later, it was a long day.

Lauren: Normani's right though: you sure do look good Camila!

Camila: Aw, thanks Lauren! You're so nice!

Normani throws Lauren a glare. Lauren picks up a knife she had just set on the table. She looks at Normani, puts a finger to her lips, then makes a slashing motion across her throat with the knife.

Dinah: I'm not even gonna ask what all that was.

Normani: (mocking Lauren) Come on Laur, lesbi honest here...

Lauren: (stern) I swear to God Mani...

Lauren: (embarrassed) Well the pizza should be here any minute. Why don't you get yourselves seated. Normani's getting some cola for everyone.

Camila: Yay! Pizza! I like that.

Dinah: Are you really proud of yourself for that?

Camila: Shut up! I eat fancy food too!

Dinah: Fancy food? Care to elaborate?

Camila: Well one time I tried salmon...

Ally, Dinah, and Normani stop what they are doing and stare awkwardly at Camila. Lauren breaks out laughing.

Lauren: Come on! None of you thought that was funny? You're hilarious Camila!

Camila: Thanks Lauren.

    Knock on the door.

Normani: I'll get it. Lauren, can you pass out the drinks?

Lauren: Yeah, sure.

Normani buys the pizza and Lauren gives everyone a soda. Everyone sits at the table and starts eating.

Camila: This is so good!

Ally: Yeah it is! Thanks for having us over tonight girls.

Lauren: Just returning the favor. You were all so nice yesterday.

Dinah: Anytime you want to come over, just knock!

Normani: Same for us! You're always welcome.

Dinah: Just make sure it's after eleven: I need my beauty sleep.

Normani and Lauren laugh.

Ally: Oh no, she's not joking. She actually sleeps that late every day.

Normani: Wow, I respect that! That's actually kinda impressive.

Dinah: It's not easy being me.

Lauren: So, Camila, what's the deal with that shirt? I mean, it looks great and all, but isn't it kinda hot out for a long sleeve sweatshirt?

Camila: Yeah, but Dinah bought for me so I thought I'd wear it.

Lauren: (hint of jealousy) Aw, Dinah, that's so sweet. But couldn't you wait until it's a bit cooler out before you wear it?

Camila: I would in any other situation, but this shirt was kinda a big deal...

Lauren: Why?

Ally: Cause it cost a thousand dollars!

Normani spits her soda out in shock.

Normani: A thousand dollars?!

Dinah: That's what I said!

Lauren: Oh my God, that's insane!

Normani: Wait: Dinah, if you thought that was crazy, why did you buy it?

Dinah: The guy at the desk was being a jerk and forcing me to buy it! He said I had to just because Mila tried it on!

Lauren: How did you afford that?!

Dinah: Well, about that...

Ally: Yeah, she really didn't. Speaking of which, you owe me $1,160.

Dinah: I'll get you back girl! Eventually.

Lauren: Well I'll be the first to say it's worth every dollar. That's a nice shirt, and it fits you great Camila.

Camila: Thanks so much! Dinah and Ally were so nice to take me out shopping. It made me feel a lot better.

Normani: Not to intrude, but what was it that was keeping you down?

Camila: Oh no, it's fine: I just had a pretty bad breakup with my boyfriend, that's all. After nearly a year.

Normani: Oh wow, that's rough. But you seem to be moving on alright, so that's good.

Camila: Yeah, I guess.

Ally: Where did you order that pizza from Normani? That was really good!

Normani: A place down the street called The Upper Crust. It's the only place around here that delivers to apartments.

Ally: I'm gonna have to check them out. That was delicious!

Camila: You can say that again!

Dinah: Where's the bathroom? That soda hit me way too fast!

Lauren: Middle door on your left.

Dinah: Okay thanks!

Lauren: Okay, I'll start cleaning up if you guys want to watch some TV.

Normani: Sure, thanks Laur.

Lauren: No problem.

Ally: I can't let you do that alone: let me help.

Lauren: Sure! Thanks Ally.

Ally: Anytime.

Camila and Normani walk over and sit on the couch while Lauren and Ally clean up. Dinah opens the bathroom door as quietly as possible and sneaks to her left into Normani's room. She sneaks back into the bathroom after a moment and then opens the door, pretending she never left.

Dinah: I'm tired, I'm think I'm gonna had back to our place and go to bed.

Ally: Okay. Good night sweetie!

Dinah: Good night everyone! See ya!

Camila: I think I'll join her. I'm pretty wiped too.

Ally: Do y'all mind if I stay? I kinda want to see where this episode goes.

Normani: Sure! Wouldn't want you to miss anything.

Back in room 727, Camila peeks into Dinah's room. She reaches into her purse and takes out Normani's shoes.

Camila: What are those, Dinah?

Dinah: (scared and guilty) What?! Why are you in here?!

Camila: Oh my God, did you steal those shoes from the store today?!

Dinah: No.

Camila: Then why were they in your purse?

Dinah: I always carry around extra shoes. You never know what could happen.

Camila: (suspicious) Hm, that's kinda weird. I've never heard of anyone doing that before.

Dinah: Some day you'll wish you had a spare pair of shoes, and then you'll understand.

Camila: We'll see.

Camila walks out of Dinah's room.

Dinah: (to herself) That was close!

Ally just left Lauren and Normani's apartment. Normani gets up.

Lauren: You going to bed?

Normani: Yeah, I'm kinda tired. Might see if I can sleep past ten for once. I don't know how Dinah does it.

Lauren: Me neither! Oh, by the way, I'm gonna be heading out early tomorrow morning to go for a run. So if you wake up and I'm not here, that's where I'll be.

Normani: I'll believe it when I see it. We both know you haven't woken up early since the last day of high school three years ago!

Lauren: We'll see.

Normani: Good night, Lauren.

Lauren: Good night, Mani. Love ya girl.

Normani: Love you too!

Lauren puts on the news for a minute, then falls asleep on the couch. Her head falls forward, and she wakes herself up. She turns off the TV, then the lights, and walks into her room. After she turns off the lights in her room and closes the door, the apartment is completely dark.

End of episode two.

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