My Follower {ON HOLD} ❗️❗️❗️❗...

By Shy_Libra12

14.8K 377 169

Summer Hathaway and Freddy Huerta both lovers of astronomy are best friends. After one night. Summer finally... More

{1} The beginning
{2} Acting Strange
{3} Realization
{4} Uh Ok
{5} Picture Found
{7} Feelings are stronger
{9} Wishing on Dandelions
{10} Every kiss begins with K
{11} Breaking down
{12} Wedding Day

{6} Birthday Mishaps

1.1K 25 18
By Shy_Libra12

Summer's POV
The band and Kale,Asher,and Esme went to their houses to get stuff. They were coming at 5. I'm going to have a hard time finishing a song that I promised by the time they get here. Ok so I have like a huge secret that I hide from everyone even my parents if they knew it was me. Well they might kill me. Ok so my cousin who lives in New York. Works with Double G for a game company. I gave my cousin of me singing. He showed it to Double G and I was literally forced to work for the guy. So I'm under his record company. Which no one knows it's me except for my cousin and his friends along with Double G. I go under the name Jade Pettyjohn which is not even close to my real name. So each week or every month I have to give dub a new song. I always feel like I'm betraying the band but I actually really was forced to work with him. He said he would sue my parents. Even though he is like my God uncle but still he was going to sue my parents. I go to my music studio which is in the basement. It's huge
Music studio⬇️

I go down there and start practicing a song

Just then the door opens and I see a shocked Lawrence.
S- Lawrence it's not what you think
L- So your not practicing and recording a song without the band and your in a music studio.
S- Ok then it's exactly what it looks like. I'm begging you not to tell anyone
L- Fine but you need to tell me "Why"
(A/n: The reason why that is in quotation marks is cause I was trying to be punny about Sabrina's new song)
S- I was bribed.
I tell him the whole story and he's mouth literally dropped.
L- Wait a minute you're the famous Singer Jade Pettyjohn
S- The one and only
L- I think I'm gonna (Faints)
S- Now I have to drag you upstairs. Ugh
I drag him upstairs and it's 4:55. So people will be here soon. I make sure the pool and living room is ready. I just leave Lawrence on the floor and why did he get here so early. I thought I made it clear that they come at 5.
*5 minutes later*
The doorbell rings and it's Zack and Tomika. Weird that they showed up together. I let them in and they both stare at the unconscious boy on my floor.
S- Don't Ask
T- Ok then. So are your parents here
S- What kind of question is that. They're never here unless it's my birthday which is tomorrow. Well they are here on important holidays so. Also do you guys want guest rooms or couches
T- Guest rooms
S- Good choice
L- (wakes up) NO DESTRUCTO
Z- Im never gonna call you that
L- (gets up) Worth a shot
F- (walks in) Hey guys
All- Hey
S- Guest rooms. Tomika's choice and we're going to the pool before a movie and yes we are gonna play truth or dare.
F- You should get paid for that
S- Then pay me
F- Fine
S- I was joking
T- But since you were about to.
F- What did you do to deserve it
T- This (gives him the sad eyes)
F- Yea no that doesn't work on me. Sorry Cupcake
T- Oo. Summer do you still have the cupcakes in your fridge
S- Yea where you left them
T- YAY (runs to fridge)
K&A- Hello
All- Hey
My eyes widen and I drag them both away while everyone was eating the cupcakes.
S- You told her
L- She's my girlfriend. I had to
E- I promise Summer. I'm great at keeping secrets or atleast better than Kale and Lawrence.
S- Fine but Lawrence tell anyone else and I'll kill you before you get married to her.
We walk back and everyone was laying around with frosting all over their faces except for Freddy
S- What in the world
Z- We had way too many cupcakes. It was Tomika's fault.
S- Tomika
T- It was. I'm gonna be completely honest. I took the ones from your freezer that Everytime I'm here you tell me specifically not to eat but I couldn't resist. They were so tempting. You just had to make them my favorite flavor
S- They were red velvet
T- Wait really. Aw man. That sucks
S- Now we have to wait an hour until we can get into the pool. Tomika I specifically said 2 cupcakes how many did you have
T- Uh 8 more over the limit
Z- I tried to stop her.
S- So are there any left
T- Nope just the ones I haven't fully digested but I don't think you want those.
S- Now I have to make more. You three want to help
L,E,F- Sure
We start making the cupcakes. I worked with Freddy on the batter. While Lesme worked on frosting
T- Can we eat those after the pool
S&F- No
T- Jerks.
We finish the cupcakes and they are in the fridge cooling along with the frosting. It's been an hour. So we can finally go to the pool.
T- I feel so much better. Summer please never let me do that again
K- Anyway what are we doing now
S- Pool. Go to your guest room upstairs with your bags and change.
A- How many guest rooms do you have
S,T,F- 10
A- Ok then
We all head upstairs and change into our swimsuits
Summer's Swimsuit⬇️

Tomika's Swimsuit⬇️

Esme's Swimsuit⬇️

Kale's Swimsuit⬇️

I leave my hair down and stop by tomika's guest rooms. She answers it
S- Nice Swimsuit fits you
T- Thanks. Let's go
She jumps on my back and I just giggle. We yell onward and I race down the stairs to the backyard

(Imagine it day time)
Esme and Kale were already there. They were putting on sun screen. I don't get why it was only 80 degrees. We decide we're gonna prank the guys. When we hear them open the door we're gonna be underwater acting like we drowned. We thought it would be ok since all 4 of us can stay underwater for a minute. We hear the boys come downstairs and open the door. We dive in.
F- Hey guys. WHAT
They come down and save us they put us on the pavement. They start panicking and asking each other who knows CPR. But then all 4 of us start laughing. Tomika was laughing so hard that she fepl into the pool but it was ok because she stopped laughing.
F- You guys are ok (helps me up)
S- We pranked you. We were only under there for 45 seconds.
Girls- HAHA
But then the boys pushed us in the pool but we took them with us.
S- (Face palms)
T- Me and Zack vs Lawrence and Esme
Z&L- I never agreed to this
E&T- Who cares.
T- Summer you are the referee
S- Ok
I get out the pool. Tomika gets on Zack's shoulders and so does Esme with Lawrence
S- Ok teams. Zomika vs Lesme
T- Really
S- Don't Judge me. Anyway the winners will get two cupcakes. Losers get to go off the diving board that is 10 feet high. So are you ready
E&T- Yes
Z&L- No
They start fighting and Lesme wins while Zomika loses.
S- Tomika you love the diving board
T- Oh yea. Win win
The four of them get out of the pool. Zack and Tomika head to the diving board while Lesme gets their cupcakes.
T- Your going first Kwan
Z- No I'm not
T- Yes you are
She pushes him off. He lands in the pool Screaming. Tomika does a front flip into the pool. They both come up
Z- I hate you Young
T- Nah you know you secretly love me. Don't try to hide it. Who could resist this.
She gets out and I high five her.
Z- Ok You four are next. Fremmer vs Kasher
S- See I'm not the only one. Tomika
T- Hmnp
Z- Im the referee.
E- I wanted to be the referee
Z- Sorry sweetheart.
E- I hate you Zack
Z- (Chuckles) Ok get ready
I get on Freddy's shoulders while Kale does the same with Asher.
Z- And start
I start pushing Kale and at the end I win.
Freddy Lets me get off his shoulders. We head to the kitchen to get the cupcakes. I pull them out the fridge and give one to him.
F- Even without frosting there good
S- You know. Your a pretty good Baker
F- Thanks
We high five. After that I feel something on my cheek. It was wet.

Freddy put the frosting on my cheek.
S- Hey
I put it on his cheek. We have a fight with the frosting. It was just our faces though. After our fight. We clean ourselves up and head back outside. Where kale's body was red. Like really red and so was Asher's. I see Zack and Tomika trying not to laugh
S- What happened
T- They both somehow did a belly flop into the pool. I can't believe you guys didn't hear it. It was loud like really loud.
K- It hurts so much
S- Aw I'm so sorry Kale
E- I think we better go back in
Z- Good idea
We start heading in and I hear Tomika and Zack start laughing their butts off. I just roll my eyes at them.
S- You want to watch a movie in a swimsuit
E- Good point
We just all laugh at her even though Tomika and Zack were already laughing. We head to our rooms and change.
Summer's PJ's⬇️

Tomika's PJ's⬇️

Esme's PJ's⬇️

Kale's PJ's⬇️

We go downstairs and the guys are already there just wearing regular plain t-shirts and basketball shorts. We sit by them except me. I sit on the floor because to me. It's comfier.
T- I suggest the night before Christmas
Z- But it's not near Christmas or Halloween
T- So. It's still a suggestion
K- How about a documentary on plants or the planet
T- Kale we don't want to fall asleep that fast.
E- Trolls
S- Good suggestion but no. How about Alice through the looking glass
They all nod in agreement. I turn it on. Halfway through the movie we all fall asleep.
I walk to the kitchen depressed and waiting for my mom to kill me
All- (jump out) SURPRISE
S- AAAHHH (Grabs pan and hits Lawrence)
T- Ok put the pan down.
S- Tomika you know I don't like surprises. My last one the guy went to the hospital and I almost got sued
Z- What guy
S- Birthday clown. Remember Louie
L- Rest in peace Louie
S- He didn't die
L- Oh I forgot
S- Why did you surprise me
S- Oh yea. Well thank you and Tomika
T- Yes
S- You owe me 10 cupcakes
T- How'd you know
S- There is frosting all over your face
Z- I told you. You shouldn't have done it.
T- Anyways. Go get dressed birthday girl. There is more surprises to come
S- Tomika I can't go to jail
T- Just go get dressed
I roll my eyes and run upstairs to get dressed but then I see a beautiful blue ball gown in my room. I yell as loud as I can and run downstairs. They all look at me scared but happy
Z- Well creep is kinda strong and rude
S- I hate surprises
T- We know that's why today is all about surprises also the dress is for later. Now please just go get ready.
I groan and go back upstairs. I change
Summer's outfit⬇️

I quickly flat iron my hair and then I go downstairs.
S- Ok what are we doing. Even though if it's a surprise I'll hate it.
F- First blindfold
He puts the blindfold on me.
S- Ok. Now I know that I'm definitely going to jail
Tomika's Pov
Well the first place we're going to is Summer's favorite place. The pier. I honestly don't know why she loves it so much but hey if it will make her happy. Now I know what your probably asking. What's the ball gown for. Well instead of your usual sweet 16 we're having a sweet 15 because her mom isn't going to be here next year for her birthday. So it's a secret and it's going to be held at the grand city auditorium. Which is the biggest one in Austin. The whole school was invited even Clark. Even though I begged Summer's mom not to let him come.
F- Let's go
We were taking a limo all day. I grab summer's hand and we head for the door. All 9 of us get in but I see Summer is kinda ticked.
T- I promise you Sum. You will love us.
S- I won't love being in Juvie
K- You aren't going to Juvie
S- You can't be so sure. The clown went into the hospital with 20 broken bones and his spinal cord was injured. He is now paralyzed from the waist down.
A- She's joking right
L- Nope. I have it on video. It's been trending for years. 5 year old got birthday surprise and almost killed clown.
E- 5 year old crazy blonde was you
S- I. Hate. Surprises.
K- Why
S- I don't know maybe it's the fact that when I was one years old. My dad surprised me by seeking up behind my crib and also he surprised me when he killed himself. I guess we'll never know either way. I HATE THEM.
E- Wow that got dark
T- Anyway we're here
I drag Summer out and the rest of them get out.
We all just look at her in shock. How'd she know
S- I knew because I can her the rides and screaming. Along with the ocean. Also stop saying your thoughts out loud.
I roll my eyes and take her blindfold off.
K- Well that wasn't a surprise.
Z- Lets put the noise cancelling headphones on next time
All except S- Agreed
We look around and Summer is missing.
T- We lost her. How
Just then we see a blonde by the edge looking at the water. We go up to her
T- Have you seen my friend about as tall as you.
F- Tomika that's Summer
T- Really
She turns around but when she does her eyes looked like they changed color. They were a very dark blue. Why does she look sad. It's her birthday
S- You really didn't recognize me
T- For a second
S- (giggles)
T- You ok
S- Of Course. I love the pier. My mom took me here every day. You know that. Thanks guys.
She gave us all a group hug. I'm glad she's ok. But she still seems sad.
T- You don't look ok
S- Im fine trust me.
T- Ok I'll let it go. Come on let's go to the ferris wheel.
We all laugh and run to the ferris wheel. We ride all the rides and go down to the beach. When it's 3. I tell them we gotta go. We put the blindfold back on Summer along with the noise cancelling headphones.
T- Ok to her favorite restaurant
K- Which is. I'm a vegetarian.
T- Its ok Kale. We're going to IHOP
A- For lunch
T- She absolutely loves it for either Breakfast or lunch and they do have their vegetarian options.
We go to IHOP. Me and Freddy take off the blindfold and noise cancelling headphones.
T- Told ya Asher
L- What are we waiting for
We go in and eat. I got 2 pancakes and bacon. While Summer got 3 pancakes with nothing else but since the employees know it's her birthday because we come here every year for her birthday. She gets whip cream and strawberries topped off with a candle on her pancakes. Everyone else just got the usual breakfast well except Kale. She got just pancakes and eggs with toast. They bring us our food and wish Summer a happy birthday.
K- They know it's your birthday but you didn't tell them
T- We come here every year for her birthday. They mark it on their calendar. They always do this. Since we started coming here.
Summer's eyes go back to that dark blue color again. Huh.
We eat our food. We leave and put on her hiding stuff again. Now the movies and then back to her house to get ready for her sweet 15.
S- Where are we going now
F- Like we're going to tell you
She can't even hear us. So why she asked. I honestly don't know.
E- Which Movie
T- Beauty and the beast
E- Cool
We get to the movie theater but we leave her gear on. I know her favorite snacks. Popcorn mixed with red licorice. We get the snacks and head to the theatre. I put her in her seat. I give her the popcorn container and take off her gear.
S- Really
Z- Duh. We know how much you wanted to see the movie and so did Freddy.
F- Hey it looked interesting.
We all just laugh at him. We watch the movie. Once it ends. We give her back the gear. She puts it on and we get to the car.
E- You guys have your tuxes right
Boys- Yep
E- Girls dresses
Girls- Yep
K- Ok Lets go over the plan
T- We get ready and then leave to the auditorium. Before Summer. We make sure everything is set up. Then exactly at 8. Summer comes in blindfolded. One of us takes her to the throne on the stage and then we take off the blindfold and yell Happy birthday.
All- Got it
We get to her house. We take Summer to her room and lock her in it. Her Butler will let her out at 7. There is a note telling her to get ready and all of that. Me and the girls head to my room and get in our dresses. They had to be blue or light blue.
Tomika's dress⬇️

Esme's Dress⬇️

Kale's dress⬇️

We go to the bathroom and do our hair and makeup.
Same Make-up as the pictures except Tomika's is more natural. We curl our hair. We decide to leave it down. We rush downstairs and see the guys. They were all wearing the same tux.

We get in the car and head for the auditorium. The whole time Zack was staring at me. Not this again. We get to the auditorium and start making sure everything is ready.
Summer's POV
I can't believe they locked me in. I turn around and see a huge poster. It says wear gown and get ready like your going to prom. Weird but hey I follow orders
Summer's dress⬇️

Way too puffy but has pockets. The pockets make up for it. I go to my bathroom and do my hair and makeup


I come out of the bathroom but then Jake comes in. He's my butler.
J- You look beautiful Ms.Hathaway. please follow me.
I say thank you and follow him. He puts a blindfold on me. Not against. He opens the door and then I'm placed in what I'm guessing is a limo.
*50 minutes later*
We finally stop and the door opens. Someone grabs my hand. This hand is familiar. I just shrug that thought off they take me inside somewhere. I follow them and then I have to go up some steps. They sit me down in a chair. They leave. But before they do. They tell me to take the blindfold off. In 5 seconds. I wait and then people start counting down. After 1. I take the blindfold off and they all yell Happy birthday. I look and see a banner that was lighting up and saying happy birthday Summer. I look over and I see Zack. That's why that hand was familiar. He takes me off the steps and the gang comes up to me.
T- You look gorgeous Sum
S- Thanks. Was this all your guys plan
K- No it was something else. We just helped.
I look over at Freddy and he hasn't said anything. He's just staring at me.
S- You ok Fredward
F- Uh yea. You look beautiful
S- Aw thank you
E- The whole school is here
S- Yea I can see that.
We all just talk and hang out. Then Tomika pulls me over
T- There's another surprise
S- Ok
T- Your not going to worry
S- Well yes but I'm trying not to scream in front of the whole school in this giant auditorium.
Tomika leaves me and goes on stage.
T- Ladies and Gentlemen and Gibbles.
T- Today we are celebrating the birthday of Summer Joy Hathaway. Come up here Summer
I climb up the stairs to the stage and wave hi.
T- Ok so today has been a course of surprises for her. Which she hates. But we still have a few more in store. One of them was Gibbles. The hamster that almost took Summer's place in her own classroom. Let's just say that did not end well. We need Gibbles and our teacher Mr.Finn to come up here. Give them a round of applause
Mr.Finn comes up with the hamster I absolutely hate.
MF- Summer. Happy birthday and I just want to say that I'm very sorry for trading you with a hamster and putting you in danger.
S- Your apology is accepted
They both get back down and Tomika goes back to talking.
T- Ok so that was weird. Anyways. We all know some of her dearest Friends. Zack,Lawrence, and Freddy. We've been together since we were in preschool well they have a surprise for her.
S- Im scared to know what it is
T- This surprise is not the biggest one but it is big. So boys bring over your surprise.
The boys bring over their surprise which is two people in chairs . They are tied up and their faces are covered
T- Now reavel
They take off the face mask and it turns out to be my cousin and Double G.
H- Hi also Happy Birthday. Also can you three untie me
L,F,Z- No
DG- I told you I'm not gonna rap for this party
S- Not even for your God niece
DG- What no (looks at me) SUMMER HEY. How you doing.
S- Good how about you
DG- Im tied to a chair. So that should answer the question.
Z- Let's go shows over
The boys roll the guys down the steps and leave them tied up
T- Ok next Surprise is not only for Summer but also for Zack
Z- Me
T- Yes. So get your scrawny butt up here
Zack rolls his eyes and comes on stage. Then I see Zack's Dad come on stage
Z- Dad what are you doing here
ZD- Well I'm here for my step daughters birthday of course
Z- Oh ok (realizes) WAIT WHAT
ZD- Surprise
Z- Your my sister
S- Yep
Z- (Faints)
T- Ok well that was fun but now it's time for the last surprise. Summer I'm gonna need to blindfold you
S- Ugh fine
She blindfolds me and turns me around. Then I hear footsteps on the stage. Someone grabs my shoulders
Sm- Hey sweetie
I take off the blindfold and turn around. I see my mom. I feel tears fall down my eyes. I run off the stage and run outside. I go to a nearby bench and sit down.
F- Hey Sum
I look up and see Freddy. He sits beside me.
S- Hi
F- Why are you crying
S- Im confused. I was sad because I was thinking of my mom all day and then here she is and I'm happy. I honestly thought she was going to miss my birthday
F- She wouldn't do that
S- But she has before. That's the real reason why I hate surprises. It surprised and hurt me the first time my mom missed my birthday. So all I had was Tomika and you guys. I love you guys but it's just not the same.
F- I get it but she's hear. You should come and enjoy that
S- Your right thanks Freddy. Your the best
I hug him and kiss him on the cheek. I go back inside with all eyes on me. I go back to the stage and hug my mom. She hugs back.
T- Aw well thank you guys for watching. Now time for music.
Tomika puts on the recordings of me singing with us playing.
Sm- Are you mad at me
S- Of course not. I've just been thinking about you all day and if you were going to miss my birthday
Sm- Sum about that. I'm not going to make it next year that's why this is called a sweet 15. The company is having me do a one year research project and I won't be back until next year June.
S- Your leaving me again
Sm- Yes but Zack is moving in with us. His father is going to stay back at his house. Since he wanted two homes and before I leave. We're going to have the wedding
S- All I'm hearing is your leaving me for a year with Zack and his dad who is also barley ever home
Sm- I'm sorry honey
S- You know what I am mad at you. Ever since Dad committed Suicide. All you think about is your job.
Sm- Honey that's not true
S- Mom I might have been young but you think I didn't notice you not coming home from nights to weeks to months. You know what I miss it when you would take me to the pier. When you actually really thought of me. Now all you do is leave me and now it's for a year. I know your office doesn't just give away jobs like that. You asked for it and it wasn't for money. It was to get away from me and I know why. I remind you so much of dad that you can't stand me. So you come back for a day and then leave cause you can't even stand me for 24 hours. You know I'm right. So say it I'm right. You just can't stand me

Sm- Your right. Ok you remind me so much of him that Everytime I see you. I think you will do the same thing as him. So yea I can't stand you because I love you.
S- Im done. I'm really sorry mom but I can't talk to you right now. I won't talk to you until the wedding. So just leave me alone.
I walk away in tears and go to Tomika.
T- What's wrong Peaches
S- Bubbles. My mom can't stand me. That's why she leaves
I tell her the whole story and she just sits there in shock
T- She told you this on your birthday
S- Yep. I'm going home. You guys can stay here but right now. I can't stay
ZD- Hey Summer
S- Oh hey Mr.Kwan
ZD- Just call me Frank
S- Ok
ZD- Listen I know it's going to be weird being Zack's sister but
S- No actually I love it. He was already a brother to me. Now we're siblings through marriage. Also Frank um do you mind when my mom leaves maybe sometimes I come and talk to you.
ZD- Of Course not. You'll be my daughter
S- Thanks
He hugs me and walks off. Then the boys come over to me
Z- Hey Sum
S- Zack I know your weirded out and I also know that you want to call me sis. So do it
Z- You know me so well
S- I do little bro
Z- Im the older one
S- Your birthday is in July
Z- I still want to be the older one
S- Fine I'll allow it
T- Sibling goals. Also Zack stop staring at me
Z- Oh right
F- You ok Sum
S- Um no but I'll hang in there.
F- Great

A/n: The longest chapter ever. If you can guess an estimate of how many words. I will tag you in the next chapter. The estimate also includes this whole An

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