Smokin Gun

By MissyDoe2017

257K 7.6K 10.6K

Best friends, partners in crime. Life long friends since they were ten. Are they ready to add hook up to that... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Flashback: Curve Sign
Flashback: Song Choices and Questions
Flashback: Deck Building
Chapter Thirteen: Part I
Flashback: Huntin.......
Chapter Thirteen: Part II
Flashback: What the hell Steph????
Flashback: Past Hookups and Albums: Part I
Flashback: Past Hookups and Albums: Part II
Chapter Thirteen: Part III
Chapter Fourteen: A.K.A. I'm Sorry Mama!!
Happy 4th Of July
Flashback: 2006, Part I
Flashback: 2006, Part II
Chapter Fifteen
Flashback: CMA Fest 2015, pt. I
Flashback: CMA Fest 2015, pt.II
Flashback: CMA Fest 2015: Part III
Flashback: CMA Fest 2015: Part IV
Flashback: Sorry Ms. Cochran
Chapter Sixteen
Flashback: Bye Felicia!!: Part I
Flashback: Bye Felicia, Part II
Flashback: Bye Felicia!! Part III
Chapter Seventeen
Flashback: Girls,Girls,Girls: Part I
Flashback: Girls,Girls,Girls: Part II
Flashback: Girls,Girls,Girls: Part III
One Shot: We Suck At Keeping Secrets.......
One Shot: We Suck at Keeping Secrets: Part II
Just Because
Flashback: I Can't Do This Anymore: Part I
First Meeting
Flashback: I Can't Do This Anymore: Part II
Chapter Eighteen
First Dates: Part I
First Dates: Part II
First Dates: Part III
Chapter Nineteen: Part I
Flashback: Nashville 2016: Part I
Chapter Nineteen: Part II
Thank Y'all
Flashback: Nashville 2016: Part II
Flashback: Nashville 2016: Part III
Flashback: Nashville 2016: Part IV
Chapter Twenty: Part I
Chapter Twenty: Part II
Chapter Twenty-One
Flash Forward: October 2018: Part I
Flash Forward: October 2018: Part II
Flash Forward: October 2018: Part III
Chapter Twenty-Two
Friends.... Damn Good Friends
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Barbeques and Confessions
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six: Part I
Chapter Twenty-Six: Part II
Flashback: Videos: Part I
Flashback: Videos: Part II
Flashback: Videos: Part III
😈Morning Pick Me Up❤
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Flashback: Ring Shopping: Part I
Flashback: Ring Shopping: Part II
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Flashback: Memories and Regrets
When An Idea Hits
Flashback: Memories and Regrets: Part II
Chapter Twenty-Nine
😁Lol 😁
Let it Ride Tour 2014
😁😁😁 Because.....
From Athens to Arlington: Part I
From Athens to Arlington: Part II
From Athens To Arlington: Part III
From Athens to Arlington: Part IV
Flashback: Way Back, Part: I
Flashback: Way Back: Part II
Flashback: Way Back: Part III
Flashback: Way Back: Part IV
Flashback: Way Back: Part V
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
😁Bonus Scene 😁
Don't Make Me Beat You!
Flashback: Inspiration for Smokin Gun: Part I
Flashback: Inspiration for Smokin Gun: Part II
Flashback: Grrrr... Seriously B!
Flashback: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Part I
Flashback: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Part II
Flashback: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Part III
Flashback: Just As I Am
Flashback: Marry Me
Flashback: High School: Part I
Flashback: High School: Part II
Flashback: Christmas 2016: Part I
Flashback: Christmas 2016: Part II

Flashback: I Can't Do This Anymore: Part III

1.7K 75 64
By MissyDoe2017

July 2011

Brantley's POV

I stubbed my cigarette out as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to open it and dial a number, again. I havent spoken to Stephanie since her birthday in March. I didn't even remember going to the engagement party in Atlanta that night. I had woken up the next day to Ben glaring at me and informing me that I had been a royal jackass the night before. I leaned forward to take a sip of the beer in front of me on the table as it rang and rang.

I growled as her voicemail picked up, yet again. Ben and Kolby were the only two to witness our supposed showdown and Ben hadn't heard what was said other than walking up to see us squaring off, her slapping me, and him making me leave. Kolby claimed to not know either. He had been a go between with us the last few months. She'd told him she would consider speaking to me when I got my act together.

I rolled my eyes thinking about it as I took another swig. I didn't have a problem. Since when was having a little fun a problem. I had been on the road most of the year and in and out of the studio to release deluxe version of my album since I had signed with Valory Music Company. The more I thought about it, I just figured her actions were because of David.

The douchebag had never liked me when even when they were dating. She had drug him to a couple of shows with her when they started dating but he had refused to come after a while, saying it wasnt his scene. I tolerated him for her. She seemed to be happy and that's all I could want for her, even if it was with him.

Glutton for punishment, I dialed her number again, closing my eyes as it rang. Willing her to answer the phone. I'd give anything to actually hear her voice. I missed her more than I wanted to admit. I hung up again and looked at the time on my phone. A little after five. Ben would be here in about an hour to pick me up for a gig we had down on Printer's Alley.

I rubbed my chest with the ache I felt there. Damn stubborn woman. I needed to make a point to go home and try to corner her to talk to me. Even if she was yelling, at least she would be talking to me. I grabbed the whiskey bottle of the coffee table and unscrewed the lid as I leaned back against the couch. I took a swing as I glared at my song book sitting on the table. I had been working on one that was giving me fits and killing me to finish. It would probably never see the light of day but I had to finish it. I had to get the words out I thought, my eyes tearing up a little.

I shook my head to clear it and turned the bottle up one more time before screwing the cap back on and sitting it down. I jumped when the phone lying beside me rang. My heart skipped a beat that maybe, just maybe it was Stephanie. It dropped a little when I noticed it was Colt calling.

"Hello," I said gruffly.

"BG, what's going on man?" Colt said. I could practically see his big grin through the phone.

"Not much. Just doing a little writing before heading out for a show tonight," I said lighting another cigarette.

"Well I just got some good news buddy. Guess what?" he boomed.

"What?" I asked.

"Guess what is the number one country song?" he asked making me grin.

"Seriously man. Dirt Road Anthem is number one?" I asked in disbelief sitting up and rubbing face against the slight buzz I had.

"Yea man it is! Jason just gave me a call," he said with a laugh. "Party set up for next week here in Nashville. Firecracker caved and speaking to you yet? Because man she needs to be there for this."

I sighed before answering. "No man. She's still pissed off at me. It'll be ok."

"Gotcha bud. Look I gotta run. Good luck on the show tonight and one of us will text you the details ok."

"Talk to ya soon man," I said before closing the phone. I glanced down at the phone and debated to try her again to tell her the news. I had a single doing well on the country charts and a song that I had co-written was the new number one. Then I just got mad. I picked up the bottle of whiskey and chunked it at the wall as it and grinned as it shattered.  Fuck her, I thought as I pushed myself up off the couch to go get a shower before Ben got here. When she decided she wanted to quit being so stubborn she could call me.

Stephanie's POV

I was walking back to my car after spending the day shopping for wedding stuff with my mom. It was July and we had set the date for this next June. I was going to be gray headed before it was all said and done. Brantley had tried calling earlier but I had ignored the calls.

Mom had given me a strange look when she noticed it was him but the look I gave her warned her to not ask. I was almost to my car when my phone rang in my purse causing me to jump. I almost let it ring figuring it may be him again but my eyes widened when I pulled it out and read the caller id.

"Hello," I answered smiling even before the person spoke.

"Firecracker! How you doing darlin?" Colt boomed in my ear.

"I've been doing ok Colt. How about you?" I asked as I unlocked my car door.

"Awesome honey, awesome. Look just got some exciting news. Dirt Road Anthem hit number one," he said. I could practically see the huge grin through the phone. I let out a shriek and did a dance in my seat. I was so happy for them.

"That's amazing Colt. I am so proud of y'all," I said grinning as I started my Jeep.

"Yea it is. Now listen darlin the party for this is next week in Nashville on Wednesday. That was the day that they could get everyone in town. I don't know what you and BG are arguing about this time, but please promise me you will be there. You have to be there for this," Colt pleaded with me. I sighed and dropped my head down onto the steering wheel.

"I can't make any promises Colt, but I will try ok. Just text me the time and location please," I said fighting back tears. He let out a deep sigh grumbling under his breath. Pretty sure I heard stubborn asses in there somewhere.

"Ok honey, that's all I can ask. Expect to hear from me. I'll let ya go. Talk to you soon firecracker," he said.

"Bye Colt," I said before hanging up. I stared at the phone in my hand for a minute as the tears welled up in my eyes. I had been there for every milestone in our lives and I didn't know if I had the strength for this one. I opened my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I got to his name. I almost hit the button to dial and thought better of it.

I missed him so much it hurt. I was terrified every time that the phone rang it would be Kolby calling to tell me something had happened to him. The wreck when we were nineteen had almost killed me when I got the call. I wanted to go, but after everything he had said to me, sober or not, I didn't know if he even would want me there. I flicked my finger over the charms on the bracelet on my wrist and debated with myself.

Brantley's POV

I put my hands in my pockets to hide how jittery they were. I tried to chalk it up to nerves but even I knew better. I wanted to enjoy today so I had done everything I could to not take a drink or look for a pill. My dreams were starting to come true. Colt clapped a big hand on my shoulder as we listened to the executives in the front talk. Jason was standing on my other side grinning. I could see Mama and Kolby standing in the back. Jason leaned over to whisper in my ear after his eyes scanned the crowd.

"Where's Stephanie? I figured she would be front row center for this one man," he asked pulling back to look at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention back to the man talking. We all gave a small speech and posed for photos with our plaques. As they were snapping the last photo, I noticed the door to the room open and the most welcome sight to my eyes stepped through it glancing around.

Stephanie had her long blonde hair piled up on her head, pieces coming down to frame her face. A long red thin strapped sundress floated around her. She glanced up and met my eyes making her stop. I couldn't believe she was actually here. I don't know how she knew, but I was thankful to whomever told her. Colt leaned over and took the plaque from my hand.

"Go brother," he said quietly. "I got this."

I flashed him a grateful smile before I jumped off the raised platform and darted across the room. As I approached her, I saw the tears brimming in her eyes. I opened my arms up and she ran forward. I picked her up and wrapped her up in a bear hug, taking a deep breath of her sweet smell. I felt like I could breathe again. I didn't need a pill or a drink to make things feel better as long as I had my best friend back in my life. I gently sat her down on her feet and pulled back to look at her.

"How did you know sweetheart?" I asked squeezing her hand. She smiled up at me and wiped a stray tear off her cheek.

"Colt called me," she said looking up at me searching my eyes. I reached out to cup her cheek in my hand.

"Sweetheart, whatever it was that I said or did, I am so sorry. I've lost count of how many times I've called or text you," I murmured looking her. She took a shuddering breath and shook her head giving me a forced smile.

"Not now B, please," she begged. "Let's just enjoy what today is about ok. I am so damn proud of you."

She had just gotten the words out of her mouth when Colt came over to wrap her in a hug spinning her around.

"Glad you came darlin!" he boomed as he sat her back down on her feet laughing. Jason grabbed her next giving her a big hug and kiss on the cheek. We stood around for a while talking and catching up. Mama and Kolby both had come by earlier to tell me they were headed back to the hotel. I noticed Stephanie glance at her phone and frown as it vibrated before she switched it off and stuffed it in her purse.

"He doesn't know you're, here does he?" I asked leaning down to whisper in her ear. She bit her lip before shaking her head no. I sighed and reached down to thread my fingers with her and excused ourselves then tugged her out on the balcony overlooking Nashville.

"Where are you supposed to be?" I asked leaning against the railing as she came to prop up beside me.

"In Atlanta with your mom," she said propping her chin on my shoulder. "But I couldn't miss this."

"Thank you for coming. I just wish I'd had the nerve to call you myself," I said kissing her forehead. "I wish you would tell me what I did. You have never gone this long without talking to me. It's been months. "

"It was a combination of things B," she said looking up into my eyes. "But drunk words are sober thoughts. And let me tell you, the words you said that night cut deep. Thank you again for my bracelet by the way."

"Your welcome. Whatever I said honey, I am sorry," I said as she shifted away from me. Steph wrung her hands together as she looked up at me.

"I've got to go B," she said softly tears in her eyes. "I meant what I said that night even if you don't remember. Until you get your shit together and get sober, I am done. I can't do it anymore. I wake up and go to bed each night terrified I am going to get a phone call that you are gone."

I went to reach for her and she backed away.

"Steph, I haven't touched a drop today or taken anything in a week. Honest to God," I pleaded.

"Because of what today was. But you were half lit playing a show last night. Yea, Ben and Jesse keep me in the loop," she said shaking her head. "I love you B. Take care of yourself please."

She darted back through the door before I could stop her. I wanted to break down right then and there but knew I had to suck it up. I walked back inside and sat down at the bar they had set up and flagged the bartender down for a shot of whiskey and instructed him to keep them coming. I was about three in when someone sat down beside me.

"Firecracker leave?" Colt asked sipping his beer and looking at me.

"Yep," I said as I rolled the shot glass between my hands before sitting down and reaching for another to toss back. I felt the burn in my chest and the ache there dulled just a little.
"I need your help tweaking a song that I want to put on the album. Think you are up for it?"

Colt clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Sure man. Be glad to help."

December 2011

"You Don't Know Her Like I Do" had been released to radio two weeks ago. I had heard it on the radio driving back to my apartment the first day and I had teared up and immediately went in search of a bottle of whiskey. The end result was me winding up in the hospital with a broken leg and pancreatitis from all the alcohol.

I dropped my head back against the pillow and tried to get comfortable. My whole body hurt but I felt a little more human than I had in a while. Id had an unexpected visitor out of Keith Urban yesterday. I was already a little apprehensive to play on stage again sober.

I couldn't tell you the last time that I had. He had given me some good advice and I was feeling a little better about getting on the road with Eric Church after the first of the year. Mama had brought me some t-shirts and sweatpants that would go over my cast. The doctor had promised I would be in a walking cast by the time I got through to make it easier for me to move around on stage as long as I was careful.

I knew one thing, I was done with it all. I hadn't been this clearheaded in a long time and I was enjoying the feeling. I prayed every chance I got for the strength to keep this up. I had debated calling Stephanie so many times since I made the decision. It was like a movie at some of the memories that came flooding back with a clear head.

I remembered most of the stuff I had said the night of her birthday and counted my blessings that all I had gotten that night was a slap across the face. That woman had a mean right hook when she needed it. I knew I had a lot of amends to make with a lot of people because of my actions and choices.

I reached over for the stick Kolby had snuck in to me to run down the inside of my cast and scratch. I had almost reached it when the door opened and I jerked my hand back knowing for sure the nurse was going to bust me again and yell at me. I looked up guiltily to the door and my jaw dropped open. I closed my eyes and shook my head as tears formed in my eyes.

"Please, please tell me that you are real," I whispered brokenly. I sat there for a moment and flinched when I heard soft footsteps on the tile floor. I blinked my eyes open when I felt a soft hand on my cheek. I opened up my eyes to look up into Stephanie's blue eyes that were filled with tears.

"I'm real B. I'm really here," she choked out. I reached over to tug her down to the bed beside me. I wrapped my arms her pulling her to me tightly as I buried my head in her neck and lost it. She clung to me as much as I did her as the tears fell.

"I am so sorry sweetheart. For everything I have said and done. I know I have disappointed you over and over again. I'll make up to you somehow. I haven't been the best of friends the last few years," I choked out. She pulled back to look at me as she wiped a tear off my cheek.

"Water under the bridge. I'm proud of you for taking this step. I like seeing those green eyes clear. I've missed my B," she said giving me a soft smile.

"Well this one is here to stay. I can promise you that," I said squeezing her hand and looking down. I lifted my head and gave her a puzzled look. "Where's your ring Steph?"

"I called things off last week. It just wasn't what I wanted anymore. I couldn't fit in the mold that was expected of me. I talked to the principal at Jefferson High the other day. They are having a position opening this next school year so I am gonna move back home after school gets out in May and take it," she said squeezing my hand. I ruffled her hair and gave her a soft smile.

"Good, I'll have someone around to make sure my house is being done right while I am on tour," I said with a laugh earning me a light slap on the chest. I scooted over so she could stretch out beside me and wrapped my arms around her. She buried her head under my chin and sighed. "I've missed you sweetheart."

"Missed you too B," she said playing with the strings of my sweatshirt. "You've got this. I know you do and I'm gonna be here every step of the way."

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