Forever Yours

By danilynn87

215K 8.4K 1.7K

When a young college student Emma Swan crosses paths with her new teacher's assistant, Regina Mills will they... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Five

5.9K 235 66
By danilynn87

Emma Swan

"I am stuffed!" I exhaled as I dropped my fork onto my plate causing a loud ruckus.

"You did just eat for a family of four," Regina quipped as she sipped her coffee like she was having tea with the Queen of England.

"I don't know how you're going to survive on just a bagel," I laughed as I reached for my wallet. Regina's cup clinked against its saucer, grabbing my attention. I peered up to find Regina fumbling for her purse.

"How much do I owe Miss Swan?"

"I got this one Regina," I stressed her name hoping she will finally use mine and stop with all the formalities.

"It's Miss-"

"Stop right there," I held up my hand and watched as she snapped her mouth shut, "we are outside of the classroom. We are Regina and Emma. In class, I will call you Miss Mills but outside of class we will use our names," I stated firmly.

"What if Glass doesn't return and I have to fill in for the rest of the semester?"

"Then when we are in class I will treat you with nothing but respect as my professor. I will not expect any special treatment and you will continue with your favorite Miss Swan. But outside of the class we will remain friends." Regina's poise and professional attitude quickly vanished. Something I said must have affected her because I watched as her big brown eyes glossed over. "Are you alright Regina?" She smiled kindly and nodded but the audible gulp attempting to force back any kind of emotion, did not go unnoticed. "Alright..." I didn't want to push the subject and make things more uncomfortable for us, so I stood up and dropped some cash onto the table.

There's something about Regina Mills that I find intriguing. She is definitely stuck up, but something tells me, she doesn't want to be. At first it seemed like it was her upbringing but then as I became well acquainted with her sister and I found that not to be true. The more I'm around Regina, the more I want to get to know her. I recently decided my new favorite hobby is to force this woman to open up to me. I think because she's so closed off and reserved it makes me desperate to pry into her life and beg for more details. I actually enjoy teasing her, making her feel uncomfortable and pulling her from her comfort zone.

Ever since I met Ruby and Neal, I have found that I am living more freely. They both broke down the walls that I built around my heart from being in the foster system. I'm more relaxed and I certainly don't mind saying whatever is on my mind. For some strange reason I find myself having an urge to make Regina act the same way. I want to know all her dirty secrets. I want to turn her into a bad girl and I don't know why. I don't know what's possessing me to feel this way, but I am determined to push all of her buttons.

"Well thank you for breakfast Miss-, uh, Emma," Regina politely stated as she bowed her head ever so slightly.

"No problem. Come on let's walk around town."

"I really should be getting back."

"Do you have somewhere important you need to be?" I could practically see her mind fumbling for some kind of excuse.

"No, I don't believe I do. I just..." she trailed off and I could visibly see how nervous she was, but I wasn't sure why. Does she actually not care for me as much as I thought?

"You just..." I mocked waving my hands around waiting for her excuse.

"Why do you want to spend more time with me?" She blurted out in a rush, taking me by surprise. No one has ever questioned why we were hanging out or why I was friends with them before.

"Because we are friends. This is what friends do." Her perfectly shaped brows pinched together, causing a small vein to pop in her forehead. She can be super adorable at times. "You have had friends before, right?" I joked pushing her shoulder lightly. The brunette failed to respond as her lips twisted into a pout. Suddenly, I don't believe this is a joking matter anymore. "Regina?"

"No Miss Swan, you would be the first," she clipped, her words cold and harsh. I winced the slightest bit as a sharp pain sliced through my heart.

"What? How is that possible?"

She cleared her throat and shifted lightly on her feet.

"My mother," she coldly replied as her face expressed sorrow and resentment she has been clearly hanging onto for quite some time now.

"Well come on, we can talk about her as we walk." I began strolling down Main Street slowly, hoping that Regina would follow. After a few moments she rushed to catch up to me.

We walked around town talking about her mother and her controlling ways. She told me about her father and how much she adored the man. I told her about my past and some of the homes I was in. I was even able to bring her into some small shops and convinced her to buy some things for her home. After an hour or so we ended up in front of the town's ice cream parlor.

"Let's get ice cream!" I exclaimed as I ran inside.

"You just ate Emma!" The reluctant brunette called out as she followed me inside.

"There's always room for ice cream and you're getting some!" I demanded.

A young boy stepped out from the back of the shop, tying his apron as he smiled up at us.

"What can I get for you ma'am?"

"Ma'am? What the? I'm twenty-two, kid!" I fired back in annoyance feeling personally insulted as Regina just laughed behind me. The boy's entire face burned bright red and I thought at any moment he might actually cry from embarrassment.

"Whatever," I mumbled and waved my hand trying to brush off the situation. "Rocky Road, you Regina?"

"Um mint chocolate chip please," she shyly said.

"You would, that sounds exactly like what a teacher would order," I teased.

"What does that even mean?" She laughed while shaking her head at my silly banter.

The young boy handed me our ice cream as Regina insisted on paying. I sat down at a table and passed Regina her ice cream as she approached.

"So, ice know what that means in friend's language?" I playfully teased hoping that maybe this would be a perfect opportunity to learn more about this intimidating woman. She shot me a quizzical look in which I wiggled my eyebrows up and down. "Friends always eat ice cream together on two occasions." I smiled as I held up one finger. "One, during a break up. Always bring your friend ice cream so she can stuff her face, cry and bitch about the douchebag." Her thick lips pursed together as she thought about my explanation, but I think she was trying to suppress a smile. "Two, whenever you eat ice cream together that means you have to talk about sex." I paused knowing this would make her uncomfortable.

I watched those big cocoa colored eyes grow wide as she froze mid lick. She rapidly retracted her tongue and blinked as she replayed my words in her mind.

"I feel as though you are lying," she said as her white pearly teeth sucked in her plump bottom lip. I couldn't help but laugh at how nervous she was.

"Okay. Okay. The first part is true but the second part I made up. But now that is going to be our thing," I winked as the brunette shifted awkwardly in her seat. "So..." I started but I wasn't sure where to begin. I kept my eyes on her for a moment as I gathered my thoughts. "...since you never had friends can I assume you never had a boyfriend?"

I was actually taken by surprise at how quickly she responded.

"Of course, I've had boyfriends. What I meant earlier was I never really had any real friends, that I actually spent time with, they were all simply acquaintances."

"So, tell me when did you lose your virginity?"

She choked. Regina actually choked on her ice cream and I just had to laugh hard at this sight.

"Um, do I... have to answer?" She stuttered barely making her words out.

"Yes," was all I said with a wide grin before continuing to lick my ice cream in triumph. Her cheeks flushed crimson and I was mentally jumping up and down, knowing what I was doing to her.

"I was, uh, sixteen."

"Tell me more about him."

She huffed out a deep breath, staring at me with daggers in her eyes. I stared right back, challenging her.

"Fine." She rolled those intimidating eyes in defiance before she proceeded. "He was seventeen. His name was Daniel and I thought I was in love. My mother found out I was dating him behind her back for six months. She forced me to end the relationship saying I was far too young to be in one. She declared that I needed to remain focused on my studies and activities. While Zelena was off every night with a new guy."

"Why did you listen to her?"

"As Zelena told you, my mother played her social politics game and threatened Daniel's parent's business if we continued to see one another," Regina explained as her face displayed the heartbreak she once felt.

I reached across the table placing my hand on top of hers for comfort. A rush of heat flowed rapidly through my blood just as Regina's head shot up to meet my eyes. I quickly pulled away feeling a bit confused from what I just experienced, along with the panic in her eyes. So, I did my best to ignore the feeling and continued with our conversation.

"So, is he your only one?" I asked finishing off my ice cream.

"Not quite. While I was away at college I slept with this guy, Graham...a lot. That was only for pleasure, we never had an emotional connection. We just called each other whenever we were bored...for all four years." As her mind played back the old memories she began to chuckle. It was a deep, full husky laugh, which I found absolutely adorable and inspired me to laugh along with her. "What about you Miss Swan?" I was about to correct her on the proper name but this time it felt right, like she was teasing me, so I allowed the name to slide.

"Neal. The one and only," I smiled fondly thinking of my amazing boyfriend. Regina had a troublesome look on her face and I couldn't understand why. "What?"

"I'm just shocked. For someone who is so open and honest...and someone who is forcing this conversation, I assumed there would be a lot more on the list," she confessed truthfully.

"I know, I get that a lot actually. But no, I moved so much when I was younger I never really got the chance to know any guys or anyone for that matter. Neal came around when I was seventeen and I've been with him ever since."

She smiled respectfully but for some reason I still feel the unnerving sense that she doesn't care for my boyfriend. I decide to ignore that thought all together.

"Back to my place? Thirsty Thursday!" I smiled, and Regina agreed following me out the door.


Later that evening Regina and I sat on my couch drinking wine and talking about everything we could think of while my roommates were out. The more we talk, the more I'm finding myself intrigued by her life and all her accomplishments. It's not every day you meet a twenty-five-year old that was accepted to teach at a college. Once I was able to break through some of her protective layers that her mother built up, I found her to be very sweet, intelligent and charming.

The lock on my front door softly clicked, breaking us from our conversation. We both turned our heads to find Neal walking through. I jumped from the couch excited to rush over and greet my boyfriend.

His thick strong fingers slid beneath my ass to lift me up as I clutched his scruffy face and pressed my lips firmly against his.

"Hi baby," he mumbled against my mouth as both our lips slipped into smiles.

"Hi," was all that I could say as I resumed pecking his lips aggressively. He chuckled at my attack before setting me back down on my feet.

I turned my attention back to Regina to find her cheeks flushed as she stared aimlessly into her wine glass. I ignored the awkward tension one more time and decided I would ask her about it the next time we were alone. Neal walked into the living room prompting Regina to stand up in a rush.

She politely extended her hand. "Hello Neal, nice to see you again," she greeted my boyfriend with a half ass smile. Neal grinned, thinking he finally won her over and happily shook her hand, even though I could tell the interaction was forced on her end.

"It's nice to see you too Mills!" We all sat back down on the couch just as Neal's phone began to ring. "Excuse me," he said before he left the room to answer the call.

"So, spill it Mills," I whispered leaning into the brunette's personal space. She was quick to pull away, but I pushed forward almost connecting the tips of our noses. "What gives? You still don't like Neal?"

Regina slipped her glass of wine between our faces, pulling a long sip of her beverage between her lips before she started twirling the stem of the glass between her fingers, expressing just how nervous she was.

"I just shook his hand and said hello," she claimed, attempting to defend herself but I wasn't buying it.

"No, there's more to it and I want to know if it's something we can move passed because I want you in my life but Neal isn't going anywhere," I firmly stated.

Regina offered me the best smile she could manage. "Emma I won't come between the two of you. I just need to get to know him. There's something about him that puts me on edge and I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"I won't. No offense but I've known you all of one week and him for five years."

"I understand that, as you know I've really never had any true friends. I enjoy your company Emma, I'm not going to cause any problems and risk a friendship."

With those simple words my heart melted for her once again. My eyes drifted up into her big brown eyes trying to see through to her soul. Our eyes locked causing my breathing to become labored. Her eyes shifted down toward my lips eliciting a warm flush to run wildly across my flesh. There's something about her, there's a connection between us. Chemistry, maybe?

"Hey babe, that was August..." Neal explained as he returned from the other room. I blinked rapidly a few times and sat back putting some distance between Regina and I. "...he says he has a great job coming up."

"Well that's great babe," Neal leaned forward and kissed my lips before taking a seat next to me.

"What is it that you do?" Regina asked looking intrigued, more than suspicious, which I was thankful for.

"I usually do construction on homes. Sometimes there are some odd jobs that I do just for the extra cash," he smiled as he took my hand into his.

"Well that's nice," she stated, before she took another sip of wine and I knew she really didn't know what else to say to him.

"Let's get going ladies, I'm sure Ruby is already half in the bag trying to calm her nerves before seeing this one," Neal laughed as he nodded his head toward Regina.

The brunette rolled her eyes in response, yet again.

"She's not my type, dear."

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