By TheFanGirlAlways

107 25 0

In which Bella is insane and is searching for the only person to make her happy... her true love but the love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

3 2 0
By TheFanGirlAlways

Bella raced down the hill a massive grin on her face. The wind picking up her hair, flying around. She felt free, happy and beautiful, feelings she hasn't felt for a long time. Once she was at the Sanctuary she rushed in, everyone staring and amazed at what they saw, Bella.

"Wow!" Was the first thing Bella heard.

"I thought all the Pleasant's were dead"

"So, did I" People talked. Already rumours were flying from person to person. But Bella didn't mind it just lifted her ego more. She liked to be the centre of attention and it just showed her life was better than there which is was.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Bella voice boomed. The room shook from the impact the door left behind when slammed shut by Bella.

Everyone was sitting, talking, having the meeting just like they did 5 years ago when this situation happened but this time Skulduggery and Valkyrie were nowhere to be seen.

Everyone in the room felt the major Deja vu that occurred when Bellas voice boomed and the room shook but this time they didnt dare to answer her, they ignored her as much as they could

"I WANT ANSWERS NOW!" Bella yelled she was frustrated and she wanted to know everything. She looked at everyone in silence, waiting for someone to speak but no one did. They just watched as she went crazy, they were used to it.

It was exactly like last time, but what surprised them the most was that Bella was back and she wasn't dead. They didn't really care though, Bella and the rest of them were missing for a long time and no one noticed and if they did they didn't report it. Maybe they didn't care, it was, after all, easier without the Pleasants around.

Everyone decided to carry on with their business, going back to what they were doing, not paying attention to Bella as she walked around looking at the massive building.

"She's not here." Xaph said not even looking at Bella then it went silent, no one speaking which made it extremely awkward.

"She's gone. You won't see her again." Clarity said which made Bella angrier.

"SHUT UP" Bella shouted, everyone jumping in fright startled by the sudden voice and loud noise.

They looked at her in disappointment, they all frowning at the crazy girl, sick of her already when she lonely just got back. Bella was okay with it though, she was content. They still didn't see the struggle she was going through in her head. They still only saw a crazy person screaming and to Bellas disbelief it was her.

"They hate you. They don't like you. They wish you never came back! They're all disappointed in you." Clarity talked Bella down making her hate herself more and more with every word Clarity spoke to her inside of her messed up head.

"I know." Bella agreed with her head bowing to the ground.

"I need to know what happened" Bella demanded. Looking at the people in front of her again, specking exact same words.

"Again, we don't know what youre talking about" Blizzard and Kalani said, rolling their eyes becoming impatience by the minute.

"They're lying" Clarity said knowing Bella trusts her.

"Your lying!" Bella to the everyone, following the order in her head.

"About what? We are not." Xapphyr spoke calming. She nor anyone else had time and effect to fight with Bella. They couldnt stand to be around her

"Don't act dumb" She growled. You know and you all are not telling me! Bella yelled but this time no one was scared. No one flinched

"What's wrong? What can we do then? Kalani asked just wanting Bella out of their way quicker so they can get back to work

"Everything!" Bella growled, giving up.

They were all useless and the only way Bella could find Karma is if she did it by herself so she ran out the room, everyone thinking it was over and started to continue working before realizing that this was a totally different Bella, they knew and trusted the old one but this one they knew nothing about so they concluded to follow her.

Bella ran from room to room in search for her beautiful blonde lover with the sad blue eyes. Once coming to the last door, she realized she wasn't there. Sighing she gave up.

"Where is she?" Bella's voice was deep and dark. She wasn't herself. Everyone had no idea what she was talking about, they had no answer they could give her just like last time. Everyone couldnt believe how similar the situations where. How much they resembled each other.

"Well she's not hear." Xapphyr spoke bluntly.

"I dont know where she is."

"And neither do we."

"I've searched everywhere! I need to find her."

"Well obviously she doesn't want to be found." Xapphyr answered.

"I miss her. I love her." And that's when everything clicked for everyone Bella was searching for Karma.

Blizzard's breathing hitched. She didn't know what to do or say but Bella noticed she noticed everything. The way everyone turned as pale as ghosts. The way everyone was suddenly silent. The way everyone looked scared and shocked.

Bella noticed it. She smirked at the crowd. They were going to regret all this once Bella is done with them. Theyll think twice before lying to Bella next time.

"I'm back!" Bella smirked and everyone stopped talking looking at her. Worry and fear took over their facial expressions and Bella laughed.

"Good." Clarity spoke, a grin from ear to ear. This will be fun.
Another chapter done!!! Yay! So close to finished, how exciting.

Question- what do you think about these characters so far? What do you dislike about them? What do you like about them?

Picture is of what I believe the Sanctuary looks like

I will be updating again tonight!! Yay!

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