The Gift No Money Could Buy |...

By le_kunokimchi

14.4K 557 372

"Why him?" Lyon asked, still staring at the sunset. "Hmm?" Juvia mumbled, her eyes pulling away from the bea... More

Author's Note
Book 2?


785 39 54
By le_kunokimchi

(Omg you guys are too sweet!😭😭 I was up till 4:30 am just reading all of ur comments and spamming with replies like I seriously should have been sleeping... But oh well, I couldn't help myself! Your guy's reactions are so funny and most of the time relatable😂 idk what I would do without any of u so thank you thank you, y'all my sweet potatoes❤❤
Anyways... Back to the story!)

Juvia's POV

"Would you like to go on that ride Blue-belle?" Lyon-sama asked, pointing towards some large swings that spun around in circles.
I groaned at the new nickname.
"Sure Lyon-sama. Juvia likes swings. They make Juvia feel like she's flying," I reply with a slight giggle at my childish answer.
He smiled as he glanced back at me, a slight blush on his cheeks.

Lyon's POV

Oh that giggle's gonna be the death of me..

Juvia's POV

Lyon-sama and I have been walking around the carnival for about an hour now. We went on the carousel.. Twice, and then Lyon-sama tried winning a teddy bear for me in a dart game.
Of course, he lost and became very, VERY flustered.. Causing him to storm off with me in tow.
He bought me cotten candy to make up for the lost bear I so desired. It was a light shade of blue with a white heart around its eye. There was a silk pink ribbon tied in a bow around it's neck and a raindrop-shaped white spot on its stomach.

Juvia really wanted that bear...

I decided to shrug off the disappointment though because I realized how hard Lyon-sama tried to win it for me.

He really does care for Juvia... Unlike some other ice mages...
Juvia feels bad for using Lyon-sama..

"Uh Lyon-sama?" I said, a hint of apprehension in my voice.
I was going to tell him.. He had a right to know after all...

Please forgive Juvia.

"Yes my darling Blue-belle~?" he cooed, glancing behind himself at me with a radiant smile.

"Well uh.. Um.. Uh.. You see.. Ju-..uh Lu-.." I stuttered frantically, not knowing how to put him down easily.

His smile faltered into a concerned frown. "Is everything alright? Would you like to sit down?" He asked, pulling me out of the line and gesturing towards a bench.

"Actually.. Could Juvia and Lyon-sama go somewhere more private to talk..?" I mumbled, looking down at my feet.

Lyon-sama seems so happy.. Juvia doesn't wanna hurt him..

"Of course. Is something bothering you? It's not Gray, is it?" He questioned, his eyes glaring at a bush behind him.

Juvia has to tell him.. Although Juvia doesn't get what's wrong with the bush..

Gray's POV


Juvia's POV

I grab his hand and lead him into the forest, away from peering eyes and listening ears, an unsettling itch at the back of my mind, like we had an audience.

Lyon's POV

She's holding my hand... And leading me somewhere private, away from everyone else..

I blush crimson as several.. naughty thoughts flash through my mind.

Natsu's POV

"Hey Luce?" I ask between munching on my chicken leg.
"Yeah Natsu?" She replied, looking up from the table her head was pressed against. She seemed to be bored and tired... Or maybe just upset that I didn't share any of my food with her.

"Is that Gray over there?" I mused, my eyebrow raising as I swallow my mouth full of food. She follows my gaze, a large devilish grin appearing on her face.
"Right you are, Natsu," she replied, smirking in Gray's direction.

"What's he doin' Luce?" I asked confused, staring questionably at the ice mage crouching low behind a bush, staring intently at something ahead of him.

"Takin' the bait," Luce replied, winking at me.
"Ohhh ok... Wait.. There's no fish over there," I said, frowning.

"You're hopeless," Luce groaned as she face-palmed.

Confusion filled my face. So he's not fishing..?

Juvia's POV

I let go of Lyon-sama's hand as we enter a clearing. There was a crystal clear lake reflecting the streaks of orange, pink, and blue from the sky above. I sighed as I sat on a tall rock, admiring the sunset.

"Is there something you wanna talk about?" Lyon-sama asked, sitting down next to me.
"Yes but Juvia doesn't know how to put it.. Juvia doesn't wanna hurt Lyon-sama," I rambled sadly.

I look at him as he rests a hand on my shoulder.

"No matter what you're about to tell me, I will never stop loving you. Nothing you do or say will change that. I swear to you that I won't be upset, I'll understand," he reassured, staring deeply into my eyes with a deadly serious expression.

I sigh. Good bye Lyon-sama's affection..

"Juvia can't love you, Lyon-sama," I confessed, tears welling in my eyes, "It's not that Juvia hates you, she's just in love with another. J-juvia... Juvia thinks that you're a really sweet and thoughtful guy, but no one can replace the love for him in Juvia's heart. Juv-..
I-I'm sorry.."
"Oh I already knew all that," Lyon-sama chuckled, "No need to cry."
"W-what?!" I exclaimed, surprised.
"Yeah. I'm not blind, darling. Anyone with eyes could see how much you love Gray," he replied nonchalantly, a kind of 'duh' tone.

Lyon's POV

She gulped before looking away back at the view.
I knew there was something else she wanted to confess, and I'm pretty sure I already knew what it is.

"There's something else.... Something else Juvia wants to tell you," she whispered, her eyes not meeting mine in shame.

I leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "If you're going to say that you and Lucy used me to make Gray jealous, I already knew," her back stiffened as her eyes widened as far as they could go, "I've known since the date. You were always focused on seeing Gray's reaction to the things you were saying, including the several flirts and suggestions."

Tears were now gushing down her cheeks as she faced me, a low rumble of thunder as clouds began to appear. "Oh Lyon-sama Juvia is so sorry! Juvia didn't mean to get too carried away!" She cried, rain threatening to fall.

I gotta save the carnival.

"Hey, hey," I shushed her, my arm rubbing her back soothingly, "No need to cry. I'm not mad. Infact I'm quite happy for you."

"Happy... For Juvia?.. Why?!" She inquired, her eyebrows raising.
Her tears have stopped and the clouds quickly dissipated, leaving me and Juvia the beautiful view of the setting sun once again.

I sighed in relief knowing there would be no flash flood in Magnolia tonight.

"You don't think it makes me happy to see my beloved happy?" I replied, glancing out at the lake, my legs swinging joyfully.
"Why do you think I've played along with Lucy's little game? Imma admit, I was sorta suspicious when I got the letter, especially since it mentioned catching up with Gray.. Like seriously? There's a reason I don't talk to him."

She giggled at my response, her eyes never leaving my face as I spoke.

Ugh I love this woman.

"So everything... The nicknames, flirting, touching.. All that was help with Lucy's plan?" Juvia asked, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Well of course not. All that was just me being me," I chuckled, "I just noticed that Gray was getting quite jealous so I put more pride into my flirts and comments."
"Oh.." She mumbled, looking away.

"He was always scowling when I was with you," I mentioned, remembering his exact facial expression and the satisfaction I felt after getting such a reaction.
"Really?" She asked, smiling slightly.

"Yeah. Especially when I hooked arms with you today," I laughed as I recalled the moment, "He looked like he was gonna kill me."

She laughed, a soft expression in her eyes, as if she was trying to imagine his reaction.

"I didn't know Gray-sama cared so much," she said, her eyes taking a sad expression.

"What do you mean? He's never told you how he feels?" I asked, curious to what she meant. I thought it was obvious that Gray had a thing for Juvia, but I guess not everyone knows him as well as I.

"No Gray-sama always disregards Juvia and rejects her. Just the other day, he got mad at Juvia for saying why she loves him.. He didn't even bother to listen to her!" She fumed, a heartbroken expression on her face.

Juvia's POV

I felt sad as I remembered that day. I was going to tell Gray-sama that I loved him because he had a kinda heart.. But every guy has a kinda heart, including Lyon-sama.

So why do I love him?

This question has ran through my mind over and over each day. The answer has always been there, but hidden by the belief that Gray-sama was an openly kindhearted and loving person..

But that doesn't describe Gray Fullbuster at all, does it?

He's always hiding behind an emotionless mask, cutting his feelings off from those closest to him. Yes, he has a good heart, but my feelings for him go much farther than that.

All the way to the very first day we met...

Narrator's POV

"Why him?" Lyon asked, still staring at the sunset.

"Hmm?" Juvia mumbled, her eyes pulling away from the beautiful view to look at him.
He hesitantly met her gaze, her stunning blue eyes piercing his heart.
His breath escaped him as he weezed out, "Why do you love Gray?" She sighed, her eyes looking away from him. She looked back at the sunset.
"When Juvia and Gray-sama first met, when Juvia was still evil, Gray-sama gave something to Juvia. Something that no one else has ever given her."

Lyon's POV

"He gave you something? What did he give you?! I swear I could buy something better than his gift! No matter the cost or distance I have to go to get it, I will, for you," I rambled assuringly.

"You can't buy this gift," Juvia said, her face emotionless as she met my frantic eyes.

"You can't buy it?," I asked, astonished, "Then what in the heavens did he give you?!"

If Gray and Juvia didn't even know each other.. And Juvia was still technically evil.. Then why the hell would he give her a gift?!

"Sunshine," she replied.

"Juvia I don't underst..." She cut me off by pressing her finger to my lips.

"Juvia was the rain girl, told to be a cursed child by other kids for the gloomy clouds have followed Juvia all her life. While others were happy to run out and play in the sunshine, to feel the joyful radiant heat against their skin as they ran to their hearts content, Juvia was met with nothing but constant clouds and rain and sadness."
"Everyone who ever cared about Juvia left her because of these clouds. Left her because of the sadness, the gloomy depressing days. So then Juvia becomes sad, and became heartless. She didn't care what the people think because.. She came to the conclusion... That there was no changing it."
"But that all changed on that one fateful day, when the dangerously handsome Gray Fullbuster confronted Juvia on the roof of the Phantom Lord Guild. They fought and Juvia fell, accepting her death and the ending of her life of sorrow.. But he had other plans. He saved her, pulled her up to safety, even when she was told to destroy him...
That day the clouds went away. That day Juvia felt the sunshine for the first time in her 17 years of living.. And Juvia has never been more grateful."
"That day was a wakeup call. That Juvia should live every day to the fullest that it's a blessing to be able to live and experience the journey of life. That Juvia doesn't need to be sad anymore, that she should be happy to be alive."
"That day Juvia was given another chance at life, given the one thing she has desired most, to be normal and enjoy the sunshine like everyone else. And, truly.....that's a gift no money could buy~"

Gray's POV

"And, truly.....that's a gift no money could buy~" Juvia finished, an admiring twinkle in her eyes.

I never knew I meant that much to her.. That what I did, meant that much to her..

I stood up from my hiding place, my body moving on its own. I'm not sure where I'm going exactly, but I don't really care at the moment. I'll let my feet guide me.

I wrap the light blue teddy bear I won in my arms, making sure not to forget it.

Why am I leaving you may ask? Because I've heard all I needed to hear...

Narrator's POV

Gray began to follow the path leading out of the forest, making his way to the center of the carnival for the water mage's show, his head down in thought and his feet moving rhythmetically with his, now understanding, heart.

He hummed a certain bluenette's tune as he planned out the best way to confess to a certain someone tomorrow~

( Imma admit, I was getting really emotional writing this chapter... So many feels.. And when she explains why she loves him... AHH😭😭💗💗

anyways... as promised, there will be an epilogue!! so please dont go away yet! trust me, the epilogue will be fluffy, very fluffy😉😏 but I will spoil no more!

thank you all for the support, votes, and comments! I love all of you!! I really do hope you continue to support me, even if u don't like the ending.

If you liked this book, please check out my make u cry gruvia reading list, I swear I cried in almost all of those amazing books.
~Je t'aime


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