Jungle || Predator X reader ||

By underrated-fandoms

267K 7.9K 2.7K

Going out camping with a group of old high school friends. Nothing can go wrong, right? That would be the cas... More

Chapter 1
Chatper 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
A/n-17th of Feb
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
A/n- The End
A/N - other books!

Chapter 19

7K 243 104
By underrated-fandoms

Artist of the day: Nagy Norbert 

A/n: sorry if this chapter feels rushed. I'll come back later to fix it...if I remember T.T (also this chapter is really long! sorry!)


You slowly blink awake to the bright sun that allows you to see the campfire has burnt out over the night. You wonder how long you were asleep for as it seems the sun has been up for a while and the reason as to why you feel sore. You let out a groan as you try to sit up from laying down. Only to get tug back into a strong comforting embrace. You pout in confusion, wondering what caused you to fall back, only to instantly smile once noticing that you're in Venator's arms. 

Seeing Venator's arms around your waist bring back memories from last night. Memories like the new information you learnt. Of how your friends got the fate they didn't deserve. But you also remember how Venator helped you during your mental breakdown. How he didn't cross over any boundaries and simply gave you comfort that you need. Telling, along with showing much later, how much he cares for you. 

You also remember how you finally taught Venator what a kiss is. Which leaves a strange sensation on your lips and jaw afterwards, courtesy to the mandibles, that will take time getting used to.

"Good morning" you yawn out as Venator starts to blink awake. Moving his arms to stretch yet not wanting to let you go. So, he simply tightens his grip on you. You turn around to snuggle into his arms. Now facing his chest unlike before. Just as Venator gives a soft purr in his form of a 'good morning'. 

"I wanted to ask you something" Venator speaks in a soft tone once he wakes up. You simply hummed out a response. Eyes slowly closing due to the warm and comfort being provided. Which lulls you back to sleep. " I was wondering if you understand that, given our situation. I won't be able to able to do the standard courting ritual" Venator explains. This breaks you from sleep's embrace.

"You have a courting ritual?" you ask in surprise. Looking up with wide alert eyes.

"Not exactly. As courting isn't a big deal in my culture. Nor is becoming mates. But given you're an ooman. There will be some expectations. I just hope you understand that in case I have to be away" Venator explains. Your surprise and excited nature disappear into confuse and slight worry. "What do you mean? Why do you have to be away?" you ask, now looking down at Venator. Since you push yourself up on one hand while the other rest onto of Venator's chest. 

"It's complicated and includes the reason I'm here" Venator answers. Resting his hand on top of yours. "You're here to hunt, right?" you ask with a half-smile. Feeling slight proud that you're understanding Venator more and more. That is till you notice him not confirming your assumption. "That is why you're here right?" You ask. 

Before Venator can answer you. He freezes up. Quickly sitting up. Catching you in the process as his sudden motion caught you off guard. "Hey! Wha-What's happening?" you ask, scared at whatever cause Venator to be on edge. 

"...someone is here" Venator answer as he reaches for his weapon. Standing up to protect you. As you try to stand up, you end up falling due to your leg being sore. "Goddamnit," you hiss in pain and knowing that you can't help if danger arrives. 

Venator slowly limps to where the source is coming from. Weapon lift in front, ready to fight. Until another being that looks like Venator emerge from the forest. Venator doesn't drop his weapon.

There is a tense pause where the two beings stare at each other. You don't say a word, too scared that if you do. The two beings will engage in a fight. That's until the new alien calls out.

"Venator?" the alien clicks out.

"Xander?" Venator identities. Lowering his weapon as he recognises his friend. Or you hope they are, given the standoff. "There is more of you" you whisper to yourself. Amazed by the revelation that your friends were hunted by a group and glad the two won't be fighting.

"Venator! You're alive! Orion will be so glad to hear. " Xander exclaims. Walking towards his friend. "Speaking of him, where is my brother? Is he with you?" Venator asks as he searches for his brother. Xander lowers his head. Face hidden beath his mask that has scratches on it. Acting like scars.

"Xander, where is Orion?" Venator questions. Tension fills the air by that question. You knew immediately that the answer which to follow won't be good. "Captured" Xander answer, cause Venator to become tense, "the oomans had a trap waiting for us. I managed to escape."

"I was planning to gather more equipment from the ship and attack their base. That's when I stumble upon you" Xander explains his plan. Head lowed as Venator stares at him. "You know where the oomans are keeping him?" Venator questions. To which Xander nods his head. 

Venator turns away from Xander so he can limp back towards you. Now able to see Venator face. You see how his manblies flare out. Noting how tense his shoulders are. It's clear that he's angry about the news. You wonder how close he is to his brother. 

"You're limping? Did you not patch yourself up?" Xander question, studying Venator injury. "The necessary tools for it are destroyed by the fall," Venator explains with a cold tone. "How did you survive the fall? Orion was positive that you survive, but I doubt it" Xander explain, almost sounding unimpressed.

'What a great friend' you thought as you hear Xander, the taller alien confess to Venator. 'At least his brother is better. jeez'. "You can thank, Y/n" Venator answer, attaching his belt back on and shoulder canon. "Y/N? What's a y/n?" Xander asks, showing he hasn't noticed you yet.

Venator simply points to you. Xander follows his aim and freezes once he sees you. His reaction causes you to freeze up too. Unsure on how to react. 'What do I do? Introduce myself? Say hey nice mask or ask for a fist bump? What do I do?!' you internally panic.

"H-hi" you awkwardly wave to the tall alien.

You flinch by how fast Xander turn to Venator, who put his mask back on. "You kept the ooman?! You know we were kidding, right?" Xander asks in surprise. His comment has left you baffled. What did he mean 'kidding'?

Either way, his comment has left you feeling flustered. As by the tone, it seems Xander knows that you two are together. Embarrass that he somewhat knew abut you and Venator. You can't help but overthink on how he knows.  'Oh god, how nearby was he? Did he hear?!' Your thoughts left you feeling more embarrassed by the second.

Seems like Venator is feeling the same as he harshly and quickly dismisses Xander. In a way that reveals whatever the person said is true. You bringing your knees to your chest. Arms cross and hiding your face. Embrasse that Xander knows about you and Venator! Because you are hiding, you miss how Xander shakes his head in disbelief and walks away. Allowing you and Venator some privacy.

"Little ooman? Y/n?" Venator calls out gently rubbing your back. Concern from your lack of reply. "What does he mean by kidding? Did he hear us or something?" You ask, voice muff by hiding. Venator did a double-take. Surprise by your concern but embarrass by the truth. 

"No, that's not it. You're fine. Now come, we need to go" Venator nuzzle your head. Being gentle because he has his mask on. You lift your head and give him a pout. "So, what does he mean then?" you ask, allowing Venator to lift you up. "I-I'll tell you another time." Venator promise as you both follows Xander into the forest. Not wanting you to know how Orion and Xander tease him before the hunt. 

That's for him to know and you to never find out. 


Turns out, Venator's ship isn't that far from the cave you exited from. But with yours and Venator's injuries, the easy walk back has been drawn out longer. Much to Xander's annoyances. You've learnt from watching the two aliens that Xander, unlike Venator, has a mouth on him. Meaning he doesn't mind talking. The downside is, he's blunt. That sometimes his questions or comments can come across rude.

But the upside, it means he's ruthless with his teasing and has given you lots of entrainment. It explains a lot about why Venator doesn't talk much. Along with when he does speak, it's usually jabs and remarks of his own.

You're able to overhear them talk about some mission and Xander teasing Venator with something of an elder? You're not completely sure what he means but you think Xander's calling Venator slow. Along with your name. You swear if the saying of your ears burning up when someone talks about you is true. Your ear would be sizzling right now. 

It seems Xander likes to bring you alot. Despite him sending you warily glances and doing his best to not walk beside you. You keep hearing Xander refer to a conversation they had when they first came here. But never in more detail leaving you in the dark. So you decide to wait for the perfect quiet moment to intervene.

"I don't think your friend likes me very much" you confess softly as you watch Xander walking ahead, the very moment you called out to Venator. "Don't mind him, he's always like that" Venator try to reassure. It does ease a little of your nerves. But you can't help but feel a little upset. It would be nice to know two aliens but no matter. "You have something you wanted to say?" Venator gently reminds you.

"Mmm? Oh! Yeah, um, I wanted to ask about your mission? I heard you and Xander talk about it quite a bit. " you explain, watching how Venator falls into silences. Possibly unsure on how to answer your question. "Is that the reason why you came to earth? For your mission? Not to hunt humans?" you ask.

"Yes," Venator answers. You wait for him to say more. But Venator falls into silences. SO you gently poke his ribs. Venator looks at you in question. Looking quit alarm from your actions. But you brush those off as you make a motion with your hands, looking up at Venator puzzled. "Aren't you going to explain?"

"Oh. sure" 'what an intelligent being' you thought as you chuckle at Venator.

"We came here to hunt a Bad Blood." Venator answer,"but during that, we encounter some warriors and end up sidetrack". You blink in surprise. " what's a Bad Blood?" you ask aloud. "One of the worse kinds of warriors. They are absolutely puak" Xander shout from in front. Cursing in his language.

"What's a puak?" you ask innocently. Causing Venator to choke on his breath. Of course, you ask that.

"it's - don't worry about it. A Bad Blood is a dishonourable hunter." Venator sighs at your confused look. "He broke the code of honour"

"Ah! So he's a criminal?" you ask in simple terms. Venator shrugs his shoulders. "Something like that". You pause. Stopping walking as your brain mind the connection. "Y/n?" Venator calls as he stops as well to look at you in concern. "What is it?" Venator ask. Watching as a giant, a shit-eating grin appears on your face.

"So, you're here to hunt a criminal! That makes you a space cop! You're a fucking space cop?" you cry in childish glee. Venator simply nods his head. "Something like that" he answers. "That's so fucking cool!"

Venator sighs at your actions. "Is there anything else you like to know?" he ask, despite his question sounding annoying, you hear nothing but amusement in his voice. "Um, yeah, um, officer!" you giggle at your own joke, " Why is he kept bring me up and you 'following through with the joke'?"

Venator stumbles over his feet. No way in hell is he telling you about how Orion and Xander tease him about being into oomans and bring right! If you knew he had a little liking towards you. Who knows what you do with that.

"Um, that's because" Venator drifts off. Looking down at you as you watch him intently. "Because?" you ask. Waiting ever so patiently to know. "Um-"

"We're here" Xander calls out. Saving Venator. You turn around. Stop walking to look in amazement of the giant metal ship in front of you. "It's...it's amazing!" you yell as you try to run to it. Wanting to take the ship details in.

Venator silently thank Xander for saving him. Watching how you gush over the ship.

You walk inside the ship in a daze. Amazed by what you're seeing. It's a fucking spaceship! Your walking into a space ship. you just can't believe it! Taking in how the metal turns and bends to create the form of the vessel you're entering. Along with all the new technology that's clearly more adance then the ones your use to. 

It's just amazing!

It's just mind-blowing

It's a fucking space ship!

With your head held high, you turn around in circles in hopes to take in everything. Ignoring the fact you're tripping over your own feet. "Y/n? You're coming?" Venator calls out. Having to stop to wait for you. As you'll be lost on the large ship. You simply walk towards Venator and grab his hand. Still looking around.

"Yea, yea. Just lead the way" you mindlessly say. Waiting till Venator leads you into the ship. Allowing you to oblige at everything. Soon you find yourself in a room. It was pretty standard. Almost boring if you're being honest. As there's only a desk in the middle of the room. 

YOu look around, studying the door that closes. From the ceiling! Holy shit! But then the boring room redeems itself as Xander reach forward and turns it on. Turns it on.  As with a push of a button. A hologram pops up. Detailing the forest in a blue hue. Allowing you to see a mini model of the forest and an army compound. 

You study the map. Then the table, Then the map. Amazed by everything. 

Till you got bored. 

YOu bit your lip. You're on a space ship. Why are you only looking at this map? You wonder to yourself as you realise it's been some time from first entering the room. You're not sure how long it's been but it's enough for you to be tired of seeing the map. After all, you have an entire ship to explore! This is, very likely, an once in a lifetime opportunity! So you need to get out of this boring room right now!

You watch how Venator and Xander are deep in discussion and decide that they won't notice you leaving. So you being your sneaky way out. Good thing you were standing behind Venator this whole time. Since he steps forward to talk about...something. You were too distracted by the map to listen.

A holo-fucking-gram map. 

Continuing, you quietly shuffle your way out. Keeping close to the wall as to not get spotted. As you reach the door. A new problem occurs. How do you open it? Well, that problem solved itself as the door opens automatically. Creating a loud 'flush' sound as it rises up. 

The sound cause you to tense up as you hear the two aliens turn towards you. 

"Going somewhere?" Xander asks sternly and cold. 

"Umm," you draw out. Looking like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar. Or where ever it wasn't supposed to be and for you growing up that was mummy's special red juice. "Exploring?" you answer honestly. 

"What?" Venator asks in surprise. Turning to face you with an arm outstretched. Ready to bring you in his arms if necessary. "Um, hello. Space ship! I'm going to look around. You two have fun!" you call out as you leave the room. Leaving no room to argue. 

"Wait- DOn't touch anything! " Venator calls out, yet the door already closes shut. Before Venator could take a step to make sure you heed his warning. He hears a faint 'alright' yell back from the other side. Along with your footsteps walking away from the door. 

Venator simply sighs and turns back to Xander. Ready to shrug off your behaviour and continue planning a way to save Orion. Only to see Xander with his arms cross and giving him a stare.
"What?" Venator ask. 

"An ooman? I didn't even know you were into interspecies kink. What's it called? Xenophil-"

"Shut up" came Venator intelligent answer. Ignoring the warrior teasing him in favour to continue the plan. But he knows that this won't be the last of Xander's teasing.

Your footsteps echo within the tall hallways in the ship. Making it sound more ominous than it should be. Not that your complaining. As you wish you could have some sci-fi epic theme song playing right bow to add to the atmosphere of being inside a fucking space ship!

You have a wide and childish grin on your face. Taking in the sighs of everything. The doors, to the walls and even the roof. Everything is still the simply layout that you expect. Hallway with rooms in between. Yet everything is so different that everything felt more interesting! 

You wander around. Walking close to doors so they open. So far, you have discovered discover something you can only describe as a 'trophy room'. As it's filled to the brim with skulls and trinkets. You even spot a pistol from the civil war in America! Along with a training room of sorts. As it's fairly empty and the floor is covered in a mat of sorts. 

You also discover a bedroom. Which only holds a bed that's decorated with furs that you never seen before. To be honest, that room was a little disappointed as the bed was the only thong inside. You contuine to bonuce from one room to the next till you stumble across the weaponry. 

That's filled with shelves upon shelves of weapons. And alien inside-wait what? 

In front of you is Venator who is choosing and taking weapons off the shelves. Placing it on his belt, or on his wist. You watch in silence how Venator moves with such ease. As if he has done this before. 

He probably has. If you're being honest. 

You walk inside the room before the door could close on you. Taking in the sight of Venator back muscles as they ripple just by his simply picking a weapon. You should be worried about what this could mean. Since he is taking a lot of weapons. But right now, you just don't want to think or theories what Venator is up to. 

You just want to take in the sight of the alien your somewhat in a relationship in. And admire him from afar.

Venator continues his task of getting ready, ignoring the door opening. As he believes it's Xander coming in to nag him about the plan or you touching things you shouldn't. But when he didn't hear any nagging as the door close. Venator turns around to see you leaning against a wall to watch him. 

Venator pause to study you. Noted how your eyes wander over his form taking in the slight with hungry eyes. Your eyes meet his and with a cheeky smile, "Don't mind me, just admiring from the ditances" you tease.

Venator lets our a soft purr of sorts. Surprising you as he reaches out for you. Pulling you into his embrace. "Okay," you soft say, returning his affection, "I can definitely live in your arms for the rest of time. Wow," you confess. Not expecting Venator's hold to feel as comforting as it does. Feeling as the world doesn't matter. As long as you're in his arms.

Also, his muscles are a nice bonus.

"As much as I would enjoy the suggestion. We need to leave now" Venator answer, softly pulling away to look down at you.

"But I still want to explore the ship!" you pout.

"I promise I'll give you a tour of the ship later. For now, we need to go and save my brother." Venator promise. 

"Alright, fine. Let's go! But I'm holding you onto that promise!" you point a finger at Venator. Faking an intimidating glare at him. Venator Chuckles and brings a hand to carefully hold your lifted one. With your hand in his, he leads you out of weaponry to meet with Xander. Enjoying the feeling of you beside him. Or how he can ignore the world around him just by your mere presence. 

Ignoring the storm that is brewing near. 

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