Father of the Bride

By The_Night_Writer

260K 21.8K 6.6K

When Amirah and Ayaaz leave Aston University they decide it's time to speak to their parents and get married... More

Chapter One: The Wait
Chapter Two: Dr Debonair
Chapter Three: The Uninvited
Chapter Four: The Invited
Chapter Five: In the Shadows
Chapter Six: Meet the Parents
Chapter Seven: Rivalry
Chapter Eight: Crimson Kara
Chapter Nine: Turning a Corner.
Chapter 10: Fezophie
Chapter 11: Secret Liaisons
Chapter 12: Extinguished Flame
Chapter 13: Fragile Lives
Chapter 14: Night of Revelations.
Chapter 15: Mounting Pressure Part I
Chapter 15: Mounting Pressure Part II
Chapter 16: Taking A Risk
Chapter 17- The 'Date'
Chapter 18: Like Father...
Chapter 19 Part I: Awkward Dinner
Chapter 19 Part II: Awkward Dinner
Chapter 20: Bijli Strikes.
Part II: Chapter One- Truth is Out.
Chapter 2- Fallout
Chapter 3- Consequences
Chapter 4: Leaving it Behind.
Chapter 5- It's a Deal!
Chapter 6- Kintsugi
Chapter 7- At first Sight
Chapter 8: Falling Deep
Chapter 9- Midnight Oasis
Chapter 10: Glorious Morn
Chapter 11: Doubts
Chapter 12: Chrysalis
Chapter 13- Caught
Chapter 14: Consequences
Chapter 15: Unfurled Fears
Chapter 16: Katastrophe
Chapter 17: Spoonful of Regret
Chapter 18: Holding on
Chapter 19: Ayaaz's Mission
Chapter 20: The Arbitration
Chapter 21: Second Thoughts
Chapter 22: The Wedding- Part I
Chapter 22- The Wedding: Part II
Chapter 22: The Wedding- Part IV
Chapter 22- The Wedding: Part V
Chapter 22: The Wedding: Part VI
Chapter 23- Fuelled
Chapter 24: Spark
Chapter 25: Flare
Chapter 26: Ignite
Chapter 27: Inferno
Chapter 28: Ashes to ashes.
Chapter 29: The Siren

Chapter 22: The Wedding- Part III

3.4K 352 47
By The_Night_Writer

Thumping bass, sparkling lights, muted conversation, the wedding hall was slowly filling up with fabulously dressed guests. The lilac themed room, with three heavy chandeliers, 52 rounded tables with candles flickering, was elegantly designed for Ayaaz and Amirah's wedding. Children whizzed around through the tables, climbing onto the stage and create a nuisance of themselves. Some stared at the chocolate fountain in awe, with their eyes wide, licking their lips waiting impatiently for the moment they could bathe in the sticky sweetness whilst the waiter held the army of children back. Kashif snapped pictures of the chocolate fountain frantic for a taste.

"After food has been served." The waiter reprimanded Kashif.

With Muddasar on her hip plucking her long dangly earrings, a smartly dressed Nadiya in her lilac dress greeted the flow of guests. They all congratulated her and made polite conversation.

"Is this your son?" The hijabi clad relative smiled at Muddasar who was agitated by his waistcoat.

"Yes, my other son is making a menace of himself." Nadiya looked around but couldn't see Saadi.

"So, you have the two sons?" The woman asked.

"Yes, and my girls from my first marriage. Stop it Muddasar." She spanked his hand as he tugged her earring once again.

"MashaAllah. When is your husband coming over?"

Nadiya found it difficult to concentrate on the conversation, she scanned the room for someone to take care of her son but Sonya was still in the bridal suite.

"Imran hasn't got his visa yet. His appeal date is in September, so please do dua." Nadiya swayed with Muddasar hoping he would sleep for a couple of hours and give her respite.

"Indeed." The sympathetic woman pressed her hand on Nadiya's burdened shoulder.

"It's so hard with the boys and the wedding, it's times like this I miss him. Please take a seat inside."

"Are the tables reserved?" The woman looked around at the empty tables dressed immaculately.

"The ones close to the stage are reserved for immediate family the rest are all free."

The woman congratulated Nadiya once again and made her way inside.

"Oh my God! Have you seen your ex-husband?" Nadiya's younger sister, Shamsa, covered her mouth with her ring clad hand.

Nadiya hadn't seen Khizar. He was a ghost hiding in the shadows. Deep down she was jealous he could gallivant around the room with no responsibility. She couldn't give him her son like she would share the responsibility with her daughters. Usually at wedding, he would take the girls, outside and give Nadiya a break.

"He's wearing a royal blue jacket that can be mistaken for a groom's Sharwani-" Shamsa pressed her hands suggestively on her body teasing her ex brother in law.
"-with a daring silver embroidery design. Kabir has the same jacket but he can't pull it off like Khizar, who looks like he's dressed for his own wedding." She chuckled.

"Oh, don't go there, Shamsa. Khizar is married." Nadiya complained

"Shut up! When?" Shamsa's eyes shot upon

"I don't know. Apparently, it is a secret."

"Who is she?" Shamsa looked around the hall.

"It's all a mystery, he hasn't told anyone. Since the wedding date set I haven't seen hair nor hide of him. Too busy with his brand-new wife I presume." Nadiya snorted with contempt.

Shamsa looked around the hall with beautifully dressed woman. "Do you think she is here?" Her mind began to pair Khizar up with the young and beautiful women.

"I doubt it." Nadiya earthed her son and straightened his shirt.

"I bet you, he's hiding her because she's half his age. 24 or something stupid like that?"

Nadiya stood up in fear. Maybe Shamsa was right, maybe that's why she hadn't heard or met his wife?

"Why wouldn't he tell anyone? Middle aged men nowadays are all doing it. They go back home and marry a young woman. It's probably a midlife crisis." Shamsa mocked him.

"Khizar wouldn't do that!" Nadiya was aghast at the idea. "A woman old as his daughter? Tauba! He should have shame."

"Well-" Shamsa neared her sister. "-you have to ask yourself, why hasn't he introduced her to the family? What is he hiding?"

Nadiya was frustrated with his secrets, she had to ask him outright. "Where did you see him?"

"He was headed to the gardens with Kabir and the rest."

"He needs to be here, greeting the guests. Everyone is asking after him and he's hiding away."

Dumping her sons with Sonya, Nadiya made her way outside on hearing news that the parents of the groom were fast approaching. Her heels dug into the gravelly gardens as she wobbled towards the front entrance.

Outside at the front entrance, she spotted Khizar. Standing beside his brother, Khizar conversed with a group of guests. Khizar's style was spectacle of gossip and awe. With a fusion of east meets west, his royal blue brocade designed jacket with silver print on a black sheen jacket left Nadiya staring rudely at him. His smoothed collars with red piping complimenting the red rose in his left breast pocket. Perfected with black trousers, and black loafers, the father of the bride was a style icon.

Every woman who entered the reception had a question mark hanging over her head, was she Khizar's wife? When Khizar spoke to the stunning female guests, Nadiya watched intently wondering if they were more than distant relatives.

"Where have you been?" Nadiya quizzed Khizar. "Amirah is asking after you."

Khizar held his hands out and indicated he was busy with the guests. Clean shaved, his thick salt and pepper hair streamlined with silver tones from his temples, was designed in a gentleman's quiff. Nadiya disapproved of his visible grey hints.

If he was still with me, I'd have dyed his hair black for today.

"Who is she?" Nadiya asked standing beside him.

Khizar gave her a blank look.

"Your secret wife? Is she in this hall?"

He sighed. "Don't." Khizar moved forward and greeting the guest interrupting Nadiya's interrogation.

"What's the big secret?" Nadiya asked once the guests moved on inside.

"Aslsamalikum." Khizar greeted the guests ignoring Nadiya's request. He walked with the guests to the main entrance and stood under the July sun shining gloriously at him. It had been a long treacherous road coming up to the wedding day. But it was here. Finally, Amirah would wed Ayaaz and news of the pregnancy could be revealed respectfully. The glorious day was running smoothing until the red Rolls-Royce pulled into the manor.

"They're here! The parents of the groom!" Announced a distant voice.

Nadiya straightened her spine. She adjusted her lilac dupatta around her head ready to greet Mahnoor. Finally, she would get a chance to meet Amirah's infamous father-in-law; the ex-criminal, the abusive husband and estranged father. Nadiya expected a rough man dressed in orange prison jumpsuit but what she saw threw her off her feet.

When the luxury car pulled up, the bride's family began showering the parents with petals and confetti. Guests rallied around the car with laughter and smiles and opened the passenger door. Khizar pressed his hand on his chest like his heart was going to leap out of his chest. Eager to see Mahnoor, his eyes were glued on the car. Dressed elegantly in her pastel pink dress, Mahnoor lifted her skirt, revealing her pointy white heels and gracefully stepped out in her white heels.

"What is she wearing? Is she trying to upstage the bride?" Nadiya complained of the shades of white in her dress, the flowers in her hair and the gold on her fingers.

But it was her wide smile, the happiness that she exuded that stopped Khizar's breaths. She looked exquisite and breath-taking. The light that emanated from her, soon darkened when Khizar noticed Basharat making his way next to Mahnoor. Khizar's eyebrows knotted with concern seeing Basharat and Mahnoor standing together. Basharat stood close to Mahnoor, they both seemed relaxed and happy in each other company. Khizar wondered how long they'd been in contact. Did the wedding bring them together? The thought surged envy through him.

"Ah-is that her ex?" Nadiya commentated raising herself on her toes to take a good look at him. She held Khizar's arm to balance herself.
"He's not that bad." She mumbled scanning her eyes over his shaved head. He looked smart and respectable and the gossip she heard about him sounded unbelievable.

Holding her clutch purse in her right hand, Mahnoor tilted her head to the right greeting Kabir. Kabir's wide eyes devoured Mahnoor.

"Congratulations, my lovely!" He cheered. "We are family." He splashed in excitement nearing Mahnoor. Mahnoor flicked her head slightly back and tittered with laughter revealing her pearly white teeth. They were already family, he was her brother in law.

Basharat didn't like Kabir one bit. He gritted his teeth holding back the urge to smash his face the way he touched Mahnoor's arm.

"Come let's go." Basharat ushered Mahnoor.

Invading Mahnoor's personal space, Basharat extended his arm like they were octopus's tentacles taking her away from Kabir. Mahnoor felt trapped in his presence, she wanted to run away from him but Basharat was in his element charming the guests and taking full credit for Ayaaz's wedding day.

"Ayaaz is a wonderful boy. He takes after his father!"

Basharat kept Mahnoor beside him so she couldn't speak to another person without him. Mahnoor felt stifled, she couldn't breathe when she was around Basharat and today she knew he would make her day impossible. He would watch her, stalk her and make sure she is far away from any male company.

Mahnoor felt the noose tightening around her neck like the gold necklace he gifted her on her first wedding anniversary. Did her neck grow thick, or the necklace lose a chain? There was nowhere to run. Relatives surrounded them. Kisses. Hugs. Smiles. Her chest tightened. Breaths ragged. Sweat trickled down her neck.


But there, through the noisy vanilla crowd, head and shoulders above the crowd like a mountain, Mahnoor located her saviour. Mahnoor's heart thumped with excitement. Her eyes met Khizar's wide gaze and locked into one. The noose around her neck loosened. Mahnoor wanted to push through the crowd. Run. Throw herself into against her husband's chest, and allow him to wrap his safe, strong around her fragile frame. She needed him like a breath of fresh air, after holding her breath in for so long. She released a breath, longing for Khizar to whisk her away from Basharat's stranglehold.

In reality, she couldn't. Mahnoor inhaled. After taking a handful of pills this morning for the pain in her knee, the pills were wearing off. She had to remain reticent. No one could know about their marriage. In front of the world, she and Khizar were strangers. He was the father of the bride, and she was the mother of the groom. She couldn't make anyone suspicious.

Nadiya made her way towards Basharat with Khizar lagging and greeted Basharat.

"How are you? I've heard a lot about you!" She smiled noticing a tattoo on the side of his neck.

"All bad, I guess." He retorted with a chuckled.

"Oh no!" Nadiya said. "Well, you know what they say-" Nadiya glanced at Mahnoor briefly who seemed distracted. "You shouldn't believe what you hear. Nice to finally to meet you." She extended her hand for a firm handshake.

"Likewise. I presume you are the mother of the bride. You sure don't look old enough to have a daughter of Amirah's age." He flirted shamelessly.

"Oh-" Nadiya giggled. "You're too kind."

Khizar couldn't tear his eyes away from Mahnoor, or the way the breeze teased her hair and played with the loose strands causing a nuisance. Mahnoor on the contrary, was terrified to make eye contact with Khizar, in case her eyes revealed the love she harboured for him. She was certain Bashrat could read her unspoken eyes. Instead, she turned making her way into the hall.

"Where are you going?" Basharat stopped her.

"I need to see Amirah. Where is Amirah? How is she?" Mahnoor asked Nadiya ignoring Khizar.

"There's plenty of time for that." Basharat could tell she was in a hurry.

"The imam will be here-" Mahnoor protested. "-then Ayaaz will arrive. I need to see her before-"

"There's plenty of time for that!" Basharat interjected rudely in front of Nadiya and Khizar. "Don't stress yourself. First greet them-" He held his hand pointing to Nadiya. "You can't just walk off; it's rude." He scolded her like a child. This annoyed Khizar.

"I'm sure Mahnoor can decide for herself what she wants to do. She's managed so far." Said Khizar.
Basharat disliked his tone. Why was he interfering? He stepped towards Khizar and pointed his chin at him like he was ready to jut him.

"Mahnoor doesn't need to manage anymore." Basharat folded his arm. "I'm here now, I will take care of everything. Everything!" He reiterated with poise. Basharat sized Khizar recalling the stories he'd heard from Shabnum about his regular visits to the house. He didn't trust him around Mahnoor.

"Let's go." Mahnoor tugged Basharat's arm worried about the confrontation.

Head to head, both men glared at one another fighting for the woman that stood between them. Despite the fact he was married to her, Khizar felt threatened by Basharat. The man had history with Mahnoor and a son. Maybe Mahnoor would return to him after he avoided her over the past weeks.

Mahnoor prised Basharat away from Khizar into the country manor.

"Looks like they're getting back together." Nadiya speculated in Khizar's ear when the couple left. "He is so sure of himself that he will take care of her. Mahnoor must have given him a green light. Anyway, it's so good to see them get together."

"She's not going back to him. She can't." Khizar refused to believe the subtle touches, the closeness of the pair.

"Why not? She can do what she likes He ain't all bad. He looks good." Nadiya admired his square shoulders. The suit embellished him.

"Looks can be deceiving."

"Well, who cares?" Nadiya snapped. "If they get together or not. As long as our daughter is happy and safe. That all that matters. What Mahnoor does is none of our business." Nadiya decided.

"It maybe none of your business-" Khizar made his way inside ready to watch the pair.

"What's got into you?" Nadiya held him back. "Why are you so uptight? Are you jealous or something?"

"Jealous of him? The wife beater? Hah!" Khizar threw his head back scoffing with scorn. "What can he offer her? Bruises?"

"What can you offer her?" Nadiya gasped when she heard the words from her mouth. "Oh my God!" It hit her. The mood. The anger. The confrontation with Basharat. Nadiya grabbed his arm with possession and led him aside.

"Khizar Khan, tell me you haven't!" She covered her mouth with her hand.

Khizar couldn't deny it. He was bursting to tell someone.

"Tell me you haven't married Mahnoor Qureshi"

His silence was his confirmation catapulting Nadiya into stunned silence.

"Oh my God!" She smacked her forehead. "Do you know what this means? What happens when Amirah finds out. Does she know?"

Khizar nod his head.

"But she never told me! What about Ayyaz? He's his father's son and he will kill you?!" She gasped. "Oh God Khizar! All hell will break lose on our daughter's wedding day in front of our family!" She squirmed. "Why does everything have to be about you?" She pushed him back. "For once-just once." She raised her finger. "-give your daughter a chance. Let her have the limelight."

"What have I done? Why are you blaming me?" Khizar held his hands out.

"Why couldn't you keep your hands off Mahnoor Qureshi? You had to go and marry her! Amirah saw her son first, you should have kept well away."

Khizar straightened his jacket and straightened his back with pride. "Sometimes, some things happen that are out of our control." Khizar thought back to the lethal kiss that changed everything. There was no going back after Mahnoor's explosive kiss; he wanted all of her. He wasn't going to settle until she accepted him in holy matrimony.

Before Khizar could enter the manor, Nadiya made him promise. "Not today." She pleaded. "Stay away from her." She knew Khizar would do anything to have an upper hand over Basharat.

"Have some faith!" He looked down at her.

"Then go inside and speak to Amirah. She needs you!"

Making his way inside, Khizar scanned the room feverishly for Mahnoor and Basharat. This afternoon he wasn't going to let the pair out of his sight.

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