Kidnapping her Heart

Por SimplyBeastly

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McKenzie Lauren Hales' life is pretty cliché. She has filthy rich parents who are too preoccupied with work t... Mais

Chapter 1: Its Pretty Cliché
Chapter 2: What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas
Chapter 3: Whoa there Mac - Attack!
Chapter 4: I pelted a cop with pads
Chapter 5: The floor makes a pretty sucky bed
Chapter 6: Her Abercrombie & Fitch boyfriend
Chapter 7: My Worst Villain
Chapter 8: Our Third Wheel...
Chapter 9: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
Chapter 10: I MOUSTACHE you a question...
Chapter 11: She's the Man!
Chapter 12: He's coming after us?!
Chapter 13: "I never play the victim; I'd rather be a stalker."
Chapter 14: Thanks Siri...
Chapter 15: The Villain has found the Princess & her Prince Charming...
Chapter 16: My Fortune Cookie Fiasco
Chapter 17: Oh Brother!
KHH hiatus :) & A/N <3
Chapter 18: I think I LOVE you...
Chapter 19: Speak Now
Chapter 20: Moments
Chapter 21: Impulse
FOREVER YOUNG: a random author's note :)
Chapter 22: Call Me Maybe
Glad You Came: A Random Author's Note :)
Chapter 24: Stole My Heart
THANK YOU! :) - IMPORTANT Author's note! :D

Chapter 23: We Are Young

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Por SimplyBeastly

June 8th: 

12:14am - discharged from the hospital and brought home

I had a massive headache as our chauffeur drove my parents and I home to our estate. Most kids would be thrilled to return home but frankly, it just made me more sick. Kayden and I couldn’t see each other anymore

6:32pm - I texted Kayden for the first time

6:32pm-2:41am - We texted all night long 











May 20th...

‘Under the lights tonight, turned around and you stole my heart, just one look and I saw your face, fell in love, took a minute girl, to steal my heart tonight.’ The warm sun rays filtered through my beaded curtains, the sound of car horns and loud pedestrians tangled with my alarm, One Direction’s Stole My Heart. 

You know, LA’s absolutely gorgeous in May, everything seems so much happier and brighter. I sat up from my bed, slowly stretching my arms over my head.

I studied my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Mac Hales looked more mature than she did exactly a year ago, the very last time she was kidnapped. The girl in the reflection looked older, wiser, her eyes were harder, and she looked unhappier. Maybe it was because the last time she was kidnapped, she was young, stupid, and foolish. Now, she was practically a lady, not that crazy girl kidnapped last year.

Kidnapped. What an odd word. I haven’t used it in more than a year. I guess perhaps its because my parents assigned a body guard to watch my every move. 

“Mac?” Rebecca poked her head inside the bathroom door, the steam immediately began to fly out the room. “Ten minutes. Breakfast is on the table.”

Nodding, I slipped off my pajamas and pulled on a pair of off brand jeans and my favorite maroon v neck. Funny thing, I realized after I was kidnapped, I worried less on my appearance and focused more on my studies. I guess Kayden had quite an influence on me after all, I shopped less at Abercrombie and turned to more small, off brand, vintage shops. Yeah, I guess I was turning into a hipster...

As I pulled on the v neck, I turned and studied my body in my floor length mirror, slightly tugging my shirt up to study the scar. The pale line never tanned, it was like a raised white line and about 4 inches long starting from my waist. It was more than a scar though, it was a haunting reminder. Not only of my close encounter with death but also of him.

I skipped down the stairs, throwing my hair into a side ponytail. Rebecca sat on the counter top waiting for me.

“Ready to go?”

I nodded, grabbing a granola bar from a bowl and sliding it into my back pocket. I wasn’t much of a talker in the morning.

“You know, Prom’s quickly approaching.” 

I ignored her, continuing to stare out the window of the passenger side. Rebecca always attempted to start conversations on the way to school.

“Mac,” she frowned, “Just because I’m a little older doesn’t mean I don’t get what teens go through. Talk to me.”

It was my turn to frown. “Just forget it Rebecca,” I muttered. “Forget it.”

Rebecca was a picture of perfection. She had long hazel hair that almost reached her waist, amber eyes, and the prettiest smile. Of course she was an athlete, super genius, trilingual in French, Mandarin, and English, and all around genuine person. And to top it all off, she was my body guard. Miss Rebecca Holt, undercover body guard and black belt extraordinaire. She was 22 and could easily pass as a senior so that was my parent’s cover story for the school. Rebecca was assigned every single class with me and to everyone’s knowledge, was the foreign exchange student staying at my house; that was where her french came in handy. It wasn’t that I hated her, she was amazing. I just hated how observant she was.

“You still talk to him right?” We were at a stop light, school was about 15 more minutes away good god

“Yeah, every night,” I muttered, staring out the window. 

“Mac, you should invite him to Prom then. That would give you a good opportunity to catch up.”

One good thing about Rebecca, she didn’t dare mention Kayden’s name aloud. It was sort of like saying Voldemort, everyone was terrified of mentioning it in front of me. They were afraid of bringing back bad memories.

“We keep in touch every night,” I frustratedly pointed out.

“You should still invite him. I heard the theme this year is pretty cool.”

I gritted my teeth. “North Ridge is six hours away and he has a girlfriend.”


Yeah Rebecca, ‘oh’.

She was silent the rest of the ride to school.

As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, I hopped out of the BMW and slammed the door in a baffled Rebecca’s face. 

Okay, I’ll admit that was a little mean but to be honest, I wasn’t in the mood to hear it.

“Mac!” Sophie caught up to me at my locker, her blonde hair was neatly twirled into a perfect bun, as usual. “Have you heard the news? Jace asked me to Prom!”

“Soph that’s great!” I genuinely smiled, congratulating her. “I’m so happy for you!”

She beamed, “Thanks, he and the marching band came last night. There were balloons and everything!” 

I smiled again, zoning out as she babbled on about how Jace got the marching band to serenade her at home last night for one of the perks of being a football player was complete control over the band. 

“-right Mac?”


“I said, ‘You’re going to ask Kayden to Prom, right Mac?’” she grinned.

My face instantly darkened, “I don’t think so Soph.”

She immediately started pouting. “And why not?” She demanded. “You talk to him every night, its not like you guys lost touch!”

“Because he has a girlfriend Soph!” I countered, jamming her finger into her face. “Because we’re just on friendly terms right now!”

“But you still like him,” she whispered.

The shrill sound of the bell ringing broke my glare, saved by the bell thank god!

“No I don’t.”

But as I walked away to bio, I heard her whisper, “I don’t think so.”

Slamming my books on the table, I sank into my seat and was lost in thought. 4th period was study hall, a time of peace and quiet. It was also my only time away from Rebecca, the administration refused to let her in this class since there was no room thank god, I need the alone time...

I quickly reminisced over the last few months. Sure Kayden and I spoke every night, all friends do that right? The thing was, five months after parting, he met a girl who attended an all girls boarding school near North Ridge and they’ve been going out ever since. Honestly when I heard, I cried for hours, but of course I didn’t tell him. He was happy. So for the last few months, I manned up, put on a facade, and constantly reassured him that I was fine with the fact that he moved on. I clearly haven’t.

“This seat taken?”

I looked up to find a smiling Keith. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention we have study hall together... but we rarely ever talked.

“Nuh uh.”

Keith was silent as he slid into the seat beside me. He looked the same except for the constant dark circles under his eyes from late nights studying and his blonde hair was slightly longer. Needless to say, he was still pretty darn attractive.

“So... how are you?” he started awkwardly, lamely attempting to initiate a conversation between us.


“How’s Kayden?”

“Huh?” I was instantly caught off guard, surprised that he would ask such a thing. You see, Kayden was a very tender topic to bring up to the both of us. If you were smart, you wouldn’t mention it in front of Keith and I. To me, the name Kayden reminded me of a summer cross country road trip. A close encounter with death. My crush. My lost love. To Keith however, the name Kayden reminded him of backstabbing. Heartache. Guns. A blow to the head. Losing his girl. Regardless of that, I was still in shock when he asked. 

“Mac?” Keith looked concerned. “You okay?”

 “Great,” I mutter flatly, recomposing myself. “I’m great, he’s great, we’re all great.” Leaning over my book, my hair cascaded over my shoulder and created a brunette wall between us. Please stop talking to me!

“You know...” Keith began, “Prom’s coming up.”

I was silent, I had enough of this Prom topic. 

“You should ask Kayden.”

My head snapped up and I looked him in the eye. “Who I ask to Prom doesn’t concern you Keith.”

I was super annoyed, annoyed at the fact he would even dare to bring up Kayden.

“Sorry,” he muttered. “I was just suggesting.”

Rolling my eyes, I continued to read Jane Eyre. Well this was awkward. Keith hasn’t been quite the same after what happened last summer, he was more quiet and less social. I instantly felt a little bad.

“Hey, whats the theme?”

“Huh?” It was his turn to be caught off guard. “What?”

“The theme,” I pressed, “For Prom. You’re on the planning committee right? Since you’re President.”

“Y-yeah.” Keith looked puzzled. 

“Well why do you look so surprised?” I demanded. “You’re looking at me like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Well.” He began to uncomfortably scratch the back of his head. “Its just that this is the first time you said something to me. Normally I have to be the one to start a conversation. You always end them.”

I was taken aback. “Really?”

“Yeah.” He smiled softly. “Ever since last summer, you’ve been more distant with people.”

“Well I’m not being distant now, answer my question.”

He laughed, “It’s good to see some of the old Mac back, impatient and demanding.”

I scowled, “Just tell me what the theme is.”

The shrill ringing of the bell broke our locked gaze but like the idiot I was, I continued to stare him down.

“Er Mac, next period is starting soon.”

“Oh.” I quickly got up from my seat and gathered my books. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Yeah. Wait Mac..”

I turned around wearily. “Yes?”

“I know this is a little out of line but will you go to Prom with me?”

I internally groaned. “What?” 

“Will you go to Prom with me?”

I bit my lip, “I don’t know Keith...” I began to awkwardly trail off. “It’s just that...’’

“If you say no, I want you to ask Kayden.”

I gaped at him. Say what?

But why?”

Keith gave me a small smile. “Just ask. And if he’s unavailable, still go. That’s all I’m asking.” He quickly tore a page out of his notebook and scribbled on some letters. 

“Here,” he grinned, handing me the piece, “This is the theme.” With that, he jogged off in the opposite direction.

Puzzled, I looked down and studied the theme expecting something totally cliche like ‘Prom under the sea’ or ‘Live like no tomorrow’ but instead found something completely unexpected; PR?M.

How awkwardly absurd..

Making my way outside, a shoulder bumped into me, causing me to drop my book.

“Hey bitch, watch where you’re gohhh- I’m so sorry!”

I looked up to find a worried Erica, her perfect make up was totally envious while she rocked her miniskirt and wedges.

“Erica, it’s fi-”

“It was my fault,” she mumbled, pulling on the edge of her already too short skirt, “I’m sorry.” She quickly brushed past me, her friends right on her tail.

Yeah, Erica was nicer to me. Then again, everyone was. They sympathize me. I was the girl who had it all. The girl who still does. And yet, the thing she really so much desires is untouchable. The girl who was kidnapped. The girl who almost died. The unlucky girl.

I sat on a bench outside the school during lunch. Alone. Typical. 

On my lap laid my phone, the lingering question floating in my head. Should I do it?

Swallowing the last bit of my sandwich, I clicked on his name and shot a quick text to him.

Are you busy May 26?

In less than a minute flat, his response bounced in my inbox.

Why? Whats may 26?

I was embarrassed to answer but nevertheless continued, typing in that one word who’s meaning weighed so much.


It seemed like forever before he replied. 

im really srry mac but im busy

Never before has my heart felt so heavy. I was rejected and boy does rejection hurt!

Its okay

I sat on my bed, untangling the clumps of my wet hair while staring out the window. Another day had passed. Same old, same old. It was all routine. Wake up. Go to school. Run. Go home. Do homework. Study. Text Kayden. Sleep. I was a living calendar. 

The next few days flew by and before I knew it, it was the day before Prom. School was absolutely chaotic, there were posters covering every corner of the school, black sheets with the words ‘PR?M’ in white were plastered on every wall. Yep, the theme was a secret this year, how stupid.

Sighing, I made my way to the parking lot and sat on the white hood of my BMW waiting for Rebecca to hurry along, I wanted to go home. Frankly, I was very much sick of all the Prom crap and yeah, I was being a huge Debbie Downer but everyone can just screw it, I was not a ‘PR?M’ fan.

“Hey,” Rebecca grinned, “Let’s go dress shopping!”

I slid off the hood and hopped in the car, “Nah, let’s just go home, it’s Friday.”

“Awh Mac, come on!” she pleaded. “For me?” She gave me a puppy dog face. “I need a dress for tomorrow.”

I raised a brow. “You’re going to Prom?”

“Yeah.” Talk about last minute.... “Something wrong with that?” She threw the car into reverse and took a left, driving on the road that led downtown.

“No, no,” my eyebrows instantly furrowed. “I’m just surprised you’re going since I’m not going.”

Oh crap! I immediately regretted saying that. How shallow and conceited that must sound. 

“You know I have a life too right,” she mumbled, turning on the blinker and merging into the left lane. “I can have fun too, I’m not alway’s on babysitting duty Mac.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. “I know,” I apologized. “That was rude. You’re not my babysitter, you can go anywhere you want and do anything you want to do. I’m sorry...” I trailed off, unaware of how to formally apologize. 

“It’s fine,” she smiled. “You sure you’re not going to Prom? It’s going to be so much fun!”

I shook my head.

“Oh come on,” she scoffed. “It’s freaking senior year! It’s a once in a lifetime chance! And you’re going to what? Spend a magical evening sitting at home in your old sweats watching tv?”

“And eating ice cream,” I added. “Ice cream raises the bar.”

“Yeah,” she snorted, “Of boringness. Come on Mac, live a little!”

I rolled my eyes and choked back the tears threatening to come up. Prom. Kayden. Rejection.

“You should go with Keith.”

I winced.

“Just as friends,” she quickly interjected. “Strictly friends.”

“Nah, Keith probably has a date by now. He’s freaking gorgeous, come on.”

Rebecca laughed as she made a U-turn near Target and drove along a small street.

“Well ask someone! You can’t go to Prom alone!”

“I’m sure some people are,” I reminded her. “The loners?”

“Ha. Mac, EVERYONE has a date. And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE!”

I rolled my eyes. “Not everyone. What about Eric Ross? The obnoxious captain of the debate team? He’s been dateless his entire academic career,” I pointed out. It was sad but true, Eric was so obnoxious, no girl ever bothered to put up with him.

“Taken. He has a girlfriend you know.”

“Who?” I inquired suspiciously.

Rebecca parallel parked in front of a small chain of vintage boutiques. 


I began choking on my own saliva. “W-w-what?! Bull!”

“It’s true,” Rebecca smiled, hopping out of the car. “Let’s go.”

I climbed out of the car and ran after her, into the small shop. It smelled like lilacs and had racks and racks of dresses ranging from ‘going to the mall with my friends casual’ to ‘Im a movie star strutting the red carpet formal’,

Rebecca waltzed over to the Prom section and began to rummage through the dresses. 

“How and when did this happen?” I demanded. No way in hell did I ever expect this to happen. Erica? Eric? Cheer Captain? Debate Captain? Total Bitch? Obnoxious douche? Aha any chemistry? Yeah, they have as much chemistry as a dog and a cactus. 

“Since November.” She was fingering a short basic black number. “Ooh this is cute.”

I rolled my eyes. “How did this happen?”

“They had a debate in English. Erica went off on how a nerd like him could never date a girl like her and that pissed him off so they argued and he obviously won.”

“How?!” I was honestly intrigued.

“I don’t know, he’s debate captain! I heard he brought in statistics and crap and they ended up having ‘study dates’ and as far as I know, they’re pretty happy with one another.”

Huh, go figure. Perhaps Erica did have a heart underneath that stone cold demeanor. 

“How come I didn’t hear about this?” I frowned. The queen bee going out with a nerd is pretty big news, I should’ve heard about this.

“Oh please Mac, don’t act so surprised.”

Huh? I was confused. “What do you mean?”

“You’re so out of it! You’ve completely isolated yourself from society. No wonder you haven’t heard the news.”

I frowned. “No I haven’t.”

“Yeah you have. You’re practically the Bella Swan of this school! You shut yourself out from others cause of what happened in the summer. I know what you’ve been through was hard Mac, you need to learn how to conquer it. Leaving Kayden is totally Edward Cullen status you know. Like Bella after the separation, you’ve stopped living. This week has been a major breakthrough for you! You’re actually talking to people about other things besides homework.”

I shrugged, “Yeah, I guess I’ve boxed myself in for the past few months... but ew, don’t reference me to Twilight.”

She shrugged. “Yeah, you have. But you’re finally coming out.” She smiled, “It’s great to have you back Mac. And I’m guessing you’re not a ‘Twi-heart.’”

“Thanks... and no I’m not so big on vampires... So...” I tried to change the subject. “Who are you going to Prom with?”

Rebecca smiled as she pulled out a shiny red satin dress and held it up to her body. “Ethan Scott. We went to high school together. We were best friends until I ruined it by admitting I liked him. But now we’re grown up and gotten past it. He asked me yesterday.”

“Rebecca, thats amazing,” I enthused. I was genuinely happy for her.

We spent the next few hours looking through dresses although we both had completely different ways of tackling the situation. While Rebecca was closely examining one at a time, I was furiously pawing through the racks, trying to make up for lost time.

She finally settled on two, both of which I picked. The first one was a pale pink dress and was long and tight around the waist but then billowed out at the end. The second was a high-low beige ensemble with a halter neck top. I suggested the pink one, it was a classic look and the color brought out the tints of honey in her hazel hair. After trying it on, Rebecca pushed me into a dressing room stall and locked me inside.

“What the heck Rebecca!” I exclaimed, totally caught off guard. “Let me out, I want to go home!”

“Try it on!” Her voice was muffled by the door. “Hurry, they’re closing in 10 minutes!”

Frowning, I pivoted on me heels to find a strapless black dress hanging on a hook. It was a beautiful high-low dress where the front was at least a foot shorter than the back which ever so slightly touched the ground.  Above the waistline, just under the bust, was a diamond belt (not real diamonds duh!) which totally brought out my eyes. As I twirled in front of the mirror, I couldn’t help but feel sad. I wasn’t going to Prom, I wouldn’t have my princess moment. And to make things worst, I absolutely adored the dress but I could’t give Rebecca the satisfaction of knowing so. 

“So, what do you think?” She grinned as I came out of the room. “It was gorgeous right? I saw it and knew it was totally you!”

“Eh,” I shrugged, “I don’t know why you bothered choosing one for me, I’m not going.”

“Just get it!”

Rebecca grabbed the dress from my possession and immediately purchased it along with her pink gown.

“Rebecca! You didn’t have to pay for it!” I was shocked but deep down inside, I was ecstatic. 

“Oh Mac, I know you like it, drop the act,” she winked.

Laughing, we drove home where for the first time, we had a girls night together. And surprisingly, I enjoyed myself. This was the first night I forgot to text Kayden. 

It was totally chaotic getting Rebecca ready for Prom, my mom even hired a personal stylist to do her hair, make up, and nails.

“This is it,” she squealed while getting her mascara applied. “Prom! I wonder what the theme is!”

“Something lame?” I suggested. I was still in my pajamas and my hair was a mess while Rebecca looked like Miss USA. 

“Don’t be so depressing,” she chided. “Hey! Let’s take some pictures!”

I looked down at my Kate Spade pajamas, was this Prom picture worthy attire? Oh what the hay, I was going to spend the evening home alone eating ice cream, I deserved a picture despite the fact I look like a hobo. 

I grabbed my camera and tried to comb my mane with my fingers. “Ready?”

“Oh no way in hell Mac!” Rebecca exclaimed. “You are so not taking a Prom picture looking like that!”

Wow, did I really look that bad? “Well this is all I got,” I muttered.

“What are you talking about?” she snorted. “Go put on the dress we bought yesterday! Better yet, go take a bath and clean up, I still have an hour and half before Ethan arrives.”

I obeyed, I had nothing better to do. Rebecca sent the stylist to aide me in my beauty transformation and within 30 minutes, I went from geek to chic. 

My hair was lush, flowing, and soft. My skin was radiant and my make up was perfectly done. And the dress pulled the look together along with the midnight black stilettos. It made me look like a princess.

“Oh Mac, you look gorgeous!”

I turned to find my beaming parents and a cheeky Rebecca, grinning at me.


“Let’s take some pictures!”

Ethan arrived in a nick of time so we spent the remainder of their time taking pictures. They ranged from serious ones with Ethan and Rebecca posing in the classic prom positions to insanely silly ones where we’re all making the most idiotic faces possible. I was actually enjoying myself and okay I have to admit, I felt a twinge of regret for not going.

“Okay!” My mom clapped her hands, “You kids best be going now, don’t want to be late! Be safe and have fun!”

I smiled and waved Rebecca and Ethan goodbye. “Have fun in the limo guys.” (Transportation was courtesy of my parents)

“Mac, you’re coming,” Rebecca scoffed. “I didn’t have you dress up for nothing. You’re coming with us.”

I was hesitant even though the little voice in my head was screaming ‘Yes! Yes! Yes! PROM!’

“I don’t want to be a third wheel,” I admit.

“You won’t,” she rolled her eyes. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”

“I don’t have a ticket.” I remembered.

“Covered. We bought it a week ago. Now let’s go.”

I almost died from happiness, Rebecca was amazing.

I gave her a hug, “Thanks Rebecca, you didn’t have to do this.”

“Psh,” she waved her hand dismissively, “You’re wrinkling the dress. Now lets go!”

I had the most fun time riding in the limo with Rebecca and my friends regardless that I was dateless. We totally let loose, crooning along to Katy Perry and One Direction.

Prom was held in the banquet hall in Disneyland and when we entered, I almost passed out. It was obvious why they kept the theme a secret, it was amazing.

Pictures of different Disney scenes from The Lion King, to Bambi, to Peter Pan, were projected off the walls. The words ‘We Are Young’ were plastered on the banner hanging just above the entrance. I bit my lip as my friends escorted me to the middle of the dance floor as Katy Perry’s Firework was playing and started swaying.

“Come on!” Rebecca laughed as she danced with Ethan. “Mac, dance! Who says you need a date to dance?”

I smiled, she was right. So it was Prom, big deal. I’m an independent young lady. I didn’t need a date to have fun! After all, we are young right?

Before I had the chance to throw my hands up in the air just as Katy was crooning ‘firework’, the music dramatically changed. 

‘We are Young’ starting playing but I couldn’t identify who was singing it, it was definitely not the original artist. Everyone eyed the stage, no one was singing on it but it was obvious that it wasn’t a CD playing, the singing was coming live. But where?

The lights suddenly dimmed and the empty stage was set ablaze, lit with a million little lights. People started murmuring.

I squinted, pushing my way towards the familiar voice.

Tonight, we are young. So I set the world on Fire.

There was a band on stage and the lead singer was the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen. Funny he looked sorta familiar standing there, strumming his guitar and singing. 

Then it dawned on me. the lopsided smile. The hazel eyes. The perfectly brown hair. the scar just above his eyebrow. 

There on stage was the only guy in the world that didn’t mind embarrassing himself by singing at Prom to make a point. There on stage was the guy who broke my heart. There on the stage with his hand outstretched towards me was the one and only, my kidnapper. There on stage singing ‘We are Young’ was none other than gorgeous Kayden.

A/N: Thanks for reading! VOTE! COMMENT! FAN! :D btw, i only reread this ONCE! so there are a TON of mistakes =___= LOL This is the second to last chapter. I feel like i keep dragging this story on and on and it’s getting tediously boring -.- So it shall end soon. The final chapter will probably be posted next week if I have time. Normally I try to write a little everyday since I think better when I write in spurts especially while I’m taking a break from my homework (“cough cough* procrastinator excuse LOL) but CST’s are quickly approaching and I’m currently reviewing my material so I’m not so sure if I have time to release the next chapter by next Saturday. But I shall try! :) 


As many of you know, a lot of my writing is based off my real life. (No I’ve never been kidnapped or gotten shot) but the characters are inspired by real people. I just wanted to share some of this (cause I’m bored? LOL jk, I’ve been meaning to share this a while ago.) So here is where the characters came from, I didn’t just make them up :)

Mckenzie: semi similar to me

I’m no where near as bold or confident but we’re both weird :) and boy crazy :O And Abercrombie obsessed (but im controlling it LOL) 

Kayden: All the things I like in a guy rolled into one perfect character LOL Kayden is based off all the things I look for in a guy and if I could, I’d go back and add one little detail. there’s a slight gap in his teeth. because they guy I really like has one and its absolutely adorable :) He’s funny and whenever I’m around him, it makes my heart race. And the awk part is.. he’s my wingman! :O yeah shocker, I like my wingman, how ironic is that?! I asked him to find a guy for me (which he never really did) and instead, I fell for him... ironic? YES!

Keith: sometimes when I write about his douche-i-ness (is that even a word?!) I have a particular guy in mind. no this guy didn’t cheat on me, I just really really really dislike him with a passion. funny thing too, we used to be friends. but then all this stupid stuff happened and now he’s an ass. like a real ass, I hate him. but he has his moments where he can be oh so nice. I hate that. when I write about Keith, its me venting about how much I dislike that one guy in particular and how he can be so nice to me one minute and so rude the next. 

Erica: I try not to hold grudges but Erica is sort of based of this one girl I know. I don’t hate her, I just don’t like her. I tolerate her if that sounds any better... (wow I just realized how sad this character analysis is. so many characters are like about me venting... :O)

I’m getting over it though. But i liked her boyfriend for a while (but give me a break, I was unaware of the fact they were dating. When i found out, i immediately stopped) AWK!

Briggs: basically all my problems (expressed metaphorically through a character of course)

Mac’s parents: I tried to capture mac’s parents as the hard working type that can never be there for her as much as they dislike the fact. I honestly never have experience this, my parents have always been there for me. maybe its because my dad works and my mom stays at home but nevertheless, writing about them makes me appreciate my parents more... if that makes any sense...

Getting Kidnapped: is basically like all my crush experiences. they’re all weird.

Mac’s friends/Rebecca: my friends are the bomb tick tick ;) LOL AWK! anyways, my friends are amazing. they inspire me to be a better person. I love hanging out with them, we talk non stop. they’re so weird :) aha they’re always there for me and I’ll always be there for them!

We Are Young Prom: This year, my school’s Prom theme is ‘Forever Young.’ I really like it so I just wanted to incorporate it into my story. Because the theme speaks to us teens, We are Young, so embrace it! live life. have no regrets :) be FOREVER YOUNG! :)

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1.6K 470 36
After the passing of her Grandmother, Aubrey Van Alen struggles to cope with her abusive foster parents. Her identity is a mystery and she has no rec...
300K 11.9K 41
Alishba, a normal girl, as far as she thinks. A perfect dad, a protective brother and a fiance that adores her. But everything changes when her child...