Our children are in our hands...

By Rebeccaxchapman1

13.4K 310 416

Well from the previous book Vilu gave birth to Leonardo and Maria Vargas, but one of them isn't well and Leon... More

Part one ~
Part Two ~
Part Three ~
Part Four ~
Part Five ~
Part Six ~
Part Seven ~
Part eight ~
Part Nine ~
Part Ten ~
Part eleven ~
Part Twelve ~
Part Thirteen ~
Part Fifteen ~
Part Sixteen ~
Part Seventeen ~
Part Eighteen ~
Part Nineteen ~
Part Twenty ~
Part Twenty-one ~
Part Twenty - two ~
Part Twenty - three ~
Part Twenty - four ~ 😢😢

Part Fourteen ~

545 14 23
By Rebeccaxchapman1

Leon ~ 

Oh man, I feel rough why did I let the boys get me drunk because now I have the worst hangover ever Ugh, I even feel sick my vision was blurry and I could feel someone move beside me where am I? I saw Violetta looking at me with her beautiful, tired eyes and her eyes were shining in mine she smiled at me which made my heartbeat like my heart always beats whenever I'm with her that's how much I love her

Violetta: Are you feeling, okay?

Leon: I got a hell of a hangover, baby.

Violetta: didn't I tell you that you will have a hangover?

Leon: No, baby you said nothing of the sort.

Violetta: Oh, I thought I did. 

Leon: No but I have a question, where the hell are we?

Violetta: Still at the party Leon.

Leon: Really because I'm not hearing music.

Violetta: Shall we go home

Leon: Yes.

They got changed and went home and saw everyone at her house Leon went upstairs to get changed out of his suit into something casual same with Violetta and then they went back downstairs, and Leonardo was sleeping on the sofa, so Leon cuddled him for a bit.

Francesca: How about we sing?

Violetta: I don't know if I'm feeling up for singing.

Leon: Well, you were feeling up for having s*x with me last night so you can feel up to singing.

Violetta: Yeah, but that was grief I needed to get my mind off it, so I used you for grief.

Leon: Woah, you used me?

Violetta: Yes, Leon, I know you have a hangover but keep up.

Leon: Are you insane?

Violetta: No, I just wanted you to give me s*x, so I could get over feeling the way I did.


Leon: You make me sick Violetta I don't know what's gotten into you but since Maria has died you've turned into a spoilt brat who thinks she can use her grief to get what she wants.

Camila: Woah, Leon that's your wife you're talking about.

Leon: She's not my wife because my wife wouldn't act like this she's just like when she was with Diego a spoilt diva who doesn't care about anyone or anything but herself just like Ludmila.

Violetta: If you feel that way, Leon, why don't you just divorce me?

Leon: Your right and do you know what I'm going to take Leonardo with me because you don't love him ever since he's been around you've just been treating him badly lying to him, I know your father lied to you, but I don't want my son to be around lies because I'm not that type of person you act repulsive every time and I can't control you and your repulsiveness so we are leaving you, I'll post the divorce papers through the door because I can't be with you any longer even though it hurts to stay away from you, but I don't feel like being used again.

Violetta: *Starts to cry* Leon, you told me you would never break up with me it's because of her, isn't it?

Leon: No, it's not because of anyone it's because you used me just for grief once again.

Violetta and I can't keep going on like that.

Violetta: *Grabs his arm* Don't leave me, Leon.

Leon: Leonardo, pack your stuff we're getting out of here for a while.

Leonardo: Okay, daddy Yay Road trip, bye mom.

Leon went upstairs and packed his bags, but Violetta was taking everything out.

Violetta: Stay with me please don't walk out on me with my son.

Leon: *Puts everything back in the bag and zipped it up* I'm sorry I can't let Leonardo down he's excited to leave we need space Violetta we've been too much we need time to recover our emotions and give each other time don't you think we deserve that at least?

Violetta: Will we get back together?

Leon: Eventually something will bring us back to us, but right now we just need time to think.

He walked down the stairs and saw Leonardo waiting with his little suitcase and Leon put some clothes of his in his bag and his toys and Leonardo didn't say bye to Violetta just got in the car and didn't look at her but Violetta gripped Leon's arm and kissed him. 

Leon: *Pulls away* I got to go.

He got in the car and pulled off and Violetta was behind the car watching him leave until the car was far away Diego hugged her with the rest of the guys.

The girls took Violetta inside. 

Francesca: I'm sorry, Violetta.

Camila: I know he loves you, but I think you just need time.

Violetta: Did you see Leonardo? he didn't even say goodbye to me he hates me, and I deserve it because Leon's right all I was selfish by lying to Leonardo I'm just like my father.

Naty: No, Violetta you just thought it would be the best way to lie.

Violetta: But remember my dad lied to me you protect me and that's what I was doing to Leonardo which isn't fair, so Leon deserved to take him.

Camila: I just can't believe you used Leon for s*x just for grief I thought you loved him.

Violetta: I do love him girls.

Camila: So why did you use him?

Francesca: But wait if you used him, why did you stay with him?

Violetta: Because I couldn't leave him, he was so peaceful, and I wanted to wake up to his sexy face.

Naty: Oh, wow.

Violetta: I just want to be alone.

Francesca: Naty, why don't you go find Ludmila?

Naty: Sure, bye Violetta, girls.

Violetta: Why did you do that?

Francesca: Come with us.

They took her to the studio, and they went up on stage and gripped her onto stage. 

They hugged.

Violetta: What would I do without my girls?

Camila: You wouldn't be smiling right now.

Violetta: Your so right thank you girls I can always rely on my girls when I'm down.

Francesca: That's what we're for.

They hugged again. 

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