One Direction special little...

By Priceisrightrusher

38.3K 928 144

Carrie-Anne is a special toddler that has spinal muscular disorder, and she gets disowned by her birth parent... More

Coming soon
One direction finds Carrie-Ann
Performing with Carrie-Ann
Getting Carrie-Ann settled
First night
Louis birthday
The babies
Carrie-Ann's new stepbrother
Saying bye to the babies
The baby girl is staying
The baby girl name is going to be
Makayla Violet Rose
Bringing Makayla home
Shopping for the boys
Getting the babies settled
First outing with paps and fans
Photo shoot
Sequel is happening
Father's day
We have a name
The little girl
Luna's first night
Carrie-Ann starts preschool
First day of school
Preview: The Sextuplets come into the picture
Sextuplets come into the picture
Getting to know the sextuplets preview
Getting to know the sextuplets
The sextuplets see their new home
Happy Thanksgiving
Sextuplets see their new home preview part 2
Sextuplets see their new home part 2
The sextuplets see their new home part 3
Valentine's Day
Louis and Niall fight
Niall gets checked out
Niall asks Harry a question
Niall has the baby
Niall sees the babies
Thinking of names
Asking Harry to move in
Talking it over with Louis part 1
Sequel titles
Sequel is
Rest of the chapters
Niall talks to Harry preview
Niall talks to Harry
Harry does a nursery for the new babies
Happy Thanksgiving
Harry does the nurseries preview
Harry does the nurseries
Niall comes home take 2
Carrie Ann sees Niall
Niall helps Carrie-Ann walk
Niall sees the girls 2.0
Niall comes home
Niall comes home from the hospital
Zayn drops in
More Zayn and asking a ?
Louis pops back in
Happy fourth
Happy 10 years
Niall decides
Happy Thanksgiving
Twins are released
Niall is ticked off
Seeing Carrie Ann
Part 2
More will come I swear
Part 3
More will come I hope again
Louis's night with Carrie-Ann
Part 2
Part 3
Niall's night part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Happy Easter
Part 4
On hold
Part 5

Talking it over with Louis part 2

135 6 1
By Priceisrightrusher

Niall was awake and was looking around the room to see if Louis or Harry was there and none of them weren't so Niall was going to go back down to the NICU to see the girls and maybe bond with them before Louis comes back and wanting to talk this time Niall was going to have a good talk with Louis as well about his behavior lately cause he was tired of it and the kids were tired of it a well he wanted to have a break from Louis and explore other people like Harry for example cause he saw Harry didn't come home drunk and he was going to care for the kids as well while Niall was getting better from the births cause it took a toll on his body too

"I can't wait to see my girls" Niall says as he was slowly heading to the NICU to see the twins

Niall clould not see the girls so he was hoping he could talk to Louis and get this over with and they could both move on and start over or whatever they wanted

"Hi Lou" Niall says as he comes back in the room and he saw Louis sitting in one of the chairs that was in the room and he looks like he was ready to talk

"Hi Niall" Louis says as he got up to help Niall to the bed since Niall was sore from delivering the twins and bringing them into the world 

"Louis we need to talk major" NIall says when he was in the bed and was covered up again since he was cold and he was a little tired from his walk too the NICU and back cause that was a haul from his room there and back   

"What do you want to talk about Niall? There is nothing we need to talk about everything is fine and dandy" Louis asks as he looks at Niall once he takes his seat again cause he was going to be staying with Niall for a little bit until he fell back asleep or something along those lines  

"Louis i need we need to see other people" Niall says as he comes out and says it to Louis cause he was not going to beat around the bush with this no more cause enough was enough in his eyes 

"Niall why i loe you so much and i want to be with you" Louis says as he looks at Niall   

"Louis it's the drinking i don't like when you come home drunk off your butt and you get into these rages it takes it toll on me and the kids, and i don't want to be in an abusive relationship anymore so i want to see other people while you get better and you can see other people too and maybe i will take you back once you clean up your act. I am looking out for the well being of the kids, the babies and myself as well" Niall says as he looks at Louis 

Louis did not know what to do or say at this point in the conversation 

"NIALL HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT" Louis says as he raises his voice at him cause he was angry at this point 

"Louis it's the truth i see bruises on the kids and i ask them what happen and they saw they fell and hurt themselves or something else, but i know it's from you cause i hear them crying their eyes out cause they will be minding their own business" Niall says as he was sticking up for the kids and the babies 

Louis did not know what else to say to Niall 

"Louis it's best of you leave before you hurt the babies" NIall says as he was going to call security if Louis didn't leave right that minute and he hTated to have the newest members be hurt by Louis or his actions cause Niall could tell that Louis had been drinking a little bit  

Louis left the room in anger and Niall left out a breath he didn't know he was holding cause he was scared that Louis was going to come at him and attack him full force too 

"Hi NIall" Harry says as he comes in with balloons and flower cause he was going ot bring the others to the hospital later on that night so they could see the twins and get to know them a little bit 

"Hi Harry" Niall says as he looks at Harry as he huddles up in a ball 

"Everything okay?" Harry asks as he comes closer to Niall 

"I wish Louis got mad at me cause i told him the truth and he doesn't want to leave me or the kids at all, but if i don't one of us is going to get killed by him and i don't want that to happen at all" Niall says as he starts to cry

"Niall it was for the better" Harry says as he hugs him 

"I know it was" NIall says as he cries some more     

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