Friends With Benefits

By jordan51116hsjdh

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♡ Kylee Roberts, Teen Celeb; famous around the world for her perfectly polished reputation, stellar career an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (part 1)
Chapter 15 (part 2)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - The Final Chapter

Chapter 8

285 2 0
By jordan51116hsjdh

Harry's POV.

I adjusted the cuffs of my black suit jacket in the hall mirror as I waited, inspecting my well polished reflection.  I looked ‘smart’, as my mum had so kindly put it, but I felt uncomfortable as fuck, tugging harshly at the collar of my dress shirt – I could barely breath with the top button scratching at my throat tightly.  This penguin suit was killing me.  To be honest, I would have been much more comfortable in jeans and something Jack Wills, but the evening called for something more formal, and I had to admit I looked pretty classy.  I amused myself childishly as I quoted the Inbetweeners inside my head. 

Better bring your wellies, Harry, you’re gonna be knee deep in clunge!

“You ready, Harry?” mum asked as she swooped by me into the sitting room, her red dress billowing behind her as she rushed around.  Her sophisticated outfit was topped off pretty hilariously with a red, velvet Santa hat.  Very Stylish.

I nodded, running my fingers through my curls, neatening them.  “Yup, just waiting for Kylee.”

My mother rushed past again into the kitchen, doing errands, wrapping up all the loose ends.  She stepped out of the kitchen and I looked up at her as she moved to my position, standing in front of me.  She smiled warmly as she smoothed her fingers over the collar of my tux.  “Oh, Harry, you look so handsome!”

I grinned, laughing lightly.  “Thanks, mum, you look beautiful.”

She giggled despite how her eyes began to cloud up with tears.  I could sense the emotion coming on.  I sighed, waiting for the waterworks to begin.

“Harry, you’re growing up so fast…you’re not my little boy anymore!”

I nodded, rolling my eyes tiredly.  “Ok, mum, don’t start blubbering, I’ll always be your baby boy!”

She paused to look at me and I felt a little sad.  She was right…once again I got the sense that time was passing, their lives were moving on in such a different direction to mine.  It was hard to keep up sometimes, but they were still the most important things to me.  They always would be.

I sighed, defeated.  “Mum, I love you.”

A beam broke out across her face as she pulled me into a tight hug.  “Oh, Harry, I love you too!  My little boy, you’ll always be my baby!”

I chuckled at her sentimental nature, hugging her back tightly.  No matter how big a star you are, how many albums you sell, nothing can compare to a hug from your mum.

“Are you all nearly ready?” Gemma’s voice rang out from the kitchen, ruining the moment, “It starts in fifteen minutes, we’ll have to leave now if we don’t want to be late!  And mum, do you know where the wrapping paper is?”

“Yes, I’ll get it out, hold on a second,” Mum called back.  She let go of me, sighing tiredly before giving me a knowing look, then dashed off into the kitchen again.  Christmas was so busy for her; I felt a little bad at how lazy my break was so far.

I watched her leave before taking a final glance at myself in the mirror.  “Kylee, did you fall in or something?” I yelled up the stairs, chuckling to myself at my own joke. 

“I’m coming…”

I stared at my reflection as I ran my palm along my jaw, checking for any harsh stubble as I heard her come down the stairs behind me, her heels clicking loudly on each step.

“Finally, thought you’d never be done…” I said, trailing off as I turned to meet her form…

My heartbeat stopped as my eye's met hers.

I could not breath…my eyes scanned her frame, taking in every inch of the stunning beauty before me, this classy, sophisticated Goddess that I had seemingly never encountered before.  She looked perfect – there was nothing on this earth that matched her beauty right now.  From the delicate, sparkling shoes on her dainty feet to the diamond encrusted hair band that graced her head.  The glitzy, silver dress that fell to just above her knee at the front - the hem dropping slightly lower to her calves at the back – complimented her figure astonishingly, cinching in her waist with a tight bodice that showed off her cleavage beautifully, much to my satisfaction.  The shawl draped over her shoulders drew my eyes to her defined collar bones, her graceful neck, and from there my i traced her delicate jaw, her full, pink lips, her little button nose and her big, icy blue eyes that pierced my skin and arose feelings inside me that made my pulse race.  Her golden hair fell poker straight, framing her face perfectly.  She looked stunning; she made my heart pound and my mouth go dry….

And the best part was that she was mine to take home at the end of the night.

"Kyle's, I…fuck.  Wow!” I stuttered, stumbling over my words, trying to find a way to express the way she made my body go jelly.  “You look…oh my God!”

She bit her lip as she descended the last few steps, standing close enough to me in the small hallway so that her body brushed gently against mine.  I could feel a horrifying amount of throbbing in my crotch.  Not right now, I thought desperately, I can’t get hard now!

“Is the dress alright?  Do I look fat?”

I laughed out loud, shaking my head so enthusiastically I looked like some sort of high-on-ecstasy looper who was being quizzed by the police about drug possession.

“Kylee, if you ever take that dress off I might kill you.  Or fuck you, either way.  Words cannot describe how amazing you look!”

She giggled modestly, glancing down at her heeled feet as she blushed.  “Thanks, babe, you’re not too bad yourself.  This suit makes your shoulders look so broad and manly…”

My ego swelled as she spoke, a smug smirk creeping onto my features.  “Thanks, babycakes, the shoulders and everything that go with them are yours for the taking at the end of the night.”

She winked back, taking my hand and entwining her fingers with mine, causing a tight stirring in the pit of my stomach; childish excitement.  Why did holding her hand make me go weak at the knees?!

“I look forward to that,” she murmured, pulling away just as the others entered from the kitchen.

“Ready, everyone?” mum chimed as we piled outside into the freezing air, my mother and sister along with Robin squashing into their car while I rode with Kylee in my BMW.  I enjoyed the ride, keeping my hand firmly on the top of Kyle's thigh the whole ride, giving her lustful glances every now and again, making her giggle.

We were attending the annual Cheshire Christmas Charity Ball in the town, something which was a little bit of a tradition in my family.  Everybody dressed up and danced and there was some karaoke and drinking and general festive cheer.  It was the best way to spend Christmas Eve, and this year it would be made just that little bit better by the fact that I got to make all my old school friends’ eyes pop out when I walked in with Kylee on my arm.

 It was going to be brilliant.

As we pulled up to the only hotel in the whole area, where the ball was held, I spotted the usual line-up of dodgy teenagers against the wall – hoods up, cigarettes lit.  I gave them the once over, picking out a few familiar faces – one boy who had once beaten up a friend of mine, and another who had glassed a guy in my year once.

“What sort of thing is this?” Kylee whispered as I got out of the car, holding her hand to help her keep balance as she stepped out behind me. 

“It’s just a bit of banter, don’t worry,” I assured her, “Everyone will be in awe of the fact that they have not one, but two celebrities in their midst!  Prepare to sign some autographs…”

She smiled, but it wavered as she spotted the crowd leaning against the wall.  “Will they give us any trouble?”

I glanced up at them, seeing they were looking back at me.  I gripped her hand a little tighter.  “Stay next to me, they won’t bother you.”

I tried my best to avoid the group, but there was no possible route in which I could go.  They were planted right at the door, so I set my mind and strolled towards them, keeping my gaze down…

“Oi, Styles!  Harry!”

I kept my gaze down, tugging Kylee’s hand as she began to lag behind me.  I could feel her ducking behind my back, trying to keep herself from their view.

“You ignoring us, then?  Styles?” one of them leered as we reached them, walking past.  I glanced up at him, before looking away again, almost at the door…


His hand roughly grabbed my shoulder, yanking me round to face him.  I stumbled back, startled, squeezing Kylee’s hand while I did.

“Don’t touch me!” I blurted out, narrowing my eyes at the tall boy, the one who’d grabbed me.  He gave me a glare.  He was the one who’d glassed the boy in my year.  Play it cool, Harry.

“What’s wrong, Styles?  Now that you’re a big teeny bopper idol you can’t talk to the little people anymore?”

I smiled tightly, taking a step back as I wound my arm instinctively around Kylee’s waist, suddenly feeling protective of her.  “Of course not, but I don’t appreciate being thrown around.  Now if you don’t mind, I was planning on going inside…”

I turned slowly towards the door again, but he reached out pulling me back to face him by my blazer.  I heard Kylee squeak nervously behind me.

“Wait a minute, Harold. I’m not done. . .  Who’s the girl?”  His eyes drifted down Kylee’s slender body, her tiny frame shivering lightly beside me in the cold.  His gaze was dirty, sickening, pawing grubbily at every inch of her soft skin, degrading her beautiful perfection simply by casting his gaze on her.  My stomach churned with disgust and I could feel my limbs tensing in preparation to defend her if I had to.

“My friend,” I grunted, “Not that it’s anything to you.”

He snapped his dark glare back to me, angry at my choice of words, and my hostile tone.  He took a step toward me and I shifted back instinctively.

“Ain’t she the one off the telly?” One of his rat-faced friends pitched in.  “Didn’t I see her on the front of a magazine in her knickers?”

I squeezed Kylee closer into my side, looking down at her to see she was blushing darkly, her face with discomfort.  Her voice was low, but urgent and desperate as she pleaded.  “Harry, can we just go inside, please?”

I nodded, stepping back from the group a little further.  “It’s been nice talking to you, fellas, but it’s about time we headed inside.  Lady’s getting cold.”  I tilted my head down to indicate Kylee, backing away towards the door as I felt her hand squeeze mine tightly.

“Alright, bye Harold.”  His leering stare hovered over her again, his eyes cold and lustful as he smirked sickeningly at her, his vulgar gaze shifting over her breasts, the soft outline of her collarbones that he didn’t have the brains to appreciate.  I felt the filthy thoughts he was having about her seep into my mind like maggots crawling into my brain.  It disgusted me right down to the pit of my stomach.  “Bye, baby, hopefully I’ll see you later.”

He winked and I almost wretched, and Kylee shuddered visibly under my hold, doing all but sprinting to the door.

As she burst through into the front hallway, I heard her breathe a sigh of relief.  “Wow, I have never been gladder to get away from someone in my life,” she murmured, leaning against the cream walls, running her fingers through her hair distractedly.  “The way he looked at me…I wanted to vomit, he was just so…vulgar!”

I nodded, standing next to her before tilting her face up to me with my finger to meet her eyes.  “It made me feel a bit sick, the way he was staring at you.  He’s filthy, he’s not worthy of even looking at you…” I shook my head, getting worked up over it again.  “Anyway, it’s fine.  You’re too good for him.  He’s a lowlife, he can’t appreciate you properly.”

She smiled warmly, the usual dusting of a blush covering her cheeks as she looked up at me from beneath her lashes.  She reached up onto her tiptoes, pressing a light kiss to my cheek before she took my hand and guided me up the hall.  “Thank you, Harry.  You know, you’re really hot when you’re angry…”

A grin lit up my face at her words.  “Why thank you.”

“I love Feisty Harry, I’d enjoy seeing him more often!” she giggled, stopping abruptly on her full-forward journey up the hallway as I walked into her, surprised at her sudden stalling.

“What’s up?” I questioned.

She bit her lip, smiling shyly.  “I just realised I have no idea where I’m going.”

I burst into laughter, grabbing her hand and pulling her further along the hall, up a flight of stairs.  “You little ditz, Ky…”

“I’m not a ditz!” she argued, trying miserably to keep up with my quick pace in her heels as I took the stairs three at a time.

“Yes you are,” I replied, reaching the top landing, turning to spin her into my arms, “But I don’t mind, because you’re my ditz!”

She giggled as I pecked her forehead lightly, before dragging her towards the door where I heard the sound of music and festivities.

“You ready?” I mumbled as I wrapped my hand around the handle, securing my arm around my her.

She nodded, grinning, and with a firm shove, I pushed the door open, the babble of conversation and the notes of a familiar Christmas song mixing into a blur of festive sound.  Immediately, all eyes near the door turned to envelope us, gazes squinting through the dim lighting of the ballroom.  I spotted mum and Gemma from across the room, relaxing at a table near the front.  The stage at the head of the hall was lit up with spotlights, couples twirling energetically on the dancefloor just in front of it.  We strolled calmly through the room, dodging around tables and people.  I slid my hand up and down along her waist as my arm fell loosely around her, declaring to everyone who glanced up that she was mine for tonight. 

I wished she could be mine every night, if I was honest.

“Do you want to meet my old school friends?” I asked, leaning just a little closer to her ear than was needed, my lips almost brushing her skin.  Well, I didn’t see the harm in giving people the right impression…if people deducted that we were a little more than friends, was that such a bad thing?  If the people I’d gone to school with, who I hadn’t seen in months thought I was dating one of the hottest actresses on the market, was that a crime?

She shrugged, taking in the entire ballroom with wide eyes.  “Sure, why not?”

I grinned, tugging her along next to me as I approached a table in the corner surrounded by what appeared to be some slightly tipsy teenagers.

“Guys, long time no see!” I announced as I reached them, a few faces glancing up with delighted looks.

A few of them jumped up to greet me, which was followed by some awkward man hugs from my old friends, Danny, Matt, James…It was great to see people who I’d gone to playschool with – to remember where my roots were.

“Nice to see you, didn’t think you’d come,” Danny told me, giving me a friendly knock on the shoulder.

“Why not?  I come every year,” I reasoned.

He shrugged.  “I don’t know, you’re only a massive popstar now?  I didn’t think this was your scene.”

I felt a twang of disappointment in my stomach.  Was that really what people thought of me now?  That I was some big headed stuck up star who was too good for his own hometown?

I forced a grin.  “No way!  I’ll never be too good for Holmes Chapel, man.”

He grinned, glancing to my right as his eyes bulged slightly.  “And you’re off Disney Channel.”

She giggled lightly and I could see the faces of every person at the table turn, the boys melting and the girls growling with envy.  I pulled her into me possessively.  This was brilliant.

“I’m Kylee Roberts.” she purred, smiling beautifully as she shook Danny’s hand, being pulled into an unexpected hug, which was slightly over friendly on Danny’s part – too much for my liking.

“Harry, how many hearts did you break when you two got together?” he asked curiously, glancing between us.

I beamed.  “We’re just friends, don’t worry.”

I heard a few sudden loud squeals from behind us, and turned to see a group of little girls no older than six or seven gazing in awe at the heroine of their favourite Disney show.

“Oh, duty calls!” Kylee murmured, strolling over to the girls, where she started signing autographs. she bent down to their height, her slinky little silver dress highlighting her attractive rear end perfectly.

Danny leant into me, passing me a champagne flute, a knowing look on his face as he dropped his voice to a whisper.  “Ok, so how many times have you shagged her now?”

I grinned, shaking my head as I took a casual sip.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

He rolled his eyes.  “Harry, come on, how long have I known you?  You’ve been banging her, I can tell!  Just friends my ass…”

I shrugged.  “We are friends.  We’re not dating, either way.”

He cocked an eyebrow at me.  “Oh, so what is it?  Fuck buddies?”

I kept quiet, answering with a smirk and a long slurp of my drink.

He shook his head, laughing deeply.  “Harry..”

“What?” I questioned, playing innocent.  “I find her attractive, she finds me attractive, but neither of us want a relationship.”  Not totally true.  “It’s win win!”

He chuckled, glancing behind me to where Kylee was kneeling on the floor with the two kids, her dress riding up a little to reveal her tanned thighs.  “Can’t say I’m not jealous, Haz.”

I smiled, laughing lightly before a sugar sweet voice that I vaguely recognised called me from behind.

“Harry, is that you?!”

I turned on the spot, my heart practically freefalling out of my arse as my eyes settled on the tall, newly brunette girl stood before me.  The girl who had grown up a wonderful amount since I’d last seen her….and a girl who had matured rather amazingly. 

“Kendall,” I stuttered, unable to stop my eyes from running up and down her frame, accentuated by the gorgeous red dress she wore – the extremely tight, revealing dress she wore.  My stomach swirled uneasily as I felt my blood running slightly hotter.

“Haven’t seen you in months!” she exclaimed, giggling attractively as she pulled me into a tight hug -  squeezing just a little more than was necessary – before pulling back to admire my suited and booted frame.  A wave of self conscience suddenly overcame me.

Kendall had been the most popular girl in my grade at school.  The type of girl every guy dreamed of getting with, the one that any boy would have given up his left leg to date.  The one who not so long ago had only been a distant teenage crush in the back of my mind.  Now that I was suddenly ‘famous’ it seemed she wasn’t quite so far out of reach anymore.

“You look sophisticated!” she complimented, smiling brightly.  My heart fluttered, skipping a beat or two.  Control yourself, Harold.

“Are you here with anyone?” I blurted out, smiling enthusiastically  at her, slightly forward. 

What had come over me?  She’s probably only interested because you’re doing well now, I told myself.

 “No, I’m all alone over Christmas,” she murmured, and my eyes were drawn to how her fingers played tantalizingly with the rim of her glass.  “I’ll have nobody to kiss under the mistletoe…”

I bit my lip, my heartbeat racing, before a loud clearing of a throat tore me from my trance.  I glanced to my left, suddenly recalling that I did, in fact, have someone with me.

“Harry, aren’t you going to introduce me?” Kylee had popped up next to me at some point, and her tone now urged me on sweetly, but I could hear the bitter undertone beneath it.  Was she angry?  Upset?

She couldn’t be….jealous, could she?

I grinned, nodding towards her as I introduced them.  “Kendall, Kylee, Kylee, Kendall." "nice to meet you" they both greyed each other. "Kendall was in my year at school.  We were in the same English class, actually.”

Kendall looked confused.  “No we weren’t.” 

I nodded.  “We were.  You sat at my table, me and Danny and and your friend Allana.  Remember?”

She started back blankly.  “Oh, yeah.  Sure.”

Kylee nodded, giving me devil eyes.  “Oh, right, I see…”  Her gaze turned to Kendall and her tone turned to sugar, a little too sweet, and I could see straight through it.  “Cute.  It’s nice that you and Harry were so close in school.”  She suddenly tucked herself into my side, pulling my arm around her.  I glimpsed down at her, a little surprised, but non-objecting all the same.

Kendall noted the way my hand fell contentedly around her waist, and smirked knowingly.  “Oh, right, I didn’t know you two were together…”

Just as Kylee opened her mouth to speak, I butted in.  “Oh, we’re not!  We’re just friends…”  Why was I so quick to jump in?  Had I not wanted everyone to think she was mine a moment ago?

Kendall’s eyes lit up, obviously hearing the answer she’d craved from me.  “Oh, right, that’s nice!”

I returned her playful gaze, but a sense of remorse whisked up in my stomach.  I felt Kylee tense and slither out of my grip.  I glanced down at her inquisitively, cocking my eyebrows at her.

“I think I’m gonna go sit down, have a chat with Gemma,” she mumbled almost inaudibly, not quite meeting my gaze.  What was up with her?

“Okay, you sure?” I asked, sweeping her hair from her face, a simple action that seemed to send shivers up my spine. 

Before she could even reply, Kendall had gripped my arm, an enthusiastic grin gripping her features.  “Oh, Harry, we should dance!  For old times sake, what do you think?”

I looked into her over elated face, confusion clouding my judgement.  I felt my pulse race, my gaze blur with lust as I looked over the alluring, once much desired girl on my arm, the one whose body was calling out to me like a siren.  The one I’d spent hours of my early teens pining over, wishing she would look twice at me…now I had a chance, a window of opportunity.  Was I going to throw that away?

 My eyes snapped back to the beautiful blonde who was staring into my soul, giving me a look that I couldn’t quite decipher.  The one who’s touch felt like lightening, who I had earlier longed could be mine.  But at the end of the day, she didn’t want me like that.  To her, I was just the best friend.  Kendall seemed to be showing an interest that I had always hoped for, and to be able to get with her for even one night… was like Christmas come early.

Kylee would always be waiting for me at home if I wanted a second choice, right?

“Do you mind?” I asked quietly, searching her face for some clue to how she felt. 

She smiled but I could see the faint glint of upset in her eyes as she shook her head.  “No, no, of course not!  You two go ahead, have fun.  I’ll just sit down for a while.”

“You sure?” I tried to persist, but as soon as the words had left her mouth Kendall had swept me out to the middle of the floor, setting my arms awkwardly on her waist as we began to sway, her beaming grin going unnoticed as I peered over her shoulder to watch the perfect, tall beauty in the silver dress drifting forlorn across the floor alone, pausing beside the bar where she crossed her hands and breathed a long, disheartened sigh.  My head swam with misunderstanding.  How could I want both of them so much?

“This is nice,” Kendall purred into my ear as she slipped her hands boldly around my shoulders, tugging gently on the loose curls at the nape of my neck making thrills race through my nerve endings.  God, I really did want her.

I nodded, smiling kindly as we continued to dance, my eyes still following the other, the familiar girl, the one who I’d shared so much with.  Was she angry with me, I asked myself.  But she couldn’t be angry, she could only be angry if she was jealous - and what reason did she have to be jealous?  Unless she wanted me to herself….unless she had the same confusing feeling in the pit of her guts every time she looked at me that I had for her.  If she was jealous…did that mean she liked me?

I felt a smile tug at my lips as a plan formed in my head.  I’d just tease her.  Make her realise that she liked me much more than she considered herself to.  This could work to my advantage, I realised.

I pulled Kendall against me tighter as I noticed Kylee’s eyes watching us slyly.  “Yeah, it’s really nice,” I murmured, smirking.

Kylee’s POV

I waited unaccompanied by the bar, defying myself not to pursue them with my eyes as they held each other on the dance floor.  It was none of my business, anyway.  She was obviously one of those popular girls, the kind every guy wanted.  She’d probably never given Harry the time of day at school, now she was practically dry-humping him.  How could I blame him for taking up the offer of a dance? 

It wasn’t like we were exclusive.  I was his friend, I should be happy for him getting cosy with the girl he fancied.  I should give him a pat on the back.  Maybe I should buy him a card.  Hey, Harry, hoping you get the chance to shag her brains out later, wouldn’t that be great?  I’d be so happy for you!  Lots of love, the girl you left standing alone feeling sorry for herself in the corner – Kylee, just in case you forgot my name.

I sighed, glancing down at my feet wretchedly.  Why did it bother me so much?  He wasn’t mine.  I didn’t own him, and he didn’t own me.  Wasn’t that how I’d wanted it?  No strings attached, no commitments?  I’d never planned for my feelings to get in the way so much.

Mind you, it would help if he didn’t push his crotch up on her while they were dancing.  Seriously, who does that?

Maybe I was just being protective, not possessive.  She didn’t have Harry’s best interests in mind; she just wanted to be able to say she pulled a member of One Direction.  Harry was like a brother to me, I didn’t want to see him get hurt…

Yeah, right.  Brother my ass.  I couldn’t even convince myself, so what was the point?

I leaned back against the wall taking a slow gulp of my vodka and coke, keeping my eyes on everything but them.  Really, it was rude of him to leave me here.  I was supposed to be his date for the night and he abandoned me.  Somebody definitely was not getting any later, I thought smugly to myself.  My smirk vanished, however, when I realised he’d probably be getting it somewhere else tonight.

“Hey, lovely,” a voice addressed me, and I gave a fleeting glimpse up to see someone I remembered briefly, smiling affectionately, a friend of Harrys.

“Hi,” I replied, returning his smile, “You’re Harrys friend, right?”

He nodded.  “I’m Danny.”

I recalled his overfriendly hug from earlier.  “Oh yeah, I remember.”

He grinned, looking down into his pint.  “Has Harry left you all alone, then?”

I shrugged, batting my eyelashes fiercely as I kept my eyes on the floor.  “Yeah, he’s just dancing with that whore.”  I paused, layering on the sarcasm.  “Oh, sorry, I meant girl.”

He laughed, his eyes trained on the two of them swaying on the floor.  “Are you jealous, Miss Roberts?”

I glared at him, narrowing my eyes.  “No.  Why would I be?  Harry’s just my friend.”

He smiled weakly.  “Yeah, Harry told me about the whole fuck buddy thing you’ve got going on.”

My eyes popped open, my cheeks heating in embarrassment.  “Oh.  Right.  Well you probably think I’m a total slut, then.”

He shook his head.  “Nah, Harry’s a charmer.  He could get anyone.”

I grimaced, feeling the bitterness behind it despite how much I told myself about I was not jealous.  “Yeah, anyone,” I mumbled under my breath as I sipped my drink.

He was silent for a moment as I gazed at the floor, trying anything to distract my wandering mind.  That was some really good wood they had here, really brown…very wood-like. 

“You know,” Danny interrupted my uninteresting train of thought, and my eyes snapped up to his, “If you want to get back at Harry for abandoning you to dance with his whore – I mean girl, of course – you should just do the same to him.”

I raised an eyebrow, turning the idea over in my mind.  I smirked slowly.  Jealous Harry…now that was an idea I liked very much.

“So you’re saying I should just get with some other guy to piss him off?”

He nodded.  “Yeah, sure.  Y’know, I think you should just dance with the next guy you see.  The very next guy.  Maybe the guy you’re looking at now, there’s nothing wrong with him…”

I chuckled at his feeble effort at being unobvious.  “You’re cute.  Now c’mere, Operation Pissed Off Styles is now in motion.” 

Danny grinned, taking my hand as he guided me out to the middle of the dancefloor.  I let him pull me close – maybe a little too close – his hands securely on my waist as we began to dance.  I watched Harry cautiously, feeling a rush of sweet, revengeful satisfaction when he caught my gaze, my head resting without difficulty on his friend’s shoulder.  His face was pure gold – the arrangement was definitely operational.

I had Harry wrapped around my little finger, after all.

Harry’s POV

What the fuck was she doing with him?

I glowered across the floor over Kendall’s shoulder, watching Kylee as she swayed comfortably in his arms, his hands on her waist.  She looked like she was enjoying it as she laid her head on his shoulder, the way she always did with me after we’d had sex, her breath coming in soft pants, her hair mussed up and her eyes sparkling as they met mine.  Her hands would still tremble as she ran her fingers tenderly along my collarbones, her bare skin clammy and warm to the touch as she'd lay against me, her lips murmuring gentle words of praise and pleasure… 

That was how she was with me.  How did he have permission to hold her like that?  To push himself against her angelic body as she moved gracefully along to the music?  It should be me touching her that way.  Appearing as best friends simply dancing together to onlookers, the outside world unaware of the dirty promises she whispered into my ear, the way my hand pinched her skin slightly, making her flush with want, her eyes darkening with lust.


I glanced down at the trickle of a voice from Kendall, her eyes apprehensive as she caught my gaze passing over her head.  I’d been staring at the other couple for quite a while it seemed.

“Yeah?” I said, smiling as I twirled her under my arm leisurely, seeing her distrustful expression melt away like butter in the sun.

“Nothing,” she murmured as I pulled her back into me, her hands rubbing across the back of my neck, doing wonderful things to my body.

I beamed, but it didn’t feel right.  Nothing felt right.  Why was I bothering to make such an effort with her, just to get a shag?  I could have sex tonight if I wanted, it wasn’t like I needed to go fishing for it…Kylee sharing my room, for God’s sake, it would be a Christmas miracle if we could keep our hands off each other. 

It was more a matter of pride, my own sense of self-assurance…she was the hottest girl in my year.  And God, she really was hot.  Even just dancing with her, I was getting overwhelmed…she was just so different from Kylee, so alluring and mysterious and….brunette.  It was the fact that she was something new – a challenge. 

But now, seeing Kylee with someone else – Danny, my friend, none the less – made my stomach swirl with some crazy emotions…things I couldn’t put my finger on.  That horrible sinking feeling.  Maybe I was angry, upset.  Jealous.  But I had no reason to feel that way, I reminded myself once again.  She didn’t belong to me, we weren’t restricted to just each other.  She didn’t like me as much as I liked her.  I told myself once again all the reasons why, the reasons I had memorised by heart now after reciting them so often.  Every time I felt urged to lean in and kiss her as we stood in a shop queue, or when I wanted to just hold her close instead of having sex.  Things that weren’t acceptable in a Friends With Benefits situation.

“Harry,” Kendall growled, biting her lip as she moved her face close to my ear, “Fancy going somewhere a little….quieter?”

Her voice was a dulcet purr, oozing sex appeal. 

She was impossible to resist.

“Yeah, alright,” I mumbled feebly in reply, trying to smile as my heart began to race, my eyes drinking in her obvious curvature, her long, bouncy dark hair.  My pulse quickened as she grabbed my hand pulling me without problems towards the door.  I caught Kylee’s gaze as it followed the two of us, my heart skipping a beat as I felt a twinge of regret, guilt, shame. 

But then we were through the double doors at the end of the hall and immediately then we were outside, my body being dragged around a dark corner before Holly crashed me against her frame, her full lips meeting mine, my smart trousers straining as I began to get hot despite the freezing cold.  She guided my unassuming hand to her thigh as her tongue plunged into my mouth, making the message of what she wanted very clear.

I slid my palm up her leg, pushing her underwear aside as I ran my thumb over her, slipping a finger inside her.  She whimpered in response, and I began to pick up a rhythm, feeling her quiver in pleasure beneath my practiced touch.  She broke our kiss, her breathing shallow.

“Oh, Harry, don’t stop…”

She ran her fingers along my hard crotch and I groaned, clenching my eyes shut – but another girl’s face filled my mind.  I heard that sweet American twang in her moans of pleasure, I felt Kylee’s skin under my fingers, her knowing hands on my throbbing erection, and I missed how she knew just where to brush to get me going, just how I liked it.

Did I really need a cheap quickie beside the bins?

I kissed Kendall, but I tasted her.  I shouldn’t want her so much.  I shouldn’t wish I was with her instead.

I shouldn’t be so taken with her already.  But I couldn’t help it.  The skin underneath my fingers was hers in my mind, and that was what it took to make me feel worth it.

Kylee’s POV

“Okay, so we’ll start off now with the annual raffle!  Here we go!”

The plump man on stage happily as he spoke into the microphone, his Cheshire accent booming around the room.  I sighed sorrowfully in my seat next to Gemma where I’d retreated miserably after seeing him leave with The Slut.  God only knows what he was doing with her.  I didn’t even care. 

He was probably fucking her really hard.  I didn’t give a fuck. 

The plump man continued reading from his cue cards, grinning goofily.  “So for third prize we’re giving away this hamper of wine, food, lots of Christmasy cuisine, worth fifty pounds, provided by the corner shop…in second, a hundred pound voucher for Asda…and in first prize, kindly donated by Miss Ann Cox, we have a kiss under the mistletoe with Harry Styles!”

There was up-roar of cheers from every female in the room, all of whom clutched their raffle tickets optimistically.  I could have gagged…and yet I didn’t know why.

“Where is Harry?” Gemma asked suddenly, turning to me.  I tried to keep a blank expression, shrugging nonchalantly.  Like I didn’t even care.

“I saw him go outside,” I replied casually, “Do you want me to go look for him?”  No, Kylee, why did you suggest that? 

Gemma nodded, smiling gratefully, “please, he needs to be here by the time the raffle ends…”

I nodded, smiling falsely before slipping out of my seat, stalking towards the door with a heavy heart and a swirling stomach.  Why was I bothering?  He was probably having the time of his life.  Not that I cared.  Maybe I’d bang the fat announcement man.  That’d show him.

I strolled outside, glancing around nervously in the dark.  The streets of Holmes Chapel were dimly lit by a few street lamps and some snow was beginning to fall.  I shivered, feeling goosebumps rise on my skin before I ducked around the corner, not knowing where I was going, and not really caring.  I was formulating a plan, deciding that I’d walk around the back, stall a few minutes, then go back inside and tell Gemma I couldn’t find him.  He’d just have to miss his little charity kiss under the mistletoe.  I bet he would be gutted.

I looked up from the floor, my heart abruptly plummeting.  He had her up against the wall, her hands tangling in his hair, their embrace hot and passionate.

He had his hands up her skirt.

I felt a lump in my throat as I turned on my heel, my movements swift, and my body frantic to get away.  He hadn’t seen me.  He didn’t need to know I’d noticed.  I’d tell him I felt unwell, get a taxi back to London. 

But why?  He wasn’t mine, I wasn’t his.  I screamed it at myself for the millionth time all night, the one thing I seemed to keep forgetting.  We were not a couple.  I had no reason to be envious, or livid, or distraught.

So why did I feel like I wanted to be sick?

A hand suddenly clenched my arm, a firm grip, and I jumped, almost screaming but stopping myself.  I didn’t want Harry to know I’d been here.  Not that a bomb would distract him right now, mind.

“Look who it is, little miss precious,” the tall, burly guy from outside the door earlier leered into my face, his cider tinted breath fanning over me and making me queasy.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” I snapped, tearing my arm from his grip.  I gave him a revolted glance before storming away, feeling miserable.  I didn’t need this sort of harassment.

His grip encircled my arm again, spinning my body violently and slamming me back against the concrete wall, knocking my breath right out of my lungs.  I started to screech, but his hand clamped over my mouth.  Terror quickly took the place of my heartbreak, my body thrashing urgently against his fierce hold.

“That’s no way for a lady to speak, now is it?” he grunted, his face inches from mine, my arms beating ferociously against his big bear-like figure, trying fruitlessly to stop him.  He laughed in response, my muffled shrieks barely audible to anybody but myself.

His rough paws grabbed onto the skirt of my dress, hitching it up over my hips so that the freezing cold air hit my thighs.  My body shook with horror.  I could tell what he was planning.  Tears began leaking down my face as my body racked with sobs, my legs clamping tight shut in an effort to protect my dignity, my hands battling against him weakly.

“Stop fighting, sunshine, I’m going to have my way whether you like it or not…”

I braced myself, clenching my eyes shut as his dirty, sickening palms grazed my hipbones, my stomach swirling with disgust.  I felt disgusting, pathetic.  He was taking about to take every ounce of dignity I had.  I thought of Harry just around the corner, his gentle touch gracing another girl’s body while I stood here, fighting desperately as he now pulled at my underwear, my legs thrashing wildly in retaliation.

I thought of Harry, how angry he’d been earlier.  My body warmed as I started to hope.  If I could just yell, scream, something…

I bit down as hard as I could on his hand covering my mouth, digging my teeth into his flesh.  He yelped, leaping away from me as he whimpered in pain.

“Help, Help me, please!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying to pull away, but his grip was still tight around my body, my wiggling doing little to throw him off.

“You little bitch!” he grunted furiously, hurtling my back into the wall harshly, taking my breath away and making me gasp in pain.  Harry wouldn’t hear me.  He wasn’t coming.  Nobody was coming.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” 

The deep roar of that familiar, loved voice boomed out from the corner, and I was immediately released from his rough grip, my limbs trembling with fear as I tripped over myself to get away, stumbling towards Harry’s waiting, warm arms, strong confines that engulfed me and immediately made me feel untouchable.  I glanced up gratefully at his face, never feeling happier to see anyone in my life, but I was startled by the pure, fiery rage in his eyes, the tension in his jaw and how he clenched his fists, seemingly ready to get in a fight with this boy who was quite a bit bigger than Harry.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” he screamed, again, glaring venomously at the tall boy who had now drawn up his hood and fled around the corner.  Harry unwrapped me from his grip, about to sprint after him.  I caught his arm, pulling him round to look at me, my heart stopping cold at the hatred in his eyes, the wrath in his face.  He looked…terrifying.  I was scared of him when he was like this – I’d never seen him so angry.  He looked like he could kill someone in this state.

“It’s okay, Harry,” I murmured, trying to soothe him, “Calm down.  I’m fine.”

He stared back into my tear streaked face, my skin still lined with goosebumps and my dress dirtied and torn up the back.  I must have looked pathetic.  I felt pathetic.

 I watched as his face softened, his features transforming into the caring, warm boy who I knew.  His fingers fumbled clumsily, whipping my tears from my eyes as he pressed a firm, passionate kiss to my temple, his hands exploring my arms and waist for any bumps, bruises, a sign of injury.

“What did he do to you?” he stuttered, his voice commanding but weak and trembling with emotion all at once.  I’d never seen Harry so worked up, so upset.  Did he care this much about me?  “Did he touch you anywhere, at all?  I swear to God if he so much as….as…” he trailed off, shaking his head at the thought.

I smiled sadly; fighting back tears as I thought of how he’d palmed my skin roughly, feeling repulsion at the fact that he’d touched me at all.  “Don’t worry, he didn’t get a chance.  I’m fine,”

He looked up into my eyes, his face full of care and concern.  “You don’t look fine, you must feel horrible, I can’t even imagine!  He attacked you!”  Harry paused, a flash of incentive in his eyes.  “We should report him, I know where he lives.  He deserves to be punished.  I’m calling the police,” he pulled out his iPhone, tapping in the three little digits before I snatched the little device from his grip.  He looked up at me with wide eyes in confusion.

I shook my head.  “Don’t, please, Harry.”

He looked appalled.  “Kylee, I don’t care if you’re fine, who knows what he could have done!  He shouldn’t be on the streets, what if he does it to someone else?”

I swallowed hard, shrugging.  “I don’t want this getting leaked to the press…I don’t need that.  Please, Harry, don’t say anything.  For me.”

He looked hesitant, weighing up his options in his mind, his lips a flat line.  He nodded eventually, understanding my position.  “Fine.  But I’m taking you home.”

I glanced at my shoes.  I wasn’t opposed to this suggestion – I looked like a right despondent state, with my torn dress, tatty hair and patchy makeup.  I wanted to leave, to hide behind walls and doors and be with nobody but him.  He would be able to make it better.


We both glanced back towards the corner, where that whore was watching with judgemental eyes.  I felt my cheeks boil with embarrassment, uncomfortable in the knowledge that she’d witnessed me looking so vulnerable.  I’d forgotten about everything from earlier, why I’d even been coming to look for Harry.  Now it all came crashing back and I remembered what he’d done with her, where his hands had been, the hands that touched me so easily, so tenderly. 

I felt slightly repulsed.

“Harry…?” she muttered, giving him a look, one that said “What the fuck?  You left me half done to go act like some prince on a fucking horse?”

He blinked at her, giving me a glance from the corner of his eye, an apology.  I avoided his gaze, unsure of my feelings.  He sighed and turned away, speaking quietly and firmly.

“Sorry, Kendall, Kylee’s in a bad mood.  Can you tell my mum she felt ill and I brought her home?”

I glanced up, my curiosity getting the best of me.  She didn’t look pleased, to say the least as she rolled her eyes subtly, smiling tightly.  “Yeah, sure.  I’ll do that.”

Harry nodded in response, taking my hand protectively as he guided me round the front in the semi darkness, wrapping an arm around me and rubbing my shoulder soothingly. 

“I’m sorry I left you alone,” he mumbled, “I shouldn’t have.  I don’t know why I did.”

I tried to keep my voice casual, even.  Not giving the hurt I had felt at his abandonment away.  “It’s okay.  I can see why you would.  She’s gorgeous.”

He sighed, and his tone was low, so small that I wondered whether he’d meant for me to hear it at all.

“She’s not you.”

Harry’s POV

“There you go,” I smiled lovingly, offering Kylee the tall, steaming mug of hot chocolate and she took it gratefully, grinning with a little effort before taking a cautious sip of the hot liquid.  I’d added some cream and marshmallows to the top just to top it off – it should be perfect for her, especially after the night she’d had.

She pulled the duvet of my bed around her frame tightly, sitting up with her back against the headboard.  The beside light cast a warm, ochre glow over her features and reached around the room, lighting it dimly with a snug, homely radiance.  The memories of my past loomed at me from every angle – frames outlining pictures of a chubby teenager with tightly packed curls and a goofy, bashful demeanour that I still resembled in some respects.  I liked to think I’d lost a little puppy fat, grown up a bit, gained some experience…I knew myself much better now.  I thought of the youngster who’d once sat dreaming of building a career around his voice, the voice his mum told him held so much potential.  Who dreamed of selling out arenas and signing autographs every day of his life. 

If that little boy could see where he was now.

“Thanks, Harry,” Kylee whispered, gulping down her drink as she cuddled against my side, my body sliding in between the sheets to accompany her.  How was it possible that she still looked beautiful with a scrubbed face and in ratty sweatpants and a thermal top?  Quite frankly, she looked adorable.  I smiled contentedly, pressing a mischievous peck to her cheek.

“No problem, baby.  It’s my job to take care of you, right?”

She nodded, beaming amusedly.  “That’s what best friends are for.”

I smiled, agreeing, despite the way her choice of words made my heart pine.  Best Friends.  Just Friends. 

That was all.

It was still pretty early, only just turned 11:30.  Gemma and mum would be out until well after 2am, I guessed, and I was happy to have a little peace and quiet with my sweet Kylee, time to comfort her without intruding eyes and questions.  She was all mine; for now, at least.

“I don’t just mean the hot chocolate,” she murmured gently, a short silence filling the room.  “Thanks for coming to my rescue earlier.  I don’t want to imagine what might have happened…”  She stopped, sniffing loudly as her features darkened with the memory of earlier.  I ran my fingers up her arm, pulling her into me and pressing tender kisses along her jaw.

“Don’t think about it,” I muttered quietly, running my lips gently along her neck, my hands trailing up her spine.  “Just forget.”

She nodded slowly, groaning as I sucked softly on her neck, her breaths becoming heavy and shallow, giving way to low, throaty moans. 

“Harry,” she gasped, tugging on my curls, her head falling back to reveal even more of her neck to me, her breasts rising and falling with her ragged breathing.

Why had I ever wanted anything other than her?

I pulled away slowly, keeping her eyes trained on mine, setting her mug carefully to the side.  I rested my legs either side of her, lowering my body over hers.  She watched me intently; her lips open in an adorable pout. 

“Is this okay?” I asked softly, hovering my mouth excruciatingly close to hers.  She nodded eagerly, her tongue flickering out quickly to moisten her lips. 

“This is fine,” she sighed, her hands finding my neck and pulling me down to kiss her, our lips locking, tongues moving sensuously against each other.  There was none of the usual tension, none of the normal frantic racing to unclothe each other, the feeling of needing to do everything wildly and at full speed.  This was relaxed, this was easy, effortless.  It came naturally to me.

I broke our embrace, straying downwards over her chin and to her collarbones, nipping delicately on her skin, a rush of excitement building inside me as she whispered heated words of encouragement, her fingers knotting and tangling carefully in my hair. 

I tugged on the edge of her t-shirt, dragging it up slowly over her frame until I tossed it carelessly onto my bedroom floor behind, kissing her passionately while my hands tended to her breasts.  Her fingers danced along the muscles in my back, tracing my shoulder blades and the length of my spine, making me shudder with anticipation.  Her lips were hungry on mine, my hands palming her boobs, pushing them together roughly.  She groaned, breaking away from our kiss to throw her head back, my mouth finding her neck once again.

“I wan to to feel you, Harry,” she breathed, her body shuddering in my arms as I moved my touch downwards, watching in satisfaction as her body responded so gladly to the simplest of actions.

I lolled my tongue along her neck, burying my nose in her hair as I pressed my lips to the soft spot behind her ear, whispering passionately against her skin whilst feeling myself swell next to her thigh.  “Your wish is my command, babycakes…”

She wriggled keenly, moving to help me as I slipped my hold beneath the waistband of her sweatpants, dragging her knickers down along with them before discarding both garments, glancing down between us to take in her endless legs, the glorious flatness of her stomach.  She was beautiful, devastatingly so.

My fingers brushed her entrance, gaining soft whimpers from her, her teeth digging into her lower lip as she clenched her eyes shut, savouring the feeling of my hands on her.  The way it should be.

“You’re so wet,” I murmured in praise, lowering my lips to hers once again, our kisses gentle instead of ravishing. 

This was not like usual…it felt new.

 It felt…right?

She fluttered her eyes open, her eyelashes batting back and forth and resembling an innocent little deer caught in headlights.  She was just the same… harmless, sweet, naive.

“Take me, Harry,” she whispered, a dulcet yearning layered in her voice, making my heart crash louder and harder against my chest.  She entwined her fingers deeper in my curls, smiling against my tender kisses as I pulled back my boxers, letting my now stiff erection spring out from its confines.  I kicked them down my legs, looking into her eyes as I positioned myself, sliding my hard shaft over her opening, teasing her.  I was fulfilled with the frustrated cries I received in return, smirking happily.

One of her hands shifted from my curls, cupping the side of my face gently.  Her thumb curved over my cheekbones, her eyes searching mine.  She smiled, giving a tiny nod, cueing me that it was alright.

My tip grazed her, her moans breathless and exhilarated, her pulse pumping with adrenaline.  I took my time, giving one, slow, deep thrust, and feeling her whole body contract as she braced herself against the new feeling of me inside her.

I waited patiently for her to adjust, marvelling at the mind blowing initial release of pleasure, the feeling of having her around me.  It was so comforting, so undemanding…no pressure.  She was just Kylee, and I was just Harry.  There was nothing more, nothing less with her.  No high expectations, no judgements because of who I was.  She just wanted me.  And that made me feel better than I’d ever felt with any of the quick flings I had this past year.

More,” she whimpered, gripping my forearms tightly as I pulled out and crashed in again, unsteady at first but soon finding my feet, our bodies moving with ease in unison.  Her legs wrapped firmly around my waist, giving me a brilliant angle, my heart thumping harder with every groan she gave me.  Her soft cries of need filled the empty room and the air quickly became hot and sticky, my lungs aching with the effort of breathing, my hips rolling back against hers again and again.  I wondered at how beautiful she was, at how it felt to hold her, to hear her delicate sighs of my name as I brought her all the attention, and the love she craved.

“Oh God…Harry…”  Her lips caressed my name like it was precious, the syllables rolling of her tongue fluently.  “I’m close…Harry, I’m so close…”

I grunted in agreement, closing my eyes against my approaching orgasm.  “Come for me, Kylee.  Let it go.”

I drove myself forcefully into her over and over, her voice becoming louder each time, the old, beaten bed creaking under our strain.  I could feel her nearing the edge, tightening delectably around me, my own climax threatening to envelope me.

She gasped, screaming, yelling my name, as her toes curled against my back, her hot, sweaty body reaching its final peak.  I couldn’t take it any longer.  Her crumpled expression, her exhausted body…it drove me crazy.  I pushed into her in a final effort, feeling the waves of euphoria and pleasure overriding me as I spilled inside her, every muscle in my body tensing as she sent me freefalling.

“Fuck, Kylee…” I gasped, my body falling limply against hers, my energy drained and my skin damp with the effort.  We lay together, holding each other for a silent moment, just enjoying the feeling of her skin on mine.  Her breathing calmed gradually, and she rested her forehead to mine, her gaze pinning me securely.  I brushed a strand of hair from her face that clung to her sticky skin, smiling as she giggled, biting her lip cutely.

“You’re incredible, Harry,” she whispered, tracing her fingers lightly along my features.  “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

I smiled weakly.  “I’ve never met anybody quite like you, either, Kylee.  You make me a little bit crazy.”

She beamed, blushing gracefully.  “I could never have even wished for someone like you to come strolling into my life.”  She paused, sighing longingly.  “I wish I had a boyfriend as perfect as you.”  Her fingers played in the loose curls hanging over my ears, her eyes drifting away.  “You’ll make some girl really happy one day.”

My heart sank, my stomach churning with sorrow.  You could be that girl, I wanted to tell her.  Please be the girl, I beg you.  I need you.

I kind of love you.

She shrugged, completely unaware of the conflict going on in my mind, the want and the distress and the pain.  The fact that she was the only one I could see.

“It doesn’t matter.  Can we go to sleep?  Santa won’t come if we’re awake!”  She chuckled childishly, tucking her face into my neck, laying her head on my shoulder.  The way she always did with me after we’d had sex, her breath coming in soft pants, her hair mussed up and her eyes sparkling as they met mine…

I beamed out of the blue as my jealousy of Danny from earlier resurfaced in my mind…what had I been worried about?  Wasn’t I the one she curled up next to her now, her body naked and vulnerable and mine for the taking?

She spotted my smirk while I tugged the quilts up over our exposed figures, tucking them around her neatly to keep the cold December chill out.  “What are you smiling at?”

I shook my head, amused at my own stupidity.  “Nothing, just thinking about how silly I am sometimes.”

Her lips curled up, her eyes sparkling cheekily.  I flicked off the light, feeling her movements in the darkness.

“My silly little curly boy,” she murmured, giggling.  “Merry Christmas, Harry.”

I let my arm drop across her slim waist, holding her tightly…like I never wanted to let go.

“Merry Christmas, Kylee.”

Here’s hoping this time next year, we’d be more than just friends.

okay.. so this week hasn't been all that great for me.. I've been having some 'guy issue's' and.. I.. kind of put some of the things that happened into this chapter. so yeah,  p.s. boys are stupid!

As always, feedback is soo appreciated, I love hearing what you guys think :) Thanks for being patient and waiting so long for this lol! :D Also, as always, vote for an update xx

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