A Race Against Time

By VintageLove7

2.3K 522 1.1K

Big Dipper, the most wanted serial killer is gone missing. Detective Josh Anderson is reckless about finding... More

Detective Josh Anderson


127 26 55
By VintageLove7

"Some people hid in the darkness, while others hide in the daylight," said Lieutenant Steve looking out. "They are someone like us; it might be someone among us. It might be you or me."

"Wow, someone is becoming smart," joked Detective Josh.

They were returning from visiting the victim's friends and relatives.

"Drop me here," Lieutenant requested.

Detective Josh slowed down the car and stopped, "why?"

"I need to meet a friend, see you at the station." He got down.

Some people hid in the darkness, while others hide in the daylight.It's true, that is what makes it scarier. Whoever it is, needs to be punished. The killer not only takes the life of the victim but also the life of his close ones.

Detective Josh thought about the day that came after Amelia's death. He saw darkness everywhere. Despair and gloom filled days and nights.

'There is a surprise,' she had told him on phone that day. Nights were sleepless, thinking of what could that have been.

She had gone to the store to buy things to make his favourite food. His eyes filled at the thought.

Life had taken a bad turn that night. Instead of driving back to the station, he drove to Sarah's house.

"Some people hid in the darkness, while others hide in the light." Detective Josh was at Sarah's house, having a cup of tea.

"Have you found out who the criminal is?" Sarah asked, curiously. Detective Josh looked thoughtful.

"No, Steve told me this; he is smart but loves to act dumb."

"Jonah is coming today."

Jonah was Sarah's son, adopted.

"Did you go through the profiles?" Detective Josh asked, looking at the list.

"I went through them, but I did not find any patterns so far, But some of them were not done by BD," she pointed at the notes she made.

"He did say that, but you believe that crap?" Detective Josh looked at her questioningly. "This is nonsense."

The list had the details of the victim. Name, age, where they worked, where they were found and the time of death. It also had sticky notes on which murders by BD is mentioned and another by the unknown.

"Five years back, there was a case in New Orleans, where a criminal who was known as Barry the Blade called the police station and said that he did not murder anyone. He swered in the name of Jesus. However, he said, he knew where the body was hidden; it was near a riverside. The police found the body, right where he mentioned." Sarah explained, " sometimes we need to believe what the criminals say. They don't always lie, there is always some truth hidden somewhere in their words. However, not everything can be trusted."

"Not everything can be trusted," Detective Josh repeated. "You still chose to believe this?" He raised an eyebrow.

Sarah nodded.

"He mentioned killing 7 people but insisted that he did not murder Amelia and the other three girls."

She nodded again.

"Then how the hell did he know about them? Uh?" He questioned.

"News, gossips and words, they travel faster than wild fire."

While Sarah busied herself with the profiles of the victims, Detective Josh went through all the details in his mind. Detective Josh thought about what Sarah had just said. Then why had the method been same? Was there anything they had missed? Could the criminal possibly have left anything behind?

Chief Kim had once mentioned a case where the criminal used to cut the pinky of his victims, other criminal left a burnt mark with his cigarette on his victims.

The silence was disrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.

"It might be Jonah," Sarah went to get him.

Jonah is a handsome young man of 20. His deep charismatic chocolate brown eyes held a twinkle of naughtiness. His straight nose and sharp jawline gave him a boyish look. The perfect chocolate skin made him look like a perfect figure moulded out of chocolate.


Silence. Darkness.

Slowly, ever so slowly in the silent dark, he moved without making any noise. He walked to the Park Avenue, where he had the pleasure of killing the Detective's wife.

'Don't do it, Josh, It will get you in trouble,' He had warned him. No, he wanted to get a promotion; he wanted to think he was the best.

He went against the warning.

Now even after his wife is murdered he hasn't realised. Natwick!

Let's see if the Detective can be the knight in the shining armour.

He smirked in the darkness.

He played with the tape and stockings. All the pleasure in hands! He leant on the tree waiting for his prey.

He looked at the sky that has hidden his secrets. Smiled at the darkness.

He heard footsteps,

Here comes she, he thought.

In a swift movement, he grabbed her from behind. Pinned her to the ground and choked her.

"I have a daughter, please. I need to go to my daughter!" She cried for her help.

He stuck the tape on her mouth and choked her with his gloved hands.

'Then why did you leave her behind to go to another man?' He asked silently.

He looked the lifeless body. Innocent and peaceful.

He pulled out an object from his pocket, something that the investigators have missed so far. They think they are smart! 

He left the body in the open, for the Detective to see. He laughed at imagining the face of the stupid Detective.

There is someone else, he needs to get rid. As Soon as possible.

He mentally planned it as he walked towards his shelter.

A/N: Hello Internet (Imitating AmazingDanIsNotOnFire) (SORRY)


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--Impossible Fart 

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