Erwin X Levi X Eren One Shots...

By CheshireCatLife

58.4K 754 333

Eruriren One Shots: Angst, Fluff and General Cuteness!!! Because, seriously people, we need more Eruriren. #3... More

※ Introduction ※
Mystic Messenger
Devil Inside
Short #1: Revenge
Until The Bombs Drop
Only Those Who Had A Reason To Remember
The Odds Are Never In Your Favour
Short #2: Shortie

The First Gang To Have A Gay Count Of All

16.8K 213 176
By CheshireCatLife

A/N Please forgive the cheesy ending XD Warning, though, this contains gore, at some points quite a bit. Also, this hasn't been beta'd so forgive mistakes or some things that may not make sense: this is the longest one shot I've ever written.


Trost was a city well-known for its high crime rate, namely that of gang crimes that spread over one of the largest cities in the world. Trost, a city made of slums and skyscrapers alike, was also the residence of the Survey Corps. 

Despite being one of the smallest gangs in the entire city, they were the most influential and were yet to be tracked down by the police. The cops knew nothing more than a name and a number. Survey Corps- three members.

Personal names were unknown but in the crime ring, that was less so the case. If you hadn't heard of them it was most likely for your own safety. Knowing a name meant involvement. Some people just weren't made for the job.

The leader, Erwin Smith, was ruthless. An ex-lawyer with hundreds of people's blood on his hands but also the brains of the whole operation. Tall, muscular and fierce, he wasn't one to cross. He sorted the money, the operations and the links. If it wasn't accepted by him, it wasn't happening. 

The youngest, the brawn of the group, was Eren Jaeger. Bright blue eyes that radiated innocence and a flop of hair to make him younger than the kid he already was- his eighteenth birthday having only been the month before. His kill count was higher than Erwin's himself and he wasn't afraid to redden his hands, despite Erwin's requests for him to stay out of it. That only seemed to make him more determined.

The last and more experienced member was Levi Ackerman. Born into a gang and thirty-one years later, in the most influential gang of his home city. He was known as the soldier. His kill rate the highest of the three by thousands, his skills with a blade higher than any other human roaming the earth, a hand to hand combat skill that was almost unbeatable and unbreakable walls that made him impermeable to the words of his enemies. He was the man without emotions. 

So how had this even happened?


'Eren, what the f*ck did you do!' Levi spat, taking a step forward, their breath hitting. Eren hadn't seen this in years, he hadn't seen this emotion in years.

'I killed him, what the f*uck else was I supposed to do!' Eren shouted, his temper raging on. Not that it ever calmed. 

'He's your father, Eren. You just killed your own f*cking father!' Levi bellowed. Eren flinched at. His knees went weak and his head span. Levi had never shouted before. Levi was the personification of calm. What the hell had Eren done? 

'I know! He's a f*cking maniac so I killed him!' Eren didn't back down, taking a step forward, making his voice heard.

'Eren, he was the last of your family left.' Levi warned, his temper already lost. Eren was out of control, someone needed to remain calm. Levi could be pissed when Erwin returned.

'He was the reason half of them were dead in the first place!' Eren cried, tears suddenly springing from his eyes and down his cheeks. Levi's eyes widened, he had heard Eren's story, he knew this story. He never knew the story would invite a revenge plot.

'Don't you feel any remorse, Eren?' Levi whispered, that caring side seeping through the cracks in his facade. Those unbreakables walls. Eren just tended to do that...Erwin did too.

'Have I ever?' Eren sounded so frustrated. He was still young, he didn't quite understand what was going on in his head. He would regret this in a day, or maybe a few.

'Where's Erwin anyway?' Eren asked, folding his arms in a strop and leaning against his old house's living wall room, the blood travelling through the carpet and up to both of their feet.

'He's talking with the property guys.' Erwin, on the side, had become interested in property to make a little extra cash and maybe, one day, go back into the office work he had once been trapped in. But this time, as the boss. It didn't sit well with Levi but for now, Erwin was with them and the money was still flowing in. Levi accepted that Erwin would leave a while ago, just as he suspected that Eren would follow soon after.

Levi knew he wouldn't. Levi had been in this a lifetime. He would become the leader instead, he thought it was well-earned by now.

'It seems I missed quite a lot.' A gruff voice came and without warning, Erwin Smith was standing in the doorway, his arms folded and his thick eyebrows drawn together. He looked at Levi, who gave him a simple shrug, before directing all his attention onto Eren.

'What happened?' The wall of muscle moved towards Eren, looming over him like a monster. His shadow casting Eren in a veil of darkness that the few windows had once prevented. Eren shook. He was new to this. He had gotten in out of ruthlessness but he had slipped up.

No one knew what Erwin would do, this had never happened before.

'My father... he refused to pay Levi so I came and when I saw him...I just got so angry, Erwin. I'm sorry but he deserved it! That bullet in his skull isn't there without reason. You know what he did! He deserved it!' Eren complained, shaking in his boots but his defiance shone through as always. Erwin might have been impressed if it were not for one of his customers being dead on the floor.

'He was one of my customers, Eren.' Erwin stated calmly. Then, without another word, motioning for Levi to follow, he left the room. Eren ran to follow but with a brief pause, the dreaded words came out. 'You're not coming with us.'

It seemed Eren was leaving sooner than expected.

The gang was down to two.


'He's going to come back, you know?' Levi said, resting his head in his palm as he watched the blaring screen in the corner of the room portraying some monotonous hospital drama.

'Oh, I know. And, I'll let him. He just needs to learn a lesson, he's still only a kid.' Erwin replied, smoothly. Of course, he had a plan, when didn't he?

Erwin stood up and came to stand behind Levi, resting his hands on Levi's shoulders, rubbing gently. Levi shook the urge to push him off out of fear of the reaction of his boss. 'You seem tense, is Eren really bothering you that much?' Erwin asked, only getting a grovelling 'tch' in reply. Erwin chuckled lowly, pressing harder and Levi had to resist the urge to moan. It felt good, really good. 

'Why the hell are you giving me a massage, old man?' Levi spat after a few seconds, not quite hiding the fact that he wanted it to continue. 

'Because you looked stressed.' Erwin stated confidently but that didn't do anything for Levi. He was confused. Erwin was not a touchy person; his hands were tainted with blood, he tended to avoid touching people with them.

'Erwin.' Levi warned, wanting the full truth.

'Levi.' Erwin answered, his sentence just as short. Innocent almost, as if he didn't know the trick he was playing. That was just the manipulating bastard he was. He was always obvious in his tricks but his light words almost made you backtrack your own conceptions. But, Levi was used to it by now and didn't trust a word. Something was different in Erwin. Not quite in a bad way but it was as if he had decided something and now that his mind was set on it, he wouldn't be letting it go.

'Erwin, I'm so sorry! I know you told me not to-'

'It's fine, Eren.' Erwin cut him off. 'I was expecting you anyway. I hope you've learnt your lesson, though.' Eren nodded vigorously.

Erwin smiled that manipulative, cruel smile, the one that had drawn the other two in from the start. It was something he would always pull out when he wanted something and as time went on, Levi could tell more and more what he was about to be offered.

Yes, because offered was the word that was needed. At least, he knew that Erwin would always make it an offer rather than an order. That was how he had gotten so far as well as his 'offers' being something that no one would ever decline in their right minds.

Unless they were idiots. And, Levi knew just how many idiots they ran into.

'Eren, come over here.' He spoke softly, motioning to the chair beside Levi, who was shifting uncomfortably on the metal. This was not their usual base and the furniture was no better than what could be found in prison. But, Erwin had brought them here for a reason, just as he had brought them to other places so many times before. Whether it be a threat or an old friend trying to visit, Erwin always found another place. Levi suspected, though, that this was no longer the reason. Eren just seemed to remain as naive as ever.

Erwin released Levi from his grip and went to take a seat on the other side of the table, a shabby piece of plastic held up by four rather rusting iron legs. He was still smiling, looking like he was ready for murder.

Maybe that was it, maybe Levi was preparing to die.

'I'm gay.' Levi raised an eyebrow at Erwin because where the HELL had that come from. Eren just nodded like the small puppy he was, always following the orders of the master without a thought. He was devoted but that did seem to rob him of his own judgement.

'Me too. Now, what's your point?' Levi spat.

'I think we really are the first gang to ever have a gay count of... all.' Eren sounded impressed with himself but he had managed to draw all attention of the room. Despite his brattiness, he tended to do that often.

'You too?' Levi asked incredulously. Eren nodded, looking a bit disbelieving himself. 'God, guys, we're probably the first gang to have a f*cking gay count at all. At least open ones.' Levi couldn't actually believe it but with the speed of a wild animal, his eyes were back on Erwin. 'What was the point of this coming out session, blondie?' Levi sighed, his aura suspicious and confused.

Erwin shrugged, still smiling. 'You haven't figured out by now?' Oh, Levi had guessed but still didn't have the guts to admit it aloud, just as he hadn't for the last few months. Yes, he liked Erwin. And yes, he liked Eren too. And, he hoped that Erwin felt the same, it felt the only logical explanation.

And with that, Levi's brain seemed to think of a thousand more just to throw him off so Levi replied with the same nonchalant shrug. He would wait for Erwin to say it. Eren just looked confused at this point, he switched his gaze back and forth between the two and felt shamefully out of the loop. Whatever was going on, he was definitely being pushed to the side.

'I like you, Levi. Just as I like you, Eren.' Eren started spluttering at the words but Levi forced himself to keep his calm, trying to think through the situation logically. This was everything he had ever wanted and for the first time, he found himself actually thinking this through.

'Do you actually expect this to work, Erwin?' Levi suddenly burst out because it was the best he could come up with. It sounded defensive and maybe it was because the more unsure he sounded, the more likely he was going to get out of this pain-free. Because that was all he expected from this. Pain and a little bit of heartbreak on the side.

'Yes, I do.' Erwin sounded so sure of himself, the bastard. Levi wanted to punch him right in the pretty face. (He wouldn't dare to admit that he would also love to nurse him back to health).

'Erwin, do you realise the situation we're in?' Levi asked disbelievingly. This was exactly what he feared. He wanted this, so badly, but he knew he couldn't. They were in a gang and Erwin knew exactly that that was what he was pointing out (although, it seemed Eren hadn't quite caught up yet).

It was a well-known fact that gang members with relationships were destined to end up with a dead lover or dead themselves. Especially if they were both in the business. Flings were common but he knew Erwin was asking for much more than that.

'Yes I do, Levi, and I believe that that makes it all the better. If it were to go through, we would be there for each other, right? Don't think I'm bringing this out of nowhere, I have thought this through.' Levi wanted the words to be defensive but as per usual, they were said with a calmness that could only relay a set mind. Erwin would get it if he wanted it.

Yet, this seemed so much more complicated than that. This wasn't up to Erwin, this was up to all of them. Or more likely, Levi. Eren was bound to say yes without hesitation or thought, and that only left Levi.

He suddenly felt insecure with that fact. Would Eren and Erwin just move on without him if he were to say no? Then again, if they were going to become something anyway, why did he have any reason to say no? Erwin and Levi met eyes from across the table and suddenly, it was an intense battle of wills. One that Erwin would undoubtedly win, it was just a matter of time.

'Seriously, can someone tell me what the hell is going on?!' Eren suddenly bellowed, standing from his seat and slamming his hands down onto the table.

'As I said, I like you. And, I like Levi too.' Erwin stated, the definition of calm and composure.

'But what's that supposed to mean?!' Eren whined, his younger years showing more than ever. The reality hit Levi in the face even harder. They outnumbered Eren by years and collectively, decades. Could they really ruin the boy more than they already had? But, that was it. They'd already ruined him. They'd let him join.

They'd let the doctor's little boy kill without remorse. Even when it was killing that very same doctor.

'The bastard wants us to do some three-way shit.' Levi scowled, crossing his arms defensively over his chest. Erwin snorted.

'No exactly,' he conflicted, causing Levi to raise his eyebrows in surprise. 'It's called polyamory, what I'm out for isn't sex. No, I could get that anywhere and without such a fuss. As I said before, I like you and I want to do something about it.' Classic Erwin, always so blunt. He didn't hide his feelings, it was something the pair had always liked about him but this felt like it was taking a bit too far.

'Look, I want to give you time to think about it. I don't want to rush this, I just wanted to put it out there. I've been thinking about this for far too long and I wanted to put it on the table. You know, I'd never ask if I was unsure. I have my doubts but I'm always willing to take risks and I think this one will be worth it. Even under the possibility that it might be short lived.' Levi nodded and Eren looked as if he was about to say yes immediately but after a glare worthy of death coming from the petite, raven-haired man next to him, he kept quiet and nodded too.

'Good, now that's all cleared up, let's get back to business.'


The next mission was awkward to be light about it. Erwin and Eren seemed perfectly fine and despite Eren running after Erwin like they were attached by a rope, Levi looked a right mess. This whole ordeal had kept him up most nights and with the added insomnia, it was as if sleep wasn't necessary to stay alive. He had slept about two hours in the last three days and he wasn't in top form.

And that was how he ended up with a bullet in his side.

The panic soon turned to sheer dread. The man with the gun in his hand's brain was now splattered on the wall, courtesy of Erwin's own gun but that didn't seem to help. The pain in his shoulder was indescribable. The bullet was lodged inside and the sound of his flesh ripping apart was enough to make him gag.

He had been shot before, sure, but this was the first time it had ever dug so deep. Levi was usually so aware that any injuries he may have had before were no more than grazes and a little blood. This was not just a little blood, this was a waterfall of crimson.

Levi clutched at his right shoulder, the blood seeping through his pale fingers, staining the fingers a light rouge that might have been a nice colour if it were not surrounded by the deep red liquid that was draining him of life.

Eren was soon by his side and with a struggle, brought Levi into his arms. Levi was about to say he was overreacting until the black spots filled his sight and he struggled to see at all. He breathed deep breaths but it did nothing. The pain was excruciating and the blood kept pumping out.

Levi had always been known as a clean freak and despite seeing his fair share of blood, he hated the look of it staining the carpet. Not that it was his own (that fact comforted him only a little) but he was almost ready to request that they not take him back to the base due to fear of staining the furniture. The very, very expensive furniture.

The only that stopped him was the pain. The pain that soon kept him from consciousness.


Levi woke up in darkness and he found himself wondering whether this was a dream, death or just a very dark room. He was disorientated and feeling around, he couldn't feel much. With another few blinks, he realised that he was, in fact, in the world of the living and he was reaching out into space. With a worried look around the dark room, he found it empty. He let out a relieved sigh and hid his embarrassment at groping the air and tries to figure out where he was again.

With the moonlight shining through the large window being his only light source, he couldn't see much but from the design of the window, he could tell that they were definitely at ONE of the bases. The design was too ornate to be somewhere else.

The light suddenly flickered on and Levi winced at the harsh rays coming from the chandelier above him. He wasn't all too prepared when he heard a screech and the heavy stomps of someone's feet sprinting to him. Soon enough, he had a pair of arms around him and tears spilling on his shirt. 'You're awake! You're awake!' Eren chanted.

'Calm down, brat. I get injured all the time, it's no big deal.' He shoved him off but found himself wincing. Looking down to his shoulder, Levi found himself without a shirt and a large bandage skilfully twisted around his shoulder and torso.

'You were lucky Hanji was on call, she fixed you up pretty quick but I would like to correct you in saying, it was a pretty big deal. The bullet had been at just the right angle, it actually came close to your heart and only minimally punctured one of your arteries which was all that really kept you alive. If it had gone through both sides, you would have been a goner.' Levi's eyes flew open and Erwin's statement and couldn't help but thank God, despite his rather obvious hate of anything religious, for being alive at all.

'I'm glad you're alright. I'm sure I can speak on behalf of both me and Eren in saying that we were worried to death.' Eren nodded hastily in agreement and Levi let himself have some joy in that. 'But I also want to apologise. I put that offer on the table just before a mission and, don't interrupt,' he raised a finger to silence Levi, 'I know that that was keeping you up at nights and you weren't in your right mind. I should have delayed the operation or left you out. I'm sorry.' Levi accepted the apology immediately, slightly annoyed at how Erwin could always see right through him.

'It's fine, it's my fault. I'm overthinking this whole thing.' Levi sighed, looking up at the ceiling as if it were to help him somehow. 'But I have my answer.' Two eyes were on him in an instant, leaving him open and vulnerable but Levi, for once, didn't mind. He knew he was safe with these two. They were the ones he trusted most. They were his partners...and now, maybe, they were something more.

'I want to try this.' The pair smiled down at him, both reluctant to embrace him due to his injury but showing it enough in their faces for Levi to understand. 'But you two better not be brats.'


'Levi! Levi!' A voice shouted in the terminal. The plane must have just landed and no doubt that was Eren screaming his lungs off. Eren was returning from his trip to Germany, Erwin following alongside him for emotional support in the endeavour. He had gone to attend his father's funeral and despite having very little feelings for the man, the boy had still lost his father and that couldn't just be cast aside.

Levi hadn't come, mostly out of his own hatred for the man as well as having the two pester him about rest. His shoulder still ached but it had been a few weeks now and it was beginning to heal. Soon enough, he would be able to hold a gun again.

Levi didn't answer the boy as he came rushing up to him but he did make sure to push himself off the pillar he was leaning on and let himself be brought into an embrace, letting Eren squeeze him a little too tight despite causing his shoulder some major pain.

Erwin leant down and gave Levi a gentle kiss on the cheek, something Levi was still becoming accustomed to. They had agreed not to show themselves off in public but it was evident enough that no gang warfare was going to go on in the airport terminal and if a few sneaky spies spot them, they would soon be found with a bullet in their skull.

Erwin was good at controlling rumours (even if they were true).

'I missed you.' He spoke gently, cupping Levi's cheek in one of his hands. He leant in and Levi allowed him one small kiss on the lips before diverting his attention to Eren who look a little impatient waiting.

Levi only had to raise an eyebrow for Eren to give him an eager nod and soon enough, Levi's lips were on his. The kiss was light and quick but enough to satisfy them both. No more than a small welcome home. Levi smiled. He had allowed the others the pleasure in seeing it after minutes of begging from both of them (not that Erwin ever begged, persuade might have been a better term on his side).

He agreed to give it to them and only them and he felt secure enough behind both of their towering figures that no one could see him. Even if the fact that Eren was now quite a bit taller than him was annoying. Stupid kid.

'I think it's about time we head home, we have a lot to do.' Erwin spoke, the usual authority back in his voice. The other pair nodded and let themselves be led by the Commander out to Levi's car. Despite being Levi's car, Erwin drove it and let Eren and Levi talk in hushed tones in the back seat for the better part of an hour on their journey home.

When they returned, they all rushed out, quickly making their way up to the penthouse. Each and every one of them had smiles on their faces and they all knew, despite the cards they had been handed, they could have at least a glimmer of happiness.

Because they had each other. Even if a single gunshot could end that at any moment. That didn't change a thing. If anything, it made them closer. The inevitable end made the present all the more worth living.

They were in love. That was all they needed.

word count: 4111

published: 24.07.17

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