Amor Del Bueno (Love At First...

By groovyfanficss

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This is part 2 of Love At First Sight . In this story you will see the struggles that Marissa and Luis will g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 32

93 7 4
By groovyfanficss

Marissa's POV
Today is the first day of tour , it's a busy day . I have 3 interviews from 9-12pm , then from 2-5pm other interviews. From 6-8pm i have soundcheck and wardrobe fitting . And last but not least 9-10pm another interview, it's also a behind the stage thing . I'm so excited & happy! But in my world nothing comes easy , i still have to deal with luis . He's something else . First he tells me he loves me , 15 minutes later he hates me . Talking about him he's texting me .

Luis: don't cheat babe

Luis: don't forget that we're still married and that i love you ❤️

Luis: i'm serious don't cheat

Luis: 😌😌
Rissa: i don't have time for you
Luis: but i love you

Luis: i wouldn't want to be with anyone else but you
Rissa: that's not true though . You obviously do have someone else that you rather be with or else you wouldn't have cheated ...
Luis: you don't get it .
Rissa: what don't i get ? I was there when no one was , I stuck by your side , I gave you all of me , my love , my life . I gave you a second chance , you took me for granted . Let's cut the bullshit . We've been living in a lie .
Rissa: you pressured me into having a baby with you , we didn't only have one we had two. We both knew we weren't for each other at the time but you thought having a baby would make it better , but it didn't . I'm thankful for them because they make me happy and they're my second reason to not give up . Because of them i'm still here battling this stupid fight .
Luis: well you obviously had nothing good in your life . So i actually made it better

@marissaortizoficial: i have questions for you ...

(skip comments)

Interview 1
Derik: we're back with the fabulous , gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, Marissa Ortiz!
Rissa: thank you !
Derik: so tell us how's life now since your breakup / divorce?
Rissa: we aren't divorced yet , but  what can i say ? It has been tough . Just because i'm "known" or "famous" it doesn't mean i won't feel what any normal person feels after ending a relationship with someone who you thought was the love of your life .
Derik: i've seen that many people comment saying that you moved on quick and that you feel different because you're famous.
Rissa: yes and it's annoying , like i said i'm a normal person , im human ,  i have emotions too . I don't show it because i don't want my kids to see me upset .
Derik: you don't want to worry them
Rissa: correct
Derik: congratulations on the baby !
Rissa: what ? what baby ?
Derik: your niece's baby
Rissa: wait what ?
Derik: isn't Marissa your  niece?
Rissa: yes
Derik: she's pregnant. Thoughts on your young niece having a baby ?
Rissa: it's not really thoughts , i just wish her the best !
Derik: let's talk about janet and oscar
Rissa: okay
Derik: what's one of you favorite things about them as a couple ?
Rissa: well one thing that i admire so much about them is that they've been thrown so much at them , we all doubted them and their potential as a couple but they proved all of us wrong . That just made them stronger than ever .
Derik: adorable/favorite thing they do ?
Rissa: when janet does her makeup or she films a youtube video he's always there . He helps her out a lot , like with filming he helps her make sure the camera is set up perfectly, with her makeup of something falls he gets it for her and if she runs out of a product he gets it for her like he'll drive to the store and get it for her
Derik: so he's very very protective?
Rissa: he is protective but not like clingy protective you know ? like he knows the limits . if that makes sense .
Derik: let's switch the topic .
Rissa: okay
Derik: tonight ! talk to me about it
Rissa: well tonight is the beginning of the 24k world tour ! I'll be singing my two songs that have come out , a collaboration song and a few more songs that will be on the album !
Derik: how did you get invited to the tour?
Rissa: it was a months ago , he texted me saying hey , i'm going to start a tour , i thought it would be a great idea to have you as a special guest on it . You're a amazing artist , your songs are great . I know you haven't really done anything like this but i believe that the time has come for you to restart and take this step in your career . *reads the text* then he said call me so i can explain it better , and here i am now
Derik: when you read it what went through your head ?
Rissa: i was shocked and excited. I had many thoughts at the time though . It was just a mix of emotions.
Derik: what are your thoughts on Bruno Mars & accepting the offer?
Rissa: well we've known each other for a few years now , he's an incredible guy who's extremely talented . He's someone you can have a good time with . Well accepting the offer , i am a mom so i'm going to miss my kids a lot but i do this for them and for my supporters who deserve so much because they've given me so much support
Derik: how old are your kids ?
Rissa: 16 , and the twins 6
Derik: so will janet be taking care of the twins ?
Rissa: well she will take care of him sometimes and the rest a long time family nanny . Janet is busy with her career and i don't want to take time from her .
Derik: she's been blowing up
Rissa: yes
Derik: let's talk about romances, what's your relationship status ?
Rissa:  i'm single
Derik: what's up with MGK though ?
Rissa: nothing we're just friends .
Derik: really ? Rumors have been going around that you two have been getting close and hanging out together many times , he goes to your house and things
Rissa: well that is what friends do right ? we hang out with our kids
Derik: but you've been seen together alone , no kids , no friends .
Rissa: omg *chuckles*
Derik: did something happen ?
Rissa: no *laughs* were just friends nothing more nothing less . We're both focused on our careers and our kids .
Derik: do you see a future together ? how do you describe him ?
Rissa: well i can't really say yes or no , i don't know what the future holds so . and he's a very kind guy , humble , he's always in a good mood , he puts everyone first than himself.
(skip rest)

*skip concert*


Luis: Congratulations on your concert babe , i hope i get to see you in one of your concerts , i'm proud of you . I love you my queen *end of voicemail*

A/N: sorry for any mistakes! Don't forget to comment and vote 💗
Question 2; How old are y'all ? 💗

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