2 Disney Princes ➳ phan AU

By TheMeganHowell

82.2K 4.7K 1.1K

"You must love a princess, Daniel!" My mother shouted. The entire room went uncomfortably silent for what see... More

2 Disney Princes


2K 141 74
By TheMeganHowell

I got off of my horse, leading him into the woods adjacent to the path to make sure that the guards would not see a horse and come to investigate. I tried to keep quiet as we walked through the trees, but it was hard when there were branches and leaves scattered across the ground.

I needed to get around to the side of the castle to see if there was a side gate. Usually they weren't nearly as guarded. If I was lucky, maybe it would not be guarded at all.

After a few minutes of walking, we turned and hit a path that led from the front of the castle to the remaining part of the kingdom, the village. I quickly led the horse across the path to the woods straight across. We stayed close to the edge of the forest that hugged against the left castle wall. If we stayed close, we could remain hidden, but I could also keep my eye out for any possible entrance through the wall.

Another few minutes resulted in success when I found a small side gate. It must have been my lucky day because there were no guards to go along with the gate. I left my horse attached to a low hanging branch on a tree, so that he would still be there when I came back. If I came back at least. I definitely did not have this planned out as much as I needed to.

I looked around for guards before I quietly made my way to an entrance Dan had shown me when I first met him. I walked through the castle, listening carefully for any voices or footsteps to make sure that I did not get caught. I thought I was doing well at sneaking through the castle undetected, but of course, my inevitable clumsiness kicked in and I accidentally ran into a hall table. Before I could notice, a vase had fallen from the table and broken into tiny pieces and shards of ceramic.

I heard someone making their way in my direction after the sound of the art piece shattering echoed through the empty hallways. I quickly looked around, finding a room I could run into, and I rushed to take the opportunity. I entered the room, hiding quietly along the wall. I heard the person leave soon after, but stayed in my spot for a short while longer to make sure that they were long gone.

I peeked out before I left the room, not wanting to risk walking out while someone was there. I saw no one and continued down the hallway toward where I thought the courtyard was. I suspected that the wedding would be held there or the ballroom, but I had no clue where their ballroom was, meaning I had to go with my first guess and see if it was being held in the courtyard.

I proved myself right when I got to the exit leading out to the courtyard and saw an audience of people with their eyes on Dan and some girl who were standing at what they made an alter. Why would Dan ditch our meeting for the wedding? If anything, that would make him try harder to get to Theoron to meet me. They had to have done something to him to make him want to marry this girl..

"Do you, Daniel James Howell, take the, Evelina Victoria Stuart, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" As soon as I heard the question, I knew that I had to get out there and stop it whether I had a plan or not. I could let this go on.


Oooo, Philly's crashing the wedding. Noice. Lemme know what you think about this chapter! I'll have another up tomorrow, and the last two will be posted on Monday (my birthday)!

See you soon ;)
xx Megan

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