Look At Me // JJK

By JungYoonJinMin

152K 3.7K 2.3K

Being the sister of a strange, and almost psychopathic Min Yoongi isn't easy. Overprotective and untrusting... More



6K 151 196
By JungYoonJinMin

We slowly walked to Jungkook's car, Jungkook allowing me to take my time and walk to breathe as much fresh air as possible to calm me down. I already stopped crying a few minutes ago, I was just still in shock and my eyes were a bit red.

He opened the door for me, and I sat down. 

Why is he being so nice to me all of a sudden? Maybe he's actually not a jerk once you get to know him. 

We both stayed silent during the long car ride, wherever he was driving us to. Each of us thinking our own thoughts.

Jungkook's POV

I confirmed it myself: I do love Yoonhee. I don't know what it is about her, she just makes me nervous around her. I can't keep my cool when she's with me, I become a different, more warm person. 

The only way to have a chance with her was to break her up with Taehyung. I know that what I did was wrong, but my selfishness got in the way. 

Hyerin is in fact my cousin. I was lucky enough to think of hiring her. She even had the blonde hair that I lied to Yoonhee about. I'm glad Hyerin was able to do well.

I glanced to my right and saw Yoonhee daydreaming out the window as always. She must be so heartbroken, I hope I'll be able to cheer her up. 

There's no situation in which ice cream can't cheer someone up. 

After a few minutes of driving, we reached the ice cream parlor. It was near a mall plaza, so if you sat outside you could see the fountains placed outside of the mall. 

Yoonhee unbuckled her seatbelt gently and got outside. We walked in and she didn't seem happier than before. 

She closed her eyes as she sighed and put a smile on her face. 

"I can't be sad with you being so nice to me, I'll try to be happy," she smiled. I smiled back. 

"What flavor do you like?" I asked as we both looked at the variety of ice creams. There were many choices, starting from fruity flavors to the original flavors of vanilla and chocolate. 

"I think I'll take a scoop of caramel," she decided. 

"No, take two scoops! The scoops are so tiny, you'll be done in 2 spoons," I joked and she chuckled. Yet she still ordered the one scoop as the server put it in her cup. 

"Can I have that green one," I pointed to the bin, not knowing what flavor it was. The cashier looked at me surprised.

"This one? That's grass flavor," she said a bit judging. Yoonhee started laughing so hard that she almost dropped her ice cream. 

"Ah, no thanks...I'll take chocolate instead," I replied, as the server scooped my ice cream too and handed me the cup. I paid the amount and I looked around. "Yoonhee-ah, it's cold in here. Let's go eat outside."

She nodded and we went outside, and began walking around as she ate her ice cream. Her face was a lot brighter than when we entered, which was perfect. 

"Hey, you know you lost the bet, right?" I began looking at her and she ate a spoon not to reply. Cute. 

"Ah, that..." she replied awkwardly. I laughed. 

"I'll think about what I want later, k?" I raised and eyebrow and she still wasn't looking at me but nodded. 

Yoonhee's POV

Even though I was in a very sad mood, Jungkook made me feel better. We were walking around the streets for some time now, eating ice cream, and talking. 

"Hey you know you should've gotten the grass flavor," I joked as Jungkook threw away his cup. He looked at me, with his eyes widened but with a slight smile.

"Why!? So that I can spit it out!?" he asked, laughingly.

"No, so that you can be a cow," I laughed and he looked at me seriously but eventually started laughing with me.

"You're really weird, ah why am I even being nice to a weirdo," he whined. 

"Because weirdos have a lot to talk about," I replied. He nodded.

"Well, what should we do now? We still have another...hour and a half," he said looking at the time on his phone. 

"Let's go..." I thought for a minute. "To the park!"


It was already time to get home. Jungkook offered to drop me off but since we were only a few block from my house, I declined. I began walking to my house, listening to music, when suddenly I got a text. It was from Sooyoung.


Yoonhee! Where are you? You weren't at school ever since lunch ended, I'm worried!

Ah, if I tell her I was with Jungkook she'll tease me and I'll have to tell her the whole long story.


I didn't feel good so I went home


Ah, jjinja? OK, well feel better! I'm free so you can call me if you're boreddd


Haha thanks. I'll text you later, OK? Byeee


Feel better! TTYL <3

Not too long later, I reached my house. I opened the front gate and walked inside. Mom was watching her dramas and was eating ramen. Who wouldn't wish to be her right now.

I giggled and she noticed my presence behind me and quickly shut off the TV. 

"Oh, Yoonhee! Hi! How was school?" she asked turning her focus onto me. 

"Normal, I'm just very tired," I replied. I'm very worn out of everything that happened today.

"Aww my poor baby, go rest. Come eat when you're hungry," she spoke as she smiled. I returned the smile and I went up the stairs, then I heard her turn the drama back on. I chuckled at how my mom still acts like a teenager sometimes.

I jumped onto my bed and immediately fell asleep.

(The next day)

Saturday, finally. Since I fell asleep at like 4 yesterday and didn't wake up, I woke up at 6 am. Today I think I'll go shopping. I'm very sad about what happened yesterday, but if he was a cheater I shouldn't waste my time crying over him.

I admit, I'm heartbroken. I loved him, and I still love him. But I can't anymore. I have to let him go. 

And one of the best ways is to start fresh: with new clothes. I might even die my hair black again. Currently my hair color is dark brown, but the roots have been growing in black again so might as well die it all black. 

I wore black jeans with a white shirt with black high top shoes. I left my hair down and completed my outfit with a small gray shoulder purse. I decided to wait and get something like coffee as my breakfast.

I took my car and began driving to the cafe that had just opened. What a perfect day to be outside.

(3 pm, mall)

My hands were full, carrying so many bags full of new clothes and shoes. My hair was just dyed a few hours ago and it looked very nice. My arms were getting tired of dragging all these bags around, so I sat down at a bench placing the bags next to me. 

I also hadn't checked my phone in a while, so I took it out and I had a bunch of texts sent...all from the same person.


I'm bored


How do you feel


Are you OK?


Why aren't you responding...I thought I was nice to you yesterday




If you don't respond I'm gonna track your phone and find you

I giggled to myself. 


I'm shopping...sorry I didn't check my phone until now

The screen already showed that he was typing. Wow that was fast.


Shopping!? That's all!? 




Well...I'm bored. When are you finishing?


I'm actually done I was just taking a break.


Stay there...I'll be there in 15 minutes.


Wait, what!? Jungkook!

Now he isn't replying. Great. I had no choice but to sit there like a loser for 15 minutes until the idiot came. 

Eventually he came, and we made eye contact. His jaw physically dropped. What? Do I look that ugly...

"Y-you changed your hair color..." he stuttered, still not taking his eyes off. Oh yeah, I forgot I changed my hair color for a second. 

"Yeah, I wanted a change. Is it nice?" I asked, smiling while waiting for his comment.

"You're pretty..." is all he said. My eyes flew up. I was expecting him to be a jerk again.

"Really!? Thanks," I was happy that the famous Jeon Jungkook gave me a compliment. 

He finally snapped back into reality and his mesmerized look turned into a normal one. 

"How many things did you buy!? Did you throw out all your clothes or something!?" he asked very surprised. I giggled. 

"I just want a new look," I replied. He sighed and took the bags. "It's OK I can take it."

I tried grabbing the bags from him but he was already walking away with it. That's not fair...he should at least give me a bag.


Since Jungkook was bored and we had 2 cars we decided to meet up at downtown. There we can just walk around, I guess.

But since we also have 2 cars,

What if I just ditched him?

That would be pretty funny, but I'm not a monster. So I kept on driving until I would find a parking spot. 


"So...do you have any hobbies?" he asked me as we were both walking around. The roads were pretty busy since it was a Saturday and the sidewalks were crowded. But we didn't mind and continued enjoying ourselves.

"Yeah, I like to read, ice skate, swim, dance, the usuals," I replied, when suddenly I thought of another thing I'm into. "Oh, and I'm also a huge fan of KPOP."

"KPOP!?" he laughed, but suddenly turned serious. He looked at me and whispered. "I like BigBang."

Now I was the one laughing. 

"Really!? Ah finally. My friends always laugh at me," I spoke. 

"I'm laughing at you right now," he started fake laughing and I hit him in the shoulder. He pretended like it hurt and winced in 'pain.'

"Tch, crybaby," I said in a sarcastic tone. I began walking away from him until he caught up to me pretty quickly. 

"Hey don't run away! Fine...what's you favorite group?" he asked which immediately put a smile on my face. 

"I like a group called 'Beyond The Scenes,'" I said and he was confused. 

"I've never heard of that!" he said, very dumfounded of the group I just told him. How can he not know!? 


We settled in a restaurant after chatting for about 2 hours. It was close to dinner time, anyway. 

Jungkook and I both ordered our foods several minutes ago, and were now waiting for it to come. Since it's a popular and busy restaurant, it'll probably take a while. 

Jungkook's POV

Everything was going great today. Yoonhee and I were having a good time, but there was one thing that kept bothering me: her brother. 

I couldn't help but ask...just to see what she has to say. 

"So, you never told me about your brother..." I said with slight hesitation. She looked up at me with her eyes a bit widened.

"Ah, my brother? Well...he's...I mean...I love him," she replied. Hmm...I guess there's something to him. 

Yes, in the past, my friends and I have bullied him.

Yes, we bullied him for a long time.

Yes, we beat him up.

Yes, we were the reason why he almost jumped off the roof of the school.

All this guilt was building up on me. I never thought that making fun of some pathetic dude would come back to me. I always thought that we'd get a good laugh, and eventually when we went to college we'd forget each other. But now, it turns out, that he's the brother of a girl that I really like. 

It's blowing up on me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I'm being so mean right now, forcing her to talk about her brother. She probably knows that he's been bullied...just not WHO bullied her. If she finds out it was me...she'll hate me forever. 

But curiosity is killing me. I have to learn more about him. 

"I'm not sure if I'm telling the right person..." she said softly but loud enough for me to hear it. 

"It's fine. Whatever happened, you can tell me. I promise nothing will happen..." I said assuringly. She looked up at me and sighed. 

"Yoongi oppa...he's really the sweetest person I know. Life is just unfair for him. He's been bullied ever since 7th grade by a group of horrible people. He never told me who, but if I knew who it was I would definitely go and kill them. They were the ones that broke my brother..." she stopped talking. I guess she didn't want to talk about it. 

"Continue...please..." I said with more hesitation, afraid she might blow up and start yelling at me OR cry. 

But luckily she went on. 

"My appa died 3 years ago. Back then it was my Appa who encouraged Yoongi...who told him that he shouldn't care about people making fun of him. He taught Yoongi to be independent, which is what saved him. Ever since appa passed away, my brother developed some strange personality traits, too. Even though he's so nice to me, sometimes...I don't know how to say it...it's like he is a different person when he's angered. That's why eomma and I are always careful around him," she spoke and took a quick pause until she began talking again. "My Appa split his fortune into thirds in his will. A third to each of us. Yoongi used some of that fortune to buy a very small building, in which he calls his 'lab.' He never let anyone in, not even my mother or I, and we don't know what he does, or where it is. That's what scares me the most about Yoongi. Sometimes he doesn't come home, but we're afraid to ask him why because he might do something insane. And it's all because of those damn jerks that bullied Yoongi..."

Not once did she look at me. She just stared at her shoes. 

"I-I'm going to use the bathroom..." she quickly said as she ran off.

I couldn't help but pull my hair out of frustration. I never thought that some things I did for fun would physically kill someone inside. 

I really am a monster.



Hi everyone! 

This is my first ff, please support it. 

I hope it's not too boring, I'm trying to make it as interesting as possible. 

Thank you for reading, I really do appreciate it! 

Also, I might do a Q & A or some sort of profile later on :)

Thanks again!


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