Harry, Edward and Marcel

De 1D_Does_he_know

31.9K 651 190

{completed} Harry Styles, the famous singer from One Direction has always known about his past. He knows that... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Epilogue 53

Chapter 6

839 18 3
De 1D_Does_he_know


Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

We were all in the bus together driving to New York City for our concert the day after next. It takes forever to get there by bus (the other option was jet) but Liam insisted 'we take the scenic route around the country.'
At the moment I am sitting at the dining table, Liam's having a shower, Niall's nose is buried in the fridge, Louis is trying to teach himself guitar again and Zayn is trying to write his first original song.
It's been about 24 hours since I got the text. I've texted Anna Loo back and called her confirming the details and stuff but I still don't know how to tell the boys. I've already texted Gemma, Robin and Anne telling them what's going on and they're okay with it. They're really happy for me. They really want me to meet my brothers.
I'm kind of freaking myself out by coming up with some reactions the boys might have. First one I made up was that they would be okay with it and support me 100%. Secondly they could like it but tweet something and let out the secret. Thirdly they could hate my guts for not telling them sooner. I really hope it's the first.
"Ummmm......guys," I said and instantly everyone stopped what they were doing and popped their heads around corners, doors or whatever just so they could see me.
"Yeah bro," Niall said grabbing a bowl of grapes from the fridge. He stood up from his crouching position in front of the mini fridge, closed the door with his foot and sat next to me.
They all slowly walked in as I looked down nervously. Once we were all gathered I spoke up.
"What if a.... you could call it a secret, from my past came to visit."
"Oh sorry bro. Who is it?" Louis said sarcastically indicating he thought that one of my ex's wants to get back together now that I'm 'famous.' That just made me feel a lot more awkward then I already did.
"No stupid. I don't mean my love life past. I mean my family past."
Liam came and sat on my other side, he was sopping wet and only had a towel around his waist. I'm surprised he actually cut his shower time for me because normally no one can get between Liam and his precious shower time.
"You know you can trust us. So you might as well spit it out now and not let it dwell," Zayn said like he was an old man. It was weird when he did that. What I mean is, he occasionally says these wise and inspirational things that usually ended up in the main chorus' of our songs.
"Okay," I said letting out a shaky breath of air. "Well, after the concert we had on the 10th I got a text," Louis smiled. I looked at him as he whispered in Zayn's ear (both Zayn and him were standing together leaning on the small kitchen counter) "you owe me 10 bucks."
"Hey hold on there," Zayn snapped his head towards Louis. "The deal was and I quote 'I bet you he will talk about a text from a GIRL.' He hasn't said it was a girl yet." Watching both of them whisper fight reminded me of when Gemma and I did that in the back of the car when we had already gotten in trouble by Anne or Robin but we continued the argument to see who won. The memory made me smile.
"It was from a lady," I said the last part loud to basically tell them their voice volume was about the same as normal and I heard every word.
"I win!!" Louis yelled doing his wacky victory dance. Zayn just sat there with his arms crossed. He then miserably whipped out his wallet and unwillingly gave up his precious notes.
"Anyway!" I looked to Liam and Niall who were laughing at Zayn's loss.
"She was from the orphanage saying all orphans need to go to DC," I spat out, getting straight to the point.
Louis stopped dancing as all 4 of them stared blankly at me.
"What does that mean?" Niall spoke cautiously his familiar thick Irish accent somewhat soothing my nerves.

"It means I'm an....orphan." They all gasped Liam suddenly coughing because a fly had actually flown into his mouth. #besttimingever am I right? "I've always known so it's not a surprise to me but you....maybe."
"What about Robin and Gemma and... and Anne?" Zayn said confused.
"They are my foster family," I looked back down at my hands in my lap.
"Is this a bad time to tell you I am currently thanking God?"
"What?" I snapped my head to Louis.
"I wasn't going to tell you because I thought you would go all protective and stuff but ummm...... I think your sister I mean Gemma is urrr.... kinda hot," he looked at me for my option.
"No no no no no. For starters she's my sister and she's off limits to all of you and secondly, and sorry to disappoint but she is seeing someone aka taken."
I waved my hands around to make my point stronger. I glared a Louis and might I add if looks could kill, I'd have to tell the world the One Direction had only four members.
"Oh," he said before going quiet I felt a little bad for the guy.
"So tell me about stuff," Liam said looking at me. I looked back, my eyes softening.
"Well I am a triplet-"
"Whoa Whoa Whoa!" Niall interrupted. "Hold the phone. Are you trying to tell me that there are 3 Harrys? Oh My God!! The world won't be able to cope. It's barely managing now and there's only one." Niall laughed until his face turned blue.
"Dude, stop." Zayn spat slapping his arm which was covering his stomach. Niall's laugh was now silent. He must have run out of noise but at the moment he was bet over (looking like he might wet himself, LOL I might look like that if he does). He was finding it hard to breathe but he acted as if someone had pushed his mute button and he hadn't noticed.
After about a minute he stood up wiping tears out of his eyes and trying not to smile, "Sorry bro. I'm okay."
I growled at him (it wasn't that funny) and so did the other boys. Niall was so inappropriate at the times he shouldn't be unlike Louis who was inappropriate every time except when he shouldn't be which was good.
"What I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted was that, well I am 1 of 3. My brothers' names are Edward and Marcel Styles well, I think it's Styles. For all I know they could have been adopted, changed their names or even died. Anyway, as you know I'm British and so are they. But we were brought over to an American orphanage called St. Paul's. I think they still live in America but if they know about me and I wasn't famous they could think I was in still in America as well so they could have moved. If I do end up meeting them there is a more than likely chance they don't know about me or each other at that. That's all I know." I looked to Zayn then Louis, Niall and Liam.
"That's pretty big," Liam whispered.
"Wow," Zayn followed.
"Three Harry's? Wow," said Niall.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Louis said after a few moments, asking the question I knew the others were thinking.
"Because the topic never came up. Please don't tell the press or accidentally tweet it or something. The only reason I told you guys is because I need permission to use our jet. At least three of us need to say yes for a single member to fly solo."
"Dude. I think I speak for all of us when I say, you can only use the jet if we can come too. You are a member of our pack and no one leaves the pack." Zayn spoke confidently.
"No Harry. This is a trip of a lifetime for you if you can actually find your brothers, and this, is something we want to do with you. This will change your life" Louis spoke by Zayn's side.
"Harry when is it?" Liam asked. He was always the mature one and he knew that the others can only go if the tour is over.
"Ummm..... Roughly three weeks. The tour ends in two then we have photo shoots and stuff but I've arranged it with management. I am able to go but if you guys insist on going you'll have to ask them," I spoke looking down. I really don't want them to come but I know from experience that I don't have a choice when they team up and make up their minds.

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