Godparents (Camren)

By paradisity

148K 4.7K 1.6K

The story of what happens when Lauren gets a call saying her goddaughter is in the hospital and that she's no... More

A Question
New Project
Begin Again Chapter 2.
Begin Again Chapter 3.
uhhhh hi guys


5.7K 237 131
By paradisity


I am the first to arrive at the restaurant.

It's a very nice place, the kind that is all white on the outside and all dark, sophisticated colors on the inside. Small pieces of art hang on the walls, just enough for the place not to feel bare, and the waitstaff whisks trays of water and alcohol and hot food in betwe. en the tables like they're weightless.

Lost in my observations, I don't hear the waitress come up from behind me and place down a water and a tall glass of wine until she is on her way, weaving through the tables like the rest of her coworkers. I look at the glass of wine that I didn't order and take a sip. I stifle a moan at how smooth the liquid is and then glance around the large ballroom style dining area in an attempt to see where it could've come from, but two women approaching the table catch my attention and I stand up.

Camila is wearing a dark red dress, so dark it even appears like the dye of the fabric was mixed with some sort of black, that hugs her curves just right. Her dress is accompanied by a stunning pair of silver earrings and shiny heels to match. She smiles a shy smile with her hair pulled back over her shoulders and I can't help but beam back at her.

"So, you must be Lauren," I hear in a displeasing tone from my left.

I look toward the sound and am meet with piercing grey eyes. I instantly remember her as the woman from the coffee shop with Nathan. I extend my hand, "That I am."

She looks at my hand for a moment before pulling out the chair opposite from mine and motioning for Camila to sit down. She does so wordlessly and Alex takes the seat beside me, an unpleasant smile on her face, probably at the fact that I didn't ask her name. I stifle a not so pleasant remark at Alex's obvious lack of social skills and sit down as well.

Before any of us can speak, the waitress is back with two waters for Alex and Camila but no wine. I am quick to look at her this time and I catch her send a smile my way before she is off again.

I turn my attention back to the table and see that Camila and Alex are reading over the menu together and take that as a cue to pick up my own menu. I scan it and quickly choose something so I can attempt to strain to hear the conversation Camila and Alex are having behind the menu as well as keep my eye out for the waiter.

"But I want the ribeye," I hear Camila whisper.

"We're both getting the fillet and that is final," Alex replies back in a quiet snap.

"But-" Camila starts to speak again but Alex cuts her off.

"Keep arguing and see where that gets you, I dare you," I hear Alex threaten. Camila says nothing.

A few moments later, the waitress is back and standing in front of the open chair to my right. "My name is Lucy and I'll be your waitress this evening. Have you been here before?"

Camila and Alex nod while I shake my head and the waitress, Lucy turns to me with a smile that shows off her perfect white teeth. She leans toward me slowly, not taking her eyes off of me, as she reaches for my menu.

She opens it gently and traces her fingers over a few items, giving a plentiful amount of details about each one, "This is the wine you're drinking," she points to something on the menu, but my eyes are on her, "It's expressive and multilayered, exhibits flavors of plum, currant, pomegranate and violet that come together harmoniously, persisting into the long and exceptionally well-balanced finish," she speaks slowly. I find myself nodding even though I don't know too much about wine.

"It goes especially well with this dish here-" she begins, pointing to something else.

I put my hand over hers on the menu, "I'll take your word for it."

"Excellent choice," she winks with a smile before giving my hand a squeeze and sliding the menu out from in front of me to reveal a stone faced Alex and Camila with her gaze on the floor. I instantly feel bad.

"What can I get for you?" Lucy is now looking toward Camila.

Alex reaches for her hand possessively and speaks in an annoyed tone, "We'll both have the fillet, thank you."

Lucy holds in her own annoyance and takes their menus. "I'll put that order right in for you," she looks at Alex's hand wrapped so tightly around Camila's that the younger girl's is turning white, sends a smile in my direction, and weaves her way around the dining room once again.

I keep my eyes on their hands as Alex sneers, "Good to know you're a slut for everyone, not just my girlfriend."

I take a second to register what she said before I lean to my left and get so close to her face that I can see the wrinkles she attempted to hide with makeup. "Say that again," I growl.

"Lauren, don't," Camila speaks from beside Alex in a fearful tone.

I look toward Camila instead of Alex whose lips are in a tight smile, "Sorry, did I offend you?"

Alex's hand is now squeezing hers so tight it's turning blue. I look up to Camila's face and see her looking at their hands with a grimace on her face.

I turn back to Alex, "Let her go."

She seems taken aback, "Excuse me?"

"Let Camila go," I repeat louder.

"I'm sorry, did you just tell me what to do with my girlfriend?" Alex's face is one of angry shock and she raises her voice to match mine.

"Alex-" Camila tries to intervene again.

"Shut up, Camila" Alex grits her teeth but keeps her eyes on me.

"Don't talk to her like that," I speak louder still before I remember that we're in the middle of a restaurant and have attracted the attention of nearly every table in the room. I look around and open my mouth to apologize to everyone, but the air is knocked out of me in one forceful motion and suddenly, instead of sitting in my chair, I'm tumbling backward toward the ground with a weight on my chest and attempting to brace myself as my head hits the floor with a thud.

Oh man things are getting crazy. What do you guys think is going to happen next?

Also, link me to some good stories on here if you know any, I need more things to read.

Thank you for reading,

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