Taking Hearts

By ginaddict

56.2K 3.3K 480

Dayu, a junior accountant, is in a ditch in a middle of a twenty million yuan embezzlement case. And the main... More

The Accussed
A Night of Kisses
Kidnapper and Victim
Handcuffs Free
We are Lovers
Memory of our First Kiss
His and Mine


3.3K 218 39
By ginaddict


We walked along the trail again. Our packs much lighter. At least mine is as we continued consuming water. We will rest for a while. Read the trivias we saw along the trail that is posted on the trees or even on the ground.

Some famous people who hiked up the Everest had walked on this trail. That's what we learn.

"Do you plan to hike on the Everest too?" I asked Dayu.

"I can't afford it. I don't have my job anymore, remember? Some jerk fired me," he gave me a stinky stare.

I laughed. Waving a long branch I had seen fell from the ground and using it as my hiking staff.

"If you didn't stole that money? Who did?" I asked him.

"I don't know," he said forlornly. "All I know is that my sign were on those documents. Leading everyone to believe that I was involved. Millions of yuan was transfered from the company to an unknown bank account and only my signature was seen. I wish Mr.Na is still alive because he is the only only suspect I have but..."

"But he is dead." I finished for him. Dayu nodded. I sighed, "His death is naturally caused, do you know? He genuinely had a heart attack that killed him."

The family of Mr.Na cooperated for his body to be examined. The verdict was final. No foul play was involved on his death.

"With Mr.Na out of the picture, I will be the remaining suspect. But I really didn't do it," Dayu looked and sound tearful. He even stopped walking and sniffed loudly.

He turn to me with pleading eyes, "Is there really no other suspect. Other than me?" He asked with a desperation on his voice.

I shook my head regretfully. His shoulder slumped. "I am doomed then. Even if I sell my organs and virginity, I cannot raise twenty million yuan!"

I stumbled and almost fell on the forest floor, "Your what now? V-virginity?!"

Did he really say virginity? He is a virgin?

He nodded and sniffed, "I look it up online. There's a site where you can sell your virginity to the highest bidder. But with my ordinary looks and profile, I can only ask for one hundred thousand yuan for my virginity,"

I will double that! No! I can triple and quadrupled that amount. Heck, I will pay a million yuan for his virginity. Twenty million if he will be totally mine.

I bit my lip to stop myself from saying that.

Me bidding for his virginity will not help him. What can help Dayu is find out where that money got transfered into.

"The investigation is still going on. Nothing is certain yet," I told him.

He nodded, "I just want you to listen and to tell you that I really didn't do it. In all honesty, I will never learn what I will do with that amount of money. I have never been rich my entire life. I have simple dreams and wishes. I never even wish for money before. But now, I wish I was born rich so I can give that amount back and just get my normal life again,"

He really didn't know that he is the son of a powerful woman in construction building? Shang Yi Zi owned Shang Builders that's worth hundred of millions of yuan yet her son lived in an orphanage and grew up poor and relying on scholarship.

What happened to Dayu and to his mother? Why did Dayu ended up in that orphanage?



"What is the name of the employee they are suspecting at Wang International that embezzled their money?"

"Feng Jian Yu, CEO." My invertigator smartly answered.

"And this is him?" With shaking hand I lifted the picture of a young man that looked like the man I loved a long time ago.

I thought I am seeing a ghost. Except for the mole under his left eye, which I also have, this boy really looked like my dead lover.

"Yes, Madam." The investigator nodded.

I felt my whole world crumbling. All this time...all this time, my son is alive? I thought he was dead when I birthed him twenty four years ago. My father said my baby was stillborn. I buried him!

My whole body started shaking. I had to swallow a lot of times and took deep breathes to calm myself enough to order my investigator to...

"Look for this boy. Investigate every little thing you can know about him. I want to know everything about this boy! Everything! His age, his past, where he grew up, his childhood, his educational background. His medical record! I have to have his medical record! He...he..."

He could be my son. And my enemies are suspecting him of embezzling.

My son. My son?! An embezzler?! Why...this is...

"Madam!" My secretary of twenty years now came to my side to give me water and help me to calm down.

"He is alive, Liwei! My Dayu...my Dayu could be alive!" I felt tears formed and fell on my face.

My Dayu. My little Dayu. I only get to stitch that name on his little baby clothes. That's all I ever did for my child and nothing else. That and bury him.

But now, it looks like I buried the wrong son and my Dayu is alive!

I stood up from my chair. "I have to know! I have to know, Liwei! I have to see him!" I tried to ran out of my office but Liwei stopped me.

"Madam, calm down! Please calm down and think. This boy..."

"This boy could be imprisoned! Those wretched Wangs will destroy him. My son...!"

"He may not be your son." Liwei is not letting herself be swept by hope.

"But he can be!" I held on to my friend's arms. "He can be Dayu, Liwei! I want to see him. I want to hold him."

I want my son. Everyday for the past twenty four years, all I ever wanted was to hold my lover and son again. But my lover died in an accident while he was working as a contruction engineer even before our son was born.

Then my little Dayu was proclaimed stillborn by the doctors and my father who hated the man I loved. He hated the fact that I fell for a simple, poor engineer who is just starting his career rather than obey and marry someone who is as rich as us.

"My father...I think he hid Dayu from me. He took my son away from me so I will live in loneliness and listen to his every command. I did everything he wanted after Dayu died. Except marry the one he wanted for me..."

I cannot do it. Marry someone and give myself again to somebody else. I only gave myself to the man I loved. And I never wanted to bore another child again. After what happened, what I think happened to my first born, I never wanted to be pregnant again and experience the same pain of losing a child.

But now...a hope has come my way.

My Dayu could be alive and the Wangs got him.

Our fierce competitor and rival in business got my son and accusing him of embezzling money.

What? Twenty million yuan? I will slap twenty, forty, even a hundred million yuan on their faces as long as they give my son back to me!

My Dayu. What kind of life did he had without me on his side? What kind of hardship he is facing now as those Wangs destroy him?

I sniffed and compose myself. I will be of no use to this boy that could be my son if I will not calm down.

I have to calm down and think. Think of a way to save this Feng Jian Yu from being sent to prison for a paltry sum of money.

Petty Wangs. Making a ruckus for twenty million yuan? That is change compare to the amount of money they have. Why are they making such a fuzz about it? Bunch of cheapskate.

I will take Dayu away from them and I will make sure that no Wang will ever see him and accuse my son again.

I dispatched four investigators to find my son and gather informations about him.

I know he is my son. Mine! And even if he is not, I will still take Feng Jian Yu and make him my son. The fact that he looked like my lover is enough for me to want to see him and look at him for the rest of my life.

But I know. A mother's heart know. He is my son. I can feel it. Deep inside me that never believed I birthed a stillborn. The heart that always hoped that my son is alive.

This Jian Yu is my son.

And I cursed my father to hell and back. He is already dead but he is still proving to be the biggest bastard I knew.

If my theory is correct and this Jian Yu is Dayu. I will take my father's ashes and mixed it with pigs' waste where he belongs.

I hope he is burning in hell right now. And if Dayu gets hurt by the Wangs, I will start wishing them to burn in hell too.

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