Angel in Red and Gold (Tony S...

By StarkPhoenix15

35.2K 649 155

Selena meets Tony after a accident the two get into. Tony and Selena spend a night together. After that Tony... More

Chapter 2: The Mandarin
Chapter 3: The Unbreakable Feeling
Chapter 4: May I Have This Dance?
Chapter 5: Witness Protection Program
Chapter 6: True Colors
Chapter 7: Love is a Mysterious Thing
Chapter 8: I Love You
Chapter 9: Danger in Paradise
Chapter 10: The Dark Phoenix
Chapter 11: The X-Men
Chapter 12: What Kind of Name is That?
Chapter 13: My Personal Inferno
Chapter 14: Revenge
Chapter 15: My Angel In Red And Gold
Chapter 16: New Era of Phoenix
A/N: You Guys Are Awesome!

Chapter 1: Tony Stark

6.5K 86 52
By StarkPhoenix15

Hey Guys this is Stark (my nickname)! I am the author of this story you are about to read. Please forgive is it isn't that good, but this is my very first FanFic that I am writing! I promise it will get a lot better as I get better with my skills. Please I would like you guys to leave comments and give me input on what you will like to see as the story goes on.

Copyrights of Iron Man, Tony Stark, and all Marvel characters belong to Marvel and not me. The cover art is not owned by me and goes to the owner. They only thing I own is Selena Acevedo, the plot of this Adventure/Romance Fanfic and anything that is not owned by Marvel or any other source! Please enjoy! Love you all

Angel in Red and Gold

As I went for my run on the ocean side of Venice Beach, I had my headphones blasted high to "Highway to Hell". I know you don't see a lot of 23-year-old girls listening to AC/DC for a run, but hey I like it. I am wearing my red and gold sports tank top that covered my black sports bra, and I had my black running shorts with my red and black running shoes. Red is my favorite colors, and gold and black just are great accent colors. My black long wavy hair was tied up in a high ponytail that went side to side as I ran.

So as I was slowing down just a little I come along the famous company Stark Industries. This famous company is the house of the amazing Iron Man that is the most popular superhero now. After his amazing save in New York City along with the Avengers, they are now the most popular superhero team. Tony Stark, the most handsome guy ever, who is now single again might I add; It was all over the news about Pepper Potts break up with the handsome billionaire Tony Stark. It had something to with Tony being so into his work with Iron Man and Avengers. Well I mean we all knew it wasn't going to last long due to Pepper being into the company and not him, Oh well.

But the paparazzi won't get off his back for an interview about his new life. To be honest I am dying for him to be on TV for an interview because I'm itching to know what happened between him and Pepper.

I feel bad for Tony. I mean to me it just seems like Pepper left him in a time of need in his life. He was coming into something greater and I mean he basically went to outer space to save the whole world from turning into Loki's playground.

As I run pass the driveway into the company the chorus comes on and I turned the volume louder so I couldn't hear the traffic of 1:30pm. I'm running on pure adrenaline as I listen to my favorite song. As I was coming to the end of the driveway, I was hit by a silver sports car. Damn that hurt more than anything in my life! As I fell to the floor my head was cut deep from the sidewalk edge. As blood was coming from my head I heard the door open then close.

"Oh my God you're bleeding! I'm so sorry I didn't see you coming!" The man with a deep masculine voice said as he came to my side and helped me up.

"It's ok" I said, "I should have been paying more attention to where I was running".

When I finally look up to see the man that hit me he was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and red tie. He had on a pair of converse on, which I found pretty sexy. Then his face, his hazel eyes that were filled with concerned and his lips partly open. His dark brown hair in a combed back style. His goatee was hard to miss! I was just hit by Tony Stark! I almost fainted! I swear I mean me! Was almost killed by Tony Stark! I don't know if I should be happy or mad about this. I mean out of everyone living in Malibu, I was hit by Tony "f-ing" Stark. God help me now.

He brings out a towel from his sliver sports car, and starts to wipe my forehead where the blood was coming from.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you I was just checking my phone."

He had a nice presence to him. He smelt like Polo Black, which was the best smell for guys in a bottle. Ok Selena stop acting like this. Damn it! Ugh I really get all nervous and can't stop talking when I am put under a lot of pressure.

"You know it's bad to text and drive at the same time." I say and take the towel from his hands.

"Yeah I know, but it's kind of hard to check it when I'm in meetings and saving the word." I smirk at his comment and he gave me a wink which caused me to blush.

After that, he helped me up and insisted on getting me medical attention, but I denied. Once I was on my feet, I felt a little dizzy and used his car to support myself. I look up to him staring at me with concerned eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded, still holding on to his car.

"You just got hit by a car, of course you're not". He comes to my side and slides his arm around my waist almost dragging me to the passenger side.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused as he opens the door looking around as if he wanted no one to see what just happened.

"I'm taking you to my place to get you all patched up and kiss the boo boos better. I may not be a doctor, but I know one if that counts?" he replied. I couldn't help but to feel as if I was really hurt and yet excited that I was going to be in TONY STARK'S HOUSE. Different feelings started to build up in my stomach.


I got into the driver's seat and turned the car on, putting on my sunglasses. I look to the side and look at the girl sitting there.

"You know you never told me your name", I tell her as I start driving fast to my house.

She turns around and with a smile, "I'm Selena" she says.


I look straight at the road replaying what just happened. I hit someone with a car. I start to get a little panicky. What if the press saw that I just let a girl into my car? Worse, actually hit someone with my car. I mean right now I really don't need anything else to be stressing about. Rhodey has been telling me of the new terrorist that is on the radar. Yeah I never get a break, but I do it to help and to have Fury on my good side.

"Are you okay?" my deep thought was interrupted by a female voice.

"I'm fine, but you're not", I tell her grabbing a tissue and pressing it onto her forehead, "You're bleeding again, I think you're going to need stitches."

I pull into my driveway, seeing how many paparazzi were at my gate, made me really nervous.

"Jarvis put the shields up."

One second later metal shields come up blocking the view of me and the car as I drive into the garage. Hey I may be famous, but I like privacy too...sometimes. I park my car in my dark garage and let out a loud sigh, hoping no one saw me with a girl after what happened with my last relationship. I look to my right, and smile at her, getting out of the car. I go to the passenger side and open the door for her, offering my hand to her. She takes it slowly. I take her to the kitchen. We walked over to one of the counters, and I turned to her and grabbed her waist then lifted up her small body onto the kitchen counter so I could get a better view of the wound since she was smaller than I was. She let out a little gasp, but then relaxed when I sat her down on the counter and gives her a soft smile. I go back into the garage, and pulled out a first aid kit. When I walked back into the kitchen she is sitting on the counter where I left her with her legs dangling.

I go to her opening the first aid kit and start cleaning her wounds.

"I think you'll get out of getting stitches" I tell her smiling, "I was kind of hoping I could stitch you up. I just learned how to do that." resulting in surprised eyes.

I chuckled at her expression. I look at the scratch that was on her forehead above her left eye.

"You might have a little scar from it, but nothing major. I wouldn't worry though, your beautiful face is safe" I said as I gave her another wink and made her blush.

I took some gauze and I place it above the wound. I then take the medical tape and take two pieces and place them at each end of the gauze. I helped her down the counter gently then walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a glass. I gave her some pain killers with the glass of water and lead her up to the guest rooms on the left side of the house.

To my surprise, she hasn't really said much. Thank god she isn't a crazy fan. Although she is very beautiful, I wouldn't want to go back into the old habit of one night stands. Although they are nice, I want to start a new trend of relationships, if I can find someone. On second thought, I might just stay single.

"You should lie down, I don't want you hurting yourself, and you are going to need to stay for a while"

I tell her as I take her to the nearest guest room. I open up the door to my left and lead her into the room and helped her to the bed.

"Thanks" she says looking out the window to the view of the beach.

I thought that she might want different clothes to sleep in since her shirt has blood on it, so I went to one of the closets and grabbed one of my plain white shirts and threw it at her shorts that Pepper forgot when she left me and handed it to her.

"You didn't have to give me clothes to sleep in I mean I could have just rested in the ones I have on" she said while she looked at the clothes in her hands.

"I thought I would get the clothes washed for you since you have blood on them." She looks down and finally realized that there was a lot of blood on her shirt.

"Oh" she said with a blush.

"You should get some rest" I said to her as I head to the door. "I know it's only 2:35 but I think a nap will help you focus better."

"Oh ok I will" she says as she looks at me with blue eyes. "Thanks" she says as she flashes me a bright white smile.

"No problem, I'll see you in a bit" I say as I open the door and firmly close it behind me.

I walk into my room feeling a little relieved that Selena wasn't badly injured. I entered my room took my tie and shoes off and sat on the edge of my bed. I close my eyes trying to relax with my face in my hands, then I feel someone jump onto the bed. I open my eyes in surprise and jump back a few spaces. I was about to call for my suit until I realized that it was an innocent looking female. A girl with nothing but my dark blue button down dress shirt and underwear on. She had brown wavy hair, her eyes black with makeup, and red lips. Slowly, I start to remember last night.


Oh my God! I still can't believe what has happened to me this afternoon. I mean I was hit by Tony Stark. I'm just so glad I did act like a complete idiot in front of him. I bet he would have just left me on the ground if I started fangirling. My luck with men I usually embarrass myself by like burping loudly or sharing an embarrassing story from my past. I look down at the clothes I had in my hands and finally placed them on the bed. I take my shoes off along with my socks. I put my socks inside the shoes and place them by the closet door. I sit there on the bed for a while and thought why Tony decided to take me to his house instead of a hospital. I shrug my shoulders as I take my bloody shirt off and fold it neatly on the edge of the bed. I put on his white dress shirt that he gave me and started to button it up.

"It smells just like him" I said out loud with a smile as I finish buttoning the last button.

I took my shorts off and placed them next to my sports tank top. I grabbed the pair of black and gray plaid pajama shorts and slid them on. They went up to my mid-thigh, but was covered by his shirt I had on. I rolled up the sleeves so they were resting above my elbows. I take my ponytail I had in my hair out and ran my fingers through my hair quickly.

I hear my phone ring and I remembered I had placed it in my short's pocket. I took my phone out and realized that it had a crack from the top corner, down to the middle of the screen.

"Shit! I just got this iPhone and it's damaged. It must have happened when I crashed to the ground." I said as I read the text message.

"Hey S are you up to go to the club tonight? I bet we can finally find some guys to hit on ;)"

I replied "No thanks, I already have plans for tonight. I'll tell you about it at work on Monday."

She texts me back says "Oh I see ;) well tell me all about it at work ttyl Chica!"

I place my phone on the nightstand after I checked the message. I took my clothes and placed them on the dresser that was a few feet away from the bed. I walk back remove the covers slide into the bed and place them over me. The shades automatically closed themselves to hide the sun from my face. I fell asleep thinking about what happened this afternoon with a smile.

"Tara won't believe me when I tell her about this."


It all was coming back to me. The party that I had at my house. For my 30th birthday. I remember that I had a meeting to get to at 12pm the next day. At the party I was wearing the dark blue shirt that this girl has on, with a pair of black dress pants and dress shoes. I remember the 50 or more people. Most of them I didn't even know was inside my house celebrating my birthday. Even though I still had a great time.... even when I meet the girl. She had on a light pink color skintight dress with a black trim. Her hair was in a wavy up do, with a pair of black stilettos. She told me she was a reporter from People magazine. Then I told her if she wanted a 'personal' interview with me. I knew I was drunk at this point, which is the cause of my major headache. Then black from there.

"Hi" I say to the half nude girl next to me.

"Hello babe, how are you?" she says as she snakes her arms around my neck.

I get up from the bed and stand looking down at her.

"I'm fine; um what is your name again? I'm sorry I kind of blacked out from what happened last night."

She looks at me with hurt eyes. "Ana Quince. You gave me a 'personal' interview last night. Which I have to say was the best interview ever!" She says with a big smile.

I shake my head at myself. I'm such an ass. I mean I have done this plenty of times before, but I was trying to start new. Instead, I am going back to old damn habits. I go to the side of my bed and grab her clothes and handed it to her.

"I need you to leave now please. I don't want to get anything out about this and I mean it was just a fling for the night." I said as I grabbed my phone to check the email about the company. I have been at the meeting today and I needed to go over the new "weapons" that a designer sent me. It needed to be done so that Stark Industries would remain on top.

She comes over grabs my phone and starts to type something in there.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask her as she handed back my phone.

"I just saved my number to your phone just in case you might want to.... get a hold of me again." She says as she takes my shirt off and hands it to me.

She had a nude color strapless bra on. She puts on her dress and heels. A buzz goes off as she checks her phone.

"And now I have your number saved." She says as she types something on her phone.

Then she walks out and winks at me before I walk towards her to lead her to the front door of my living room. It was 3:15 pm and it was safe since the press went to eat, but then they will be back around 6:30.

"I hope to see you again Tony. I had a blast." She said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I twitch at the touch of her cold lips on my warm face. She then walks out to her car. I look out towards her until she drove away.

I had Jarvis close the door softly so I wouldn't wake up Selena. Then I walk over to the mirror and see the red lips from Ana on my cheek. I grab a tissue and start to rub it off my face. After I got the last of the red off my face, I go to the couch in the living room, and slid down on it. I ran my fingers through my now loose hair, then down my face.

"Ugh I really need to stop the one night stands. I'm never going to find my wife if I keep doing that." Yeah many people don't think that I want a wife and kids, but I do.

I want to have a family and just finally meet someone who finally understands me and won't use me for my fame and money. Yeah, yeah it is something that people don't picture when they hear my name, but hey a man can be normal if he is saving the world and is beyond famous. Not to brag but I think I would make one hell of a husband and father. I roll up my sleeves to be above my elbows.

"Jarvis are you there?" I say to my house system and 'friend' Jarvis as I sit up straight.

"I'm always here for you Sir." His machine voice says to me.

"Can you do a search on the girl in the other room? I kind of want to know who she is."

"Why don't you wait till she wakes to figure out who she is Sir?" I look up outside to the setting sun.

"Jarvis don't be a smart ass and just do it."

"Yes Sir. I will scan her right now." "

"Thank you honey bear." All of a sudden I hear a door open.


I wake up from my deep slumber and look around the room.

"How did I get home?" I said out loud.

I look around the room and I sit up in the bed and realize that I was not at home. Then I quickly remembered that I was hit by a car and Tony Stark was driving it.

"Oh I'm still at Tony's house." I say and I move the covers from my body.

I swing my leg over to the edge of the bed watching them dangle a few inches from the floor. I grabbed my head as it still hurt from earlier today. I remove my hands from my head and grab my phone. I checked it to see if anyone called or texted.

"5:00 pm geez I slept for a while". I set my phone to the side of me and then stood up and turned around as the curtains in the bedroom were coming up.

I walked over grabbed my phone from the bed and placed it by my clothes that were still on the dresser. I walked over to the door and open it to step onto the hard wood cold floor that sent a chill up my spine. I get cold easily, so right now I am freezing. I look around to see if I could find Tony. I walk up to the living room that was a few feet away from the guest room. I walk through the doorway and I see Tony sitting up on a white leather couch looking in my direction.

"Hey there sleepy head." He says as he shoots me a bright white smile.

I blushed and mentally slap myself for acting like that.

"Hey" I said as I walked over to the edge of a white rug that was laid on the floor with a glass coffee table over it.

He was sitting a few feet away from it and I stood there playing with the edge of the white dress shirt he gave me.

"How do you feel? I hope you are feeling OK." He says as he stands up and walked over to me.

"I'm fine. Just have a headache that hurts more than hangover headaches." He laughs then walks closer to me and lift up the homemade band aid that was placed on my forehead.

"The bleeding has stopped, but I think you should keep the gauze on just in case. I mean I am not a doctor, but I have seen wounds like that. It will all of a sudden start bleeding out of nowhere." He pressed the gauze back on carefully not to hurt me then looked into my eyes.

Wow he has such beautiful brown eyes. His eyes were a very nice hazel color that had a hint of green and yellow. I mentally slap myself.

"Um...I should probably get home before it gets too late." I said as I back up slightly.

"Sir, I had finished the scan."

"Um not now Jarvis maybe you can see why!" Tony yells at his house.

"That must be Jarvis. I always heard such good things about him." I said as I look at the ceiling.

"Yeah he is my Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. That is where he gets the name Jarvis. I should have named him SAM for Smart Ass Machine" He says as a small smile comes creeping on his face.

I let out a laugh. "That is totally awesome! Although, I like Jarvis better."

"Sir the paparazzi had return and is creeping into every little window they can find."

"God damn it! Will I ever find peace in this damn world?" Tony says as he tilts his head back and runs his hand down his face then turns to look at me.

"Jarvis close all the windows and shades and lock every door so they won't get in like last time."

"Yes sir."

"Tony?" I say as I take a step closer to him. "I think it's time for me to go. I'll just let you be." He turns and looks at me with sad eyes.

"You can't leave!"

"Well I mean you're going to have to stay because I really don't want the press to hear about what I did to you. Or even think about what we might have been doing. Ever since my break up with Pepper they won't get off my back! I just don't want you to get involved with this shit. Trust me, they are going to want to know everything about you." As he said that I got butterflies in my stomach and I also blushed when he gave me another bright white smile.

"I know we just met today and already you are sleeping over but it would be the best if you stay here the night and in the morning you can leave. I promise I won't try anything. Those rumors about one night stands are partly true. Most of the time I don't even remember them" He says and I let out a small laugh.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me. His touch sent shots of energy through my body. I blushed even more. Tony had a very nice soothing touch which convinced me.

"Ok I will. I just don't want the press to give you shit anymore. Also I am a great height to punch you in the balls if you try anything" I said as I look at him with a smile.

"Very well. No messing with you then." He says with a smile and he raises his hands in defeat.

I let out a soft smile and look up at him. He gave me a nod then followed along with a smile.

"I bet your hungry, I can find something to eat in the kitchen or we can order something. Jarvis? Do we have anything to make in the kitchen for the beautiful lady?" He said as he looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"We have two prim frozen steaks in the freezer, potatoes, green beans and gravy in a package. Along with the red wine from Italy you received from the villagers you saved."

Tony looks at me with a frown. "Well I don't know how to cook and my chef is on vacation. So we can just order something." He said as he walks to the coffee table and pick up his phone.

"Well I can cook." I said as he looks at me.

"My mom taught me to cook before I came to California for my job. I can sauté the green bean with some salt and pepper. I can boil the potatoes then mash them for mash potatoes, and warm up the gravy to go over them. Then I can grill the steaks with a steak rub which will give it a very delicious taste and cuts like butter. You don't need to spend your money. I'll be happy to cook."

After I'm done talking about how I could cook the food, Tony puts down the phone and walks over to me.

"You made my mouth water. That sounds delicious; I haven't had a home cooked meal since I was in college. I'll help you. Cooking can't be that hard."

He said as he flashes me a smile. He then walked over to the kitchen and takes out pots and pans so we can start cooking. I never thought that Tony Stark would like to cook. As I see he was waiting for me, I walk over to him and take out the food from the cabinets and freezer for the steaks. I hand Tony the green beans so he could wash them. Tony doesn't seem like the person the press makes him seem....


I take a bite from the steak and chew it. It was nice and moist. This tasted like something my chef would make, but only better.

"How do you like it?" I hear Selena's soft voice that interrupted me enjoying the steak from heaven. I sallow then look at her.

"It's the best dinner I had ever ate! Holy shit where have your cooking been all my life. This reminds me of my mother's cooking." I said as I scoop up mashed potatoes and green beans into my mouth.

I hear Selena giggle as she was chewing the steak that was in her mouth. "I'm glad" she says as she swallows the steak.

"I wasn't sure if you would have liked it since you are more into the high class food."

"This is high class food! I mean it tastes like something from a very fancy expensive restaurant in Beverly Hills." I say as I look at her. She blushes again then scoops up some potatoes and eats them.

She takes a sip from her cup that had the red wine from Italy in it. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my God this is amazing wine. I can tell it was aged very nicely from its amazing flavor from the cork."

"It's from Italy and it says it was made in 1956. I got it as a gift from saving a village from a nuclear disaster." I said as I cut a piece of my steak.

"It must be amazing to travel and just save the world." She says with a giggle. "I always wanted to be a superhero when I was younger. I was a nerd as a child. I loved reading comic books and just learn to save the world." She says as she takes a sip of her wine. "I kind of envy you since you're able to do what you want." She had a sad look on her face and let out a small sigh.

"You don't like what you do?" I ask as I look at her. She looks up at me

"I do but it's not what I originally wanted to do once I moved here."

"Jarvis?" I say while still looking at her.

"Yes Sir?"

"Please tell me who our guest is." I said with a smile as she looks at me with a confused look.

"Selena Luna Acevedo. She is 23 years old. Her birthday is August 9, 1990. She is originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She attended UCLA with the degree in design, business and music. She is now working at Forever 21 as a fashion designer."

"Thank you." I said as I look at her with a smile.

"Wow that is pretty impressive." She said as she looks at me.

"Why don't you like to be a fashion designer? I thought that would be like every girl dream to be one or is it to be with Cap? I get those two confused." I said as I finish the last bit of my dinner.

"I did, but now I'm regretting it because it's not what I truly want to do." She says as she cuts her steak. "I really wanted to become a singer once I finished my degree in music. Once I was done with college I made a cover CD and sent it to Colombia Records....Let's just say they sent it back saying I will never get anywhere in that career."

She says as she places the cut piece of meat into her mouth. Once she finished chewing she looked at her hands that were on her lap. "So I just sent some ideas to Forever 21, H&M, and American Eagle. They all liked what I had and I went with the one I knew would give me more pay."

I look at her and I kind of felt bad for her. She had a look on her face that I can tell she was regretting never making that extra push to become what she really wanted to be. I never really feel like this for anyone and all of a sudden I felt like I wanted to do something to help her.

"I'm really sorry to hear that Selena." I say as I look at her head that was still looking down at her hands. "I know this might sound weird, but can I hear you sing something." I said as she looks up at me with shocked eyes and a tint of pink on her cheeks. "I want to hear it for myself." As I said that I took my phone out under the table and hit record.

"Um...OK but don't laugh at me." She said as she sat up straight. "There's a fire starting in my heart reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark, finally I can see you crystal clear..." As she sang Adele I honestly thought she was a professional! I mean she sounded amazing. I honestly can't believe Columbia won't sign her. Under the table I move my phone closer so I can record her more clearly as she comes to the chorus of "Rolling in the Deep". "We could have had it all, rolling in the deep, you had my heart inside of your hand, and you played it, to the beat." She finishes after holding the last note of the chorus then looks at me. "Wow. I mean that is all I can say is wow. You have amazing talent."

I said as I stop recording on my phone and place it back in my pocket. "Thanks." She said with a small smile.

All of sudden her phone goes off. Her ringtone was The Pirates of the Caribbean main theme. She blushed with embarrassment as she hurried to grab her phone and answer the call.

"Hello?" she says into the phone. "Tara I told you I'll tell you everything on Monday. OK I'll talk to you later. Bye." She places her phone on the table.

"Sorry about that. My friend was just wondering why I didn't want to go out tonight." She says as she looks at her phone. I notice there was a crack that was in the corner of the phone that went all the way down the screen. Damn, that must have happened when I crashed into her. I probably should get her a new one, just to be nice and a way to say sorry.

"Oh it's ok." I said as I finish the last piece of steak that was left on my plate.

We sat in silence for a few moments as I wait for her to finish her food. After we were both done, I stood up from the glass coffee table in the living room grabbed my plate and hers. I walked to the kitchen, placed the plates and silverware into the dish washer and turned it on. I went back to the living room and stop midway and looked at the back form of Selena. Not many people will find the back side of a woman attractive, but I so do. That is until she turns around and she is ugly like a toe nail. I look back at Selena; she has beautiful black wavy hair that went down to her mid back. She had a nice small hourglass form to her. But most of all she had those beautiful blue eyes. They were as blue as the sky.

"Tony?" I came out of my gaze and looked at the small woman sitting down at the table. "Is everything OK?" she asked as she looks at me with concerned eyes.

"Yes I'm fine. No need to worry about me, I'm a big boy." I said as I hear her softly giggle. You know Selena is a very adorable person....


As he comes around to the side of the table and he stands by his seat across from me as he picks up his wine glass and finishes it in a large gulp. After he set his glass down on the table he looks at me.

"What would you like to do now?" He asked as I started to lift up my wine glass to my lips.

I look at him and think. "To be honest I don't know." I said with a chuckle and then slam the rest of the wine that was in my glass wine cup.

"Hmm. Would you like to see the other half of me?" I was confused by his question and looked at him with confused eyes. He then came around the table to where I was sitting and reached out his hand towards me.

I look up at him and blushed. I take his hand, he helped me up and was still holding onto my hand as he leads me down a flight of stairs that was to the left of his front door. He was to the side of me holding my hand as we went down the stairs. We stop at a glass door that was at the end of the stairs. I look at him from the corner of my eye. He was much taller in person and I was only as tall as his shoulder. Wow now that I think about it I'm pretty short. After he punched in a code on the keypad the door was unlocked and we entered. His workroom seemed bigger than his living room and his living room was pretty huge.

In the way back I could see all his sports cars and computer systems that seemed like he was working on. He was pulling my arm to the right to a spare room that was there. It was dark and I couldn't really see anything until he flipped the switch for the light. I had to adjust my eyes from the blinding lights. After I get my eyes back to normal, I look up and my eyes widen. In the center of the room was Tony's famous Iron Man (his other half). As the other lights come on one after another in the back I saw the other suits he had built and worn to fight.

"This is my other half and my own personal art collection that I had made." He said as he pulls me to his Iron Man in the center of the room.

He let go of my hand when we reach the red and gold man. "Oh my God this is amazing." I said as I touch the cold metal in front of me.

I look at the armor and then the arc reactor caught my eye. The main reason for Tony to build the suits was because what had happened to him in the Middle East. I move my fingers and trace the edge of the circle that the reactor would show. I stopped and pulled my fingers away from cold metal and stepped back and looked at Tony whose eyes were fixed on me.

"This is so amazing!" I said as I gave Tony a smile. Tony gives me a smile back and then looks at the suit.

"I'm glad you like it. I mean I don't really give private shows of my suits, but I thought I'll be nice and show you them. Also I like to show off my work. Very proud of my babies" He said as he gives me yet again another wink.

I walk around the red and gold suit in the middle and walk to the nearest suit in the back and noticed it had a lot of scratches and it seemed like it went through hell. I then look up to a sign that was hanging above it and read the sign out loud "The Battles of New York City. A fight for humanity alongside with the Avengers." I look at the suit and touched one of the deep scratches that were on the chest of the armor. I traced my fingers down the scratch that went to the center of the stomach.

"That must have been one hell of a fight. At least you came back safe and sound." I said as I look over to him and saw a tint of pink on his cheeks.

He looked at me and gave me a smile and I returned a smile back to him. I stepped away from the suit and started to walk towards him then I tripped on a wire that was on the floor. I gasp as I get ready to hit the hard cold floor and shut my eyes. Then I realized I didn't fall to the floor, but onto something warm and comforting. I open my eyes and look up to see Tony's face with a small smile. His arms were around my waist as he caught me before I fell to the floor. His soft hazel eyes looked deep into mine as he lifts himself and me up to stand. We stared deep into each other's eyes for a few moments as I felt my cheeks burn. I even saw his cheeks turn a bright red color.

He then removed his arms from my waist and stepped back. "You are a very accident prone girl aren't you? I might need to get you bubble wrap and a helmet to protect you." He said as I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I giggle with embarrassment and started to play with the trim of his white shirt around me. "Let's go back upstairs we have a bottle of wine to finish." He said as he reached out his hand so I could grab it. I held his hand as we started our way to the stairs. Tony is a very nice and respectful person. So why does the press make him seem like a monster?


"And then I hid a snake into the Captain's boot and he screamed like a little girl as he ran through the S.H.E.L.I.D airship with one boot on and the other off." I laugh as I hear Selena laugh as hard as I was. It was about 1:30 in the morning and we have been nonstop talking and telling jokes to each other. Selena told me more about her life as she lived in Wisconsin, and her family. Her mother was a nurse at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin and her father is cardiologist at St. Luke's Hospital in Milwaukee. She did theatre in high school and always loved to perform. Her mother is Mexican as well as Salvadoran, and her father is Puerto Rican. I also told her about myself, but most of it she probably already knew from the news.

"Oh my God I can't breathe!" She says as she places a hand on her stomach and one on my shoulder.

"If you need me I know CPR." I chuckled as she giggles with a tint of pink on her cheeks. She lets out a soft yawn then looks at me.

"Oh excuse me. I'm a little sleepy." She said as she rubs her left eye.

I let out a loud yawn and rub my eyes as well. "Oh me too. Well I mean we did have an exciting day. I mean it wasn't all exciting until I hit you with my car." I laugh as she giggles then touches the gauze that was on her forehead.

"Yeah I know right." She giggles as she stood up and grabbed both of our wine glasses with one hand and the empty bottle with the other. She walked over to the kitchen and placed the bottle in the recycling bin and then placed the glasses in the dishwasher. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. I stop at the entrance way to the kitchen as I watched her put away the dishes and silverware from our dinner. I was in my gaze again at her personality and body are just breath taking. I mean she is the first girl that doesn't want to get in my pants, but wants to take her time to know me and not the way the press views me. It's hard to find women like that around me. Sometimes it's difficult to even keep an open eye when nothing but horny women are in the way.

I came out of my gaze as I hear the cabinet door closed and she turned around to look at me. "Would you like to go to bed Selena?" I ask as I untuck my shirt from my pants.

"I think that would be the best since we are both yawning." She says with a giggle as she walks towards me.

"I'll walk you to your room then." I said with a smile as I offer my arm.

She blushes and takes my arm as we walk from the kitchen to the guest rooms. We walked in silence till we reach her room. I turn to face her as I met her blue eyed gaze.

"Well good night Mr. Stark. I'll see you in the morning." She said as she opens the door.

"Good night Ms. Acevedo I hope you have sweet dreams and sleep well." I said as I give her a big smile and a wink which for the hundredth time tonight caused her to blush deeply.

"Good night." She said as she stepped into the room and closed the door slowly behind her. I stood staring at the door for a few minutes until I stepped away from the door and started towards my room.

I open my door to my room and close it softly behind me. I took my dress shirt off along with the underneath white short sleeve shirt. I then take off my belt and undo my pants. I throw my used clothes into the hamper and placed my belt inside the closet that was to the left of my personal bathroom. I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of grey pajama pants and put them on. I then took out a black muscle shirt and put it on. I look into the mirror and saw the glow of the arc reactor in the middle of my chest. I turned around and looked at my California king bed and frowned at the size.

Ugh why don't I have a wife to come home every day to fill that place in my bed and my heart? I walked over the bed and get under the covers. The lights go off and the shades go down to cover the windows. I lay awake staring at the ceiling just thinking about Selena. She was just so beautiful inside and out. I closed my eyes and pictured her wonderful face. I felt myself blush as I just think of her. I just met her and she just makes me feel happy. She is just so perfect......Fuck I am really starting to sound cheesy.

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