The Popular Project

By theawkwardballerina

108 21 10

Hope Jackson is popular. Very popular. She is beautiful and talented and loved by all. With all this going fo... More

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~Ch 6~

8 2 0
By theawkwardballerina

     Three days.

It has been three days since Coleman has talked to me. I wish I could say it isn't my fault. However, it is like 73% my fault that he is ignoring me. The other 27% is because my best friend is pretty dang dramatic.

Three days ago at my favorite child in the world aka Coles little brother Aiden's birthday party I may have said a few things I regret. Well, many many things I regret.

The plan going in to the party was to pretend I didn't know my best friend had a huge crush on me. I was just saying we needed to talk to mess with him. Unfortunately, this is not how it worked out.

Basically, I told Coleman I knew he liked me. He admitted to it. All was good momentarily until Cole asked me a question.

"Do you feel the same way, Evie?"

Are you freaking kidding me? No I don't feel the same way. But way to make it a million times harder to say that when you are staring at me with Coleman eyes. And he even called me my nickname. How do you reject someone that adorable?

So you are probably thinking I was pressured into saying yes. But no. That would have been better. Instead I'm a genius and I say:

"No. Of course I don't feel the same way!"

Nice, Hope. That was really great. Just crush your best friends little heart in one word. No is a powerful thing. When he proceeded to ask me more questions that were impossible to answer, I made it worse.

"What? Why?" Coleman asked me understandably upset.

"You are like my brother, Cole! You could not have actually thought it could work out between us, right?"

Once again, Hope. Way to be super sensitive to your fragile friends feelings. Wow alliteration. Of course I didn't mean that at all. In my head I was going to tell him that delicately to avoid hurting his feelings. That went well.

"I don't get it, Hope. Did I do something wrong?"

Even when I am being a complete witch he is blaming himself. If only I could control my freaking mouth I would not hurt his stupid feelings.

"No you didn't do anything wrong. I just can't do that."

Smooth. The conversation continued and he made me mad. As nice of a person that I am, when you tick me off I am not someone you want to be around. My temper can be represented by a daisy suddenly transformed into a giant, flaming cobra every time the wind blew.

Essentially, I told him that he needed to quit following me around and staring at me because I love him like a brother nothing more. I basically level Barry Allen friend zoned him. I feel awful.

That brings us too this lovely, not awkward at all day. My whole school can sense there is something off when I walk in without immediately meeting Coleman or having him with me to begin with.

This is rare. We talk together everyday. And since my whole school watches us constantly, they notice. I wouldn't be surprised if at least 5 boys asked me out today thinking I'm open now that Cole is out of the picture. Yeah right. Coleman is totally the reason I reject you every time.

The issue with this situation is that I can't even talk to him without at least 25 kids listening in. It's hard enough for me to get Cole to talk to me with this whole silent treatment thing he is doing. I don't need the lack of privacy as well.

I know I have math with Coleman so I wait patiently for my guaranteed chance to talk. I walk into class looking like a 5 year old in Christmas morning. And then I see that Cole has done the unthinkable. That jerk sat by someone else.

I stare at him in genuine awe. We sit by each other every chance we get. He can't just replace me. Who am I supposed to make fun of the teacher with? Who is supposed to laugh at me when I get called out for not listening?

If he is seriously avoiding me it will last forever. I mean how can I apologize if I can't speak to him? Now he will just be mad at me forever because there is nothing I can do to say sorry and explain my mistake. Oh well. I'm gonna try anyways.

"Hey, Coleman!" I greet excitedly taking a seat in front of him thanks to the idiot next to him.

"Hi Hope! How are you?" A voice matches my enthusiasm.

But no. This is not my best friend talking me. It's the kid next to me. What does Cole do? He nods. This kid nods at me. Like one of those weird 'we were friends when we were 8 and now we don't talk' head nods.

"I'm grand, thanks for asking. And what about you Coleman. How is my best friend in the world?" I say leaning closer so I know he hears me.

This time he just glances at me with an idiotic bored expression on his face. Excuse me! You do not nod or glance at me, boy! I have known you since birth. You will acknowledge me!

At this point I realize there is no point in trying right now. I can't do anything to make Coleman forgive me. But I can trick him into spending time with me and then listen to my apology.

"Well since you aren't talking to me I guess you won't care," I begin. Oh this is good. "But my grandpa just stopped by last night. You know, the one that likes to cook."

Cole's ears perk up at the sound of my grandpas cooking. My mom isn't a health nut, but we don't have a whole lot of good junk food in our house. Her dad thinks this should be a form of abuse and likes to spoil us to balance it out.

Every time my Pawpaw comes to our house he brings every form of junk food you can think of. I'm talking home made ice cream and cookies, candy in giant cases, even store bought junk like Twinkies and Ding Dongs.

Needless to say, Coleman also pays a visit when my Grandpa has come over. He is definitely not using me for my junk food, though. That would be insane. His mom is just crazy about healthy food so I pity him anyways.

"I know you aren't talking to me so I guess you probably don't want to come over and try some of my Pawpaws new cookies." I say with a shrug and a knowing look.

"I'm mad at you Hope. No way am I ever going to hang out with you again!" Cole says clearly feeling triumphant.

"Cool. So see you after school at mine?"

"Yeah, fine." He sighs

Well his hissy fit sure lasted long.


"Oh my god that is good!" Coleman moans in delight.

      He is sat on top of my counter eating my grandfathers cookies. He's been here for two hours. Just two hours ago he claimed that he wasn't going to talk to me ever again. Funny how that works.

     I think that's why I like our friendship so much. Aside from the fact that I love Coleman. I know it's always gonna be here. One day he hates me. The next we are right here eating cookies.

     I don't have a lot of stability in my life. Lots of sad stories for another day. But me and Cole are as stable as it gets. With all my fake friends at school that say they love me but don't really know me, I'm always worrying if they will like me tomorrow. There is no worrying with Cole he's always here.

"Thought so. Aren't you happy you forgave me and came over?" I say while putting a whole butterscotch cookie in my mouth.

"I am happy I came. But I don't completely forgive you, Hope. You really hurt me." He says quietly.

I internally groan though I knew this conversation was bound to happen eventually.

"I know. I'm sorry Cole. I really am. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I was just worried about ruining our friendship and ended up making it worse."

He looks at me like I'm crazy. "So you are saying that in order to preserve our friendship you called me all kinds of names  and crushed my soul?"

"Possibly..." I mumble embarrassed.

"Good one, Evie. Your social skills are really coming along." Cole jokes. "But seriously. You don't have to worry about that. You couldn't ruin this friendship if you tried. I'm not leaving."

"Oh darn it." I say with a laugh.

     And just like that everything was back to normal. Nothing could stop our friendship. We are like the Cory and Shawn of this world. They fight all the time. But they are still the absolute cutest best friend ever.

     I think I found a new motto to live by: There is nothing they can't be fixed with some communication and good junk food.

"As much as I love sitting here getting fat with you Coleman, I have to leave." I say brushing of my crumbs.

"That's fine. Soccer or cheer?" Cole asks used to my busy schedule.

"Neither actually. I'm meeting with Nathan." I explain with instant regret. Too soon.

"Oh. That's cool. Have fun. With Nathan." He says sadly.

"Thanks I'll try. Let yourself out okay? Love you best bud!" I say already partway out the door.

"Yeah yeah." He mutters.

      Huh. Well this is tough. I am assuming he will be fine eventually. I'm not really sure how breaking your best friends heart usually works though so I can only guess.

     The worst thing is that I don't have any friends that I can tell about this and get advice from. Coleman is my only real friend that I talk to about everything. What am I supposed to do if I want to talk about him? Ugh.

Life is dumb.


So how we feeling about this whole situation? Are you mad at Hope for hurting Cole? Or are you mad at Cole for putting her in that situation? Also TEAM COLE or TEAM NATHAN? These are the questions.

Sorry about my lack of updates. It's been crazy for me lately but I'm trying. HOPE you like my story. Ha ha. That was a good one. Get it? HOPE. As in the main character and the verb. No? Okay.

Well love you all my amazing readers have a great summer (if you on my side of this screwy earth) or what ever season you are experiencing. Much love❤️

QOTD: What season are you experiencing and what is the weather right now?

Current favorite read: Flash by xxblagitxx

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