Sweetheart • Chris Wood [1]

By ChristyKyes

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Logan gets her dream job: the big bad on the final season of the Vampire Diaries. More

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By ChristyKyes

Riley paced back and forth outside the room that her sister lay unconscious in. She couldn't do anything but move in circles. Her whole world was coming crashing down around her and the only solace would be if Logan woke up. She stopped for a second to look in the room and see the various machines that, for all she knew, were keeping her little sister alive.

"How's she doing today?" Hannah asked, arriving at the hospital after taking a much needed break and shower.

"They still don't have any idea of the damage he caused. God, it's like I'm living this nightmare all over again." She quickly whisked the tears that were falling down her cheeks away. Hannah frowned and walked up to her dear friend and pulled her into a hug.

"She's going to get through this. She always does. She's the toughest person we know." Hannah whispered as Ian and Paul rounded the corner. The girls lifted their heads.

"Chris is still trying to remember what happened. He's slowly piecing things together. The detectives are with him right now, getting his statement and all." Paul nodded to the girls. All Riley could do was nod. She was happy that Chris was awake, it meant that there was hope for Logan.

"Are your parents almost here?" Ian asked Riley, taking her arm in his hand.

"They should be above Tennessee right now." she whispered.

"Miss Johnson?" a doctor poked his head around the corner the boys had come from. All four heads turned to look at him.

"Mr. Wood would like to see you for a second." Ian moved out of her way and let Riley walk towards the man. The steps felt like they took an eternity and she moved farther and farther away from her little sister. She reached the door that she had seen a previously unconscious man behind. A man that put himself between her sister and the devil himself. She softly pushed the door open.

"That's all I need for today, Mr. Wood. You get your rest and I'll let you know what's going on from there ok? Same to you, Miss Johnson. I'll leave you two alone now." The detective that Riley had talked to the previous few days stood and moved towards the door, closing it behind him. Riley took a deep breath and walked farther into the room.

She stopped once she reached the end of Chris' bed. She still had yet to look at him, she couldn't bare seeing what had happened to him.

"Riley." Chris spoke with a coarse voice and the young woman lost all sanity she had left. She didn't realize that she had been sobbing until she felt a hand on her back, trying to comfort her. She held the handle at the end of the bed in her hands as she regained control over her body and looked up to meet the face that owned the hand that was rubbing her her back.

"Chris. I'm so sorry." She whimpered out as she looked up at the man. The left side of his face was swollen and blackened. His lip looked like it had been split in two different places and his right arm was in a sling, no doubt to keep the ribs he had broken in place.

"Riley, there is absolutely nothing to be sorry for." He whispered back to her. She leaned into his touch as he had not removed him arm from her.

"If I had more security, maybe he wouldn't have gotten in I should have been more careful. I should have protected her better." She let out another wave of tears.

"There's no way you could have known he would have showed up."

"This is my fault. All of it. Your broken ribs, you bruises, and Logan's coma." her voice was barely over a whisper.

"If it's any consultation, I don't blame you. and I know that Logan wouldn't have either." Chris spoke to his girlfriend's older sister. She nodded at him.

"Promise me something."


"We won't let him hurt anyone else, ever again."


This picture was taken on our trip to Miami. You had begged me to stay in the hotel and be lazy all day but I wouldn't let you. I wanted you to see Miami and experience all the it had to offer. I also wanted Miami to experience you. Your electric energy and your contagious laugh. Your vibrant smile and your horrible dance moves. You have so much to offer the world. Please don't let your light get shut out too soon. Please come home to me, Logan. I love you.


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