One Week Holiday

By rainbowic

27 2 0

Jodie Tristan, a normal girl turning 16, has 3 best friends and is close to 2 of them. But her best friend be... More

One Week Holiday

27 2 0
By rainbowic

      My name is Jodie Tristan, I'm turning 16 in less than three months, I love reading and I have lots of friends not all of them are real though, most of them show me love when they need something. I'm just a normal person like everyone else, I over-think and sometimes it leads to cutting myself or thinking about suicide but I've only cut myself once though because I was really stressed and depressed. No one cared, they never did and never will. But that's life and I'm used to it.

      I've got to get ready since it's the first day of my holiday and it's only one week, I've arranged with my friends that they come over but one of the three said that she can't because of her "parents" and the other because her parents won't allow her to talk with the other girl that's actually going to come! I JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!!! Yup, I'm a hyperactive-most-of-the-time person, but that's me and I like me that way.

      After I'm done showering it's now 1:00 and she's coming over at 2:30 so I have one hour and a half left for me to get ready. I dressed up in my blue tank top and my short black jacket on top with my black skinny jeans I got my blue ballerina and wore it with the outfit so it would match. I found my blue watch and a blue bracelet with my blue luck charm necklace and wore them. I used "Escape" as a perfume. Clothes, check. Shoes, check. Smelling good, check. Hair done, nope. Make-up, nope. Room cleaned and organized, nope. 

      It was now 1:30 and I needed to get my hair and make-up done and I needed to clean my room. I have long curly brownish-blonde hair, I straightened it and made tiny curls at the end and then I applied my hair spray on it to make it look shiny and fixed. For make-up, I did a smokey blue eye and applied a winged liquid eyeliner and a bit of mascara, my eye is light brown and I have a tan skin so I applied my black eyeliner which made my eye pop out giving it a defined and gorgeous look.

      I have half an hour left for Talia to come, who's she? Oh, that's the friend who's coming over. She has black wavy hair, dark brown eyes, white skin, she's short and we're the same height, but she's a bit taller. I really need to clean my room now! I collected all the clothes from the ground and threw them in the laundry room and cleaned my bed sheets and placed everything in it's place, I'm not really organized and stuff like that but it's just because Talia was coming.

      Someone opened the door and entered, I got worried for a while but then I remembered that it was our way of knowing that one of us are here now.

      "Heyyyy! I've really missed it's been one week since we met, where have you been all that time?" she said in her squeaky annoying fake voice.

      "Ummm, I was know just studying for my exams and shit. But whatever I really missed you too!"

      Well that wasn't the actual reason, I've been not even going to school or even going out with anyone because I was too depressed.

      I've bewn trying to make my crush notice me and I completely failed because he only thinks about me as his sister and not more ("familzoned") so that night after I went home I promised myself not to go out and turn off my phone for a whole week so I can actually stay alone and so no one would bother me.


I hope you like this, it's not the best but I tried.

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Picture of Jodie on the side.

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