Diamonds || BTS

By junkhoesock

357 37 126

How long will you shine? More



51 5 32
By junkhoesock

‣ Diamonds


C H A P T E R 2


|Choi Kirae|


Morning had come already, and my alarm had to blast BLACKPINK's debut song, Boombayah, from my phone. Sure, they are rookies, but I am a fan of theirs. They absolutely killed the stage and I personally have wanted to be like them. Groaning, I rose from my spot on the bed and looked around. The skyline outside barely had any sunlight peak through the buildings. The sky looked a greyish blue, probably going to rain today. I sighed. At least the travel to the entertainment building wasn't too far off. I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to fix something for the rest of my members. I had no idea what I was craving for, so I made gaeran tostu* for all of us.

As I finished up the last of the prepared meal, Hyejin walked in, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. I wanted to squeeze her at how adorable she looked, but I restrained myself because I was making food and I didn't want to disturb her when she was just waking up. I smiled and placed the plates of food on the table in the conjoined dining room and kitchen. She sat at her usual spot, which was closer to the living area, and blinked several times to wake herself up.

"Morning, Squishy~!" Squishy was Hyejin's nickname I gave. I couldn't help it, though because when I first met her, she was so small and cute and I wanted to touch her cheeks because they were squishy looking. Plus, she's innocent and I will protect her from any harm even if it killed me, same goes for the other girls. I wanted them to be safe and happy.

"Morning, Eomma." Hyejin yawned before glancing at her plate. "Mm, this looks delicious! Thank you!" She began to eat. I couldn't help but smile. I went over to the bedrooms to wake up the others.

After a lot of persuasion and some violence, we were all seated at the table, eating and chit-chatting about our upcoming schedules. Our manager hasn't said anything about what we were doing, which was why we are going over to the entertainment building to just practice some dances and songs. You can never be too prepared.

"After you guys are done eating," I began, "take a shower and brush your teeth." I giggled at the last sentence. I received a chorus of "Yes, Eomma." I went and grabbed their dishes to clean it and take a shower myself. Jeemun walked up to me.

"Kirae-eonni." I hummed in response. "Our manager wants us to meet her in her office once we get to Big Hit." I nodded my head as I placed the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and clicking a few buttons before it started making a subtle noise.

"Did she say anything as to why we need to meet her or is this one of those 'Surprise, motherfuckers,' kind of thing?" She chuckled at my response and shook her head.

"No, but I do assume it will be a surprise. I'll go get ready, then." I nodded and she left the kitchen. I sighed and went into my own bedroom, finding an outfit for me to wear. After much contemplation, I chose a black tank top, a red plaid long sleeve, and black leggings. I had red converse in the corner of the room and I was too lazy to get another pair of shoes from my closet. I got ready in the bathroom, showering and preparing myself for the day. I made my exit and began to wait in for the younger girls.

I looked at Twitter, seeing what was going on in the world. There were some tweets from fans who were asking questions and I answered. I checked both GOT7 and BTS's Twitter to see what they were up to. Nothing much. I sighed.

I was about to go through some hashtags when I was suddenly attacked.

"Haha! Take that, Eunni!" It was Libby. She began to tickle me on my sides and I let out snorts of laughter, trying to fight her off.

"No! Get off!" I managed to squeeze out in between laughter. Hyejin walked in and saw us and decided to join us.

"Attack Eomma!" She squealed.

"Gosh dang kids, no!" I continued to laugh, my lungs now burning from the lack of oxygen. Before I could pass out, Jeemun comes in and pulls off the young ones off of me. I took in deep breaths, still on the ground. Once I was calmed down, I stood up and flicked both Libby and Hyejin's foreheads. They winced. "Respect your elders!" I smirked before going to put on my shoes with Jeemun.

"Man, if it weren't for you, Jeemun, I probably would have died!" I threw up my hands to show that I was thankful for not dying. She chuckled.

"Hey, I could have easily left you there to suffer." I scoffed and playfully punched her shoulder.

"Be nice to those older than you, dongsaeng." I still had that smile on my face. These girls are my family.

"So, eonnies, what are we doing today?" Libby asked and Hyejin skipped ahead of us to our car that takes us to the building. Jeemun looked at her and shrugged her shoulders, making her way inside the car beside Hyejin.

"Our manager wants us to see her in her office. She probably has something planned for us. Whatever it may be, I have no idea. We will see when we get there." Everyone nodded. My mind went elsewhere. I thought of the first-time meeting Min Yoongi last night during the post-stage performance. I had no idea why, but he was really cute and really intriguing. Honestly, all of BTS are.

"Look, Kirae-eunnie is daydreaming again!" Libby whisper-yelled to Hyejin. They giggled to each other. I just shook my head at their jokes. They almost never had enough energy for things like these, which I found interesting because they both love to sleep in. Who knows what they do with all that potential energy.

As soon as the vehicle came to a stop, we were escorted inside by our driver, paving a way for our entrance from the fans that stood outside the entertainment building, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite artists. I glanced over at them and they screamed for our names. I couldn't help but feel a little proud for having so many fans after debut.

"Look! There is Libby-eunnie, my bias!" One girl screeched. Libby waved and blew kisses, causing the girl to scream louder to her friend beside her, saying things like 'she blew me a kiss. I had a kiss blown by the visual KYA!!!' Others kept calling for Jeemun and saying things like how much they appreciated her in being our leader. Though we didn't post many videos of ourselves or anything that showcases our everyday dorm life, they looked at our debut until now. They say things, they see things, they make a lot of statements. They're brave.

"I wanna hug Hyejin-ah!" On instinct, I held Hyejin's arm. I love her, and I love the fans, but if anything were to happen to our maknae, I would never forgive myself.

Finally, after going through so many fans that were screaming for mostly BTS, we made it inside the entertainment building. Employees greeted us, eyeing the outside situation of fans who were still screaming for their oppas and eunnies. I'm pretty sure some of them are older than I am. Too hard to tell.

We made it to Manager-eunnie's office, standing awkwardly. We didn't know what is going to happen to us now that we had our debut stage. Our manager looked up at us and began to smile. I held my breath and held Jeemun's hand in comfort.

"Well, ladies," she began, standing up, "it looks like your debut stage was more successful than we thought. So, we have decided that you are to make appearances in a few of BTS's photoshoots. Fans have already been talking about you two groups and since they have this weird thing of pairing up celebrities together, this will give them the sustenance they need before you are ready for your comeback." She tapped her forefinger on her upper lip before clicking her tongue with another idea in her mind. "Oh! Before I forget, you are to meet your seniors in their practice room. It's best to get to know them before the shoot to make it more realistic." She smiled at us all. We stood there dumbfounded.

"So," Jeemun began to speak, "what you're saying is that we are to work with BTS? For how long?" Manager-eunnie snapped her fingers, as if signaling that she forgot another important information.

"Glad that you mentioned that, Park Jeemun! In fact, I have your set schedules here for the next few weeks. Do not be late to any of those meetings or fans will be disappointed. Plus, this will give you guys more of a recognition throughout the world." She pushed us out of her office, again reminding us that we needed to go over to BTS's practice room. Nervous would be an understatement.

"Eomma, I'm nervous." Hyejin whispered to me as we made our way to the practice room. She held my hand and I squeezed it to reassure her that everything will be alright.

"Don't be, Squishy. I'm right here." Libby looked somewhat pale and Jeemun looked mentally prepared to meet our seniors and our idols. We came to this entertainment for the same reasons: we were inspired by Bangtan Sonyeondan themselves.

"Just remember to breathe, everyone." Jeemun joked. We all giggled. Soon, my nerves went down a notch and I took a deep breath.

We arrived at the practice room and when we opened the doors, we were greeted by laughter, yelling, music, and lots of chatter. As soon as we stepped in, everything except for the music has stopped. Seven pairs of eyes were staring over at us. I felt like I wanted to disappear, but I squeezed Hyejin's hand harder, knowing she is still with me.

"Oh, hello there!" The cute tall one said, Kim Namjoon. "You must be the rookie group, DYEMONDS, right?" Jeemun responded by nodding her head.

"Yes, we were sent here by Manager-eunnie because apparently, we are having photoshoots together. But, ah, let us introduce ourselves first. I am Park Jeemun, leader and main rapper of the group." I noticed the looks on this one pair of eyes. I recognized that look and that made me really happy. I had this excited feeling bubbling in me. Next was Libby's turn.

"Whattup, I'm Libby Anderson and I'm the face of the group and a vocal." There were a few jaw drops at the girl. I mean, what could I say? She was extremely gorgeous.

"Hello! I'm Lee Hyejin. I'm the main dancer and a vocal and the maknae~." She smiled and let go of my hand to put them up to wave at the boys. I heard the maknae line talking about her, but I was too lazy to pinpoint on what they were saying because now it's my turn to introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Choi Kirae. I am the eldest of the group. I am a visual, rapper, and dancer. Though I am not as good as any of my dongsaengs." I glanced over at them and gave them a smile.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you lovely ladies." Namjoon came over and gave us all a pat on the shoulder, squeezing mine when it got to my turn. I felt a shiver run down my spine when he did that. He walked over to his group and I suddenly wanted him back. Do you know how long I've waited for this moment? To have Kim Namjoon touch you?

Yeah, a long time.

"I'm guessing you already know us then, huh?" We all nodded and there was a chorus of chuckles that spread throughout the room.

"So," Jeemun began the conversation, "about the photoshoot today. When do we have to leave and what time will it start?" Always prepared, she is.

"Oh, it starts in a few hours. In the meantime, we are warming up for our upcoming comeback video, 'Not Today,' and 'Blood, Sweat, & Tears' in Japan. We wouldn't mind if you guys stayed and watch. We are going to the same place anyway and it would save time to have to wait on you guys." Namjoon winked over at us, but I felt like it was meant for me. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Oh, that would be great, actually, since Manager-Eunnie is really set on having us form a good chemistry between us." Namjoon nodded and called the rest of the boys who were doing their own thing to go over a few things. I noticed one in particular, Suga. He walked over to me, smiling.

"Hey, nice to see you again, Kirae-ah." I blushed. Seeing him smile in person was not good for the health. I would have to sue him if he made me go to the hospital.

"And the pleasure is mine, Suga-ssi." He lifted his hand up.

"Call me Yoongi." I nodded.

"Whatever you say, Yoongi." I chuckled. A couple other members came up to me. One was talking to Hyejin.

"Hi!" It was J-Hope. He and Hyejin had their arms linked, both smiling wide. They both are glowing in happiness. "We are your hope, your sunshine!" He took hold of her hand and lifted it along with his. I couldn't help but giggle at their silliness. They sure made friends quickly.

"Eunnie!" It was Libby. "I have something to tell you." My heart raced. What could it be?

"What is it, Libby?" She smiled wide and grabbed my hands, dragging me to Jin.

"Tell Jin some of your jokes!" My face turned red. I mean, it was nice that my jokes are being appreciated, but the reason why I love telling jokes was because of Jin. Of course, nobody knew that, which was why my jokes were popular.

I looked over at Jin who seemed excited to hear the jokes. I cleared my throat and prepared myself.

"Jin, don't spell part backwards. It's a trap!" I spoke in English. I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh, but I failed because I was damn too funny. A wheezing laugh escaped my lungs before it settled into a mild laughter. It took Jin a few seconds before he understood it and began to laugh with me. I adored that window-wiping laugh.

"That was good!" He complimented. "You're definitely going to have to tell me some of them one day." He continued to laugh, patting my shoulder. I smiled awkwardly and went over to Jeemun who was happily chatting with Taehyung.

"Hey guys." I waved. They greeted.

"Oh! Eunnie! Hey!" I smiled at Jeemun and said my hello's to Taehyung.

"Noona is pretty!" I don't think he realized that he's older than me. But am I going to stop this opportunity? Never.

"Thank you, Taehyungie but I think Jeemun is prettier!" I patted both their shoulders and walked away. I saw Jimin and Jungkook talking to Hyejin.

"So, the maknaes are getting together plotting something evil, huh?" I rose a brow, looking at Hyejin who just grinned widely at me.

"Don't worry, Eomma! I won't do anything too bad." I could not help myself. I pinched her cheeks.

"Aww, Squishy~!" She swatted my hand away gently and chuckled.

"Eomma, don't embarrass me!" I shook my head, letting her continue her talk with the other maknaes. This is interesting indeed. I'm glad we got the opportunity to finally get to meet our idols. As I was daydreaming, Manager-Eunnie came into the room, reminding us all that we are to head down to the shooting room to get our covers of the magazine taken. Everyone filed out. Yoongi ended up walking beside me.

"Excited for your first photoshoot?" He asked. I nodded. I didn't know what to expect, and I have a feeling this is going to change our lives forever.



Thank you for reading!

Also, I'm posting this early because Tuesday's are kinda busy for me and I wanted to work on Safe, my Kim Namjoon fanfiction. I'm a bit upset that this is getting more attention than that one since it is my first work, but everyone has their preferences. Anyway, next week will be exciting! 

Dedicated to: jungsalt Vabductedme TannazErika

*gaeran tostu is an egg sandwich with brownsugar on top. I heard it's really good!

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