A New Beginning

Av billieNtakis

287 35 45

Harry is finding it difficult to concentrate in class when new student, Layla Atwood joins Carlton community... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 pt 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 2 pt 2

26 4 1
Av billieNtakis

Part 2)

"So what about you?" I rested my chin on my palm and looked at Niall with curiosity. "What about me?" He clearly wasn't paying attention to the conversation, his eyes still planted on his mobile.

"The party." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Uhh..." he paused for what felt like ages. "I don't know, same as you I guess."

The only thing I could think to say was "mhm." I was trying to figure out what he was doing.

Snatching his phone I held it up in the air and looked at him. "Hellooooo? Are you going to have a conversation with me or your phone? Who are you even taking to?" I chuckled and made a face.

He quickly retrieved it. "No one, just some guys I met in maths, we're friends." Ever since Niall was eleven he's been skipping a grade for math because his own level was too easy for him. This meant he had math with people in my year, although not the same class as mine fortunately.

In my year there are five different classes of thirty students, this means that for every lesson there is, all one hundred and fifty students are divided into separate groups.

This also meant that on my first day of school, I did not meet everyone in my year because not everyone can have a class with every other student every single day.

"Oh yeah? Who?" I asked while tying my hair up in a bun.

Niall finally looked up from his phone to look at me "You probably don't know them. Um...Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry"

It felt as if my heart had dropped into my stomach. My palms started to sweat. I let my hair fall out, I was too distracted to tie it up now. The second he said Harry I felt sick.

My brother and him? Friends? This seriously can't be happening...

"Are you ok L?"

"Um, yeah f-fine" I gave an awkward smile

"You've gone pale... are you ill?" Niall placed his hand on my forehead. "I'm fine Niall"

I knew I liked Harry, or at least I thought I liked him. But I wasn't quite sure, I mean I barley knew the guy, we had one class together. Well, I mean we did text, and he invited me to a party.

But then again... everyone in years eleven to thirteen was invited. Maybe he was just informing me about it and not actually caring if I went or not. How did he even get my number in the first place?

Before I could mentally sink further down in my chair than I already had done, mom called us for dinner.

"Guys! Dinner's ready!"

I sat furthest away from my dad, which was opposite him. Our table was square so it's not like there were many options.

"So L, you didn't answer me earlier. How was school?" He smiled while taking a sip from his wine glass.

"Layla. It's Layla to you. You don't get to call me L" I looked directly at him. Not even a blink.

Caren raised her eyebrows at me. "Layla stop it now"

How was this my fault?

Niall looked down at his dinner plate not saying a word.

"So- how was school...Layla?" Matt placed his wine glass back onto the coaster and looked back up at me.

A few moments past. I said nothing.

"Layla!" Mom put her knife and fork down down, resting her for arms on the table before turning to look at me once again.

"NO! You know what?! Screw this! I don't owe him anything and i certainly don't need to tell him how my first day of school was!"

Pushing myself away from the table I stood up and looked at him.

"Fuck you!"

Turning around I saw Niall's face, he looked completely mortified.

I walked out the front door, slamming it behind me.

I had been recommended to the local library by quite a few people while I'd been in England. Probably because I loved to read so much.

Normally when I need clear my mind I read a book at home. But in this situation I didn't want to be anywhere near there. I guess this was my only other option.

I strolled along the shelves that talled over me, trailing my fingers across the books. After walking down one of the many isles, I spotted a book that caught my eye.

The book was just out of my reach, and with no stool to stand on in sight, I decided to jump.

On the first attempt I managed to knock the book backwards creating a domino effect on the shelf. A pile of books knocked over and fell out onto the floor on the opposite side of the isle.

"Ow Shit!" I heard someone say from where they had landed. "Oh my god I'm so sorry are you ok?" I try to look through the books to the other side to see what had happened and if whoever the books had hit, were ok.

I couldn't see much, I continued to apologize while speed walking to the other side of the shelf. "I'm so sorry it was an accident, I jumped to grab a book and then the next thing I know is-"

I stopped. The person sitting on the floor was someone familiar.

It was Harry

"Oh um- Harry?" I walked over.

He looked up while rubbing his head with his hand. "Layla?" My heart sped when he said my name. He KNEW my name.

Harry was sitting with his back up against the shelf as if he was sitting there reading before I rudely interrupted.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz!" I started picking up the books and placing them back where they belonged. He looked at me confused.

"Why are you here at this time?" He said while helping me pick up the books.

It was only eight but then again I guess it's a bit weird to be in a library on a school night in the evening. "Family drama" I rolled my eyes at my own reply.

"Ah, that's always a good one." He clicked his tongue and sighed.

"Again I'm so sorry, are you ok?" I picked up the last book shoving it on the shelf before returning to Harry. "I'm fine don't worry" he chuckled, making me do so too.

We stared at each other. Silently- But it wasn't one of those awkward silences, it was...nice. It made me feel warm, as if I had known him for a long time.

I chuckled again breaking the silence, looking down at the floor I tucked my hair behind my ear.

Harry rose the left corner of his mouth into a smile before biting his bottom lip.

After looking at my watch I whispered; "I should go, I've caused enough of a ruckus for one day"

Harry's smile didn't fade. He ran his fingers through his long brown hair-

"Good bye Layla"


"Good bye Harry"

SOOOOOOOOOO I felt like this chapter sucked and it was boring asf but oh well sorry.

Chapter 3 IS VERY LONG LIKE VERY. So either I'll do two parts or I'll make a really long one. Not sure yet.

I'll post it tomorrow xxx

Hope you liked this anyways, I was going to make them kiss but I think it's way too soon and wouldn't be very realistic to have a kiss that early so I was like NOPE.


Anyways, thanks for reading, see you again tomorrowwwww❤️//Hannah

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