Friends With Benefits

By jordan51116hsjdh

4.6K 76 27

♡ Kylee Roberts, Teen Celeb; famous around the world for her perfectly polished reputation, stellar career an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (part 1)
Chapter 15 (part 2)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - The Final Chapter

Chapter 7

192 2 2
By jordan51116hsjdh

Harry's POV.

The cold Christmas air of the outside world nipped harshly at my face as I stepped out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me.  I turned on the spot, my lips curling up at the ends as I observed Kylee getting out of the opposite door, twirling gracefully and flashing me a quick, heart-shattering smile. 

“Home sweet home?” she asked, her eyes twinkling at me like little fairy lights.  I nodded, looking up admiringly at the house I’d grown up in, a place that held so many memories.  Everything that had happened before.

Before all my dreams suddenly materialised in front of my eyes.

Before I’d even met the boys.  Before I’d become a teen idol.

Before I’d met her.


I glanced up, startled at hearing my name called, my gaze meeting the adoring eyes of a small group of girls who were waving pictures of me and shouting general sweet nothings in my direction.  I beamed at them, waving my arm in acknowledgement.  They squealed collectively in reply. 

“Gimme a minute, babe,” I said, casting a quick look over my shoulder at Kylee.  She nodded knowingly, my heart melting at how adorable she looked in her little bobble hat and oversized coat.  The weather was below freezing these days, and I’d insisted she wrap up warm – I felt a little bit protective of her.  She was like the little sister I’d never had.

“I’ll wait in the car,” she said sweetly, slipping back inside.  I approved of her choice – she’d catch a cold if she sat outside.

My feet crunched in the snow as I made my way towards the bottom wall of my garden, seeing one girl tear up a little as I got closer.  I couldn’t help but blush.  I didn’t know what it was that these people seemed to love about me so much…I was nothing special.  They adored me, and the other boys.  It amazed me how dedicated they were, how they’d stand out here in the snow and freezing cold just to see me.  I couldn’t understand it. “Hey, girlies, how are you doing?” I asked enthusiastically, giving them my best smile.  One girl blushed and looked like she might faint, another wiped her eyes frantically.  Only one of them plucked up the courage to actually reply.

“We’re fine, it’s freezing though!” she said, shivering just on cue.

I nodded in agreement, pulling my brown coat tighter around myself.  “It’s terrible!  You girls shouldn’t be standing out here waiting for me, you’ll get sick.”

Another one of them shrugged.  “It’s worth it to meet you!”

They giggled, nodding excitedly, and I hung my head, my face warming to a tomato shade.  “Thank you very much; I hope it’s worth it!”

They asked me questions and I did a few shout-outs into cameras for friends who couldn’t be there due to strict parents or a lower level of dedication than these fans.  I learned their names – Cher, Rachel, Tina, Alison and Ellen – and signed their CDs and books, and one girl’s forehead, much to the others amusement, before dishing out piggybacks, kisses and hugs for photos.

“You hurry home, now, and stay warm, have a nice hot bath and drink some hot chocolate and get the circulation going, you hear me?!” I ordered them sternly, though I grinned as I did.

Cher rolled her eyes, which I had come to learn was one of her trademark habits in the short time I’d known her.  “You sound like my mum, Harold!”

“Well, if your mum tells you that, she’s right, you should listen to her.”

They giggled, promising me they’d wrap up warm when they got in.  Bless them, I thought.  They’d gone through the hardship of hours and hours stood in the freezing cold for a puny 15 minutes of my time.  I hoped I’d made it worth their while.


I swivelled on the spot, hearing that sugar coated American-pie voice calling my name, seeing her leaning her head on her crossed arms on top of my car.

“You almost ready?” she asked, smiling warmly.  My stomach swarmed with butterflies, and I nodded swiftly, beaming back at her.

“Yeah, just a minute, babe!” I grinned, turning back to the girls who were now staring at me, eyebrows raised.  I immediately realised my mistake – this would be all over the internet now.  How Kylee Roberts was staying with me at my family home for Christmas.  How I’d called her babe.  My head swam with panic as I thought of all the rumours, the stories, the hate she would inevitably receive.

“Oooh, Harold, what’s going on there?” they cooed in teasing sing-song tones, wolf whistling and giggling at me.  I let a cool smile break over my face even though I could feel my palms begin to sweat despite the freezing air.

“Nothing, we’re just friends.  I promise.”

They scoffed disbelievingly.  “And that’s why you call her ‘babe’?”

I shrugged.  “I call everyone babe.  It’s nothing.”

“And that date at the ice rink was nothing too, I suppose?”

I bit my lip, feeling a telling blush rise on my cheeks, giving me away.  “That was just an evening out, as friends, to get to know each other.  She had nowhere to go over Christmas – I invited her here.”

They all laughed and teased a little more before I said my final goodbyes, dishing out hugs and waves as I traipsed back to the car, meeting Kylee’s questioning gaze with a shake of my head.

“They’re convinced we’re dating, I told them no, but don’t be surprised if it’s trending on twitter by tomorrow.”

She sighed, smiling slightly at me before her attention turned to the trunk of my car as she opened it and began struggling to hoist her large, floral suitcase out.

“Here, I’ll do that,” I told her, taking her heavy luggage from her.  Our fingers brushed and I felt my skin warm and tingle.  My heart stuttered just a little.  It was crazy how much of an effect she had on me, how she made me feel.  She made me feel…I don’t know.  I couldn’t describe it.  But she gave me the warm fuzzies, and made my heart beat louder and faster, and my stomach swirl.  And she made me feel happy.  When I was around her, it was so different to anything I’d ever had with another girl.  It was unique.  I couldn’t quite describe it.

It must be because we’re such good friends, I told myself.  That must be why you think about her so much, why she makes you feel just a little bit crazy. We traipsed up the front path, my finger connecting with the doorbell and my mind whirring with memories of all the times I’d had here.  I felt my eyes prickle with tears as I realised how far I’d come since then.

“Harry?” Kylee murmured quietly.  I turned to look at her as she hung her head shyly, blushing light pink.

“Yes?” I encouraged her.

She hesitated, shaking her head awkwardly.  “I dunno, I’m just nervous.  What if they don’t like me?”

I beamed, sniggering under my breath.  “Kyle's, they’ll love you as much as I do.  Don’t worry.” 

I swallowed sharply.  Had I just said love?

She smiled nervously, biting her lip.  I felt my pulse flutter a little. 

No, Harry, it didn’t flutter.  It must have just been the cold or something.

The door clicked, swinging open and before I even had a chance to greet my cheery, beaming mother she had pulled me into a tight hug, making my breath catch in my throat.

“HAROLD EDWARD STYLES I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” she gushed and I breathed in her familiar scent, grinning as I squeezed her back weakly.

“Hey mum,” I choked huskily as I felt my ribs constricting.  She dragged me into the hall, still hugging tightly, and Kylee stepped in quietly behind us, shutting the door.  I gasped desperately for air as my mother’s arms tightened around me even further.

“I’m so happy to see you!  My little baby!”

 I sighed hopelessly, hearing that she was tearing up in her voice.  My mum always got emotional around the Holidays – she got all sentimental, and it was worse this year.  She was remembering how only a few Christmas’ ago I’d been a normal boy who went to school and lived here with her.  Now I was a global superstar.

“I’m happy to see you too,” I replied, my oxygen-to-the-brain dropping speedily.  I gulped back air as she let go suddenly, imagining my face to be every shade of blue.


Just as I’d become used to breathing again, another set of arms crushed me up, squeezing until my organs felt like a pulp.

“Hey Gemma,” I moaned breathlessly as the wind was knocked out of my lungs.

“Harry, I missed you so much, you need to come home more often!  I can’t believe it’s actually you, I’m so happ- OMG YOU’RE KYLEE OFF OF DISNEY CHANNEL?!” Gemma forcefully flung my body off hers, hurling me into the wall as she scurried towards Kylee, her eyes wide with admiration, like an impatient child who’d become bored with their toy before spotting something new.  I couldn’t help but feel a little neglected, but I laughed heartily all the same.

Kylee glanced up at me, bewildered as Gemma stood by her side, eyes wide but fearful to speak.

“Didn’t you tell them I was coming?” she squeaked, giving me a subtle death glare as my mother inspected the New Interesting Thing I’d brought home with me, and I could practically read her mind; Are they dating?  Is she a new girlfriend?  If she is, how come he didn’t tell us?  She looks familiar, she must be famous…Disney Channel, am I right?  What’s she like?  I hope she’s nice.  Didn’t I see a picture of her on the front of More in hot pants and a bra?  Gosh, I hope she’s not a slut…

“I may have forgotten that slight detail,” I mumbled through a smirk as she glared desperately at me, afraid that my family would hate her even more for intruding.  Not that they would hate her at all.  She was incredible, funny, smart, beautiful….who could possibly hate her?  She had everything.  She was perfect.

Gemma looked questioningly at me, her eyebrows raised.  I sniggered, glancing at the floor as I felt my face heat up. 

"Kylee’s a friend of mine, she had nowhere to go over the holidays so I suggested she come here.  I hope that’s okay?”

Mum looked shocked but nodded quickly, smiling warmly at Kylee.  “You’re very welcome, darling, I’m happy my son was hospitable enough to invite you here.”

Kylee smiled back, her face turning baby pink, her blue eyes sparkling as she nodded gratefully.  “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you!  And Harry was lovely, he insisted I come.”

I smirked evilly, laughing under my breath.

There was a long, awkward pause in the room and I heard the dulcet tones of Mariah Carey’s All I want for Christmas chiming in the kitchen.

Mum cleared her throat loudly.  “Okay, then, I better go put some dinner on.”

“Thank you, it’s nice I nodded gratefully, sighing loudly in embarrassment as she and Gemma slipped by into the kitchen.

Kylee’s eyes searched mine angrily, glaring forcefully at me despite the tug of a smile on the end of her lips.  “Harry, what the fuck?!”

I giggled, shaking my head at her.  “I don’t even know, honey, it just came out…don’t worry, they’ve heard worse from me.”

She fitted, shaking her head at me as she leaned closer, whispering as if her request was some massive secret she needed to keep.

“Where’s the bathroom?”

I smiled, pointing up the stairs.  “Up there and to the left, first door on your right.”

She nodded gratefully, and I watched her as she climbed the stairs, admiring how her hips swayed sexily as she moved up.  I couldn’t help but smirk arrogantly, just a little bit smug at the fact that she let me be the one to bang her ever night.

I strolled into the kitchen, pulling both mine and Kylee’s cases behind me, setting them next to the wall.  I could feel both of them staring me down, but I was not going to be the first to speak – what the hell would I say after that incident?

Thankfully, my delightful resident broke the silence.

“Where’s Kylee?” Mum asked, pouring the kettle.

“Loo,” I answered shortly, and she nodded.

She stepped towards me, grinning.  “There’s a cuppa, Harry,” she exclaimed warmly, handing me a steaming cup of tea and a pack of Rich Tea.  I beamed in response.

“Thanks mummy!” I exclaimedq chirpily, leaning against the counter and setting my cup down, biting into a biscuit.  I glanced quickly around the room; nothing had changed much since I’d last been here, just small details.  The calendar was on its final month, there was an unfamiliar framed picture up on the wall, a new toaster to replace the one that had broken a few weeks ago.  I frowned slightly, remembering all of the little things that happened while I was away, all the tiny things I missed.  While I was away being a massive popstar, everything here changed slowly, gradually, but the differences were there all the same.  Whatever party the new framed photo of Gemma and Mum on the wall has been taken at, I had missed it.  I missed the little events in their lives.  The tiny things that mattered the most.

 “So Harry…” Gemma started, interrupting my train of thought abruptly.  I flipped my gaze to her, hearing the teasing undertone in her voice and dreading what she was going to say next.

“Yes Gemma, darling?” I chirped sarcastically.

She cocked her head at me.  “What’s going on between you and Kylee?”

I snickered, picking up my mug as I glared down at my awkwardly scuffling feet.  “We’re just good friends, that’s all.”

I heard her scoff disbelievingly as I took a nervous sip of my tea.  “And that’s why you ‘love making her come’?”

I snorted into my cup, struggling to hold back my childish laughter.

She didn’t look convinced.  I didn’t blame her.

I’ll admit that at this point, I cracked.  It was a little bit to do with the look she was giving me – it’s terrifying, okay, it’s like she was staring into my soul – and partly to do with how I kind of wanted to yell it from the rooftops that I was Kylee Robert's fuck-buddy.

“Okay, okay, I’ll admit it.  We’re just friends.  But sometimes we…” I paused, struggling for a good choice of words, “sometimes, we…we fool around, I guess you could say.”

Gemma raised her eyebrows at me, her jaw dropping.  “You fool around?!  Harry Styles, you better not mean what I think you mean by that…”

I giggled, shrugging.  “Have you ever seen the movie Friends with Benefits?”

Gemma gasped, giving me a stunned glare.  I laughed loudly, slurping my tea to avoid the awkwardness of elaborating on this.  The tea burnt my tongue, but I didn’t even care.

“What?  I don’t get it, I’ve never seen the movie…” my mum stuttered confusedly, glancing between me – giggling manically into my cup – and Gemma who was a picture of surprise.

 “It’s basically when a girl and a boy are friends, they don’t want a relationship with each other but they fancy each other, so they enjoy some of the…physical benefits of a relationship together.  Friends with Benefits.” Gemma explained.

I felt my mother’s death stare on me as I gazed off in the opposite direction, desperate not to meet her eyes.

“Harry Styles, is that true?  Are you taking advantage of that poor girl’s friendship?!”

I almost spurted out my tea.  “I’m not taking advantage, let me assure you that both parties are completely confident of the arrangement here.  We know the boundaries, it’s just a bit of fun.  We get on really well, we’re good friends…we just happen to really fancy each other.  It was her idea, actually!”

They both gave me sceptical looks.  I just shrugged, smiling vaguely as I remembered the looks on the boys faces when I’d told them about her proposal.  Louis’ casual eyebrow waggle and pat on the back, Liam’s discouraging glances, and Niall and Zayn’s total disbelief.

I almost burst into fits of laughter at how satisfied I’d been.  How satisfied I still was.

“Well, be careful,” my mum warned, “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

I grinned cockily even though I felt this weird sinking in my stomach.  I ignored it, gulping back the slight lump in my throat.  “How would I get hurt?”

Gemma chimed in sarcastically.  “Well, you’ve seen that movie.  What if you end up having feelings for her and she doesn’t want anything more?”

My skin surged with a sudden sense of panic.  I felt uncomfortably nauseous unexpectedly.  I gulped hard, shrugging to give the appearance of nonchalance even though I could feel my face heating up.  “I won’t have feelings for her.  I don’t have feelings for her.  We’re just friends, I don’t love her or anything, like, I mean, I won’t fall in love with her…no way, no.”  My words spilled out quickly, spinning into one long syllable. 

I was confused.  Why did her question panic me so much?  I didn’t like Kylee like that. 

I mean, she was amazing, perfect in every way.  We got on incredibly well, she made my heart flutter and she was the one of the most stunning girls I had ever met.  I could see why she’d make a perfect girlfriend; I would love to have a girlfriend like her.  It would be so easy to fall for her.  It would be so easy to love her; to take care of her, to kiss her softly and hold her gently in my arms like she was the most delicate, beautiful thing in existence.  To whisper quietly in her ear, sweet nothings that were only meant for her.

It would be so easy to love her.

But I didn’t.  Of course I didn’t.

Gemma shrugged back at me.  “Just take care, and don’t go hurting her, you be nice, alright?”

My mood suddenly changed and I grinned smugly.  “Oh, don’t worry, I’m very nice to her…”

Gemma screwed up her face in disgust as I laughed.  “Ew, Harry, I did not need to hear that…”

Just as I finished my laughing fit, the door creaked open and Kylee stepped in shyly, smiling nervously.  I grinned back.

“Kylee, do you like fajitas?” Mum asked as she peered into the freezer.

 Kyle's nodded, her beautiful smile making my heart speed in my chest.  “Yes, thank you…”

“Call me Anne,” mum chirped, grinning warmly.

“Thank you, Anne,” Kylee replied scurrying over to me where she leaned on the counter next to me.  I wrapped my arm securely around her waist, giving her a little squeeze.

“Make yourself comfortable kylee, I hope you have a nice Christmas here.  Maybe we can fish out the old photo albums later and I’ll show you Harry’s baby photos – I have this adorable one of him when he was about three running up the driveway naked.  He never liked wearing clothes as a baby.  Some things never change, I guess!”

 Kylee giggled as I felt my cheeks turn scarlet with embarrassment.  “Mum, stop it,” I grumbled, hanging my head in shame. 

Oh, the joys of my family.

(Hope you enjoyed, like for an update, feedback is much appreciated! <3 xx)

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