
By Emo_Coconuts

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idk what this is...and I don't even know if and when I'm gonna update this again sooo... More

I was tagged this is random

Tag thingy but i wasnt tagged

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By Emo_Coconuts

I saw these things cuz someone else did them and it's like 12 at night and I literally have nothing else to do woOps

-Who was the last person you held hands with?
           One of my sisters I think         
-Are you shy or outgoing?
Shy AF like it's not even funny smh
-Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Umm idk actually
-are you easy to get along with?
-if you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I don't liek anybody
- what kind of people are you attracted to?
nice and open minded people who don't have a crappy taste in music
-do you think you'll be in a relationship two months from now?
-who from the opposite gender is on your mind all the time?
Band members probably
-does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
-who was the last person you had a deep conversation?
I don't remember oOps
-what does the most recent text you sent say?
"I just realized that I was gonna read some more and I literally pursuaded myself to go back on Instagram 💀 this is bad lmao" I'm avoiding my reading these books hA
-what are your five favorite songs right now?
Legends- Sleeping with sirens
Slow burn- state champs
Gloom boys- waterparks
Favorite liar- the wrecks
Ground control- all time low
-Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Depends on the person honestly
-do you believe in luck and miracles?
Lol not really
What good thing happened this summer?
I went to some concerts it was grEaT

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Ive never kissed anyone (funny story actually: in like 3rd grade I had this "boyfriend" and he said that we could "kiss by the water fountains when we walk to PE" 💀, so when we got to the water fountains (we were in a line) I just kept walking cuz I was legit scared to kiss him lmao, so like at PE we were just running around the field, and I knew he was trying to run after me to KisS meh and I just kept running away cuz I was fricken terrified yo)
-Do you think there is life on other planets?
Oh ye
-do you still talk to your first crush?
No but we were really good friends when we were younger it sucks idk where he went after the base we lived on closed cuz everyone basically moved away before it closed, i think he lives in like San Antonio now or some shit idk
-do you like bubble baths?
-do you like your neighbors?
Ye my neighbor is mah best friend, m (like literally lmao), my other neighbor is a really sweet really, really old lady her husband died a while ago I felt bad for her :(
-what are your bad habits?
I bite my lip a lot subconsciously lmao um other than that idk I second guess myself at everything
-where would you like to travel?
Puerto Rico and this place in Rio called Natal lmao just cuz it's one of my last names, ummm I wanna go back to Europe someday
-Do you have trust issues?
To a small extent I guess
- favorite part of your daily routine?
procrastinating to actually put on some clothes
-what part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My stomach I guess idk
-what do you do when you wake up?
Curse myself for having to go to school and not being smart enough to just skip the rest of it lmao
-do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Umm I guess I wish I was a bit Tanner sometimes but I tan really easy so its not that big of a problem
-who are you most comfortable around?
Probably my mom and a few of my closest friends
-have any of your exs told you they regret breaking up?
I've never been in a (actual) relationship
-do you ever want to get married?
-is your hair long enough for a ponytail?
-which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
-spell your name with your chin
Hahdev, jeezus
-do you play sports? What sports?
I played soccer for like 2 years lol I plan on doing it in high though
-would you rather live without tv or music?
-have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Plenty of times

-what do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing cuz I'm an awkward person myself aHa
-describe your dream girl/guy?
Nothing really they just at least have to have an open mind and a good taste in music lol
-what are your favorite stores to shop in?
Hot topic, bath and body works, and candy stores and book stores, and also music stores
-what do you want to do after high school?
Idk maybe something with music, or maybe graphic designing or something IdK
-do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
-if you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
I'm either mad, in mah thoughts, singing a song, or thinking about a drawing/story idea
-do you smile at strangers?
Okay so I'll like make eye contact with somebody and me being me I'll look away really quickly, cuz for some reason I have really bad problems with eye contact, and the other person will smile but ill only notice like right after and then Ill feel bad because I didn't smile back oOps
-trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space cuz I'd probably freak out or something at the bottom of the ocean
-what makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Knowing that there's food and coffee in the kitchen
Knowing that I don't want to miss the bus
-what are you paranoid about?
Suddenly getting hit by a car and falling to my death without getting to say goodbye or anything
Have you ever been high?
-have you ever been drunk?
-have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Not that I can remember

what was the color of the last hoodie you wore?
-have wished you were someone else?
Oh ye
-one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My weight??? Idk
-favorite make up brand?
Probably nyx or elf idk
-favorite store?
Hot topic
-favorite blog
favorite color?
I like pastel purple sometimes idk
-favorite food?
Arroz gondules 😥👏👏

-first thing you ate this morning?
-ever won a competition? For what?
Lol no
-been suspended/expended? For what?
I s2g the worst thing that I feel like I've ever gotten in trouble for at school before is either stealing a classmates gummy bears in like 2nd grade or in like 5th grade, according to my math teacher, I had an attitude cuz I would read books when she would be talking, when ACTUALLY it would just be because I would be reading and then she would start talking but I wouldn't put my book down, like bitch??? havent you heard of multi tasking gawsh, and then when another teacher said something about it to my mom I wasn't allowed to bring books to school for like 3 months. It was horrible honestly
-been arrested? For what?
-ever been in love?
Lmao no
-tell us the story of your first kiss?
I've never kissed anyone beforrrre
-are you hungry right now?
Honestly I just want another brownie
-do you like your Tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I don't have a Tumblr ooPs
-facebook or twitter?
-twitter or tumblr?
-are you watching TV right now?
-names of your best friends?
Jada, Melissa, and jori
-craving something? What?
I just want another damn brownie but there are no more and also some arroz gondules
-what color are your towels?
Black and brown
-how many pillows do you sleep with?
-do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Not really??? They're just kinda in a corner of my bed
-how many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Between like 5 and 10
-favorite animal?
-what color is your underwear?
Wth kinda question
-chocolate or vanilla?
-favorite ice cream flavor?
Depends on what brand
-what color shirt are you wearing?
-what color pants?
Green and black
Favorite TV show?
-mean girls or mean girls 2?
Mean girls
-mean girls or 21 jumpstreet?
21 jumpstreet

Favorite mean girls character?
Probably gretchen idk
-favorite character from finding Nemo?
The starfish or the stingray
-first person you talked to this morning?
My mom, it wasn't even talking it was just kind of a grunt cuz she was waking me up lmao
-last person you talked to today?
My mom lmao
-mean a person you hate?
-name a person you love?
-is there anyone you wanna punch in the face right now?
No not really
-in a fight with anyone?
I don't have the time nor the patience tbh
-how many sweatpants do you have?
4??? I think
-how many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
A lot
-last movie you watched?
The new despicable me movie lmao
-favorite actress?
Emma Watson
-favorite actor?
Chris Hemsworth or Asa Butterfield
-do you tan a lot?
In the summer
-have any pets?
Not anymore, my dog died a few weeks ago actually
-how are you feeling?
Kinda sad now lmao
-do you type fast?
-do you regret anything from the past?
-can you spell well?
-do you miss anyone from your past?
-ever been to a bonfire party?
No but they seem fun
-ever broken someone's heart?
-have you ever been on a horse?
-what should you be doing?
Sleeping woOps
-is something irritating you right now?
-have you ever liked so much it hurt?
Ha no

Welp that took almost 2 hours woOps
K bye I'm gonna actually go to sleep


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