Forget Me ∞ teen wolf & the o...

By mydogthinksimgod

145K 3.1K 595

Mieczyslaw Mikaelson. The youngest in the original family. Or Stiles, as he is more commonly called, has bee... More

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Part 1 prolouge
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

8.8K 206 108
By mydogthinksimgod

Later that afternoon, Scott had organised with everyone to meet at Detons that night, so they could get some more 'reliable' information about the originals.

The thought made Stiles chuckle slightly. They were going to someone who had probably never had anything to do with the originals, when there was a person close to them that had lived through it all, being one himself. But they, of corse, didn't know this. So he guessed that he would have to sit through a most likely very incorrect history lesson.

As soon as everyone had arrived at the clinic Deaton admitted that he had very limited information on the originals. Which is what Stiles had expected, they were quite reclusive.

"Well then lets begin with the basics," Deaton started.

Stiles settled down on a plastic chair next to lydia, who almost instantly took his hand in hers. His eyes meet hers and Stiles smiled for the first time in a while. He was glade that she was okay. When he broke his contact with lydia, Stiles took a moment to look around the room at his friends.

Scott had come in last, his clothes were damp after riding on his bike here in the rain, he looked stressed and worried but Stiles couldn't blame him. Malia had already been there when Stiles had arrived and she looked her usual self. She was on the ground slumped and leaning against a capnet that would either contain information about the supernatural or Deatons latest animal cases. Liam, Mason and Hayden had also come and sat at the back, all three on a little couch at the back of the room.

Deaton moved to the front of the room and stood much like a teacher would who was about to start a lesson. Except the topic he would be teaching was very unconventional. His class room was a operating room and his students were a strange bunch of people. But none the less, he began.

"As far as I am aware the Mikaelson family consists of Mikael and Esther, who are the parents of the family, that you believe you encountered, although I previously thought that Esther was dead but I suppose anything is possible in the world of supernatural, she was also the original witch, which may be the reason that this reincarnation was possible." Deaton said. Stiles had the sour thought during this of yes she was dead and should of stayed dead!

The more he thought about it, the more complicated he realised their relationship was. Of corse Stiles loved his mother, once upon a time she was nice and kind before the death of Henrik, but her attitude changed after that. It was like her compassion and love for us grew but only because she was scared to lose us like Henrik. And that fear brought her to turning us in to vampires, so we could never die. Her wishes to have close to unkillable children came true, but at the price that we were all monsters of her creation and she would have to pay the price for it.

"Their children are Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah, Mieczyslaw and Henrik" Deaton continued.
"Their exact ages are unknown but I am almost certain that Henrik would of been the youngest followed by Mieczyslaw. Henrik was killed by werewolves, which is believed to be why Esther turned her children in to vampires; so she couldn't loss anymore of them." Deaton continued.

Stiles smiled slightly at the thought of Freya, who had been forgotten. But this quickly turned to a scowl as he remembered why Freya was never with them. A deal with a witch their mother had made inorder to be able to have children. But the price was that her first child and her children's first born and so on throughout her blood line, would have to be given away in return.

When Stiles first found out that his mother had done this he was annoyed that his mother had condemned him to the task of giving away his first child. But then he was turned into a immortal monster who was unable to create a child. The annoyed factor disappeared after a while.

He also realised that he wouldn't of been alive if she hadn't made that deal, but if she hadn't vampires wouldn't of been a thing either.

"Now this is the most important part," Deaton began again, after grabbing a small tube of something from a draw. "To make her children in to vampires, Ester drew on certain elements of the world to give her children certain strengths but in order to retain a natural balance of some sort, nature also made these elements of power their greatest weaknesses."

Great, Stiles thought a bit sarcastically, soon they will know how to kill me, but at least they will be able to protect themselves better.

"For every advantage there must be a disadvantage," Stiles said quoting something he had heard along time ago.

"Yes that is correct Stiles," Deaton answers, casting his eyes on Stiles with a nod of his head. "But even with the set backs they are very powerful and still abominations of nature." Stiles wasn't going to kid himself that the last comment Deaton made didn't hurt him, but it was true.

"Just like any vampire, the originals need blood. They will be weakened if they go without it for to long, they also, just like any vampire have a strong craving for it. Even the sight of it can cause them to go into a frenzy" Deaton said briefly looking down in a note book. Stiles knew for certain that this statement was true, he had tried to go without blood at all, a while ago but his cravings for it had been to strong.

"They also burn up in the sun, and though this will not kill them it would slow them down," Deaton explained.

Stiles swore that he could almost see the wheels turning in Lydia's head. All he could do was pray that she or anyone else, would not put two and two together. And work out that when they were captured he burned in the sunlight much like a vampire would.

"So that would make them pretty easy to spot; never go out in the day, burn if they do," Liam reasoned.

"This may be true but I know that all originals have been spotted in daylight, so they all must posses lapis lazuli rings, more commonly known as day light rings. They allow them to walk freely in the day, and be unaffected by sunlight." Deaton explained. Stiles glanced down at his own ring which he had got remodelled a while ago to make it look more inconspicuous. It was now a plan sliver bar with three small dots of the blue lapis lazuli.

"So they can walk among us!" Mason exclaimed. "We could be going to school with an original."
You sure can, Stiles thought slightly worried that Mason found it so exciting.

"Yes it is possible but very unlikely that an original would be attending Beacon Hills High. But it is quite possible that there may be vampires at school," Deaton logically explained once again. "But anyway, lets continue, there is a lot cover."

"The only weapon that can permanently kill an original is with a white oak stake. The white oak stake comes from the white oak tree, that Esther used to give them the power of immortality. It was previously thought that the only one in existence had been destroyed, along with the tree itself. But from what you tell me," Deaton said, gesturing towards Scott. "Another may of been created. The only thing is that it is in Mikael's possession and it is unlikely that he will give it up if he is bent on killing his children.

"How do you know that he wants to kill his own children," Hayden inquired.

"It is quite common knowledge that Mikael has a hatred for his children and has been trying to kill them for quite sometime." Deaton answered. Stiles didn't even bother to ask why it was common knowledge he had a fair idea of why. Every time Mikael caught up to one of them there was always a giant scene left behind.

"The only other way you can down an original for a decent amount of time is by use of a sliver dagger that has been dripped in the ashes of the white oak tree. They will essentially be dead as long as the dagger stays placed in their heart." Deaton continued to teach, constantly peeping at his note book.

"But if be don't have any of these sliver daggers, Can't we just win by fighting them?" Asked Maila.

"It is sadly not very likely that you would be able to over power them, if they are not weakened. They were afterall created to be better then werewolves in many aspects, especially strength," Deaton said, once again suppling the information that proved that they had less advantage over the originals than they thought.

"There are however a few things you can do to weaken them," Deaton started once again. "Snapping their neck will cause them to be out of it for a while. Stabbing them in the heart with a wood stake will also have the same effect." While talking Deaton had pulled out a wood stake from a cabinet behind him. Stiles could see through the looks on everyone else's faces that they were finding the snap the neck and stake the heart methods quite horrifying.

"A bite from a werewolf can also weaken an original and cause hallucinations but this will only occur for a few hours. This is the other way," Deaton said picking up the tube that he had held earlier. "This vervain dust, it is from the vervain flower that grew at the base of the white oak tree, it can harm a vampire if it comes into contact with them. While it will burn an original they can heal very quickly from it but it's the best I've got."

Deaton uncapped the small tube that the vervain was in, and Stiles could instantly smell and sense it. Stiles knew that other supernatural beings could sense and smell it as well but they wouldn't feel it the same way he would. While it probably smelt to them like a flower and had a small aura. To Stiles it was rancid. He had always had a low tolerance for the plant, seemingly worse effected by it then his siblings. He could smell it's sent strongly even from meters away. It burnt the inside of his nostrils and gave him the feeling of bile rising up his throat. Stiles was almost certain he could guess what Deaton was going to say next.

"Vervain can also prevent compulsion from vampires and having it in your blood will make it unappealing to them. I would suggest we all drink a cup of vervain tea to be safe," Deaton finished.

Spot on, Stiles thought.

"What do you mean compulsion?" Asked lydia, who Stiles realised had been very quiet the whole time.

"Vampires are able to compel and control emotions, thoughts, behaviour, actions and memories of other beings. I know for certain that they can control humans and that originals can compel vampires but I am unsure whether they are able to do the same to you're kind," Deaton said refering to Scott, Malia, Liam and Hayden.

"Lydia," Deaton continued, "I am unsure of what they would be able to preform on you. But I do believe it would be wise if we all took some, if the idea that we will be dealing with vampires soon is true."

Deaton was right, taking some vervain would be smart, but Stiles hated that he had suggested it. He would either have to go through the pain of ingesting it or make an undoubtably strange exit.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt," Scott said. "Would it?" He finished asking Deaton if it would be painless.

"No not at all," Deaton confirmed as he disappeared out back. Stiles knew for him it would be anything but painless. He had this undying feeling of just wanting to get up and run out the door but fear kept him in place. He had managed to live a pretty vervain free past hundred years but that was about to end now.

Deaton returned a moment later with a small kettle of vervain tea and eight polystyrene cups stacked in each other. He then proceeded to pour a small amount of liquid in each one and passed then out before for finally filling his own cup.

Stiles vaguely heard someone say bottoms up before his ears were filled with the sounds of swallowing. Before he could even consider he downed the drink and almost instantly regretted it.

The burn was immediate and felt like his insides were on fire or out in the sun without a daylight ring. He could feel the liquid making its' way down his throat until it rested in his stomach, setting it alight. He wanted to cough and splutter and wheeze in pain but he restrained himself with all his might. Although he still might of looked like he ate an extra sour lemon, everyone else thought he disliked the taste.

Stiles welcomed the feeling of his body healing and the burning sensation going out. It faded until it was but a fizzle and then it was nothing. And Stiles could breathe freely.

"Great," said Malia getting up from her spot on the ground. "Now we can go kill some originals." Deaton raised an eyebrow and Stiles' eyes widened in shock.

"What! No." he said. His face creasing and lips pouting. "We only need to kill one and that's Mikael, he's the only one who has done anything to us." He hadn't meant to seem to outraged but the thought of his friends seriously considering killing his brothers and sister distressed him.

Lydia looked at him for a second before saying, "Yes I think we should focus more on Esther as well, the parents seem like the real problems."

"Is that just cause you were friends with them?" Malia questioned a bit to harshly. Stiles thought Malia sounded like someone who was ready to kill and that was never a good sign. The room when silent. Stiles supposed that it was abit werid that they had been talking about how to kill these people only to realise that he was friends with them.

Deaton was the one to break the quiet. "So you have meet them Stiles. Do you mind me asking which."

Before Stiles could even think properly he spluttered out Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah. Deaton nodded slightly before asking, "What did you think if them?" Stiles quickly explained that he was quite young and couldn't really remember them.

"I see. Well I once saw Niklaus, I think, and I was glad that I had noting to do with him. He was very powerful but also cocky and uncaring." Stiles wanted to smile at Deatons words that summed Klaus up quite well.

"Well if he is that bad we should definitely kill him," Malia continued on her idea of going up against the originals.

"I don't think you should take killing an original that lightly. They have been alive for over a thousand years after all. If we went after one of them it is very likely that another would become involved. We could maybe take one original but two or three would be a suicide mission." Deaton said once again voicing exactly what Stiles was thinking.

He started to wonder what he would do if it came between his friends in Beacon Hills or his family. But he already knew that it always came back to family. 'Always and Forever' was their motto that they went by over the years and it was true. When all Stiles' friends that he had now, were fifty year old he would still look the same and when they died, he would still be alive and the same. His family were the only ones that could stay with him forever.

"They are all very powerful figures and it would be right to be scared of them, but I don't think we can base them all of one of my hazy memories of Klaus. There is very little knowledge of what the originals did in the early days of their kind but I do however have a bit of information on a few of them."

"Elijah is often referred to as the noble and honourable one of the family. He is described as very compassionate and always looks out for his siblings." Deaton paused for a second before continuing, "These are traits that all of you possess in your own way."

Deaton flipped over a few pages in his note book before moving on to a person Stiles didn't really want him to talk about. "Mieczyslaw was the youngest in the family to be turned, and I believe he probably would of had it hard but there is a rumour going around that for the latest part of his life he has been travelling around helping humans. It is believed that he fought in the wars and moves around ever few years changing his name. And if this is true I think it is one very big reason not to try and kill the originals."

What amazed Stiles was while Deaton was talking about him he had grin that came through when he spoke, some of the others in the room very smiling also and this made Stiles smile. He was astonished that something he had done made them feel this way.

"Now," Deaton said, standing up from a chair and placing his empty cup on a nearby counter. "I think it would be helpful if we actually knew what they look like." He then looked at Stiles with a strange look in his eyes, and Stiles began to wonder if the vet already knew who he was. "So we can identify them and know to say clear of them," he continued.

Oh, crap, was the first thing Stiles thought when he realised that the photo that Deaton would show them had a high possibility that he would be in it. I was always the photogenic one. And once again he was worried there was no way he could explain himself in a photo taken before he was even meant to be born.

The thought of following Deaton and compelling him crossed Stiles' mind but he realised this would of been a great idea if he hadn't just watched them all drink vervain. This is it, is all Stiles could think of, I did so well to hide it for so long. Stiles was so worked up that he didn't even think of the possibility that he wouldn't feature in the picture.

Lydia must of noticed his frantic state because soon she asked him if he was okay. This broke Stiles out of his very frantic indeed thoughts. He replied, "Yea, no I'm fine. Just curious to see if they look how I remember them." He looked into Lydia's eyes and saw that she had somewhat accepted his answer.

Stiles then went back to thinking of how to get himself out of this. Illusions, he suddenly thought. Stiles had mastered making people see something that wasn't actually there. Thought he hated to admit it, he had many fun times of convincing people they were about to walk of a cliff when in reality they were on flat ground.

The catch was he had never tried to perform it on anymore than three people, and he had never needed to do it on people who had vervain in their systems. Stiles doubted that it would work at all but it was all he had. 'Casting an illusion' as Stiles liked to call it, wasn't really casting anything. To make a person see his illusion, Stiles had to enter their mind and use a bit of what he saw as compulsion to make them truly believe that his illusion was what they were actually seeing.

That is what Stiles decided he would do, if Deaton came out with a photo with him in it, he would try and make every see it without him in it.

As soon as Deaton returned, Stiles eyes shot to the photo in the vets hands. He was able to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that only Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah were in it.

"This is the first photo I saw and though only three of the originals are in it, I think it will be the best to see their appearances in. This is Niklaus, Elijah and Rebekah." He said while pointing to each. "It is a very clear photo and was probably taken quite recently. I had a friend of mine send me a collection of photos that he had of the originals. I haven't had a chance to look through them, but I think this best fits our purposes." Deaton continued as he passed the photo to Scott who then palmed it off around the room.

When the photo landed in Stiles' hands it was in fact two of his brothers and his sister. It wasn't exactly a planned photo more like one you would expect a paparazzi to take. They were standing in a semi circle and looked to be having an argument although Stiles knew this is often how they looked when they conversed. The photo was in fact quite recent. Elijah was in a smart new suite, Klaus was wearing plain jeans and a t-shirt, Rebekah was also wearing jeans and a leather jacket. From what Stiles could see in the background they were in mystic falls but Stiles hoped that they had moved on from there as it would be one of the first places Mikael and Esther would look.

Last, Stiles looked at their faces. Klaus was exhibiting his smirk, that even after two-hundred years Stiles couldn't forget. Elijah had his calm business like face and was by the looks of it trying to calm the others, as per usual. Rebekah was the one who really made the situation look like a fight, she was leaned slightly forward towards Klaus and a vicious look on her face, that Stiles could recognise instantly as her pissed off face.

Stiles then handed the photo back to Deaton, not wanting to stare at the picture for to long. Lydia leaned over to him and whispered in his ear, even thought there really was no need to, "Do they look how you remember them?" Stiles turned to her and with a smile he replied, "Exactly."

Everyone started to get ready to leave before Deaton interrupted, "Another thing that I have just read which may be useful. 'In order to enter a house owned by humans, vampires must receive an invitation from someone who lives in that house. Once said the invitation cannot be revoked.'" Deaton finished quoting from his note book. He looked up and said, "now you know what they look like make sure to never invite them into your homes." And with that final advice said, most of them returned home.

Scott had stayed though to complete his shift at the vet and when he too, was ready to go home, he realised he was still curious about the originals. He had so many questions about them. But when he inquired this to Deaton, he only shook his head and said it had been a long night and that he should go home.

The vet did however give Scott his note book containing everything he had on the originals and vampirism, along with the small paper thin box of photos he had been supplied with. As Scott left the vet clinic, planning to look at the information the next day, it was unknown to everyone that the small box contained photos of an original who didn't want to be seen.


Bam another chapter. There wasn't really any major drama in this chapter but it be coming in the next!!!!!!!

Anyways i was tagged in something, and this is the first time anything like this has happened to me (I'm so excited) by G_wolf24
Its a question answer thing, so I'm going to answer it down here👇🏻
If you don't feel like reading it than there is no more to this chapter, so go and vote please!!!!!! I want to aim for at least 80. PLEASE make it happen people

Questions & answers
1. How old are you?
I be 15
2. Do you prefer smut or fluff?
Fluff, (i am an innocent child) 😉
3. What is the first story you read on Wattpad?
No idea it was probably something to do with robbie kay/ Peter pan. Or it might of been something cliche like 'the bad boy stole my bra'
4. Favourite comfort food?
Ice-cream or popcorn
5. If you could dye your hair one colour what would it be?
Straw-berry blond
6. Favourite colour?
Light blue
7. Who is your Kpop bias?
  No idea, I don't listen to that.
8. Favourite band(s) / singer(s)?
   Ohhh i have so many. I like Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber, oh and Sia and Conor Maynard. But I don't really listen to that many bands but maybe 1D cause like why not.
9. Where did you come from?
  Like originally? Well my ancestors came from uk and Ireland. But i have lived my whole life in little old New Zealand.
10. What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?
  I live a boring life.:( hahha jk. It would probably like skiing down a really steep and intense slope, or once I did a sick zip line and that was really fun.
11. Favourite tv shows?
   Well obviously teen wolf and the vampire diaries. I also liked once upon a time but I haven't watched the latest season #diditforthekay. I quite enjoy Say yes to the dress, oohohohooh and Dance Moms
12. What is your favourite number?
    10 , i liked being 10
13. Who is your inspiration?
     Lots of things and most people. Props Dylan O'brien and Tom Holland. And of corse Jennifer Lawrence
14. Favourite quote/ motto?
   "I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone else to feel like that." -Robin Williams
I think that this is sooooo true
15. Favourite ice-cream?
     It is 'gone fishing' which is probably a flavour that only a select few shall know. Its gone now in nz but it was legend.

Now i have to tag 14 people (i think) but i really don't know that many people on wattpad. So if you are tagged and you're like wtf that is why.


Okay at the end i just tagged people who had commented on my last chapter but I have a feeling some of them didn't work 😬

Vote and comment please i love hearing from everyone

-dog god

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