I'm sorry Arty {completed}

By 626edge

6.7K 145 86

This ones gonna be more of a deep story to begin with and it may take a turn better toward the middle and end... More

The Attempt
The day after
The healing begins
Cover update
So what does that make us
Whats going on
Is it alright to put this book on a small break?
Dont get mad (A/N)
Author update
He left
Secrets part 1
Secrets part 2
So.....lets talk
When did you realize
Uh hey guys and gals
Planning for a wedding
Old friend makes an angry woman
The big day
Final A/N for story
Surpise update for sequel

Sneak away

256 6 8
By 626edge

-no one pov-
The guys keep trying to sneak around and leave the house but when they almost get a taste of freedom the girls call them right back in then scold them for trying to sneak out. There is no beer left in the fridge and all the guys favorite 'pass time toy' are mysteriously gone.
-Artemis pov-
I move over in bed that is usually empty cause Dick is gone....but he's here
"Hey Dickie Bird you ok?"
He rolls over and puts on a small smile "perfectly fine Arty" he kiss my forehead before he gets up then falls straight down to the floor
"DICK!!!" The room slowly gets darker as I see Dick laying on his bathroom floor dead and I hear a baby crying I the background
-Dick pov-
I'm trying everything to get Artemis awake Wally went to quickly wake up Megan to help her wake up. She just keeps screaming my name and sorry. I don't wanna see her like this it hurts me.
"What's going on?" I look back and see Megan walking in with Wally
"Please just get her up! please!" I get off the bed and watch Megan's eyes glow green it takes five minutes before Megan is done and Artemis wakes up. I hold Artemis tightly in my arms "your back god your!"
"Artemis...Dick...you two?" Megan looks confused and happy at the same time "when?"
"When what?" Artemis looks at Megan and then at me "what is it Megan?"
"Your....PREGNANT!" Me and Artemis are on the bed in shock and confusion before another female walks into the room alittle more mad
I look over and see Jade mad and immediately I run to Artemis's window and try to ge it open. Just as I open it Jade grabs my shoulders and something else throws me to the ground. All air leaves me and everybody's voices get muffled.
-Artemis pov-
"Jade what were you thinking"
"I barely grabbed his shoulders!"
Wally runs over to the window Dick was infront of "sniper shot?....no..why would he...ah ha"
"Wally what happened to my boyfriend!"
He looks at me and then runs of with Dick. The three of us girls look at each other confused. Next we hear the other guys running out the door and speeding off.
"What just happened?" Zatanna asks us while walking in with Raquel
"I don't know Dick magically got pushed down...." I stop and think Wally can make another him. There is a arrow sized hole in the window "they just escaped the house!"
All the girls look t each other then back at me Jade is the first to speak "how do you know that?"
"Arrow sized hole in window one specially hand made by Roy it's a sleep dart he uses, also Wally can make a 'clone' of himself for a short time which allowed him to push down Dick after he got shot with the dart"
The girls look at me confused at first then looks of anger cross over their faces "those bastards!"
"What is up with all the yelling?" Kaldur walks in slowly rubbing his eyes he looks at us all then slowly backs up "I didn't know they would go through with it!"
"Excuse me and my Boyfriend real quick" Raquel grabs Kaldur by the ear and closes the door all that can be heard is yelling then Raquel shooting at Kaldur before they come back in
"They went to a bar on a Island in Gotham I don't know what one but I think it was The Black Canary Club or something like that" Kaldur said has he was rubbing his chest
I look at the girls and stand up "let's go get our boys Raquel wanna come with?"
She smiles "of course!" We all get dressed and walk out to 'surprise' out guys
-Kaldur pov-
Once I know the girls are gone I call Dick to warn them all.
"Thanks Kaldur we are gonna be....oh god Canary is here RUN!..." I'm met with nothing but static...I shake my head and wait for Dick pick back up "Hello Kaldur!" God that's not Dick...
-Artemis pov-
We start driving over to the club as Zatanna is driving I call Black Canary "Hey BC can you do me a favor?"
"Yeah what's up Artemis?"
"Our boyfriends are at your bar club thing and snuck out we wanna tech them a lesson"
She laughs "say no more I'll keep them here for you girls"
"Canary is gonna keep them there for us" the car gets filled with Cheers as we pull into a spot "let's go" we walk in and see Black Canary walking up to the guys. Dick's on his phone must be Kaldur warning him cause he looks to the door and sees Canary walking toward him and the guys run. We walk to where he was and I pick up his phone and see its Kaldur I pass it to Raquel.
"Hello Kaldur!"
"H...hey princess!"
"Save it for when I get back home now go make sure Lian is ok your on babysitting duty!" She hangs up the phone and gives it to me "wanna look through it?"
I slowly take it and open up pictures it's all pictures us and the team. I stop when I see a picture of him and Barbara kissing under a mistletoe. I send it to my phone for later and open up messages I slide through and see the guys talk about the plan. Nothing unusual but then I see saved messages from Barbara. I click on voicemails and see all of the saved ones are from Barbara....this is what drove him to insanity. He wouldn't let go of her. I delete all of the voicemails and messages along with the picture.
"Now let's go get our boys!" We walk into the back room and see them tied up with a rope and Canary out of breath
"I'm getting to old for this!"
I walk up to Dick and hug him everyone is confused "I'm so sorry"
It's silent till he finally speaks "you went through my phone didn't you?"I pull back and nod my head "you deleted everything?"
"Yes I did I know you can get it all back if you want tho"
"It's ok I was gonna delete it anyway" I smile then slap him really hard
"It's become a girl zone we had no more privacy we need guy time we need freedom!" I look at Dick who decides to go on "you all outnumber us how is it fair we can't drink when we want, drive where we want, hell we can't even say what we want most of the time!"
"Really is that what you all say?" All of them nod their heads yes "I guess we have been alittle over bearing"
"True especially since I moved in Roy told me you all had fun but now with us in the house it takes it away"
I look at Jade "what are you saying?"
"I'm saying I'll move out"
"No!" We all look at Dick "I planned this Artemis can agree if anyone leaves it's me my sponsor time is up already I don't need watched anymore it'll be fine"
"You'd do that for me?"
Dick looks at Jade "I'd do it for anyone of you your my family I won't let you go homeless"
Jade unties the guys and helps up Dick "I won't leave on one condition!"
"What is it?"
"I'm godmother of your child" she holds out her hand
"Deal" Dick shakes it and then hugs me "I'm sorry Arty I love you"
"I love you too" we all walk out and head back home this was one heck of a day.
Sorry for the wait guys and girls I had writers block but I'm back and better. I made this longer because of the time I spent away from the book. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll cya all in the next chapter!

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